• Published 24th Oct 2018
  • 8,806 Views, 127 Comments

Celestia is a Spider and That's pretty much It - Equimorto

One morning, Princess Celestia woke up as a giant spider. She did not appear to be particularly concerned by the news.

  • ...

There's not Much Else to It

Princess Celestia got out of her bed, her eight legs tapping over the floor and her three pairs of eyes lazily twitching open as she made her way towards the balcony to raise the Sun. She got out, the cold air of the early morning ruffling the fur on her back, and raised the Sun as she did every day. She then walked out of her room and headed down the corridor to where she would have breakfast with her sister. The guard in front of her room passed out from shock when he saw a giant spider walking through the door he was guarding.

Celestia entered the room, ignoring the look of utter incomprehension she received by a maid who had dropped her duster upon seeing her in the corridor. She sat at the table and began to move her fangs in anticipation.

Luna walked in the room shortly after. Her first reaction upon seeing the creature was to stop and stare, wide eyed and unsure of what was happening.

This gave the spider enough time to lift her head and notice her. "Hi Luna," Celestia merrily said.

"...Hi sister," Luna said after a brief pause, still confused as to what was going on. She slowly sat at the table and studied the non pony in front of her.

"So, did anything interesting happen tonight?" Celestia asked, beginning to sink her fangs into her meal, melting it with her venom and then sucking it up in her mouth.

"Nothing," Luna replied, "how about you? Is there something you feel like you should tell me?"

"No," Celestia answered as she moved on to the next plate.

Luna gave a brief cough. "Are you sure, sister?"

Celestia stopped eating. "Am I forgetting something?" she asked with a worried gaze. She started to distractedly weave a web with her legs while concentrating on what she could have forgotten.

As an answer, Luna simply stared at her body, giving a few small jerks of her head to signal she was pointing at her.

"Have I forgotten my crown again?" Celestia moved a leg to check above her head, concerned.

"Is there... really nothing that seems out of place to you, sister?" Luna asked.

Celestia stared at her reflection at the bottom of the metal plate, all six eyes staring back at her. She watched each one of her eight legs, then studied the web she'd weaved. Then she looked at Luna. "No, not really. Well see you later, Luna, I have duties to attend to."

The large white spider walked up to the nearest wall and then up said wall, then made its way to the room's other side by walking on the ceiling and descended back on the floor to exit the room through the door, leaving a very confused Luna behind.

First in the list of things Celestia had to do that day was an inspection of her guards, so she headed to the large hall where she knew they would be waiting for her. On her way there she caused panic attacks to a large number of ponies, who had not been informed that their ruler was now a disproportionally large arachnid. She finally arrived at her destination, but found the door locked from the inside.

On the other side, a guard grunted as he pushed against the door to keep it closed. "A giant spider!" he said, gritting his teeth. "When she said she wanted to inspect us I didn't think she would release a monster in the castle to see if we could keep it out!"

"Well at least we got some action rather than a boring examination," another guard replied.

Celestia banged multiple times against the door, even trying to push it open with her magic, but the guards on the other side kept it tightly shut. She was about to request them to open it, then a flash of realization hit her. Of course, it was obvious. They had decided to show her they were prepared to deal with any danger by demonstrating their ability to keep even her out of a room, thus sparing her the slow and boring examination. "My compliments to you, you demonstrated your abilities quite well," she said to the guards behind the door before leaving, the steps of her four pairs of legs cacophonously resonating down the hallway as she crawled up a wall.

Having gained some free time, she decided to pay a visit to the library. The librarian threw herself behind the counter as she saw her approaching, and Celestia was free to crawl on top of a bookcase and grab a book before weaving a large web between two columns and nesting herself in the middle of it.

"Princess Celestia?" Twilight called as she rushed into the library.

Celestia lifted her six eyes from the book to look down at Twilight, who stumbled backwards upon seeing her. "What is it, Twilight?" Celestia asked, hanging upside down from a thread as she lowered herself to the ground.

Twilight struggled to begin her speech. "You see, Princess, Luna informed me of some rather, well, bizarre events that you appear to have been involved in, and she requested my help in explaining the situation to you, as you appear to be oblivious of it."

Celestia looked perplexed. "What has happened? I assure you, I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary."

"Well, how can I say it..." Twilight hesitated for a bit, then she levitated a mirror from a side of the room and placed it in front of Celestia.

"I don't understand," Celestia said, looking at herself, "is my mane not properly arranged?"

In that moment a guard came running into the library, his breath ragged. "Princess," he said between pants, "there have been reports of-AAAH! A GIANT SPIDER!" he screamed as he finally looked at Celestia.

The princess turned towards him. "A giant spider? Where?" she asked, looking around, seemingly a little worried.

The guard passed out.

"Hem, Celestia," Twilight called, "I think he was talking about you."

"Me?" Celestia looked over herself. She studied her reflection in the mirror. She carefully observed her eight legs and six eyes, as well as the structure of her body. "Oh. It would appear I am, in fact, a giant spider. Curious. I guess I need to do something about it."

Twilight smiled. She was about to say something but Celestia interrupted her.

"Dear citizens," she spoke, her voice magically amplified to be heard by everypony, "I would like to inform you that your princess is now a giant spider. You can now resume your activities, thank you for your attention." She then went back to reading her book in the middle of her web, leaving a perplexed Twilight and an unconscious guard behind.

Comments ( 127 )

I uhh...huh? :rainbowhuh:
What? :rainbowderp:
I don't even :rainbowlaugh:

Well it's not that surprising, I mean luna is a giant snake (this is DEFINITELY not an idea for a sequel and SHOULDN'T be used as one... yes it should).

Neece #3 · Oct 24th, 2018 · · 1 ·

I wasn't going to like this because it was rather bland... But I will if only for the possibility for such a sequel. Specially because I doubt Luna would be that nonchalant about it :rainbowlaugh:

Well considering how long Celestia has lived and all the weird things she has seen in that time I imagine she would be pretty calm about this, especially considering how much more convenient things are for her now (I mean the idea of making your own spider silk bed to relax and read in whenever you feel like, like she did sounds amazing)

I'm going to point out that spiders have 8 eyes, not 6. Even in the cover image, you can see that half of her face has 4 eyes and the other half will have another 4.

Other then that. Yay, more monster ponies.

It's not gonna be relaxing for the Castle staff though ('specially the maids)

Rabe #7 · Oct 24th, 2018 · · ·

Most spiders have eight eyes, but not all of them. Some have six, some have four, some have two and some have none.

This was glorious, and I desire more.

Wait, none? What spiders are blind?

Probably those found deep within caves. They have a bunch of sensitive body hairs that detect movement instead.

There is not enough wat in the world. Hilarious. I wonder how this happened... Meh, who cares, Rule of Funny!

Short and stupid, but somewhat entertaining. Writing Celestia in as a giant spider seems like some decent catharsis.

I don't doubt they exist, I just wanted to know what they're called so I can Google them.

Hmmm, feels like there could have been a bit more 'show don't tell' here and there. But all in all this was a cute story that made me chuckle, well done :twilightsmile:

Let's hope Luna doesn't fuse to a wall now. That would be an unfortunate reference.

I have yet to read this story, but that is an ADORABLE spider/pony pic! Will read after dinner.

Celestia is now the Queen of the Eight Legs and seeks the perfect blue crystal to grant her absolute power...

I want to say thank you...
But I also don't want to...

Cally has been spending too much time with Discord hasn't she? When weird becomes this mundane start to question the company you keep.

We cut to an hour later. Celestia only now realizing Twilight is there still. The reason is one of Twilights hooves got planted firmly in web, and she has been getting herself entangled more and more trying to pull free.

Celestia as a spider... pure horror. Funny as her reaction to it is, mine would be to run screaming.

So....can we call Celestia Charlotte now? We’d need to get her a Pig named Wilbur though.

Kinda want a chapter with Chrysalis just to see how she feels about all... Whatever this is, lol.


.......... okay............

my reaction to waking up from even the most logical dream.
my Tulpas reactions to existing.
pretty much a general mood.

Celestia is so nonchalant about the fact she became a spider that she doesn't have to weave any reasons for it. Though some might say that Celestia being a now giant spider would be spinning a web of lies but it seems like her announcement at the end stopped things from spidering out of control.

After thousands of years, Celestia is finally all out of fucks it seems.

This is what fan fiction was made for

Somewhere in the castle, Discord is surely laughing his ass off at the chaos his joke has caused. Because clearly this is some sort of practical joke caused by him.

Unless, of course, Celestia and Discord decided to work together to play some kind of joke on the castle the night before, and she’s just making the most of her new form.

The best thing to do would be in a couple of weeks once everyone is used to it to just change back to normal and question why everyone is crazy for ever thinking that she was a spider. :trollestia:

Short, crisp, and nonsensical, but all the more funny for it.

Like! :pinkiehappy:

Very possible. Discord likes pranks, od course, but we sometimes forget that there's a reason the Trollestia emoji exists. Trollestia is canon, after all (or at least close enough to canon).

Sometimes, it just be like that.

.....Seems legit.

Comment posted by Bahamuttone deleted Oct 25th, 2018
Sunny #40 · Oct 25th, 2018 · · 1 ·

This is a fascinating metaphor.

It's a minimalist story about Celestia suddenly being a spider, clearly commentary on the Kafka-esque world of madness we find ourselves in today, and how the rich and privileged are the lone class immune from being affected by it, to such a degree that even when their actions appear grotesque and monstrous to us, to them it is perfectly ordinary and it requires the blatant screaming of a normal individual for them to even be aware. Of course, as with celestia, they promptly take completely frivolous action demanding everyone else adapt, rather than reflect on their own actions and ignorant complicity, and in doing so put the burden on the rest of society once again.

Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do.

I thoroughly enjoyed this. Just, "Oh, guess I'm a spider now. Everypony deal."

Might as well entitle this story as "Celestia's Web." LOL

Well … the story delivers what it promises. No arguing that point.

...I'd still date her.

When Portal was released by Valve back in 2007, it was praised as everything that gaming had forgotten as good and praiseworthy. The critics and players alike sang it's praises, giving it extremely high marks in every category save one; it was too short. Naturally, this seemed like a legitimate complaint, until some people began pointing out, rightly so, that it's brevity was one of it's key virtues, as a game that runs even a few minutes too long is one that needs to be trimmed down. Indeed, by keeping the game short, Valve managed to create a wonderful experience that didn't even need any more explanation than was provided in the game itself.


This is how you know she's seen and done everything.

Short, sweet, and to the point. XD I loved it!

after a thousand years and who knows how much in the way of hijinx, celestia has become very very jaded it seems...

id probly date her, but no sex...im a voraphile and all so the geting eaten part probly wouldnt bother me much, and i bet the silk is even nice and warm but shes probly not built quite right for equine pleasure at this point...

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