• Published 30th Oct 2018
  • 3,553 Views, 1 Comments

The Chaosville Nursery - Naptime

For their quiet private time, Discord invites Fluttershy to his home.

  • ...

Chapter 1

The forest sky was a dim gray, a color that ever so gently faded away as a recent spring shower was parting. A healthy rain had just recently moistened the ground, giving fresh flowers and new leaves just the boost they needed to emerge. A cool, airy scent floated in the air as a result of the rejuvenating water. It was the early days of spring when the colors of the new season were just emerging from the dim atmosphere that winter had left over.

On the forest’s edge sat a solitary cottage where a quiet yellow pegasus lived. Here Fluttershy tended to the animals, cared for the ill, and maintained a kind and gentle environment for the woodland creatures that scurried through her property. Every year spring would keep the pegasus busy as she tended to the emerging fauna that sprung up out of the ground almost as frequently as the flowers themselves.

But of course, no matter how busy she got, Fluttershy maintained the ability to set time aside for her friends. This usually involved afternoon tea or a trip to the shops, but on rare occasions, she found herself fulfilling rather strange requests for her more closer friends. Today, she was getting things ready for just the thing.

Fluttershy was hard at work tidying up her cottage for the upcoming afternoon. It was certainly a special day to tidy up for and the yellow pegasus was buzzing with meek anticipation. Blankets were folded, furniture was moved, and most importantly a large playmat was rolled out in the center of the room, brightening up the area with its vibrant shades of primary blues and greens and yellows. She made sure everything was clean and neatened up, even when the voice in the back of her mind suggested that it might not even matter how clean she got things.

The playmat was smoothed out and freed of any wrinkles before a basket of toys and stuffed animals and blocks were placed in the center. She even went ahead and pulled out some of her favorite stuffed animals to place around the play area to give it a more laid back look. Sort of a “lived in” feel to it. With so many items decorating the room, the place was starting to resemble a child’s nursery.

Fluttershy had a little giggled at the thought. If she didn’t know any better, she might have thought she was babysitting an actual baby. But that was such a silly thought, actual babies weren’t nearly as well behaved as her arriving guest.

Suddenly a bright flash filled the room with light. Out of nowhere a lanky draconequus appeared above the playmat, floating a few feet off the ground in a casual slouch. Fluttershy was not caught off guard as much as she use to in the past. Discord’s surprise entrances was something she just had to get use to during their little play dates.

“The guest of honor has arrived!” Discord loudly proclaimed before taking a most dramatic bow with a fair share of theatrical flair.

“Oh Discord! You’re early!” Fluttershy exclaimed, brushing the last of the wrinkles out of the couch blanket. “I’m so sorry, I haven’t had time to pull everything out.” She quickly tended to her house guest, rushing over to ensure that he was comfortable and well taken care of, “would you like me to make you some tea so you can wait in the other room while I set things up?”

“Actually I was hoping to catch you early before things got too set up. I was thinking that maybe I could host this time around,” Discord answered, blurting out the suggestion in a rare bit of bashfulness. It was a suggestion he had rehearsed in his head a hundred times before. Now, even with all his preparation, the proposal was so difficult to explain. “You’ve always been so generous with having it at your place, I thought I’d return the favor.”

Fluttershy raised an ear of interest to the suggestion, “you want to host?”

“I’d let you do your usual thing, of course,” Discord added, his comfort in the conversation returning to normal, “but I wouldn’t feel right constantly taking advantage of your hospitality like this.”

Fluttershy nodded while thinking it over. Taking care of Discord was never a chore to the caring pegasus. It was a labor of love that she knew Discord enjoyed immensely. These diaper changes and baths were all worthwhile after seeing how much happier he was. However, Discord seemed adamant about hosting, and although he wouldn’t admit it, it was something that took a lot of courage to suggest. He really wanted to make things up to Fluttershy and she wasn’t one to say no to good and honest hospitality. “Okay, what did you have in mind?”

“Oh I’ve been mulling over...a couple ideas,” Discord commented, his mouth growing into a grin as his clawed hand raised into the air, “allow me to show you.”

With a single snap, Fluttershy and Discord disappeared from the room, teleporting out with a quick white flash. Mere moments later, they would reappear in a more chaotic location.

Somewhere in an empty spot of Chaosville, the material plane that Discord called home, appeared a giant crib. This large manifestation, being about as large as a living room, was the only thing that occupied that space for miles around it. An equally as large mattress lined the bottom of the wooden furnishing, delicately covered with a soft lavender bedsheet. Above the enormous crib spun a giant mobile that was decorated with cute pink butterflies.

Spotted around the large crib space were massive pillows and giant plushies. They were all filled with just the right amount of fluff to provide a soft head resting spot or a snugly sleep companion. The material used to make these gigantic objects were never too bright in color or given a color scheme that would be considered loud or intrusive. Soft to the touch and the eyes and came in gentle shades of blues, greens, purples, and pinks.

The air, strangely enough, started to smell of baby powder. No visible source was present, simply the scent was ever present like it was naturally emanating from the void itself. Wayward plushies and wooden blocks floated in the air like clouds, gravitating around this monstrous crib that had been created from nothing.

The once empty void was now starting to resemble some sort of Chaosville nursery.

Discord and Fluttershy appeared in one corner of the massive crib, allowing them to overlook the chaotic scene that stretched out before them. The mattress was springy, but firm, like standing on a plush, loosely bound trampoline. Just standing there Fluttershy knew it would be an extremely comfortable place to nap.

“And here we are!” Discord presented the place with open hands.

It took Fluttershy a moment or two to process everything she was seeing. A large, springy mattress floor rolled out before her as tall wooden bars that stretched into the air like trees lined the perimeter. Every now and then a rocking horse could be seen floating across the dark sky, carelessly drifting around the crib with aimless intent.

“Oh,” was all the yellow pegasus could say. It was hard to properly articulate just how she felt about the strange new world Discord conjured up for them. Shock and surprise was her initial feeling, but then again how could a massive crib not be surprising. A glowing warmth was quick to replace the initial confusion. Followed by a happy comfort one gets when snuggling into their favorite reading nook or bundling up in blankets during a cold winter evening. “Well you’ve certainly come prepared, that’s for sure,” she added, now wearing a supportive smile.

“I thought you’d like it!” Discord grinned, standing with his chin held high, proudly looking over his infantile masterpiece. “Now how shall we start?”

Fluttershy softly giggled, “well I think first we should get a certain little draconequus diapered up!”

“I got you covered,” Discord exclaimed, clapping his hands a couple times. Out from behind a large pillow marched out a group of sentient objects, each one with little wings and twiggy legs. A container of scented wipes, a bottle of baby powder, a fresh diaper, even a noisy rattle, all marched out in a line, scurrying up to Fluttershy and Discord on their little legs. They fluttered chaotically in the air around Fluttershy and Discord like a flock of nosy birds.

“Discord, you said you’d let me do all the work,” Fluttershy answered, shooing a winged container of baby powder that buzzed in front of her like a hummingbird.

“I was just trying to help,” Discord frowned, allowing the winged rattle to float down and perch on his finger.

“Oh Discord,” Fluttershy tsked maternally, “you’ve already set all this up. Let me take it from here, alright?”

Discord huffed gently. “Oh alright,” he answered, snapping his fingers and removing the group of sentient supplies from existence.

“Now just conjure up some supplies. Normal supplies and we’ll have you padded up in no time.”

Again, Discord pouted, but did as she asked and snapped his fingers. Out of thin air appeared a small wicker basket of supplies. The items were all arranged like a tasteful gift basket, providing everything Fluttershy would need for a diaper change.

“Perfect,” Fluttershy smiled, grabbing the thick, white diaper that sat in the center of the basket, “lay down for me then. And no funny business, alright?”

Crossing his arms with another huff, Discord followed Fluttershy’s directions without any more fuss. He laid on the mattress floor in the usual diaper changing position and allowed Fluttershy to take things away.

Like a dozen times before, Fluttershy effortlessly manipulated the big plush diaper around Discord’s slender body. The draconequus behaved himself through the whole thing, even lifting his bottom half up a tiny bit to aid in the diaper change. He reveled in the plushness of the diaper, smiling softly to himself as his body finally reached a point of relaxation. A very rare sight indeed, he had let his guard down and left himself vulnerable. A liberal amount of baby powder was sprinkled down on his crotch before the diaper was pulled up between his legs.

The feel of the fresh diaper made Discord giddy with excitement as just the crinkling sensation of the garment sent tingling, squirm inducing, waves of pleasure throughout his spine. He couldn't wait to play in it!

With his bottom thickly padded, Discord conjured up a number of fun toys to play with, with Fluttershy’s permission of course. He was able to have a little chaotic fun with the nature of the toys just as long as they still appeared safe for foal. With these new toys, playtime went on just about the same way it did back in Fluttershy’s cottage, only with a few Chaosville twists. Building blocks would often fall off stacks by themselves as they frequently changed shape and color. All the more exciting to grab hold of by the diapered draconequus. Playing was wooden train sets was much more entertaining when the trains would constantly try to roll away forcing Discord to crawl about and chase them down.

Fluttershy took all the chaotic changes in stride. Shapeshifting plushies and teleporting teething rings were to be expected from such a charge. She played alongside the diapered draconequus, tapping into her years of caretaker experience. Discord was more than overjoyed by his pegasus playmate.

It was tough to say how long they played like that as time seemed to not matter to the two. The joyful play and solace in good company kept the worry of time passing more or less ignored. What mattered was the fun they had and the entertainment the nursery provided. Discord was able to let himself go in such an environment, allowing himself to achieve a unique level of relaxation that wearing diapers could only provide.

In such a relaxed state, paying attention to things like his bladder fell to the wayside as the toys now occupied so much of his attention. Wet diapers were nothing unusual in the pair’s diaper time. They happened naturally during their time together, sometimes even without Discord noticing. He was in diapers for hours on end when under Fluttershy’s care so wetting himself was almost an inevitable result that he had experienced many times before.

This time around, his wet diaper came as a surprise. He had been so involved in the fun toys that he hardly even noticed when his bladder got caught up in the moment and began leaking into his diaper. It wasn’t until Fluttershy checked him that he noticed just how soggy he let the diaper get.

“Uh oh!” Fluttershy exclaimed with a coo, a hoof pressed into Discord’s diapered rump that was all but yellow from a playtime’s worth of urine. “Who’s a silly sogger? Who’s a silly soggy butt?!” Discord just blushed and fidgeted. He was positively glowing under the pony’s coos. “I think it’s about baba time, huh?” Fluttershy added, “then maybe we’ll get the silly sogger changed.” She paused and then smirked, “maybe.”

All of this was teasing of course. Fluttershy had a knack for getting Discord’s diapers changed right before they got too uncomfortable. It was like she knew exactly when he was mentally done with wearing a used one, even when he never asked her for a change in the first place.

A little bit of magic was waved in the air to summon a large, amber nippled baby bottle filled with warm milk. Fluttershy plucked the bottle out of the air without losing a beat and was already scouting the area for a place to feed her charge. With Discord following behind, she eventually settled on a nest of pillows set off to one side of the large crib.

Fluttershy snuggled in as Discord assumed the position. He found himself in this kind of position a number of times in the past and by this time such a spot felt natural. The two moved in such synergistic synchronization and once they were both comfortable, Fluttershy popped the bottle’s rubber nipple into Discord’s waiting maw.

Discord closed his eyes and breathed. Fluttershy’s warm heart beat, the rhythmic suckling of the milk sending the cool liquid down his throat and into his belly, the subtle smell of baby powder in the air. It was all so relaxing and he could feel every muscle in his tense body loosen because of it.

About half way into his bottle feeding, Discord cuddled up close to Fluttershy, curling around the pegasus as he continued sucking down the sweet milk. Fluttershy smiled warmly at the content draconequus, hooking her free hoof around his back to hug him close.

A flicker of a signal in Discord’s relaxed mind reminded him of his bowels that were getting full. It was so vaguely acknowledge by his regressed conscious mind that he barely gave it much thought when he decided to approve of it. He was wearing a diaper after all and they were sitting in the middle of a giant nursery. So why would he need to hold anything back. A body so relaxed as his was easily coaxed into soiling himself. All it took were a couple pushes and a subtle tightening of his gut to allow a soft oozing mess into the back of his diaper. It was such a relaxed and effortless fill up that he hardly had to stop drinking to do it.

Minutes later, Fluttershy could be heard sniffing the air. “Oh, I wasn’t sure you were into that,” she quietly muttered in a neutral tone.

The comment pulled Discord out of his little headspace, leading to him opening his eyes. Like a chilling flood, reality came rushing back to him. He had just soiled himself for the first time in front of Fluttershy! Caught up in the moment, Discord hadn’t realized just how far he had gone until it was too late. He immediately froze the moment he felt the hot muck pressed against his backside. His baby bottle hung off the side of his mouth as he stared back wide eyed at Fluttershy.

“I-I Fluttershy, I’m so sorry,” he stammered out what he could, but for the first time in his life he didn’t know what to say.

“Oh Discord,” Fluttershy simply responded.

“I really shouldn’t have,” Discord quickly stammered out, “we can stop if this is too much.”

“Discord, I take care of little animals all the time,” Fluttershy chuckled, rubbing Discord’s belly, “I think I can handle a baby draconequus.”

That just made Discord blush even more, forcing him to break eye contact with the small pony. “Y-y-you really don’t mind?”

“Mind?” Fluttershy started as she pulled away from the cuddle and trotted up and around to his lower half. The lumps of Discord’s accident bulged the diaper out between his legs. Fluttershy gave the load a testing series of taps with her hoof to gauge the diaper’s condition. “I almost think this diaper could hold a little more.”

“F-Fluttershy!” Discord exclaimed, almost in a whining tone of voice.

The little pegasus giggled, “only kidding. We’ll get the stinky thing changed. Don’t worry.”

Retrieving the basket of supplies once more, Fluttershy went right into the diaper change. Even before he could lay down completely, Discord felt his messy diaper being untaped by the surprisingly efficient pegasus. She had dealt with charges who were uncomfortable about messy diapers before and knew just how to handle them. The trick here was to get them cleaned up and into a fresh diaper before they got too antsy.

Discord was uncharastically quiet throughout the whole thing. He spent the entire diaper changed with his blushing face hidden behind his hands, still too embarrassed about the whole thing to look Fluttershy in the eye. Despite all this, he did feel his comfort levels improving as he felt the sticky muck that clung to his butt cleaned away with cool, scented wipes. By the time the old diaper was pulled away and a new one was slid underneath his rump, he felt the relaxation of it all start to slowly return.

“There we go!” Fluttershy exclaimed, taping up the diaper and giving the fluffy, plush front a couple pats. “Good as new!”

“Th-thank you, Fluttershy” Discord answered in an unusually small voice. Having his his messy diaper changed and his bottom wiped had that sort of effect on him.

“Like I said, Discord, I take care of baby animals all the time,” Fluttershy smiled.

“No I mean it,” Discord said back, “I know it’s kinda asking a lot to have you play with me and change me and all that.”

“Well then you’re very welcome, Discord,” Fluttershy said back, “besides, you were gonna break out in tears if I didn’t change you right away, huh?”

“I-I was not!”

“Oooh I don’t know. I can tell when a baby’s on the brink of a hissy fit,” Fluttershy giggled, “might have been cute to watch the little draconequus throw a tantrum on the ground, pounding his little fists and crying.”

Discord just crossed his arms and pouted, “next time, you’re the one going in a diaper.”

Fluttershy giggled and gave the diapered draconequus a wink, “only if I get to play in your nursery.”

The comment made Discord’s frown soften. “Oh alright...its a deal.”

Author's Note:

Here's my second story and much like the first, it's diaper related. This time just one chapter because I felt the idea I had reached its logical conclusion by the end of it.

As always, I thank you for dealing with me.

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