• Published 31st Oct 2018
  • 1,633 Views, 86 Comments

Mega Man: Divine Grid - Azure Sandora

After a blue light shoots down from the sky on top of a student from Canterlot High, an unlikely hero is born. This is the story of how a young, frivolous high school girl came to inherit the blue light of hope. This is the story... of MegaMan.

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He's… still here…!

Where is he…?

Why can I sense him…?

I deleted him…!

So why…?


It doesn't make sense…!

Go… my Dark Code spawn…

Search and destroy…

Leave no corner unchecked…

This time I am the hunter…

And you… are the hunted…

I will delete you!


“Alright, come in,” Trixie heard the teacher say from inside, Cheerilee was it? Trixie opened the door and walked into the classroom, already tuning into the murmurs of her alleged fellow classmates. She stood next to the teacher, a kind woman with light pink hair that was graying a bit, simple pink and white dress and black shoes, and a gentle smile, and faced the students.

“As some of you may already be aware,” Cheerilee continued, “Trixie was in an accident, and is having a bit of memory trouble. I'd like to ask all of you to take it easy with her, and to help her with anything she might need today.”

Trixie heard the murmuring get louder, enough where she could make out what a few were saying.

“She's standing so different now…”

“Dude, you think that rumor was for real?”

“I dunno man. This is Trixie we're talking about.”

“But she's giving off a completely different vibe now. Can't fake that.”

Great, Trixie thought rolling her eyes, she was the student known for tall tales. She had done this two times already, so had heard various things that gave the impression she was a bit of a liar. No wonder Sweetie Belle didn't believe her amnesia, and it's no surprise that Lyra didn't believe her either.

I'm going to have to completely rebuild myself…

I wanna slap the old me now…

“Do you have any questions, honey?” Cheerilee asked, placing a hand on Trixie's back.

“Where did I sit in your class?” Trixie asked. Before Cheerilee could answer, one of the students shot her hand up.

“Next to me!” the student called out, this one being a girl with light green hair, and loose spring attire. She had a hopeful smile on her face as she looked at Trixie.

“Well, there you go,” Cheerilee said, “Your seat is next to Lyra over there.”

Lyra… That was, Lyra…

“Thank you,” Trixie said before walking over to her supposed close friend and sitting down in the seat next to her, putting her next to the window close to the back of the classroom.

“Hey,” Lyra said leaning in close to Trixie, “I'm Lyra Heartstrings. We talked on the phone while you were in the hospital.

“Right… Lyra,” Trixie said, looking Lyra up and down. Did she recognize her? Was she starting to remember? Trixie wasn't sure. She wanted to say she felt something for the girl next to her, especially with how she was smiling at Trixie.

For some reason, her heart sank at the sight of that smile

“Don't try to hard to remember everything,” Lyra said, “We have all school year. You have to meet Bon Bon after school, though.”

“Um… sure,” Trixie said with a slight smile, “I'd love to meet… um, her.” she was trying to remember what their relationship was, but nothing came to her. Trixie sighed to herself before turning to give the teacher her full attention.

Say what you would about school, but it gave Trixie's mind something else to focus on. She appreciated school for that alone.

As she took notes, her attention wandered to some of the other students. Some of them averted their eyes the second she looked their way, some just looked uncomfortable, and a few just looked really concerned. It was so hard to gauge what sort of person she was from those reactions, but she wasn't getting a good impression.

Focus on who you are now instead of who you were, huh?

Yeah, easier said than done.

Trixie sighed and put her focus back on her notes. She was starting to think coming to school was a mistake after all.

At the last bell, Trixie immediately began packing up her books, looking at the paper that had her schedule to see where her next class was.

“So lunch is next,” Trixie said, breathing out in relief, “Good. I need a break from everything.”

“Finding everything okay?”

“Huh?” Trixie turned to Lyra, who was still sitting next to her smiling attentively, “Oh, um, yeah. I am.”

“God, relax Trixie,” Lyra said, reaching over to take her hand, “I'm your best friend.”

Best friend. That's what they were according to Lyra. So… why couldn't Trixie feel it?

“I'll walk you to the cafeteria,” Lyra offered, rising from her desk, “We have the same lunch, so I don't mind.”

“Actually, I need to be away from people for a bit,” Trixie said as she rose from her desk, “I was going to eat outside.”

“Oh, that's okay then,” Lyra said, not missing a beat, “Want me to join you? I could get Bon Bon to-”

“No, no, I um… I was hoping I could just…” Trixie trailed off, hoping that Lyra would understand what she was trying to say.

Lyra slowly nodded as a look of understanding came over her, “Ooooh, I see. I am so sorry, Trixie,” she said laughing it off, “God this is so awkward.”

“I… y-yeah…” Trixie looked away from Lyra, “I have to go.”

“See you after school then?” Lyra asked as Trixie pushed past her. Trixie stopped, and took a second to calm her nerves. Why she was getting irritated, she had no idea.

“I can't,” Trixie said after centering herself, “I'm going with Fluttershy someplace after school. I'll talk to you later, okay.”

She pushed out of the classroom before Lyra could say anything, and began making her way to her locker. Once she tracked it down again, Trixie pulled out the lunch she made with Rarity's help, locked her books inside for the time being, and went outside through the front door of the school. After learning she could eat lunch outside, she made a point to do so with the intent of investigating those odd structures in the sky.

But now she just needed the time alone.

Once outside, she took a deep breath, soaking in the more quiet atmosphere. How anyone could manage in a such a loud place she had no idea. Spotting a lone tree a bit away from the school, Trixie walked over to it, sitting down underneath it. Since it was still technically on school grounds, she figured it was okay, and decreased the chances of someone coming out to join her.

Trixie stretched, and then fell onto her back, laying in the grass and looking up at the sky above her. Here she could see the translucent highways and building like structures in the sky clearly. She squinted her eyes in an attempt to get more details, noticing for the first time the roads weren't solid. At first, they looked made of glass, but now Trixie was wondering if what she was seeing was made of energy.

Was it even real? The fact only she could see it put that into question. She thought about asking a few students if they could see it too, but once she learned of her dishonest reputation, she thought against it. But based on how no one else looked up or mentioned it, either it was something that was just there and no one talked about, or they didn't even know it was there.

And since Rarity had already confirmed for her that she saw nothing, it was safe to assume the latter.

Trixie closed her eyes and gave a frustrated huff. She didn't know what was frustrating her more. Her memory loss, or the weird upside down city in the sky that no one else could see. Right now, both were rather irritating.

Maybe I should just head home, Trixie thought to herself somberly. She gave it an honest attempt, but between her past reputation, pushy “best friends” who meant well, and supernatural phenomenon only she experienced, it was becoming too much for her.

Just as she resolved to pack it in, she was startled by the sight of Fluttershy, who had once again come out of nowhere.

Christ! Someone needs to put a bell on you or something,” Trixie said, steadying her breathing.

“Actually, you opened your eyes before I could say anything,” Fluttershy said, turning her head in a way that covered part of her face with her hair. Trixie wondered if that was intentional.

“Oh, my apologies then,” Trixie said, “I didn't expect any other student to…” she stopped herself as she realized pretty quickly what was going on, “This… is your spot… isn't it?” she asked slowly, Fluttershy's response being a soft nod, “Well, this is awkward. You can have your spot. I was about to head back inside anyway.”

“I don't mind,” Fluttershy whispered, just loud enough for Trixie to hear. Trixie still kind of wanted to just go home, but she decided to at least stay to finish lunch. Besides, she had a feeling that Fluttershy saying that was a big gesture on her part.

“Thank you,” Trixie said, relaxing as Fluttershy sat down next to her. Fluttershy opened her school bag, and first pulled out a bag full of seeds. She then threw them out in front of her and Trixie, where a flock of birds immediately landed in front of them, almost as if they were waiting for lunch too. Trixie was certain one bird even chirped out a “thank you” before eating.

Fluttershy smiled gently, and then pulled out a beautifully crafted salad in a pink salad bowl. Trixie wasn't surprised at all that Fluttershy was a vegetarian.

“They really like you,” Trixie said, softly as to not scare the birds away, “Are you a bird whisperer or something?”

Fluttershy giggled, “Something like that. Just for animals in general.”

“I'm not surprised,” Trixie went back to her lunch, suddenly feeling a bit awkward eating her chicken salad sandwich, “You strike me as the type who'd be interested in nature,” Fluttershy nodded, but Trixie could swear she saw a bit of darkness in her eyes as she looked down. Not knowing what else to say, they fell into a comfortable silence as they ate their respective lunches. Somehow, Trixie just felt comfortable sitting next to Fluttershy, like her very presence put her heart at ease.

After a few minutes of silence, Trixie felt the need to just ask. Fluttershy knew of her situation, after all.

“Hey, can I ask you a weird question? I need to know if I'm going crazy,” Fluttershy nodded, prompting Trixie to continue, “Do you see anything like a… city in the sky, surrounded by colorful roads of energy?” the second she said it out loud, she felt silly.

To her credit though, Fluttershy did look up, and she looked closely. Eventually though, she shook her head. Trixie sighed.

“Okay, so going crazy it is,” Trixie pouted. Not that she expected much else, but she'd hoped that one person would-

“I believe you.”

Trixie turned to Fluttershy slowly, eyes wide in shock.

“You believe me? Just like that?” Trixie asked, shock evident in her tone.

“You were hit by a light from the sky,” Fluttershy said. Trixie could make out a faint dryness in her tone. She did not peg Fluttershy for the snarky type.

“Right. Keep forgetting that you're all apparently experts in this stuff, for some reason,” Trixie took a bite from her sandwich, swallowing it before continuing, “What do you think that light is?”

“I'm not sure, honestly,” Fluttershy admitted, “This is so different than what we're used to dealing with.”

“You mentioned Equestrian magic,” Trixie said, “What's that?”

Fluttershy swallowed a mouthful of her salad, and pointed to the statue remains, “Underneath the statue is a portal to a magical world inhabited by pastel colored pony doppelgangers of everyone in Canterlot city. We deal with magic from that world when it leaks out into ours.”

Trixie just stared at Fluttershy. She said all of that with a straight face, too.

“And suddenly I don't feel like the craziest person in the school,” Trixie said, laughing a bit in relief. Fluttershy giggled too, which put Trixie's heart at ease.

“Everyone in the school knows about it,” Fluttershy said, looking to the side as her thoughts apparently went back to those times, “Kind of hard to miss some of the more flashy moments.”

“You… don't seem to enjoy it much,” Trixie noted.

“I… still have nightmares about the last incident,” Fluttershy admitted softly. Trixie really felt for this girl. She had no idea what she had to deal with, but it was clear it was a bit too much for her to handle.

“Well, for what it's worth, I like sitting with you, so if you ever just wanna vent, feed the birds, sit in totally not awkward silence,” that earned another giggle from Fluttershy, “then I'm… open for it.”

Trixie went back to eating her lunch, fully aware of Fluttershy's gaze, but choosing not to meet it. She didn't even know why she made that offer, but it just felt like deep down she just… needed to extend an olive branch of sorts, just in case Fluttershy was one of her unknown victims along with Sweetie Belle.

“Thank you,” Fluttershy said after a second. Trixie turned to Fluttershy, greeted with a truly grateful smile. Feeling that warm feeling in her chest again, Trixie resumed lunch in silence next to Fluttershy, who after a bit scooted a bit closer to Trixie. She didn't mind in the slightest.

On one of the lower roads close to the school, a small squad of oddly shaped creatures appeared. These creatures were tiny probably only coming to about three or four feet in height, they had round gray bodies and big emotional eyes, cute yellow feet, and were all wearing yellow hard hats with green crosses on the front and what looked like a golden halo of data hovering over a pointed antenna on their heads.

The tiny creatures gathered together in a group around one of their comrades, who despite not looking any different was clearly the leader. The leader made a few cute noises, clearly relaying orders, which were followed by cheers of confirmation from the rest. They then scattered around, some using a nearby transporter that connected to the school, but some staying outside to investigate.

One walked over to the edge of the road, spotting Trixie and Fluttershy sitting together. It's eyes stopped on Trixie, who for some reason was giving off familiar data. Was that who they were looking for?

It decided to take a chance and shadow the teenager for a bit. If that was who they were looking for, this was going to be easier than their creator thought it would.

In the end, Trixie decided it was best to remain in school. Something about spending time with Fluttershy helped put her at ease. Probably because she knew at least someone in this place believed her about the odd city in the sky.

As classes proceeded, Lyra was still being a tad bit pushy, but she seemed to let up a bit. Trixie did get to meet Bon Bon, who apparently was Lyra’s girlfriend. She had to admit, they did make a cute couple. Trixie began to wonder if there was anyone here she was interested in, or if anyone was interested in her.

Considering her reputation, probably not. That was a lonely and depressing thought, not gonna lie.

But something else had her a bit concerned. She didn’t know for sure, but sometime after lunch she felt like she was being watched. She tried not to be too obvious in case she was right, but it was starting to freak her out a bit.

As the school day came to a close, Trixie rested her head on her desk, trying to collect her thoughts a bit. She felt like there was something she needed to do, something she was forgetting.

“Um, Trixie?”

She tried to remember exactly what that was, but soon found her eyes getting a bit heavy. Maybe she was more exhausted from the day than she thought.

“Everyone’s waiting for us. We shouldn’t keep them waiting.”

Maybe she could just take a few minutes to relax a bit. At least, she would have done so, if she hadn’t suddenly felt someone put their hand on her shoulder, making her damn near jump out of her skin.

“Ahh!” she looked up to see Fluttershy standing over her, “Good God, how do you keep doing that?”

“I’m not sure,” Fluttershy said quietly, hiding behind her long pink hair again, “I tried to announce my presence, like you requested.”

“It’s fine. That’s on me, this time,” Trixie said rising from her desk, starting to remember what was supposed to happen after school, “We were going someplace, right?”

Fluttershy nodded, “The music room. It’s where we always meet after class. Twilight and Sunset have been looking into the weird blue light that hit you.”

“Right, the light that apparently took my memories,” Trixie muttered rubbing her arm, “Well, lead the way.”

Fluttershy smiled, and took Trixie’s hand, gently guiding her through the school. As they walked, Trixie noticed that feeling again. The feeling of being watched. This time, as they turned the corner, Trixie took a quick look behind them, and saw the oddest thing. A tiny yellow and gray looking creature with big eyes hiding behind a corner. It looked like it was wearing a hard hat, and it was definitely out of place.

But something told her that like the roads outside, she was the only one who could see it.

“Remember those roads I told you about?” Trixie asked Fluttershy, who nodded, “Don’t be alarmed, but I think something from up there is following us.”

Fluttershy paled a bit, swallowing nervously, “Is it, dangerous?”

“Can’t tell yet,” Trixie admitted, “Is your locker close to here?” the shy teen nodded again, more subtly this time, “Alright. Slight detour. Take me to your locker and get your books. While you do that, I’ll pretend to be preoccupied and carefully look to see if it’s actually following us.”

Fluttershy nodded again, and Trixie could tell she was getting really worried. Still, she followed the plan, as they turned down another hallway and went to Fluttershy’s locker, which was on the lower row. As she knelt down to get her books, Trixie pulled out her phone and began fiddling with a few apps, her eyes wandering to the hall they just walked down.

Only to find their stalker right there, still keeping watch on them. What really had her concerned was when a second one showed up, also looking at them.

“Shit,” Trixie swore, just as Fluttershy rose to her feet.

“Is it still there?” she asked in a whisper.

“There’s two of them now,” Trixie said, for the first time a familiar feeling coming over her. For the first time since this whole thing began, she felt like she was remembering something.

Whatever those things are, they’re dangerous.

“We can’t lead them to your friends,” Trixie said, her tone changing a bit, “We need to lead them away from anyplace they can hurt other students.”

“So, they are...”

“I think so,” Trixie said taking a deep breath, leading Fluttershy away and trying not to draw too much attention to themselves, “Is the gym being used right now?”

“It shouldn’t be,” Fluttershy said softly, breathing noticeably heavier.

“They’re probably after me, so if this is too much, head someplace safe,” Trixie said, placing a hand on Fluttershy’s back to comfort her.

“I… I can’t,” Fluttershy shook her head, “If those things are at all related to Equestrian Magic, I… I need to try and do something. Even if I’m scared.”

Trixie looked at Fluttershy intently, a warm feeling washing over her. She was a good person. Very courageous. More so than Trixie thought initially.

“Alright,” Trixie smiled, “When I say so, we run, okay?” Fluttershy took a deep breath to prepare herself, “Now!”

The two booked it down the hall. Sure enough, the odd creatures were running after them. She was sure now. Something about this felt extremely familiar to her. She embraced the feeling, trying to see if she could remember anything about those monsters.

The word “Virus” came to mind.

Some of the students noticed them running through the halls, and she was pretty sure at one point the Vice Principal (she forgot her name, but she remembered it being pretty) called after them to stop running in the halls, but Trixie was certain that if they stopped running now, something bad was going to happen.

“Which way to the gym?!” Trixie asked frantically.

“It’s down that hall!” Fluttershy replied, pointing down the path to the right, “It’s the doors at the far end!”

“Thanks!” Trixie said, noticing three more Viruses run from the hall to the left to try and cut them off. They seemed to sprout pick axes, and slammed down onto the ground, sending shock waves at the two girls. Trixie pushed Fluttershy out of the way on instinct, and watched the wave rush down the hall, stopping when it hit the back wall and exploding into a bright explosion, making one student jump in shock.

“W-w-would that, have h-h-hit us…?” Fluttershy asked, now visibly trembling. Trixie’s eyes were just wide watching that. This meant that those Viruses, despite being in another plane of existence, could hurt people physically.

“Keep moving!” Trixie said, pushing Fluttershy in the direction of the gym. She needed to be in a more open space so she could work out a means of fighting these things.

When the two girls made it to the gym, an odd green wave moved across the room, seemingly scanning the interior, “W-what was that…?” Fluttershy asked looking around.

“You saw it too?” Trixie asked, standing back to back with Fluttershy, “That’s, not a good sign.” there were white flashes next to the side door, and those Viruses reappeared, slowly walking over to them.

Fluttershy screamed stepping back, “M-m-monsters…!”

Trixie turned to Fluttershy briefly, and then went back to the Viruses, slowly backing away with Fluttershy, on instinct keeping the terrified teen behind her.

They’re not after her, but I bet they CAN hurt her! Shit! I should have just run off on my own!

She looked to the side and saw the janitor’s equipment left behind. She picked up the mop and held it forward like a bo staff. She didn’t know what she was doing anymore, but something said she needed to fight these things.

“T-Trixie…? What are you doing…?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don’t, entirely know, but my body remembers something,” Trixie said, gritting her teeth, “That these things need to be destroyed now!” she screamed and ran toward the monsters, swinging the makeshift staff. Unfortunately, the Viruses jumped and rolled out of all of the attacks. She managed to get a lucky hit on one, but its hat grew and the Virus hid inside of it, defending itself from the attack, and causing the mop to break in half.

“Damn it!” Trixie swore, only for the Viruses to fire another shock wave at her, knocking her onto the floor away.

“Trixie!” Fluttershy cried helplessly. She gasped as some of the Viruses were slowly approaching her now too, “Please no…! I… I don’t want to die…!”

Trixie slowly looked up, seeing the Viruses split up. Two were approaching Fluttershy, while three of them were standing over her. She needed to do something to protect her. It was partially her fault that this happened in the first place!

“What, do I do now…?!” Trixie asked in frustration.

What are you doing?!

MegaMan, get up!

That girl’s in trouble!

A voice. They sounded like a little boy, only 10 if that. But something about that voice sounded, familiar. Like somewhere in the back of her mind.

“D-Data…?” Trixie asked slowly, unsure of why she said that.

Use the app!

Shift to Active Mode, and save her!

“R-right…!” Trixie said, slowly getting up and pulling out her cell phone. She had no idea why she did this, or how she knew to do it, but Fluttershy was in danger. Something was coming back to her. A feeling that was foreign, yet familiar.

She looked at her smart phone, and saw a new app on it. It looked like a blue circle of data, with green letters from another language. She blinked, and the letters suddenly read “ACCESS”.

She gripped her smart phone tightly, tapped the app, and then held her phone into the air, saying the first words that came to mind.

“ID: Beatrix Lulamoon, logging in!”

Identification accepted

A blue light engulfed Trixie, who seemed to briefly vanish from the gymnasium. The Viruses all turned to look in her direction, trembling in fear for some reason. This caught Fluttershy’s attention as well, but for some reason she felt like this was a good thing.

For Trixie, things got strange. Her clothes vanished completely, replaced with a short blue and white dress that looked almost like a ballerina’s dress, but with sharp armored shoulder pads, an armored breastplate that pushed her breasts up a bit accentuating them, and a dark blue bow tied behind her back, leaving long ribbons to fall behind her. She held her arms out, and blue data converged around them, turning into large blue and white armored gauntlets. The same blue data converged over her legs, forming large armored high heeled boots that were somewhat bulky, but still slick and elegant looking, following the same color scheme. Over Trixie’s eyes, more data gathered, turning into a fancy blue visor. Her transformation ended, she reappeared back in the gymnasium standing proudly in a fighting stance.

What felt like minutes to her, seemed to only take a second in real time.

“Trixie…?” Fluttershy asked slowly, “W-what happened, to you…?”

Trixie took a look at herself in shock and confusion. The dress she wore was super short, and she felt like it shouldn’t have protected much of anything. Yet somehow, she felt stronger. She looked at the Viruses, all of which looked downright frantic for some reason.

They’re afraid of me…?

Like this… I can beat them!

Through Trixie’s visor, she scanned the enemies. The name “Mettaur Lvl. 1” appeared over all of their heads, along with a red gauge. She looked off to the side and saw a number percentage showing “100” which felt super important for some reason.

One of the Mettaurs slammed their pickax on the floor, sending a shock wave toward her. This time, she was able to roll to the side out of the way just in time.

Okay, so I’m guessing that the number is like what? My health or something? That’s what feels right to me. I’m seeing their health bars too, I think. They don’t look too strong, so let’s see what options I have to fight back.

She noticed what looked like a small screen on her left gauntlet. She put her hand on that and saw a list of five attacks come up, surprising her a bit. Before she could think to pick one, two more Mettaurs launched their shock waves at Trixie, forcing her to quickly dodge out of the way.

“Trixie, please be careful!” Fluttershy cried.

“Yeah! Got it!” Trixie said, steadying herself, “Just trying to figure out how to use this weird armor!” she’d question where it came from later. For now, she needed to figure out how to use it.

Okay okay, focus! I see two Cannons. Maybe I should pick one?

She picked Cannon, and noticed that all of the other options darkened, except for the second Cannon. Realizing what that meant, she picked the second one, and then pushed “OK” on the screen of her gauntlet, which seemed to be a touch screen like her cellphone.

Now on her Visor, she saw the Cannon options, along with almost feeling the weapons within her. Could she…?

“Target!” she screamed, pointing her left arm forward. Her arm turned into a large blue cannon similar to the one on the picture, and she fired at one of the Mettaurs, knocking it back. She saw its red health bar go all the way down, and it vanished in a tiny explosion.

She just killed one…? That wasn’t too hard at all!

One Mettaur slammed its pickax down on the ground, sending another shock wave at Trixie. This taught her two things. One, these things weren’t too bright since they kept using the same attack, and only when they were in front of her. Two, they probably only had the one attack. She pulled out the second Cannon and pointed it forward.

“You’re wide open!” she cried, firing at another Mettaur killing it instantly. She tried to pull up the screen again, but noticed it wouldn’t come up for some reason, “What?! What’s wrong?! I need another attack!”

“Trixie, in front of you!”

Trixie looked up a bit too late, as a shock wave hit her, knocking her back a bit. It hurt, but not as much as she thought it would. She did see the number go down from 100 to 70, though.

“Well, that tells me I was right about my health bar...” she groaned, now seeing another blue gauge slowly rising, about half way done, “Let me guess. Can’t pull up the attack screen until that’s max? Okay, so what now? I still need a weapon!” she pointed her arm forward, and this time it glowed, turning into a blue and white arm cannon, “Huh. Well that’s convenient,” she began firing her new weapon at the Mettaurs. The arm cannon didn’t seem to do a lot, as the shots were just sharp blue arrow like blast. Each one seemed to take down a Mettaur’s health by about 10 percent, which with a bit of effort, and a lot of dodging, she managed to kill one with it.

The gauge went up, now glowing and saying “Ready”. She wasted no time pulling it up. She saw a few new attacks now. Replacing the Cannons she saw something called “Flash Step” and “Wide Sword”.

Flash Step? Wide Sword? Huh, looking at the info, Flash Step moves me right in front of the enemy I’m targeting, and Wide Sword can hit up to three enemies on the same line beside each other? Looking how those two are standing, I could take them out at the same time, but if I rush over to them, one will just guard. If only I could surprise them with Flash Step.

She then noticed a letter underneath both Flash Step and Wide Sword. They both had the letter “V” underneath them. She wondered if that meant what she thought it meant, and picked Flash Step first. Sure enough, the only other program not blackened was Wide Sword.

She gave a smug grin and picked Wide Sword. This was gonna be fun if she pulled this off.

Once she pushed OK, she gave her enemies her full attention. One tried to attack with its shock wave, but she moved out of the way just in time, sadly landing into the second one’s attack. Now showing 40, the number turned red, along with an annoying but urgent sounding alarm going off in her head.

Shoot! Going critical! I need to end this NOW!

Right when she saw her opening, she used Flash Step, appearing right in front of the Viruses. They cried out in shock, but she wasted no time, slashing with her Wide Sword and killing both of the remaining monsters instantly.

“Huh, that wasn’t too hard,” Trixie said standing up and looking at her armor now, “Now, where did this come from? Also,” she looked around, “That voice. Where did they-” she heard something click, and turned to Fluttershy, who had her cellphone out. Apparently she just took a picture.

“Trixie… that was, amazing…!” Fluttershy said slowly walking over to her, “How did you do all of those things?”

“Your guess is as good as mine,” Trixie said with a shrug, “I take it I couldn’t do this before losing my memory?”

Fluttershy shook her head. Before anything else, the armor began to glow, and vanished as blue data, replaced with her normal attire

“That, was weird,” Trixie said folding her arms, “It felt like, I sort of knew what I was doing. Thinking back though, I don’t understand how I…”

“We, should tell the others about this,” Fluttershy said, “I took a picture of that form you took.”

“Good. I’m sure the others are worried about us, so we should go now,” Trixie said. She and Fluttershy ran back toward the school, but she stopped and looked around. Once again, she felt like she was being watched. Unlike before, she didn’t feel threatened by it though.

She shrugged, and ran after her companion. Hopefully now she could get some answers.

A small figure was in fact watching, hiding behind the bleachers of the school. He found her! He found the girl Azrael picked!

“I better approach her when she’s alone, just to be safe,” the little figure said before hopping away, “Don’t worry, Azrael. I’ll watch over her just like I did for you.”