• Member Since 11th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Some trust in chariots and some in horses.

Comments ( 28 )

it's good

Good story chief, it was a nice twist there at the end with the do not disturb. Keep it up chief

the ending was perfect

This actually happened to me

Hey those are my feelings you're laughing at :applejackunsure:

This was cute! Will there ever be a sequel to do with the date? (Wink wink nudge nudge):raritywink:

Sci-Twi x Sunset? Instant fav :3

That does seem to be how the site works, yes :p

Aaa, this story is adorable.

Reiterating an earlier comment: d'aww!

And doh!

I actually had to do this at one point.

It didn't end well for me.

I'm glad it did for Sunny and Twi.

:rainbowlaugh: Brilliant work, both in capturing the essence of anxiety and the comedic timing at the end. Thank you for this.

Finally got around to reading this. It was really cute, and felt in character for everyone, especially Twilight forgetting about the status she set. Though I admit I felt like an old man reading terms I wasn't familiar with, haha.

Rarity: lol
Twilight: rarity :v

lmao. quality short piece, and that ending lol.

Pero ella estaba en línea. Simplemente sentado allí, el nombre "Sunset Shimmer" en mi lista de "Amigos" con un punto verde. Miré el nombre con nostalgia, hasta que unos minutos más tarde volvió a ser gris y desapareció. Todo ese tiempo, había estado racionalizando la respuesta como "Sunset simplemente no se ha conectado todavía para leer mi mensaje". Sin embargo, allí estaba ella, tan en línea como yo, con tiempo suficiente para leer y responder el mensaje. Incluso un simple "no, gracias" habría aplacado a mis demonios internos. Pero fue el silencio de radio en su lugar.

Oh man, i understand that situation :/. When who you likes is 'on line' but doesn't answer your messages 🤧 :(

Mis ojos revolotearon entre la ventana con Rarity y mi lista de amigos, sentí mi estómago revolverse con mariposas cuando el nombre de Sunset reapareció, tan verde como siempre. Me mordí el labio e hice clic para abrir su ventana también, debatiendo lo que debía decir, pero dejando que mi cobardía me alcanzara, regresé a la ventana de Rarity. Pero incluso con el texto de Rarity ocluyendo cualquier registro de chat entre Sunset y yo, pude ver que el nombre de Sunset rebotaba con un indicador de tipeo. Sunset estaba escribiendo. Sunset me estaba escribiendo.

Doble ohh man!! Ese momento en el que no sabes si sentirte feliz, esperanzada o súper nerviosa😬😬

Puedes sentirete todas las tres, a la misma vez. (Es una rima, pues es la verdad :pinkiegasp:) Gracias por leer

He yeah, the feelings are complicated and confused, and, in the most of the cases, don't come individually 😅
Thanks for you, wrote a great history 🌞
Saludos!! (regards!)

Really, if our attention is our most valuable resource in the modern economy, I should press charges against her for theft. I suppose it would be prohibitively difficult to prove mens rea to a jury, but alas.

I like this.

One day, Rainbow waggled her eyebrows at me, proclaiming “Word on the street, Sunset’s bi”, and the six words have been burned into my memory ever since.

Do appreciate Rainbow’s version of wing-womaning here. And Biset Shimmer is literally canon, which is neat.

Tick-tock. Check. No reply.

Who hasn’t been in this situation?

“What part of ‘friendship’ don’t you understand? Hint: it doesn’t involve harassing your so-called ‘friends’!” She doubled her stature as she spoke, her eyes dilating, growing to the colour of the red stripes in her hair.

Ah that anxiety, scrupulosity, and all that. Sci-Twi is very harsh on herself, and reminds me a lot of a younger me.

Rarity: sorry, but… what makes you think you messed up your friendship? sounds like you’re just getting a lot friendlier
Rarity waggles her eyebrows

I really love your depiction of Rarity in this! Totally see it, especially the needless and italicized French.

Sunset: …not that it’s surprising, seeing as I am the smartest, prettiest girl you know
Twilight: Oh, quiet you.
Sunset smirks

And I can totally see why Sci-Twi is so into this Sunset.

Sunset: you were on do-not-disturb!

Definitely got me with the punchline!

A really nice ending to see, so happy things worked out for Sci-Twi here.

Just reading this reminds me of things I've shared myself on discord.

Twilight: So, um… if you weren’t mad at me, why’d it take you so long to respond? I saw you online!

Sunset: didn’t want to distract you :)

Twilight: Hm?

Sunset: you were on do-not-disturb!

A clear sign this is a work of fiction, somebody actually respecting Discord statuses

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