• Published 3rd Nov 2018
  • 1,828 Views, 330 Comments

Applejack Gets Lost - MagicS

After delivering some apples to a far away customer, Applejack gets lost on the way home.

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Old Grudges

After finding the intersection and heading down the road to the right, since Applejack wanted nothing to do with the orchards and farms now, the party had been slowly walking through a thicker part of the forest on their way to what Thistle said was the main part of Valley Town. The trees grew close and big enough that their branches made a nice canopy over their path, giving everyone some shade. If Applejack had been in a better mood she would probably be able to appreciate the quiet nature around her. Instead of just the typical pines that made up the earlier section of the forest, around them now were towering redwoods. Obsidian spied squirrels and rabbits scurrying about just off the path, in their own little world.

“This is a nice place.” She said.

“Pff.” Applejack snorted. “Yeah, just great. Peachy.”

“Are you upset because they don’t have those… apple things you mentioned?” Marble asked.

Applejack turned her head to glare at him, giving Marble one big stink-eye.

“Guess so.” He winced.

As they traveled further they could see a light at the end of their path, it seemed a break in the forest canopy was coming up. As they got to the light they realized it wasn’t just a break or another clearing like where the fort was but was actually the end of the forest entirely.

“Huh, guess we’re here.” Obsidian said.

The town was actually pretty impressive to Applejack, it was no Canterlot or Manehattan but it was large and bustling. Buildings of all shapes and sizes packed densely together on either side of the main road. The road itself quickly turned from dirt to cobblestone as it hit the edge of the town and went straight up the hill, leveling out for a few hundred feet at a time, before hitting the top where Redwood Manor stood. This created a town cleanly divided into 5 different levels that Applejack could see, with her and the disciples standing at ground level before the road began its ascent.

Timber-framed buildings seemed to be the dominant architecture. Unlike Ponyville which had most buildings standing on their own, here it looked like many bled into and were connected to one another, creating densely packed areas around tiny side streets and alleyways.

“I’d say we should stick close to the main road or we’re likely to get lost.” Quartz suggested.

Applejack nodded, sure the others wouldn’t have a problem with what Quartz suggested either. They weren’t here for an adventure after all.

Walking into town was something of a treat of its own though. Smells of freshly cooked food seemed to waft from every direction and it was pleasing to Applejack to see so many young ponies out playing around, just like in Cross Way. They did get more than a few eyebrows raised in surprise when they walked by, but most ponies just shrugged and continued on with their own business. Visitors might have been an uncommon appearance nowadays but nothing to gawk at.

But there was something nagging at Applejack’s mind as she saw all this. The ponies at the fort were stockpiling weapons and were clearly prepared for battle. But these ponies in town were so happy and carefree, going about their day like it was any other. Did they not know about the fort? Or just not care? This was the main part of the town but Applejack saw no guards and no ponies were giving her foul or suspicious looks. Everything about the fort made it seem like fighting was about to break out but looking around here now Applejack was certain of one thing at least.

This town was not acting like it was on the verge of war.

Her group made it farther up into the town, each level a little bit different. The first up from the ground level had a lot more separate cottages that reminded Applejack a lot of Fluttershy’s cottage. The next was mostly like the first but with one large building covering most of one side, she figured it might’ve been a school since it had a big clock-tower connected to its front. After that was another level with twin parks on each side of the main road and a circle of buildings on the very edge of the level. The final level before the road led to Redwood Manor was the same as the first but none of the buildings went higher than two stories and they all had flat roofs.

Folks who live in Redwood Manor probably wanted to keep a nice view…

It was sort of a shame, she thought as they made it to the top of the hill, this place was really nice looking and she would like to get to know it better. Rarity would probably enjoy it quite a bit too. But after getting sidetracked in Cross Way and still not knowing where the hay Ponyville might be she just didn’t want to stick around.

As they made it to the grounds before the manor Applejack could see that it really was just as huge as she thought from afar. It was only three stories high but it covered probably as much area as the School of Friendship. Her eyes told her the building was made from thick slabs of sturdy oak, painted all red on the outside with the windows framed in white and bordered by dark slats of ebony. The manor was surrounded by a stone wall that probably stretched around the whole top of the hill, although Applejack couldn’t be certain, but the entrance to the manor grounds had no gate of any kind. Like Thistle had said, it was open to anypony.

“Do you think we knock or just let ourselves in?” Applejack asked as they made their way to the intricately carved wooden double-doors of the manor.

“Let’s knock.” Quartz said, walking forwards and rapping his hoof on the door a few times.

“You may enter, the door’s open!” A voice called from inside.

Taking the invitation Applejack pulled the doors handle and stepped in with the others.

The interior was simply designed, the five visitors found themselves at the start of a long hallway with a fancy floral-patterned carpet covering the floor that stretched back into the manor, Applejack could see it ending at a large room with a double staircase going up to the higher levels of the building and other hallways branching off to other parts of the manor.

“You’re not from the town. Who might you be?”

Applejack and the others looked to their left at where the voice had come from to see a rather stuffy looking older stallion standing at a podium beside the door. He had a very light brown coat and a very curly white mane, from the well-tailored uniform he wore Applejack figured he must be the manor’s butler.

“We’re just traveling, I’m Applejack and these are Quartz, Obsidian, Marble and Bedrock.” She said while gesturing to each of them. “We came here cause Thistle from the fort said it was the best place to get help. She said Big Dad Redwood was your leader?”

“Oh I see.” He responded, wrinkling his nose when Applejack said “Big Dad”. “Well Lord Redwood is indeed the leader of Valley Town and is always interested in helping those who come to his doors. There haven’t been any out-of-towners here in some time so I’m sure he’d be happy to see you. Simply go down the main hallway, up the stairs, and follow the signs.”

“Thank you.”

As they walked down the hallway they saw it was lined with portraits of Redwood family ancestors, all of them regal looking deep-red stallions.

“Founders of the town?” Marble thought aloud. “Makes sense I suppose.”

“Founders or leaders they just had to make sure they lived above everyone else, didn’t they?” Bedrock said, one of the rare times he joined their conversation.

Applejack did frown a bit at that, Celestia and Luna lived above everypony else too, it’s true that Applejack didn’t really care for the grandeur that the Redwood family seemed to possess but Celestia was the most humble pony around. She didn’t think just making your living space up high meant anything bad.

Climbing the steps of the stairs they saw a placard that read:

~Lord Redwood’s Public Offices~

With an arrow pointing to the right, leading them down another hallway. This time they passed by a maid, who stood by the side of the wall and bowed as they walked past. After a few more signs and arrows they made it to a golden door… that had a hastily made sign thumb-tacked to it that said “Big Dad Redwood’s Office” written in poorly scribbled pen.

“Hehe.” Applejack chuckled. It made her think of how open Twilight was and how she didn’t want others to treat her different just because she was a princess. “Let’s go in.” She said as she pulled open the door, not knocking this time.

The office, in comparison to the sign, was actually rather fancy. Big paintings of landscapes dotted the walls, beautiful flowers were ensconced in every corner, the floor was a purple velvet carpet, the one desk in the room was impeccably clean and polished and a bronze statue of a rearing pony on a pedestal stood behind it.

And Big Dad Redwood sat behind that desk, smiling at his visitors.

He was the type of pony Rarity would swoon over. Maroon coat with a slick black mane and mustache. He was noticeably older than Applejack but his face was still handsome and chiseled, his wide smile showed off his pearly white teeth.

“Why hello there.” He said as he took some papers off his desk and slid them into a drawer, keeping things clean for his new arrivals. “Why don’t you take a seat? You folks must be from out of town, I know just about everyone in Valley Town.”

There were only two seats in front of the desk so it ended up just being Applejack and Quartz sitting while the others stood behind them.

“Thank you, Mr. Redwood.” Applejack said.

“Please, please,” He said, waving his hooves in front of his body. “My butler may want to keep things formal but you don’t need to call me Mr. or Lord or anything like that, just Redwood or Big Dad Redwood is great.” He smiled, teeth almost shining.

“Fine by me.” Applejack smiled. “Anyways, my name is Applejack. I’m from a town called Ponyville and to put it simply, I’m lost. Been lost for a long while. I met your fort captain Thistle and she said you would be the best bet for directions.”

He rubbed his chin as she told him her story. “I do recognize the name although I’ve never been there myself.”

Applejack immediately brightened up at this. “Really?! Do you know how to get there from here?”

“Of course, you go north from here into the deeper forest, there’s a road leading right out of town, and you head down the western road. It forks right after it crosses the little river that separates us from Mountain Town. That’ll take you right to Ponyville.”

“Whoo-hee!” Applejack yelled, jumping up in her chair. “Finally some good news for once!”

“Glad I could be of help.” Redwood chuckled at her display. “Of course the trip there would take a few days at least, just to tell ya. I wouldn’t recommend leaving right now.”

“We figured we would stay here for a day or so.” Quartz spoke up. “Also, forgive my curiosity but I wanted to ask you about the situation between you and Mountain Town.”

Redwood’s face dropped, obviously this was not a topic he was happy about. “Oh, well, what would you like to know?”

“The fort we went through gave a rather startling picture of things. It looked like the ponies there were ready for war at any moment. But then when we got into town it was the complete opposite.”

“Yes.” Redwood replied. “The fort was actually the idea of our Sheriff, Good Harvest, he’s always been on edge about Mountain Town ever since things started to go bad between us. I was against the fort but he was very firm that we should have a real defense set up. He sent out for any volunteers that felt the same way about Mountain Town and gathered them in the fort to make up his fighting force. Most ponies in Valley Town don’t think of Mountain Town at all, and certainly don’t think we’re about to start fighting.”

“I see.” Quartz looked introspective. “What’s the situation like in Mountain Town?”

“Haven’t got a clue.” Redwood shrugged. “We really have almost no contact with them anymore. Why do you ask?”

Quartz just sighed. “I, and my companions here,” He said, gesturing at the disciples behind him. “Like to consider ourselves something of do-gooders. Sometimes we may stick our necks where they don’t belong but if there’s trouble somewhere we can’t help but want to help.”

Applejack did want to ask if she was going to be included in that but truth be told she was concerned as well, and she was an Element of Harmony, wouldn’t speak too well of her if she just up and left these ponies with their problems while she went home.

Too eager to please…

Applejack sighed as well. “Yeah, I guess I owe you one too for the directions so if you do need help with anything just ask. We could see what’s going on in Mountain Town and all that? If they’re like most of Valley Town maybe we can convince your sheriff that you don’t need the fort and everypony can just settle down.”

“Actually that’s a good idea.” Redwood mused. “They wouldn’t take the word of a pony from Valley Town or anypony sent by me but if some outsiders came to talk to them maybe things could get done. I’d really like if things could return to the old way, for a few reasons...”

He trailed off before resuming, face sadly looking down at his desk.

“Before the drought and everything going bad my son and the daughter of the Mountain Town leader were in love. If we could just start talking again not only could my son finally be with the girl of his dreams but a marriage like that would bring our towns closer together than they ever were. If you could go there and get things started it would go a long way. Maybe you could even convince them to get rid of the dam.”

“Excuse me.” Obsidian interjected. “But if the daughter is in love with your son as well why haven’t you tried doing this before? Why not just have your son go over there? And you said Mountain Town wouldn’t trust anypony sent by you, why?” She stared him down.

“It’s because they’d see it as a power grab by me.” Redwood replied simply. “The old leader of Mountain Town died not two years ago, they still haven’t gotten a real replacement, they’d think I’d just want my son to marry his daughter so I could try and take charge of both towns.”

“That seems awfully paranoid of them.” Quartz raised an eyebrow.

“They already have reason to not like or trust me. I was the one who came up with hoarding our food and charging extra for it after the first bad harvest.” Redwood said with shame in his voice.

Applejack’s eyes shot open and then narrowed in anger, mean frown appearing on her face. “It’s your fault this all happened then? Because you got greedy!” She pointed a hoof accusingly at him.

“It was a mistake!” Redwood pleaded. “We were hurting a bit, I wanted to get as much for Valley Town as I could. Even now we still only have enough food for ourselves thanks to the dam.”

“Sure.” Applejack grunted, sitting back in her seat and folding her hooves.

“I know it doesn’t speak well of me but please, we could still really use your help.” He put his hooves together in a pleading gesture. “I’ll have my son meet up with you, he can write a letter to Miss Pepper, that’s her name.”

Quartz stood up from his chair. “The problems of your towns certainly could’ve been avoided, but we’d be glad to help.” He began walking back out of Redwood’s office with the other disciple’s following him.

Applejack looked at Redwood’s ashamed face and got up as well.

“Hope you’ve given a lot of thought to what you did.”

Author's Note:

Happy Thanksgiving.

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