• Published 15th Nov 2018
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Starcraft: Queen and Country - Wanderer D

A seemingly safe experiment is violently interrupted, sending three unwitting innocents through the Void to emerge into a universe at war.

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Chapter 005

Starcraft: Queen and Country
By Wanderer D
Chapter 004

2503, Koprulu Sector █

Sweetie woke up with a start.

"Food! They must feed us!"

"Foolish! We must consume!"

"Eat them! Eat the pain-bringers!"

"The hive must grow! We must feed the hive!

"Crush them!"

"Feed! Feed!"

Shortly after hearing that voice, so distant and yet so… close… in her mind, Sweetie had started to slowly understand that the monsters around her were capable of thought. Even if it seemed single-minded, an obsessive, almost religious belief in feeding and propagating.

Funnily enough, she had been the object of several feeding-frenzies in the minds of the zerg around her, able to hear them constantly hungering and promising to tear into her still-breathing, blood-gushing body and feed on her moist, warm innards.

Well, it hadn't been funny at first.

Then, she had shouted out from her telepathic link. "I'm not your food!" and immediately, that had stopped. They had simply somehow perceived her as one of their own, and the Big Guy behind her—who she had nicknamed "Big Bug", because he was as gentle with her as Big Mac was to others—seemed to be rather protective of her now.

'Not that they don't have a reason…' she thought morosely, looking down at her forelegs. What had started out as simple, thin, icky-looking… almost branch-like chitin appendages had now grown slowly, with much molting as well, into equine-like chitinous legs.

Worse, they were somewhat familiar-looking to her. Equine-like, yes. But… the chitin and the holes on them… it reminded her too much of Chrysalis, although the Queen's legs were well rounded, these… these had serrated spikes all around the holes.

She was now able to control them too, much like her normal legs prior. She could also sense other parts of herself changing, but she was unable to actually see them. Her magic was also getting stronger. With every painful injection, or cut, or infusion into whatever she was floating in… she felt herself getting stronger and angrier.

If she knew how, she was sure she was strong enough to teleport. If she knew how, she felt she was strong enough to rain magical mayhem outside. If she knew how. If only she knew how.

Helping Quantum with the portal was a far, far cry from pulling off that trick herself. Knowing the basic theory of teleportation was not the same as being able to do it. Having seen Starlight and Twilight shoot blasts was not the same as doing it herself.

'Should've learned how to fight. I'm a Crusader, dammit. We should know how to fight! Or cast shields! Or attack spells! If I ever get home… she trailed off, looking down at her legs with a sudden pang of doubt. 'When I get home, I will make sure we get trained or something.'

She felt a mental nudge and turned to face the gigantic Zerg behind her. She was smaller than its eye, but she didn't feel afraid now. Surprisingly the giant was the gentlest of the Zerg in containment, at least with her. The others were frenzied and angry, but this one had really developed some empathy for Sweetie.

"I'm okay, Big Bug… just sad."

The large eye blinked slowly, but she could feel it was less anxious than before.

How much time had passed since she arrived to the lab? She shook her head, warily watching through the liquid and the glass as the bipeds that captured her and were experimenting on her walked about doing things. Terrans. That's what Zeratul had called them.

There was a sense of something happening, however. And that was new. A sort of… anxiety from her fellow zer-prisoners. Their hunger was higher than usual, their aggressiveness was increasing, and worse, the Terrans were noticing.

If the voice had been real—and Sweetie had no reason to doubt it—then they could also sense whoever was coming. But they would alert the Terrans if this kept up. But how to stop them? She wasn't Fluttershy. It's not like she could tell them to be quiet, or put them to sleep…

Sweetie blinked.

"Hush now, quiet it now, it's time to lay your sleepy head," she sang in her mind, opening her mind to the others. "Hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed."

Did they even have beds? The song was coming out more melancholic than she intended, bringing memories of happier days with her friends and family. "Hush now, quiet now, close your sleepy eyes."

Slowly, the Zerg around her slowed their frantic movements, and the cries for murder, destruction, crushing, cannibalism and general feeding slowed down. First with those around her immediate prison, then slowly, as is her message was being transmitted beyond the ones around her, the whole cave grew silent.

The Terrans outside—both in lab coats and in armor—turned around in place, confusion evident in their movements. Some ran to their devices, others approached the tubes hesitantly. "Hush now, quiet now, my how time sure flies…"

Sweetie turned around looking at the Zerg as they placidly floated in their containers… all focusing on her.

'Oh ponyfeathers.'

There was a commotion outside of the tube, where she could barely hear loud noises and unknown words. The Terrans in lab coats were all gathering there and were looking at machines, occasionally pointing at Sweetie.

A machine whirred somewhere and soon she felt her tube shudder as it attached to the top. A grinding sound… she looked up to see a section of the top open. She could try and escape a—her thoughts fled when long, mechanical arms sunk into the tube, restraining her, and something else… Sweetie's eyes went wide. A drill! A small drill made its way down to her head.

It started whirring, creating a small current around her and Sweetie shook her head in horror.

"No! NO! Nononono!"

A pair of additional mechanical arms went in, just as the familiar taste of sedative went into the liquid. They restrained her head, but she was too terrified for the sedative to work so quickly this time.

She felt the drill touch her horn.


The pain shot through her, like a whiplash of burning flames. "IT HURTS! MAKE IT STOP! I'LL NEVER SING AGAIN! JUST STOP! RARITY! HELP ME!"

She couldn't even curl up against the assault, held in place by the mechanical arms as she was. She struggled, and felt something tear from her back, she couldn't see them, but she could feel them. She struck at the drill and the thing was dragged away. She could see it spinning wildly as it fell down, striking the glass.

She glared at one of the arms, and used her new appendage to strike it, watching in satisfaction as the metallic contraption was sheared off, followed soon after by the other arms holding her.

All around the the other zerg had woken up from their short nap and now were violently striking their containers. The Terrans outside were frantically pointing and shouting, but no matter how much sedative, there was no change.

"Well done, my zergling," a familiar voice echoed in Sweetie's mind, stopping her from striking the tank herself. "Now… it's my turn."

'Her turn?' the statement made Sweetie shake her head and get a hold of her overflowing emotions. The pain was still there. Her horn felt like it was about to break off, but now that she had heard the voice again… there was something else… energy was slowly flowing into her, as if her body somehow was reacting to this presence…

The cavern shook, and the zerg around her roared in glee. Sweetie could feel her hearts pounding.

'Hearts?! Why do I have two!?' the thought was fleeting as her attention was driven to what was happening outside. There were flames and explosions, felt and seen through the liquid. She could sense her body reacting to the battle.

Around her, as if infused with new strength and power, Zerg smashed against their containers, heedless of the damage they were doing to themselves, but somehow, now that the owner of the voice was here, able to do so with enough force to crack and break through.

Behind her, Big Bug groaned and… stretched, or pushed, but whatever it did, the tube broke, massive pieces of glass, as thick as her own container smashed to the ground as a veritable tsunami of liquid splashed against her container and rolled over smaller zerg and terrans alike.

"Get out of there, little zergling."

She felt herself infused again with strength. But as angry as she was, the combat outside scared her. Fresh memories of Quantum being torn to pieces, blood splashing from Gallus' shoulder, her legs disappearing in a meaty, splash of blood… all those images blurred across her mind, alongside happier memories… her sister, the princesses, the other crusaders, Gallus' adorable way of being uncomfortable when flirted with, Silver Stream's over-the-top eagerness to please. Apple Bloom's encouragement when she ran out of steam during their adventures. Scootaloo's endless energy to please and more recently just downright impress Rainbow Dash…

"You are not one of them anymore, zergling," the voice interrupted her thoughts, "and what you do now will decide your fate. I will not suffer a cowardly zerg. I will not suffer a zerg that is not prepared to kill, destroy, eat… evolve. I will not break you out of the egg. You have to do it yourself. Or die here."

Sweetie opened her eyes. She didn't even realize until then she had closed them. Her hearts beat faster, her body was tense. Whoever it was, they were right. Was she just going to be another victim? Was all her bravado about learning to fight just wishful thinking?

Or was she going to take action? Outside of the glass the terrans that had caused her so much pain awaited. They had almost killed her. They had torn half her body away. They had cruelly transported her and… done things to her.

They had been about to drill her horn away.

With a growl and a scream, drowned by the liquid down to a muffled gurgle, she kicked with her hind legs and smashed onto the glass facing the terrans below. Her two new appendages, two scythe-like, serrated extensions of her will, slammed into and through the glass, not only cracking it on the point of impact, but penetrating through.

Despite how hard they were, she could still feel the changes around them, as she noticed the liquid starting to drip through. She slammed her holed, chitinous, forelegs against it, again and again, holding herself to the glass with her scythes, then alternating between one and the other, repeatedly striking and breaking through the tube until, with a mighty crack, the thing broke.

Chunks of glass flew out, along with the liquid and Sweetie herself. She landed on a heap, struggling to stand up, and cutting herself on the pieces around her. She saw some of the scientists. Three, terrified looking terrans, staring at her in horror and surprise.

Instincts took over, she dashed from where she had fallen, surprisingly fast, and slammed hooves first onto the chest of the middle scientist. Her two scythes, almost acting on their own, flew forward, slamming through the heads of the other two with no problem, the sound similar to when she had dropped a watermelon by accident.

The middle scientist was screaming something in a language she did not understand. It was shaking its head trying to push her off. "YOU DIDN'T STOP WHEN I WAS BEGGING!" she screeched through her telepathic link, slamming the thoughts and their intent into the terran's mind. "YOU DIDN'T STOP WHEN I WAS CRYING FOR MY SISTER! YOU DIDN'T STOP WHEN I HURT!" She snarled, and felt… something pushing out from behind her gums on bot sides of her mouth.

She saw them extend past her muzzle. Two pincers, pale white and chitinous. And of course. Serrated.

"I begged you!" she snarled as she dove on, tearing at the man's chest with her pincers, her scythes releasing the dead scientists to slam into this one's shoulders pegging him in place. "I begged you to stop! I had a family! I had friends!" she tore through bone, snapping it as if it were twigs, warm blood splattering about and tasting metallic in her tongue. "I was going to go back! I was going to hug my sister and tell her I was okay! Look what you did! Look what you turned me into! I can never go back!"

She felt her pincers grab something still moving weakly and with a shrill growl, she tore it out, holding the terran's heart in her pincers, just above her head.

She crushed it and crumpled on top of the body, shaking and fighting tears. "I can never go back."

Sweetie took a deep breath and stepped off the carcass, just noticing that all was silent around her. She looked up, now noticing all the Zerg… and there were a lot of them, more than she had originally sensed in the lab.

They were quiet, surrounding her on all available surfaces of the cavern. Witnessing as she had killed and carved and raved and cried.

"A zerg does not shy away from eating, or killing."

Sweetie turned around to face the owner of the voice. She looked… almost terran. Almost. She was tall, powerful… Sweetie knew that she should serve her, on some instinctual, visceral level. She knew this zerg… this Queen… was hers to follow.

Sweetie flattened her ears and lowered her head in deference. "I was just a pony before this. I had friends. And a family."

She felt razor-sharp claws gently stroke her mane. "You are zerg now. Or becoming zerg. I do not know yet what experiments these terrans were doing, but they are incomplete. And that is good, because I can give you something they would take away… purpose. Free will to follow me."

There was a pause.

"Will you follow me?"

Sweetie felt like there was a force holding her back. Like a rope around her heart. She saw Rarity and Twilight. Her mom. Her dad. The crusaders. She felt, for a fleeting second, Gallus' wing around her shoulders, like when he had comforted her not so long ago.

She looked down at her chitin legs; her scythes. A piece of glass nearby revealed that her two pincers made it look like she was grinning savagely. Her teeth were now fangs. Her mane… it was segmented, much like the Queen's.

That was not Sweetie Belle. Not the one they had known.

She extended her hoof to her Queen, who took it and helped her up. And in that movement, she could feel the rope of memories and emotions holding her back… snap.

End Chapter