• Published 16th Nov 2018
  • 1,695 Views, 19 Comments

Canterlot Academy: Equus Equum Edit - Lab Matt

[Equestria Girls/Bully Crossover] Sunset Shimmer crosses the portal, but instead of Canterlot High she ends up in Canterlot Academy, a girls-only boarding school where a sucker punch is the official greeting.

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2. This Is Your School

The place Sunset Shimmer was assigned to was in total disrepair; the paint was peeling off, making the place look more like a crack den than the dormitory of a respectable educational institution, the couch on the lobby looked like it had seen better days some 20 years ago and the soda machine had been thoroughly vandalized and emptied ages ago. The only thing that was spared was the TV, possibly because all tenants agreed that it was the only half-decent form of entertainment available. Being the Princess’s former protégé and coming from a family of aristocrats, the pony girl was used to accommodations a little… fancier than that.

“It will all be worth it in the end.” She mentally chanted. “It will all be worth it in the end. It will all be worth it in the end.”

First door on the right, that was the room she was assigned to. The room itself was nothing special: two beds on one side of the room with a dresser separating them, another bed on the other side, a single desk in front of the only window and a nearly empty bookcase – the last person who touched those books was probably the person who put them there in the first place when the dorm was built. Sunset dropped the bag containing her uniform on the bed, sat on the chair and looked through the window. She wished she could at least have a good view of the sun setting but the bigger and better dormitory on the other side was blocking her view.

“O-Oh, um… H-Hello…” Sunset turned around when she heard what appeared to be a mouse squeaking, but it turned out to be a girl by the door with one towel wrapped around her body and another wrapped around her hair. She had aquamarine eyes, a fair, yellow skin and the strands of pink hair peeking from under the towel suggested that this was yet another pinkette.

“What, is pink color of the year or something?” She thought out loud.

“I-I’m sorry?” Seeing that the new girl didn’t plan on pursuing the subject any further, the towel girl decided to drop it. “I-I heard that s-someone new was co-coming.” She approached Sunset and extended her hand. “M-My name is Fl-Fluttershy. I-I guess we-we’ll be roommates for the year s-so I hope we can, um… Get along?”

Sunset Shimmer eyed the yellow girl’s extended hand; she knew very well what a handshake was, she had seen it happen during her short stay in this new world, she just didn’t care. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Fluttershy pulled back her hand and used it to adjust the towel around her body.

“A-Anyway, the sh-shower is available. I-It’s the l-last door down the c-corridor t- to the right. Th-That is, if-if you want to…” Her new roommate’s unsettling silence was making her more uncomfortable than she already felt on a regular basis, so she slowly backed away as she talked. “I-I-It’s just that wh-when Rainbow D-Dash c-comes back from t-training she usually uses a-all the hot water, s-so, j-just thought I sh-should warn you. Oh, right, y-you’re new here s-so you probably don’t know, but R-Rainbow Dash is the c-captain of our s-soccer team, the W-Wondercolts.”

Fluttershy eeped when Sunset got up and walked up to her. She closed has eye, as if expecting something horrible to happen to her, but opened them again when all she felt was a pat on the shoulder.

“Thanks for the tip. After the day I had, I could use a good shower.” Sunset walked past her and towards the door, but suddenly stopped. “Oh, right, I almost forgot.” She turned around to face the shy girl. “You see, my luggage seems to have been misplaced, so I don’t really have anything to wear. Think you could lend me something for tonight?”

Fluttershy was a little taken aback by the request but, being the kind-hearted soul her parents raised her to be, she decided to help the person in need. “S-Sure. W-We seem to have v-very similar f-figures so I guess I-I can lend you one of m-my nightgowns.”

“And please, nothing pink. I’ve seen plenty of it today already.” Fluttershy nodded. “Ah, and what about towels? Got any to spare too?”

“Y-Yes, I--” Fluttershy’s world started spinning and she fell on the bed. It took a second for her to figure out the new girl had taken her towel from her with a firm tug. She yelped and immediately curled up in an attempt to hide her naked body.

“Thank you.” She said as she left the room and slammed the door before rushing towards the bathroom at the end of the hallway.

Sunset had to come up with a way to earn money, and fast. Since she didn’t bother bringing any bags with her through the portal, all she had was the uniform she received from the vice principal and the clothes the portal was kind enough to give her. She couldn’t rely on other people forever. Or could she?

“Everypon-- Everybody in this school look like a pushover. Especially that Flitterfloosh girl or whatever her name was. I can just flex some muscle and they’ll do whatever I tell them to. Besides, this is the losers’ dormitory anyways, who cares if someone is being extra mean?”

When Sunset Shimmer returned to her room, the number of people in there had multiplied.

“Oh come on, Flutters. Don’t be like that, I swear I’ll pay you back once I receive my allowance. It’s for an emergency, really.” Fluttershy was sitting at the desk, doing what appeared to be homework. The girl bothering her was none other than Adagio, who was standing behind the shy gal with her hands on her shoulders.

“I-I’m really s-sorry, Adagio, I-I want to h-help you, but I-I already gave e-everything I could spare. A-All I have left is j-just enough to b-buy my medicine.”

Adagio let go of her shoulders and shook her head. “And just when I finally thought we were getting along. Well, I guess you value material possessions more than you value your friends, huh? A pity, really!”

“N-No! That’s not what I meant, I-I’m--”

“And here comes the girl of the hour!” Adagio cheered, focusing her attention on the new girl in the room. “How was your first day? Made any friends? Fucked somebody? Got a good beatdown behind the sports equipment storage room? Details, honey, details!”

“And what are you doing here?” Sunset Shimmer asked as she sat on her bed.

“I live here, of course. We’re roomies now! And I assume you’ve already met our pet, Flutters? Oh, you’re gonna need one of these!” She said as she picked a yellow hair dryer that was sitting on another bed and started blowing Sunset’s hair.

“Um, th-that’s mine…” Fluttershy quietly protested.

“You’re being awfully nice for someone who just a couple of hours ago told me I shouldn’t trust anyone.” Sunset pointed out.

“Just testing the waters.” Adagio explained, blowing Sunset’s hair with one hand while the other explored the Equestrian’s towel-covered midriff. “Trying to figure out what makes you tick…” Her hand travelled further south, her fingertips now touching Sunset’s bare thighs while her mouth approached her ear. “Seeing what I can get away with…” Fluttershy’s face became beet red as she turned around, focusing her attention back on her textbook.

Before Adagio could go any further, Sunset grabbed Adagio’s wrist and pulled the hand away from her legs, using her other hand to push Adagio’s face away. “Yeah, sorry to disappoint but whatever… THAT was, it ain’t happening. Actually, no, I’m not sorry.”

“Oh, bummer! You’re no fun at all.” Adagio jokingly complained as she focused her efforts back in helping Sunset dry her hair.

The sound of a door being kicked open echoed throughout the dormitory, followed by a shout:


Sunset Shimmer smirked, prompting Adagio to smirk as well.

“Rainbow Dash sounds angry. Know anything about that, Sunny?” She asked.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Sunset replied, feigning innocence.

Sunset Shimmer was the first to walk out of the dormitory the next morning, now wearing Canterlot Academy’s uniform; she wore a blue skirt and sweater vest – at first she thought she might be mistaken for one of the jocks before realizing that none of them wore the standard uniform. It was also a little tight, but for now it was all she had.

She was alone outside, making her the target of a girl with a slingshot hiding behind a trash bin.

“OW! WHAT THE HELL!” Sunset yelled out when she felt a very sharp pain on her back. She turned around while trying to rub the sore spot when she saw a cheering girl with mint green skin and hair with a rose headband on it. Judging by her dark green vest, she was one of the cliqueless outcasts.

“You’ve been whammed, bitch!” She yelled out. Sunset growled and ran towards her. “Oh, crap.” She ran back towards the nice dorm she came from. “Crap crap crap CRAP!”

Before the girl could go back inside she got body-slammed onto the ground by Sunset Shimmer.

“Give me that!” Sunset demanded while trying to wrestle the slingshot out of the girl’s hand.

“No, it’s mine!” The girl said while holding onto it tightly.

“Hey, you!” A third voice called out. Sunset looked up and saw a grey skinned girl with long blonde hair and golden eyes wearing the same dark green vest standing in front of the open door. Upon closer inspection, Sunset also noticed that the girl’s eyes weren’t quite aligned. “Get off Lyra right now!”

She never gave Sunset the chance to actually get off her before rushing towards the assailant with her head lowered. Before she could say or do anything, the cross-eyed girl headbutted her in the chest, which not only caused her a great deal of pain but also sent her flying a couple of feet backwards. The former unicorn tried getting up, but the best she could do was get on her knees, pressing her hands against her sternum and gasping for air. Her vision was a little blurry with bright spots, but she managed to see two people dressed in blue rush past her and restrain the blonde.

“Don’t you ever lay your dirty hands on my friends, ever again, understand?” She shouted while struggling against the two prefects holding her arms, but then screamed when one of them sprayed something on her face. A third prefect helped Sunset up; she had light grey skin, dark grey hair and purple eyes.

“Are you alright, dear?” She asked, her voice having a distinguishable British accent.

“Yeah, I’ll live.” Sunset said, still a little out of breath, watching as Fleur de Lis and another prefect with light green skin and brown hair tied in a bun wearing glasses escorted the angry girl away. In the confusion, Lyra snuck back into the dormitory, leaving her slingshot in Sunset’s hand, which she tossed in a nearby trash bin.

“Would you like medical attention? I can escort you to the infirmary if you wish.”

“No, I… I’ll be fine, I…” She took a deep breath to make sure her lungs weren’t damaged. “I have some things I need to do before class.”

“Do you need me to hel--”

“I said I’ll be fine!” Sunset angrily interrupted, pushing her away just hard enough to get her point across but not enough to get busted for assaulting another prefect. She walked away, leaving the unamused prefect behind.

Lunchtime. Sunset Shimmer hated to admit it but the first period, chemistry class, was actually somewhat interesting; chemistry, physics and other science-related topics weren’t as popular as magic back in Equestria, meaning that this world’s knowledge of the subjects at hand was far more advanced than hers. The horse woman was a scholar at heart, so the prospect of learning more about a subject she thought she already mastered excited her.

But this wasn’t the time for that. She got destroyed by one person in a single move, so she would either have to:

A) Learn how to defend herself or;
B) Avoid conflict altogether.

But she knew option B was off the table; she was self-aware enough of her own personality to know that if she held herself back she would eventually snap, and it would be far more damaging to her than a string of small outbursts on a regular basis.

“U-Um… Hi…”

Sunset looked up to the person that interrupted her thoughts; it was Fluttershy, the person she now shared a room with carrying a lunch tray. She wore a blue sweater vest and skirt combo just like hers, but the shirt she wore was pink instead of the popular white.

“Hi.” She replied dryly.

“C-Can I sit here? I-I mean, I c-can sit somewhere else if you w-want me to, it’s ok…”

She rolled her eyes. “If you promise not to be even more of a nuisance than you already are.”

“Y-Yes, I-I promise.” She immediately sat down, as if Sunset Shimmer would change her mind if she didn’t sit fast enough.

The two of them ate their lunch in silence, until Fluttershy of all people broke the silence.

“I… Um… I heard that you got into a f-fight with Derpy today.”

“So the rumors are already spreading, huh? Is that the minty fresh girl or the cross-eyed one?”

“The, um, the latter.”

“I didn’t get into ‘a fight’, it was self-defense; the walking mouthwash attacked me with a slingshot.”

“Those are surprisingly popular around here…” Fluttershy commented.

“She shot me in the back so I tried to disarm her, and that’s when Miss Depth Perception decided to play hero. Next thing I know I’m on the ground, trying to remember how my lungs work.”

“She got detention.” Fluttershy mentioned. “She’s going to mow the sports ground after class.”

“Let me ask you something: is she just an anomaly or is violence the go-to when it comes to solving conflicts?”

Fluttershy took a long sip from her apple juice box, as if stalling for time while she came up with a good answer. “Not if the prefects are around. They carry pepper spray.” She took another sip. “Fleur has a stun gun.”

“Oh, isn’t that just wonderful. I am stuck in here with a bunch of troglodytes and I can’t even throw a decent punch! This is going to be a fun year.”

“Um… Maybe I can teach you?”

Sunset stared at her with a vacant expression for a few moments before finally processing what she just heard.

“Excuse me? You? Teach me?” She chuckled. “You can barely speak loud enough to be audible from across this table, do you really expect me to believe you know how to throw down?”

Fluttershy cowered and looked away, trying to hide her face behind her long hair. “We-Well, not in practice no, b-but…” She focused her sight back on her roommate. “M-My brother was into martial arts a while back, s-so he asked me to be his sparring partner while we followed instructions from some books. I-I’m no good in a fight, b-but I remember a few things about stances, moves, weak points and such.”

Sunset Shimmer crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. “Alright then, let’s say I believe you. What’s the catch?”

“I’m sorry?”

“The catch! If – a very big IF – you really know the basics of fighting, would you really just teach me out of the goodness of your heart?”

“W-Well, yes! Before you came here Adagio was the closest thing to a friend I had in a while, and she’s…” She paused for a second, unsure of how to proceed. Eventually she decided against finishing that sentence. “Well, you don’t insult me when you talk to me. At least not as much. Th-The point is, I-I want to help you. I want you to… To be my friend!”

This surprised Sunset Shimmer. All her life the only people who approached her had ulterior motives. Maybe to worm their way into the inner circles her family was a part of or to get closer to the princess. But in this world she wasn’t the child of an upper class family or the protégé of the literal ruler of the entire land. She was just a high schooler, a mere sophomore, and this girl in front of her just wanted to be friends for the sake of being friends?

“Well, I suppose I can give this a shot. Alright, we have a deal.” Sunset Shimmer extended her hand. “Friend!

Fluttershy squee’d as she used both hands to shake the pony girl’s.

Sunset Shimmer made a habit out of reading human books every time she had a chance in the most secluded places she could find – she felt like she still had plenty to learn, but at this point she knew more about the human world than the average high schooler – at least as far as books could teach her; she was still lacking in street smarts. At that moment she was sitting on the bleachers with a book in hands, enjoying the pleasant summer sunlight. The jocks running around the tracks were far away enough for their shouting, cheering and yelling to not bother her, but something that was bothered her was the sound of a pencil furiously scribbling on paper just two rows above her.

She turned around and saw a girl with cream-colored skin, purple eyes and red hair with purple and violet highlights; her bangs were tied up in a bundle over her head with a hair tie. She alternated between staring at the field and writing on her notebook – she wore glasses with thick black frame and the nerds’ green vest and skirt.

“Hey!” She called. “Can you tone it down up there? I’m trying to read.” But the girl either didn’t pay attention to her or downright ignored her. “Do you not hear me talking to you, strawberry jam?” The girl kept on writing until the Equestrian walked up to her and grabbed the notebook she had on her knees. “You son of a bitch, do not ignore me!”

“Hey, give that back!” The girl protested and tried getting up, but Sunset pressed her foot against her stomach and kept it there, preventing the girl from getting up. She then looked at the page the nerd girl was writing on.

“Now, let’s see what was so important to the point that it would make you ignore someb--” Sunset raised an eyebrow; the page contained a very well-drawn sketch of one of the girls running laps on the track – the person in question had short and spiky blue hair, golden eyes and surprisingly pale skin for an athlete that ran around in the sun all day. She had goggles on her forehead and wore blue and yellow sports shorts with the horseshoe C on the left thigh and a blue and yellow jersey with the CA crest on the left side of her chest. “Well, well, well, it looks like we have a stalker in our midst.”

“It’s not what it looks like!” The girl tried explaining, once again trying to get up but Sunset Shimmer’s foot didn’t budge. “I am just planning a strategy.”

“Trying to figure out how to get her alone and do disturbingly graphic things to her, are we?”

“Shut up! She stole something that belongs to me and I want to get it back before it’s too late.”

“Oh really? And what are the stakes here?”

“Why do you care? This doesn’t concern you.”

“Well, I was just thinking, maybe I could offer you my services and help you out. If the price is right, that is.”

“So you’re a mercenary? Are you saying you have not sworn loyalty to any of the clans?”

“I… What?”

She blushed. “U-Um… Forget I said anything.”

“Whatever, just tell me what you need and I’ll tell you how much that’ll cost you.”

“Indigo Zap – that’s her name, by the way – stole my diary. She thought it was my homework notebook, saying she’s going to ‘compare notes’ after training, meaning that she wants to copy everything I made.”

“Really? That’s it? A diary? You’re freaking out because of a diary?”

“It has… really sensitive information in it. Information that would be the end of me, in case it was made public – which I am absolutely certain she’ll do. She keeps all her stuff in the locker room, you just have to break into it and steal it back without being caught. Simple, right?”

“Yes, very simple. So simple that it makes me wonder why you’re not doing it yourself.”

“Because I am a quote-unquote nerd; I get too close to that gymnasium and they’ll eat me alive! Why do you think I was working on a plan to get her alone after training? You, on the other hand, are a variable. You have not allied yourself to any of the cliques, but you are not disconnected to the point where you’d be considered one of the outcasts. They will probably taunt you, maybe rough you up a little bit, but they wouldn’t kick you out on sight.”

“So, then… What’s your name again?”


“Right. Moondancer. I’m willing to walk into hostile territory to break into someone’s locker for you… For twenty bucks!”


“Fifty if you don’t want me to read your diary.”


“And the price is non-negotiable.”

“B-B-But… I…” Moondancer sighed. “How about we compromise? I pay you twenty-five, you bring me back my diary, you read it if you want to, but you keep quiet about it. I’ll pay you after the job is done. Deal?”

“Make it thirty.”

She growled. “Fine, thirty!”

Sunset smiled, finally removing her foot from the girl’s stomach. “You’ve got yourself a deal. I’ll meet you by the library.”

“This better be worth it.” Moondancer took back the notebook Sunset Shimmer had taken from her and walked away. “I could buy a lot of booster packs with that.”

The inside of the gym was a small basketball court with bleachers on the left side and stairs leading to the locker room underground. The coach, Mr. Lockdown, a light grey-skinned, muscular bald man wearing sunglasses indoors oversaw a couple of jocks doing sit-ups. Sunset did her best to keep a low profile and walk past them without getting the coach’s attention. She couldn’t tell if he was looking at her or not because of his sunglasses – apparently he wasn’t because she managed to just walk past them without him asking her to join them as he usually did.

Thankfully Canterlot Academy was obsessed with labeling everything, so locating her locker was simple: it had a plate with the name “Zap, Indigo” on it.

The combination locks were fairly easy to bypass, you just had to slowly turn the dial left and right until you heard it click, so all you needed in order to break into someone else’s locker without knowing the combination was a little silence, a little patience and not get caught. Adagio had taught her this trick, but she never had a reason to use it until now – and she succeeded on the first try.

Just to be safe Sunset decided to exit through the other building connected to the locker room, the swimming pool, which was empty due to it being closed for repairs. She skimmed through Moondancer’s diary on her way to the library; she wasn’t particularly interested in knowing the girl’s deepest secrets, just trying to squeeze some extra cash out of her, but seeing the name “Twilight Sparkle” mentioned several times in every page with hearts drawn on the edges of the pages told her everything she needed to know. Sunset then reached the pages filled with details about the realistic dreams Moondancer had about the two of them which involved a bed, handcuffs, candle wax, lots of leather and a 12-inch tentacle-shaped--

“Nope!” She thought to herself as she slammed the diary closed.

She found her “employer” sitting on the front steps of the library, once again furiously scribbling on the pages of her notebook.

“I got your thing.” Sunset Shimmer announced, holding up the diary. Moondancer stood up immediately and grabbed it. She quickly checked it for any damage or missing pages.

“Alright, everything seems to be in order.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out thirty dollars, as promised. “And do not forget our agreement.”

“Yeah, yeah, mouth shut, I get it.” She said while checking the bills to make sure she received the right amount. “Talking about it implies that I want to remember the things I’ve read.”

“Oh come on, it wasn’t that bad.” She argued. “…Was it?”

“This discussion is over. If you want to talk about it with someone, I’d suggest a psychiatrist.” Sunset pocketed her money and walked away. “Ciao!”

Later that night Sunset was lying in bed, still wearing her uniform and reading a different book. Fluttershy was sitting on her own bed, wearing green pajamas with white butterflies on it while combing her hair – she had just finished showering after another training session with Sunset, who was waiting for Adagio to finish hers so she could have one as well.

“People are saying you were hanging out with Moondancer today.” Fluttershy broke the silence. “Is it true?”

“Technically. She lost something and paid me to get it back, that’s all.”

“Moondancer asked someone else to do something for her?” Fluttershy sound legitimately shocked – or at least as shocked as a person who could barely whisper sentences could sound. “That’s unusual. She usually takes matters into her own hands, she’s not the type that relies on others.”

“It was an urgent matter. For her, at least.”

“Was it something involving Twilight?”

Sunset remembered seeing the name “Twilight Sparkle” repeated several times in the pages of the diary. She looked up from her book with a raised eyebrow. “How’d figure that out?”

“Well, it’s no secret that Moondancer has a crush on Twilight. She thinks it’s confidential, but I think that at this point it’s common knowledge to everyone in CA. Everyone except Moondancer. And Twilight, apparently.”

“Huh, go figure.” She turned her attention back to the book.

Another day of classes finished. Sunset Shimmer went straight back to the library as soon as the bell rang – she had learned so much in the one and a half week she had spent in that foreign land. She usually preferred reading outside, but unfortunately on this particular afternoon it was raining. With a new book in hands, she proceeded to learn.

“Quantum displacement, huh?” An unfamiliar voice questioned, referencing to the book she was reading. “A little advanced for a high schooler, don’t you think?”

The pony girl looked at the person who had approached her: yet another girl wearing the green nerd getup. Her skin was violet and the eyes behind her glasses were purple. Her dark blue hair with violet and pink highlights was tied up in a bun.

“It’s a hobby.” Sunset explained.

“A fellow scholar, I see.” Twilight said, taking a seat on the other side of the desk. “Personally I’m more interested electrochemistry. Creating a working cold fusion reactor is a life goal of mine, and I hypothesize that--”

“Ok, let’s cut to the chase!” Sunset interrupted, putting her book down. “You are here for a reason, aren’t you? No need to make small talk, just tell me what you want done and we’ll discuss my price.”

The girl was taken aback by her bluntness but then shook her head, focusing on the discussion. “Alright, let’s start again. My name is--”

“…Twilight Sparkle, I know!” Sunset interrupted, pointing at a poster of Twilight hanging from the wall. “Your face greets me every time I walk in here. You’re running for student council president.”

“You sure know a lot about us despite being a transfer student.”

“I’m not the kind of person that stays out of the loop for long. Now, what is it that you want?”

“Ok, then I’ll just cut to the chase: I need votes.”

“Yeah, I’d imagine that’s how democracy works.”

“Theoretically, yes.” Twilight sighed. “But we’re in Canterlot Academy, the presidential election is no more than a popularity contest.”

“I thought every election was like that.”

Twilight let out a dry chuckle. “You have a point there.” Her faint smile disappeared. “But I’m running against Rainbow Dash, captain of the Wondercolts and most popular girl in the entire school. I can’t compete with that!”

“Then you better save up enough money and start buying those votes.”

“And commit electoral fraud? No way!” Twilight looked away. “Besides, if I had that kind of money I would be hanging out with the preps in their luxurious dorm.”

“So, are you getting to the point anytime soon or should I come back later?”

“Right, right, right. You see, I’ve been working on a plan with some friends that might just work. I already have the nerds on my side but that’s not enough to win the election, so I need to appeal to a larger demographic. The jocks are out of the equation, they will support Rainbow Dash no matter what I say or do, and the vagrants don’t exactly get along well with us, so that’s out of the window as well.

“That leaves the preppies and the outcasts. I’m fairly certain that the speech I wrote can get me in their good graces, but one of my associates overheard that Rainbow Dash and her goons are planning on showing up and ruining my speech. If I can’t get my word out there then I won’t be able to get them on my side, and I’ll most certainly lose the election.”

“And where do I fit into all this?”

“Tomorrow at 5 PM I want you to cause some ruckus in the sports ground. Not enough to get into trouble, but just enough to make the jocks too distracted to go through with their plan.” Twilight pulled a book from her backpack and opened it, revealing a fifty-dollar bill that she offered Sunset Shimmer. “I’ll pay you half now and the rest if I manage to finish my speech uninterrupted. What do you say?”

Sunset stared at the bill Twilight held right in front of her, thinking about the pros and cons, the results of her actions and the impact it would cause in her life. Would she really want to be on the jocks’ bad side? Fluttershy’s classes were a big help, but if she ended up getting caught there’s no way she could take on all of them by herself.

“I know that look. I know what you’re thinking.” Twilight said. “If you’re caught, I promise I’ll take care of your medical expenses.”

Sunset shoved the money it in her skirt pocket. “Done deal!”

4:55 PM of the next day. Sunset was watching from the bleachers as the jocks trained on the soccer field.

“Are you sure about that?” Fluttershy asked as she sat beside her. “Things could get ugly. You could get hurt.”

“Then I guess I’ll just have to be careful and not get caught, right?”

“It’s just… I know you are in shape and very capable, but you’re messing with athletes here. I’m not saying you’re weak, but when it comes to getting physical they are the best of the best. I just have a bad feeling...”

“Oh come on, are you really underestimating me?” Sunset patted the duffle bag beside her. “I came prepared. I know what I’m getting into, alright?”

She sighed. “I just don’t know if it’s worth it…”

“They’re getting what they deserve, Shy. They act like they rule the place, so it’ll be nice to knock them down a peg or two. Besides, it will be fun! Anyway, it’s almost time. Ready to do your part?”

Fluttershy nodded. “This entire plan is making me so nervous, I may not even have to pretend.” She then got up and walked towards the gymnasium; she agreed to pretend to faint next to Sophisticata, the prefect that patrolled the area next to the sports ground so that she would take her to the infirmary and not bother Sunset Shimmer as she put her plan into motion.

Sunset Shimmer got up, stretched her limbs, cracked her knuckles and unzipped her duffle bag. “Alright, time to go to work!”