• Published 18th Nov 2018
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Equestria Ninja Girls Minis: Blast to the Past - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms, Turtles, and the Dazzlings tell their friends from CHS a story of how they were transported a million years into the past to the age of the Dinosaurs

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T-Rex vs TurtleBot and Old Enemies Return

Rex gave a roar. And once again, the Turtles and Rainbooms screamed and made a mad dash for the Shellformer, with Rex right behind the, not caring that Rexy was blocking them.

"Run through its legs!" Leo shouted, and they did, causing the two T-Rex's to bash heads.

They made it inside and Donnie closed the door. But that didn't stop Rex and Rexy from chewing on the ship, trying to rip it open. Lucky, Donnie had plan for that.

"Activate the TurtleBot 5000!"

"Ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo! I wanna press the button!" Mikey butted in, and slammed his hand down on it.

Giant legs sprung from the Shellformer, making the two tyrannosaurus' back away in surprise. The Shellformer stood up and two arms popped out on each side. Then finally, the cockpit became the head. The TurtleBot pounded its fist, ready to fight.

"Yes!" Raph cheered, "This is awesome!"

"Super awesome!" agreed Rainbow.

"All systems go!" Twilight noted.

"Ah’d say this is more than meets the eye," Applejack began, "But I think that’s someone else."

Rex and Rexy charged at the TurtleBot and it caught them with both its arms, struggling to hold them back, "Do you have to make things shaky?" Rarity asked Donnie, feeling sickly.

Sunset handed over a bag, "Barf Bag?"

"I think I’m good. Thanks."

"I need it!" Fluttershy said. Sunset handed bag, but instead of blowing chunks she stared hyperventilating in it. They noticed Pinkie humming a tune (Go Go Power Rangers).

"Pinkie, what are you humming?" Sunset asked.

"Just a tune I heard from something similar to this." Pinkie replied.

After the struggle, the TurtleBot threw Rex into Rexy. But the dinos got back up and bit into both of the arms, attempting to pull them apart. Inside, Donnie noticed the Croanite was fading, "We're almost out of power!"

Leo moved some levers and made the TurtleBot stomp on Rexy's tail, making him let go and the TurtleBot pounded his head. Then it jabbed it's fingers in Rex's nose. Rex let go and ran away yelping.

"Sorry!" Fluttershy called. But Rexy wasn't done yet.

"Ok, transform and get us home, Donnie," Raph ordered.

"Um, guys," Mikey said, and pointed out the window. Rexy was running right at them! "T-Rex is about to eat us!"

Everyone screamed as Rexy clamped it's jaws on the TurtleBot's head. No one noticed that the Croanite had faded even more. Donnie pulled a lever and TurtleBot grabbed hold of Rexy and body slammed him off. But he got back up and roared, not backing down.

"Man, that T-Rex just won't quit," Rainbow said.

"This'll change his mind," Donnie pushed a button. The TurtleBot opened it's mouth and fired a laser, blasting a line across some trees. It didn't hit Rexy, but it was enough. Rexy whimpered and ran away in fright.

"Aww, poor guy," Mikey sighed, "He just wanted hugs."

"He just wanted us in his belly!" Raph retorted.

Suddenly, the TurtleBot shook, fell on the ground, and transformed back into the Shellformer, "Uh, what just happened?" Sunset asked, as everyone looked at the Croanite.

"Oh, no!" Leo said, "The fuel is gone!"

It was true. Using the Turtlebot had used up all the meteorite's power. Now it was black and crumbled, completely burned out.

Later, everyone stood outside of the now powerless Shellformer, "This is bad, guys," Donnie said, in worry "Without that meteorite, we're basically stuck here-forever!"

"So that means no tv? No video games? No pizza?!" Mikey wailed.

"It's worse than that, Mikey," Applejack stated "We'll never see our families again! I'll never see Granny, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom again!"

"Or Sweetie Belle!" Rarity cried.

"Or my sweet little animal friends!" Fluttershy was on the verge of tears.

"And no sports or Scootaloo!" Rainbow put in.

"And worst of all, NO PARTIES!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"And I still haven't found a fire hydrant!" Spike brought up.

"I told you, messing with that meteor was a bad idea, Donnie!" Sunset snapped, "But did you listen? No!"

"We had to fight off two T-Rex's!" Donnie reminded, "Who could predict that?"

"We wouldn't have, if you didn't tamper with the Croanite in the first place!" Twilight yelled "And now we've done who knows what kind of damage to the future!"

"And I suppose that's my fault, too?" Donnie asked rhetorically.

"Not that we're playing the blame game, but..."

"YES!!!" both Sunset and Twilight shouted.

"Stop it! All of you!" Fluttershy exclaimed, "This is getting us nowhere! We got into this together, and somehow we'll get out too! But not if we all start fighting!"

Donnie and the girls looked away from each other, sheepishly, for a moment, "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you guys," Donnie finally said.

"And I'm sorry I called you an airhead," Twilight apologized.

"And I'm sorry for being a stickler," Leo added.

"And I'm sorry I snapped at you, Donnie," Sunset said, "I know didn't mean to strand us in here. Still friends?"

Donnie put a hand on her shoulder, "Always."

Suddenly, the ground shook, "What was that?" Spike asked "An earthquake?"

"I don't think so," said Twilight, "We're not near any fault lines?"

"It came from over there," Pinkie pointed to some bushes.

Leo pushed the bushes aside and everyone gasped, "Oh my gosh! Guys, look!"

Right in front of them was a large wall. The group quickly scaled up it and peeked over the side.

"Oh, no!" Sunset's eyes widened.

On the other side of the wall were their old enemies, the Triceratons. Some of them were using jackhammers. Others were using dinosaurs to pull carts, zapping them if they stopped. The earthquake was caused by a laser blasting the ground.

"Hey guys?" came Casey's voice.

The story was interrupted, as Casey spoke to the others, "Mind if I get some more marshmallows?" Casey asked.

"Sure go ahead," Leo said.

"Be right back."

"I’ll help," Rainbow got up.

"Me too," said Applejack, as they got up and followed Casey.

"So, uh, did you guys always have the same weapons?" Gloriosa asked.

"Sometimes the right weapon chooses you as well as you choose it." Splinter informed.

"But there were times we practiced using other weapons," Raph noted, "One time I used these tonfas and-"

"We’re back!" Casey, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack returned with more bags of marshmallows.

"And don't eat all these ones too, Pinkie." Applejack looked right at her, as Pinkie smiled with her mouth full.

"So how could the Triceratons be around one million years ago?" Luna wondered.

"They were probably just beginning to hunt and destroy the Kraang," Bishop noted, "I would not be the least bit surprised."

"Well, actually," Twilight corrected, "From the looks of things, they appeared to be mining for something."

"A Tricereton base?" Donnie said, in disbelief, "All the way back in the Cretaceous?"

"I was hoping I'd never see those horn-heads again!" Rainbow said, "Well, except maybe Traximus and Zeno, those guys are cool."

"Look at all those soldiers, this is crazy," said Leo, "What are the odds?"

"Dudes, look," Mikey pointed at two Brachiosaurs pulling mine carts, a guard zapped at one to keep moving "They enslaved those poor little dinosaurs!"

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy cried.

"We gotta do something," Mikey said.

A red search laser was beaming all over the base. The group ducked down before it could detect them.

"Alright," Leo said, "We go in, full ninja mode, see what the Triceretons are up to."

Mikey hung upside down, "Be stealthy, my ninjas."

"Super stealthy," Pinkie appeared behind him.

They climbed over the wall and began sneaking around, hiding behind some of the excavated rocks. Leo looked at one of the carts. Inside, among all the dirt, he saw some familiar cyan crystals, "It's the Time Crystals!"

"Shhh!" everyone hissed.

"They're mining time crystals."

"Talk about convenient." said Spike.

"This is great," Donnie grinned, "There's more than enough to get us home."

"So how are we gonna get it, genius?" Raph asked.

"Yeah," agreed Applejack "We can't just waltz up there a take some."

"I got this, dudes," Mikey said.

"Me too," put in Pinkie.

"Mikey, Pinkie, no..." Twilight said, but it was too late.

Mikey and Pinkie Pie snuck over to a cart, where a big guard stood next to it. They both reached in a took two crystals, but the crystals slipped from their fingers. Everyone gasped as the crystals landed near the guard with a clang. But the guard didn't notice, he just stood there and picked his nose.

"Blah!" Rainbow stuck out her tongue in disgust, while the others sighed in relief.

"Phew!" Mikey leaned against the cart.

"That was close." said Pinkie.

But once again, she spoke too soon. The cart fell over and Mikey and Pinkie along with it, making a loud noise. The guard definitely noticed that.

"Again?!" Raph snapped, "You two are doopier than that dinosaur right there!" he point to a Brachiosaurs that grunted.

"Alien intruders!" alerted the guard.

"Turtles and Rainbooms, attack!" Leo drew his swords. Then he and Sunset attacked the guard with their weapons, while Twilight threw punches and kicks at him. But their attacks did no damage and the guard simply swatted them away. Mikey and Pinkie weren't having any luck with another guard, either.

"Dudes, I think I'd rather be fighting that T-Rex again," Mikey said.

"Yeah, we're way out of practice with these guys." said Pinkie, and she and Mikey were knocked into the others.

Leo realized Pinkie was right, they were out of practice. Not to mention, out muscled and severely out numbered, "Let's move, guys!" he called, and the ninjas retreated.

"Unleash the RoboRaptors!" another guard shouted.

"RoboRaptors?!" the girls looked back. A door opened and robotic raptors came sprinting out.

"Run, like you never run before!" Leo said, as the all scrambled over the wall and ran for their lives, with the raptors right behind them. One nipped at Mikey.

"Ahhh! Faster-faster-faster!" Mikey cried, as he and Pinkie ran ahead of the others before coming to a jolting stop, "Whoa!"

"Cliff!" Pinkie shouted, she and Mikey stopped everyone from running right off it. But now they were trapped, and the RoboRaptors had them surrounded.

"As if live raptors weren't bad enough!" Rarity shivered.

"We can't run. We gotta fight!" Raph said.

"Bring'um down'" Leo ordered.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey, Pinkie, and Fluttershy leaped at one raptor, only for it to tail wack them. One tackled Donnie, Applejack, and Rarity. Another snapped at Leo, Twilight, and Sunset's behinds. And Raph and Rainbow were slammed by another raptor's tail. The group laid defenseless at the very edge of the cliff as the raptors closed in.

"There's just too many!" Donnie exclaimed.

"And they're too strong!" put in Twilight.

"Good bye, cruel pizza!" Mikey moaned.

The raptors came closer, ready to finish them, when something got their attention. A Stegosaurus tail smashed away three of them!

"Maurice?!" Fluttershy said in surprise.

A Pteranodon flew in and grabbed another.

"Terry!?" said Rainbow.

Terry dropped the raptor and the Triceratops rammed it off the cliff.

"Zog!" Pinkie cheered.

"Whoa?" Leo said in amazement.

Zog and Maurice roared and grunted at the remaining raptors and they retreated, "Now that goes in the Top 5 Most Awesome Moments in My Li,fe folder!" Raph said to the dinos.

Fluttershy ran over and cuddled the Stegosaurus, "Thank you, Maurice!"

Twilight petted Zog, "Thanks!"

"You friendly dinos you!" Pinkie said.

"You were wonderful, darlings!" Rarity said, before she got licked by Maurice, "So much for not getting Dino slobber on me."

"Terry!" Rainbow hugged the Pterosaur, "You came back!"

"Nice work!" said Applejack.

"Thank you very much," Sunset rubbed Zog's nose, then she had an idea and turned to the others, "You guys thinking what I’m thinking?"

"If you’re thinking we need these Dinos to combat the Triceratons, then all I can say is AWESOME!" Rainbow threw her fist in the air.

At the Triceraton base, Bebop, Rocksteady, Adagio, and Aria were tossed into a laser cell, "Get your dirty hands off me, you Darn Dirty Dinos!" Sonata growled, as she was tossed into the cell.

"That'll hold those strange aliens." a guard said, then he and his partner left.

"Come back here and say that to my face, you horn-headed jerks!" Aria shook her fists.

"Who you calling strange," Bebop added, "You got a mirror handy?"

"Well, this isn’t how I wanted to spend our weekend." Aria crossed her arms.

"Well, this would be fitting if we were our older selves." Adagio said.

"Girls?" Sonata asked.

"What?!" both Adagio and Aria snapped.

"Don’t drop the soap."

"Augh!" Aria groaned "We need to get outta here!"

"I get us out!" Rocksteady declared.

"And I'll help," added Sonata. But the minute they grabbed the bars they were instantly shocked and collapsed, "Or not..." Sonata moaned, her hair poofed up and static-like.

"We is trapped, comrade Bebop," Rocksteady said in worry, "What will we does?"

Bebop pinched his chin in thought, "They deactivated my weapons, but they didn't check my boots, son," he reached into his boot and pulled up a small purse.

"What's that supposed to be?" Aria asked in sarcasm, while drumming her fingers on the floor.

"Secret Stealth Pack, ya dig. Check it out, I got flash powder, lock picks, breath mints, shurikens!"

"Ooh, I call shurikens!" Rocksteady raised his hand.

"Dibs on mints!" Sonata chimed in.

"No way, man," Bebop told Rocksteady, "I think I can use them to do... this!" using the shuriken, Bebop reflected one of the laser bars at a generator destroying it and shutting down the rest of the bars "You see that. Hee-hee!"

"Yeah," Rocksteady pumped his fists, "You is man!"

"Finally!" Aria pushed past them. Bebop frowned.

"Don’t take it personal," Adagio told him, "That’s her way of saying 'thank you'. Even I’m impressed."

"So could I still have the mint?" Sonata asked.

"Maybe later."

"We're not out'ah this yet," Bebop pointed out, "Come on let's go!"

But they didn't get very far before Sonata accidentally stepped on motion sensor. The five of them dove at the floor to avoid laser shoots. Then the alarm blared out.

"Oh, no!" Sonata cried.

"Nice going, Sonata!" Aria glared at her.

"Let's move, man!" Bebop shouted, "Come on let's go!"

The mutant duo and the Sirens ran through the halls, dodging laser blasts and even avoiding a big metal ball, "This reminds me of video game I played once." Sonata recalled.

"Shut up, Sonata!" ordered her sisters.

Soon they made it outside and panted, "Can we go home now?" asked Sonata.

"What is this?!" came a female voice. Walking out from the base, was lady Triceraton, "Alien prisoners, escaping!"

The mutants and sirens, were once again surrounded by Triceraton guards, aiming their blasters at them.

Bebop held on to Rocksteady "Snap, dizzle!"

"This day, is the worst!" Aria grumbled.