• Published 7th Jul 2020
  • 2,965 Views, 92 Comments


A driver doesn't pick the car. The car picks the driver. It's a mystical bond between man and machine.

  • ...

'Cause I'm bringing you back to life

Sunset Shimmer was almost out of breath.

She had been running non-stop for the last ten minutes or so and she had no intention of slowing down even for a second. She was extremely late for the meeting with her best friends just outside their school, Canterlot High, and this was not just any meeting. It was going to be the meeting that could change all of their lives.

About two weeks ago, Sunset herself had made arrangements for their band, The Rainbooms, to play in a fully booked concert annually held at the heart of Baltimore. This was a great opportunity for them to not just play in front of a crowd much bigger than the ones in Canterlot, but also be noticed by people who could enable them to play in front of even bigger crowds in cities such as Philadelphia and Manhattan. While her friends were initially very excited about all this, as the day of their trip drew near, they somehow lost their enthusiasm and some of them even suggested finding another concert to play at that would be held at a much later date. However, Sunset disagreed and reiterated the fact the concert in Baltimore could open the door to immense fame in the entire country for them, and that this could be a one-time opportunity. Shortly after considering this, they decided to go along with the original plan and started making preparations for their trip.

At last, the day they were supposed to head out for Baltimore came, ever single member of the band was packed and ready to go. They were to meet up near the tour bus that was parked right in front of Canterlot High at exactly eight o'clock in the morning and all of them arrived there on time along with their suitcases and instruments.

Well, ALMOST all of them.

As mentioned before, Sunset was nearly ten minutes late to the meeting. While she had finished all her packing the night before and her alarm clock was, as always, set to ring at seven in the morning, she had unfortunately snoozed it before going back to sleep, drowsily assuming that it was just a regular Saturday morning. However, about an hour later, she woke up to a call from Twilight Sparkle who, along with the rest of the band, was wondering where exactly Sunset was, since the meeting time had already come. Sunset became extremely horrified to hear this and immediately started changing and putting two slices of bread to her toaster for a quick breakfast. Once she was fully dressed, she grabbed her bags, phone, wallet, both toasts (with her mouth), and finally, her magical geode, before heading out the front door of her apartment and running as fast as she could towards the CHS parking lot.

It took her approximately ten minutes to reach her destination and when she finally did, she dropped her bags, fell on her knees, and began breathing very heavily due to her immense exhaustion. It was not helped by the fact that she had eaten her toasts on the way and that, eating them really fast while running really fast was making her stomach churn. A few moments later, however, she managed catch her breath, get back on her feet, and say, "I'm here! I'm here! Sorry I'm late. My alarm clock didn't ring at all. I think it ran out of batteries last night. So, anyways, are we all ready? Who else is excited for the band tour of our lives, huh?"

Unfortunately, none of her friends seemed as excited as she was. In fact, they all gave each other nervous looks before Applejack let out a deep sigh and declared, "I know I said this before, sugercube, but I'm gonna say it again. We all have too much work to do in the coming days, and it wouldn't be right for us to just ditch them and spend the whole darn weekend playing at that concert."

"Yeah, AJ's got a point there", added Rainbow Dash. "I mean, Rarity and I are supposed to submit our project for the science fair this Tuesday, and we haven't even decided what it's gonna be about! I asked Twilight to help us out, but she said she had some other things to take care of on Monday AND Tuesday."

"I'm really sorry, guys, but I just don't have the time to help you on those days", Twilight revealed. "Fluttershy asked me to assist her with taking care of the animals at the shelter due to a lot of them getting sick with flu. Even though I asked Pinkie Pie to cover my shift, she and Applejack are apparently busy with something else on both days."

"Hey, if you think baking three hundred apple pies for the annual Apple Family Reunion is easy, then you've got another thing coming, sister!", exclaimed Pinkie. "Applejack said she needed all the help she could get for this job, and since everyone else is too busy with other stuff, I'm the only one who's got the time for baking all those pies."

Soon enough, they all started arguing with one another at the same time, creating an incomprehensible mixture of words and leaving Sunset incredibly confused. About ten seconds later, however, she finally became unable to tolerate it any longer and shouted, "Guys! Calm down! Please!"

Upon hearing that, they stopped speaking altogether and turned their attention back to Sunset who, after taking a deep breath, explained to her friends, "Look, I know this doesn't seem the right time to go on a concert, but this could very well be the one and only chance for our band to become famous across the country. Maybe even across the world. Besides, during the tour, we can surely come up with a plan to get all of our scheduling issues sorted out. After all, we always figure out the solution to a difficult problem when we put our heads together. How does that sound?"

Her friends simultaneously began contemplating on this proposal and a few moments later, they all smiled and nodded at Sunset with approval before grabbing their bags and boarded the tour bus. They then placed their bags at the back of the bus and took their seats. Sunset took the wheel, Twilight and Fluttershy sat at the seats right behind her, while the rest of the band quickly grabbed the remaining seats and fastened their seatbelts. Just before Sunset started the engine, however, the conversations that her friends were having in the back suddenly caught her ear. After listening to them a bit more, she realized that they were talking about neither the city of Baltimore nor the concert they were going to play at that night. Instead, Twilight was discussing potential science project topics with Rarity and Rainbow, while the remaining girls were discussing how they were going to finish their jobs during the small amount of free time they would have after their return to Canterlot City.

Listening to all this made Sunset feel a little bit guilty about dragging them all the way to Baltimore and significantly reducing the already short time they were planning to spend on other duties. In fact, she briefly hung her head in shame and even let out a small regretful sigh.

Nevertheless, she came to the realization that there was no turning back from this at the moment and proceeded to turning the ignition key. As soon as the engine started, she hit the gas pedal and speedily began making her way out of Canterlot City, never once noticing four identical sports cars with black and purple color schemes emerging from various street corners, and following the tour bus while also making sure to keep their distance so that they would not arouse suspicion.

Approximately half an hour later, the band was almost halfway between their point of origin and their destination. Upon arrival, they were planning to check-in to a hotel, leave their belongings in their rooms, go to the concert stage with their instruments, practice until the start of the concert, and finally, play in front of the huge crowd for several hours. The day after that, they were going to drive back to Canterlot City right after breakfast so that all of them would have a little more time to complete their assignments.

As her friends continued to discuss this plan, Sunset continued driving the bus and looking at the road ahead with a twinge of sadness. Even though there was a beautiful lush forest on both sides of the road, it was still not enough to alleviate her guilt. Just as she passed a sign saying that there was still sixty five miles to Baltimore, she felt someone nudging her left shoulder and looked behind to see Twilight looking at her with a concerned expression.

"Hey, are you alright?", she asked. "You haven't smiled or uttered a single word ever since we hit the road. Is something bothering you?"

Sunset responded by sighing with frustration and declaring, "This might sound a bit crazy, Twi, but I'm actually thinking maybe this whole trip was a bad idea from the start. I mean, Applejack did make a good point about everyone having other jobs to take care of and the concert reducing what little time they have for finishing those jobs."

"Um, weren't you the one who arranged for us to go and play at this concert in the first place?", Twilight asked with confusion. "Also, you constantly said that everything was gonna be fine and that the concert would spark massive popularity across the nation for us."

"Yes, I know, but I might've lost sight of what's important during these past few weeks", replied Sunset before letting out yet another sigh. "The truth is, I was mostly thinking about myself rather than the band when I signed us up for the concert. I was struggling with something and my mind wasn't exactly clear at the time. If you're wondering what could I possibly be struggling with... well... it was the fact that my life had gotten pretty stale and uneventful as of late. I go to school, do my homework, take exams, go to work, meet up with you guys at the mall for either shopping or movies, and that's about it. Sure, I get to fight a new magical threat every couple of weeks or so, but even those battles have lost their appeal, in my opinion. Therefore, I wanted to try something different and exciting, and that concert seemed to have everything I wanted at the time. A chance to go on a brand-new adventure where I could meet new and exciting people, explore an unfamiliar environment, show my talents to a crowd much bigger than the ones in Canterlot City, and maybe even battle an evil who has no connection to Equestrian magic whatsoever. To put it simply, I wanted to have an adventure that could add more color and excitement to my life, and I also wanted to open a door that could lead to even more adventures like this."

"Um, you're not going to burst into a musical number, right?", a suddenly concerned Twilight asked.

Upon hearing this, Sunset gave her a confused look and said, "No, of course not. Why would you think that?"

Then, a nervous smile appeared on Twilight's face and she revealed, "Well, it's just that, you kinda sounded like a princess from a cartoon just a second ago."

Sunset responded by letting out a small chuckle and explaining, "Funny you should say that. If I hadn't disobeyed my teacher's instructions and gotten myself expelled from her tutelage, I most likely would've become a princess like her and gone on several dozen epic quests by now. Hmmm...Now that I think about, I guess those would also become pretty boring after a while. What do you think?"

Twilight did ponder on this for a few moments and in the end, she gave Sunset a warm smile and said, "You know what I think? I think you're taking this whole adventure stuff way too seriously. I mean, just take a look at what you already have. You're a member of an amazing band, your friends care so much about your well-being, you get to go to easily the best school in the entire world, and on top of all that, your geode gives you the ability to see into people's memories and understand their feelings. Sounds to me, your life is already pretty colorful and exciting. Don't you think so?"

Sunset took a moment to consider Twilight's words and eventually, she started smiling back at Twilight and replied, "Thank you so much, Twilight. I really needed to hear that."

In response, Twilight delivered a light punch to his shoulder and happily declared, "Anytime, pal."

The two girls started laughing, but they were suddenly interrupted by something hitting the bus on the left, creating an impact that caused both the bus and everyone inside to be pushed to the right. As Sunset tried to regain control of the wheel that was rapidly spinning clockwise, Applejack frantically asked from behind, "What in tarnation is goin' on?! Did we hit somethin' or what?!"

"No, I don't think so!", announced Sunset. "More likely something hit US!"

As her friends gave each other extremely worried looks, she took a look at the side mirror on her left, and saw that they were being followed by two scary-looking sports cars that were right beside the bus and riding on the opposite lane. Before she could comprehend what exactly was going on, the bus was hit once again from behind, which nearly caused Sunset to hit her head on the wheel. She then looked at the other side mirror and saw that there were two more of those cars right behind the bus and this instantly filled her with immense dread. While she did think for a brief moment about pulling over and trying to reason with the drivers of those cars, she eventually decided against it as the fact that they were attempting to hit the bus and force it out of the road was a clear indication that they had no good intentions whatsoever, and that they would most likely end the lives of both her and her friends if given the chance.

So, she came to the conclusion that the only logical thing to do was to drive faster and try to outrun the cars. Then, she turned towards her friends and shouted, "HOLD ON TIGHT, EVERYBODY!", before hitting the gas pedal as hard as she could. The bus started going faster than it had ever gone before and when Sunset looked at both of the side mirrors again, it did seem like they were going to lose their pursuers. While this lifted her spirits for a short while, her hope was soon obliterated upon seeing what looked like laser cannons appearing on both sides of the two cars that were in front of the other two.

Indeed, they instantly started rapid blasts of crimson laser towards the rear wheels of the bus and a handful of shots later, they destroyed both of them and caused the bus to drag on the road while creating an enormous amount of sparks. It also began to slow down and ultimately, it came to a full stop, allowing the cars to surround it from the front, the back, and the left, and trapping the girls inside. Just when they thought that things could not get any more terrifying, they were then met with a sight they were never expecting to see in a million years.

All four of the cars (one in front of the bus, one at the back, and the remaining two on the left) started turning and shifting their parts, and eventually transformed into twenty three feet tall humanoid robots with a sinister-looking insignia on their chests. Each of them also had a slick thin body with a purple color scheme, wheels on the sides of their shoulders, and a chrome-colored head with a red optic visor. While the girls all gasped in horror from seeing these things, the robots turned their right arms into laser cannons that closely resembled triangular prisms, charged them up, and pointed them right towards the bus before the one in front of the vehicle announced with a menacing voice, "Everyone outside. We will not ask a second time."

Upon hearing this, Sunset immediately opened the doors and she, along with all six of her friends, hurriedly exited the bus. Once they were outside, they walked very slowly towards the robots, with their entire bodies violently shaking from utter dread. In fact, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Pinkie were so scared that they were actually walking while also hugging each other very tightly.

Once they were merely a couple feet away from the robots, Rarity briefly gulped and mustered up enough courage to ask, "W-what are you? W-what do you want with us?"

In response, the robot that had spoken earlier looked directly at her face and replied, "We seek the gemstones around your necks. Surrender them to us and we shall let you go without any harm. Should you refuse to comply, however, every single one of you will be obliterated."

As soon as he finished his sentence, he and his comrades pointed their weapons towards the girls, making them even more terrified than ever and prompting them to give extremely uncertain expressions to each other. Even though their very lives were being threatened at that moment, they all knew that there was no guarantee that these monsters would let them live if they gave them their geodes. Besides, considering the malicious nature of the robots, there was no doubt among the group that they were intending use the magic inside the geodes for a nefarious scheme that could doom the entire world. Since they could not possibly let that happen, they spent a good long while exchanging looks with one another and silently discussing what exactly they could do to both save their lives and prevent the geodes from falling into the wrong hands.

The robots, meanwhile, were growing very impatient with each passing second and soon enough, the one who had threatened the girls with termination actually gestured to his comrades to open fire on the group. Just before they could do so, however, they were interrupted by the sound of a nearby car engine. Both they and the girls turned around to look at the direction the sound was coming from, and were shocked to see a heavily modified red 1970 Dodge Challenger with two horns on the front of the hood and zoomie style side exhaust on both sides was speedily coming right towards them. In just a few seconds, however, the robots realized what that car really was and promptly started shooting at it with their weapons.

The car then responded by dodging every single one of those blasts and, as a result, came closer and closer to its attackers. When it was approximately a dozen feet away from them, it also began transforming into a giant sentient robot, much to the additional surprise of the girls. In contrast to the other robots, this one had a red color scheme, two white horns on his head, and a couple feet shorter but also much bulkier body. Also, his eyes were blue and the middle of his body had a black belt through it, which contained his headlights.

The second his transformation was complete, the new robot jumped to the air, turned his hands into three-barreled cannons, and stated emitting blue-colored lasers right towards the heads of his enemies. Sure enough, he cracked open three of the heads with his lasers before delivering a powerful kick the last one, causing it to be thrown off the head it was attached to. By the time he landed back on the ground, all four of the evil robots had been utterly terminated and all four of the bodies fell down one by one.

The victorious robot took a quick look at his work before raising one of his fists up in the air and exclaiming, "AW, YEAH! Tenth kill of the week! A new record for the fabulous Cliffjumper! Try to beat THAT, Bumblebee!"

As he continued to look proudly at the enemies he had defeated, however, he eventually noticed the girls staring at him with both shock and confusion. Therefore, he immediately stopped cheering for himself and a very awkward expression appeared on his face. As he tried to find the right words to say to the group, he could not help but let out a small nervous chuckle and he even scratched his head a few times.

A few seconds later, the awkward silence was finally broken when Pinkie managed to say, "That... was... AMAZING! I mean, we almost died just a while ago, but still... AMAZING!"

Applejack then added, "Yeah, I agree. We really do owe you an awful lot of thanks for saving our lives, kind sir. Also, the way you beat up those no-good brutes was pretty darn epic. Where'd you learn to do all that?"

In response, Cliffjumper blinked a few times before explaining, "Well, you see... I had this partner who showed a lot of those cool moves you saw just now and- "

Just before he could finish his sentence, however, he saw something in the distance and as soon as he looked at it harder, his optics widened with immense fear. It was a blue-colored jeep that was headed straight towards them and it even had a larger version of the laser cannons his previous opponents were using attached to its roof.

Cliffjumper knew exactly what that jeep really was and so quickly came right in between the girls and their bus before shouting, "RUN! GET OUT OF HERE!" Unfortunately, as soon as he said that, the jeep's cannon fired a missile that hit the bus and created a giant explosion powerful enough to blow up the entire vehicle and send Cliffjumper flying a couple dozen feet away. It also caused the girls to be pushed to the ground and they were all absolutely horrified once they saw what had become of their beloved transport. Even Rainbow could not stop herself from shedding some tears.

Right after that, the jeep drove right through the flaming wreckage and began transforming into yet another giant sentient robot. Unlike the previous ones, this robot had a blue and grey color scheme, orange-colored face, menacing yellow eyes, and a rocket launcher attached to his left shoulder. He was also way bulkier and taller than Cliffjumper, standing at least twenty six feet tall. On top of all that, every time he took a step forward, the ground shook a little.

He stood right on top of the girls, looked right at their frightened faces, and a smirk appeared on his face. He then announced with a gruff voice, "Greetings, young humans. Apologies for destroying your mode of transportation, but it was in my way and I do get a little trigger-happy when something is in my way. I'm sure you understand. Oh, where are my manners? I am Breakdown, the esteemed commander of the Decepticon ground forces. The soldiers you encountered a while ago was under my command and I'm gonna tell you about a slight variation of the deal they tried to make with you. Surrender those gems around your necks and you'll be able to save not just your lives, but also the life of that pathetic Autobot behind you. What do you say?"

Before the girls could give Breakdown a proper answer, Cliffjumper managed to rise back up with some grunting and yelled, "Get away from them, Decepticreep! You seriously think they're dumb enough to make a deal with a backstabbing scrapheap like you?"

Breakdown responded by letting out a little chuckle and saying, "You're right. The only one who's dumb around here is you. You and your ilk are always fighting to protect primitive and insignificant life forms like these humans, even though they have absolutely no hope for survival."

Upon hearing that, Cliffjumper turned both of his hands into laser cannons, aimed them directly at Breakdown, and retorted, "It's called, 'sympathy'. You and your master really should practice it sometime. Oh, wait! I forgot. You'll never practice it, because your entire faction consists of genocidal psychopaths."

In response, Breakdown turned his right hand into a giant hammer and declared, "We'll never practice it, because it's simply another word for weakness and we NEVER allow weaknesses in our ranks. That is the sole reason why you're on the losing side and I'm gonna give you one last chance to join the winning side. Do not make the same mistake as your partner did."

As soon as that sentence was complete, Cliffjumper charged towards his enemy while repeatedly shooting at him and screaming with pure unadulterated rage. Unfortunately, Breakdown's armor managed to deflect every single one of those blasts and once Cliffjumper was close enough, he knocked the Autobot to the ground with a single headbutt. He then grabbed Cliffjumper by the neck, threw him upwards, shot him with the rocket launcher while he was still ascending, and just before the Autobot could hit the ground, he struck him in the chest with the hammer so hard that he was sent flying dozens of feet away.

As Cliffjumper struggled very hard to rise back up, Breakdown started running towards him, intending to finish him off with the hammer. A few seconds later, however, Cliffjumper came up with a brilliant idea and just as Breakdown came withing the swinging distance of his weapon, he shot the Decepticon straight in the left knee, causing him to feel a significant amount of pain and fall on his back. Quickly seizing the opportunity, the Autobot began to rapidly punch Breakdown in the face, never giving him a moment to recover.

However, Breakdown eventually mustered up enough strength to lift his hammer and hit Cliffjumper in the head a second time, knocking the Autobot off of himself and buying himself some time to get back up. Even though his opponent did the same and even tried to hit him with a jump kick, he grabbed the leg in mid-air, slammed the entire body to the ground four times, threw it upwards once again, jumped to the air, knocked Cliffjumper back to the ground with one sing of his hammer, and finished his combo attack with a brutal people's elbow.

Satisfied with a job well-done, the Decepticon commander briefly gazed upon the severely damaged Autobot before lifting him by his head, letting out a dry chuckle, and saying, "I was honestly expecting more of a challenge from you. Then again, we ever so rarely get what we want these days, don't we?"

Right after that, he started squeezing Cliffjumper's entire head with his left hand, creating small cracks around the head that soon began to grow larger and causing the Autobot to scream in pure agony. Breakdown merely sneered at this sight and kept crushing the head even harder for a few more seconds. Then, out of nowhere, a green portal appeared behind him and a yellow Chevrolet Camaro with black stripes came out of it.

A few seconds later, the portal closed behind the said Camaro, and the car itself started transforming into yet another giant sentient robot who had a mostly yellow-colored body with several rims of black, the same height and optic color as Cliffjumper, a face plate covering his entire mouth, and car doors on his back that looked like wings.

Immediately after completing his transformation, he jumped to the air, and delivered a powerful punch to Breakdown's face, destroying his right optic and sending him flying half a dozen feet away. Upon landing, twin cannons appeared on each of the yellow robot's arms and he sent a barrage of laser blasts to Breakdown who was still in the process of rising back up. Unlike those of Cliffjumper, the blasts emitted by the yellow robot's weapons actually began making small dents on Breakdown's armor and even succeeded in damaging his knee, forcing him to stand solely on the other knee. This made the Decepticon realize that he was in no condition to continue the fight and so, he transformed into his jeep mode and started to drive away from both the Autobots and the humans who had been watching the entire ordeal by hiding among the nearby bushes.

Once his opponent disappeared in the distance, the yellow robot deactivated his cannons and proceeded to help Cliffjumper get back up. However, the moment Cliffjumper started standing on his servos again, he pushed his companion away and said, "I had it completely under control, Bee. Also, how'd you know I was in the middle of a fight, anyway?"

The yellow Autobot responded by making a series of incomprehensible buzzing noises and once Cliffjumper heard them, he asked, "Doc's monitoring the vital signs of the entire team from his computer? Whoa... Didn't know he was this caring."

Then, both robots noticed that the humans had already come out of their hiding places and were pretty much standing right beside them. While his companion became as nervous as he was a while ago, Cliffjumper actually crouched in front of them and inquired, "You guys okay?"

"Yeah, we're doin' alright", replied Applejack. "Thanks again for savin' our lives... Um... Cliffjumper, was it?"

"Yep, that's me. The handsomest Autobot on this side of the galaxy", proudly declared Cliffjumper.

Upon hearing that, Bee made a noise that closely resembled a groan and then made more noises, which sounded like an irritated ranting. As soon as he was done with that, Fluttershy commented, "Really? Oh, WOW! That does sound rather irresponsible and dangerous. Kinda reminds me of the things my brother does every few weeks or so."

Right after she said this, both her friends and the Autobots began staring at her with immense confusion and the silence continued for a handful of seconds until Rarity asked, "Uh, Fluttershy dear, are you seriously able to understand what that robot is talking about?"

"Well, yes, actually", Fluttershy revealed. "All those noises he's making do sound like the buzzing of a bumblebee."

The moment she announced that, the robot in question crouched right in front of Fluttershy while also buzzing with great excitement. Fluttershy listened to everything he was saying and as a result, became just as excited as he was before saying, "Oh, your name is really Bumblebee? That's so sweet! I'm Fluttershy. It's so wonderful to meet you."

She extended her hand towards Bumblebee and he gently shook it with just two fingers. After slightly giggling at that gesture, she asked, "Would you like to meet my friends, as well? There's Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, and Sunset Shimmer."

In response, Bumblebee waved his left hand at the rest of the group and they happily waved back. Then, Twilight came closer to the Autobot, took a good look at his entire body, and said, "Whoa! He looks way more advanced than any robot I've ever seen in my entire life. I wonder where he came from and who or what built him."

Bumblebee started buzzing in an effort to answer the question and Fluttershy translated, "He says he's from a planet far away from ours and that he was brought to life by something called the 'Well of All Sparks' millions of Earth years ago."

Hearing all this made Twilight extremely ecstatic and she started exclaiming, "OH, MY GOSH! These alien robot are not only sentient and capable of turning into vehicles, but also millions of years old?! What an amazing discovery! I have so many other questions to ask! Where is this robot planet located? Is it in this galaxy or is it several light years away? How did Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, and the evil robots we just saw manage to get here? How long did it take for them to get here? How long have they been on Earth? How are they able to turn their bodies into vehicles? Can they also turn into- "

As she continued to spew out questions, Sunset came beside her and covered her mouth with her hand. She then turned to Bumblebee and announced, "I think all those questions can wait. Right now, the most important thing we should know is why Breakdown and his cronies are after our geodes."

Bumblebee thought hard about how to answer this question and a few seconds later, he gave his reply and Fluttershy announced, "He doesn't know the answer either, but he thinks someone else does. He offers to take us to his base and meet his leader so that he can tell us everything we need to know."

While her friends started thinking about whether or not they should accept this offer, Cliffjumper nudged Bumblebee's shouder and whispered, "Do you have a major malfunction or something? We have no idea how he's gonna react if we bring them to the base. Need I remind you that he was the one who ordered us not to interact with a human in any way?"

Bumblebee responded by making a long series of angry buzzing noises and when he was finished, Cliffjumper let out a deep sigh and said, "Alright, fine, but if he gives us a severe punishment for doing this, I will never forgive you."

Both of them rose back up and just a second later, the girls finished their discussion. They then looked up towards the Autobots and Sunset declared, "Okay, we're in. Take us to your base."

"More specifically... TAKE US TO YOUR LEADER!", Pinkie excitedly shouted, which resulted in the rest of the group glaring at her. Upon noticing this, she nervously asked, "Too soon?"

Cliffjumper let out another sigh, pressed something on the left side of his head, and said, "Cliffjumper here. Requesting emergency ground bridge."

A few seconds later, another green portal opened behind the Autobots, they transformed into their car modes, and opened their doors. The girls then swiftly entered the cars with Fluttershy, Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow boarding Bumblebee, and the others boarding Cliffjumper. Once everyone was inside, the cars closed their doors and started driving through the portal. The portal closed the moment they entered it.

Unbeknownst to both the Autobots and the girls, the entirety of this incident had been monitored by a mechanical bird with paper-thin wings and the appearance of an origami sculpture that was hovering hundreds of feet up in the air. The second the portal closed, it performed an analysis of it and a series of numbers that looked like coordinates sequentially appeared on its heads-up display.

It then ascended further and eventually found a General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper flying around the scene. Immediately after the bird attached itself into the UAV's lower section, the said UAV made a sharp right turn and flew away at its top speed.