• Published 23rd Dec 2018
  • 1,309 Views, 148 Comments

Vengeance - xd77

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Chapter 12: Old Wounds

The mane six, student seven, princesses, and the pillars were on the peak of Equestria and now found themselves right in the center of the Badlands where Jesus said they would find Nathan and Cozy Glow (Clarissa Garrison). While they knew God was watching, they didn't know what they were about to experience once they got to the cave that Cozy and Nathan were in. As they walked through the Badlands, the eerie fog and misty view echoed with all kinds of scary sounds: low growling of hidden creatures, rocks crackling and falling from cliffs, gurgling from mud puddles and quicksand pits, but none of that was of any concern to them.

"Oh I just hope that Jesus guy knew what he was talking about." reprimanded Flash Magnus.

Starswirl popped him, "Flash, He is the Son of the God of Earth, of course He knows. Don't ever say anything foolish like that."

"We can put our faith in Him." said Celestia, suddenly, just above them, they saw a flock of white doves hover and cooing at them.

"That's uncanny." said Ocellus.

"Where did those come from?" asked Gallus.

"And why are they in a flock?" asked Sandbar.

"These doves will guide you to Nathan." said a voice from nowhere.

"Who said that?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"It is I, the Lord God of all creation, the one who made the whole universe."

"Where are you?!" yelled Tempest.

"I am speaking with you in spirit, I have seen what has happened to your world and sent My Son to guide you. Now that He is with Me in Heaven again, I have sent these doves as your guide to Nathan, now follow, for they know where he is. I will remain with you in heart and help as well." said God. "But keep close caution, for the evil one that took him will have him in full power."

"Thank you Lord." said Celestia, knowing that what He said was true. The doves slowly floated with their wings as the whole crew followed along.

"What did He mean when He said Cozy Glow will have Nathan in power?" asked Starswirl.

"I don't know, but we've got to hurry!" declared Cadance as the doves picked up flight speed with the crew following behind.

"I just hope we're not too late!" exclaimed Ocellus.

...Meanwhile, back in the dungeon caves...

"Oh yeah Clarissa, that feels so good!" shrieked a now hypnotized Nathan as Clarissa now had him glomped in her arms like a koala bear.

"Now Nathan, doesn't it do good that soon we will have Equestria under our control?" she asked.

"Yes mah' love, it will. Soon make a perfect dating spot as we watch those pathetic ponies become our slaves!" answered Nathan as he nuzzled his head on her chest. Clarissa couldn't be even more happier to now have the boy she was obsessed with under her full control now.

"Well pumpkin, it's late, let us rest. For tomorrow, we rule!" shouted Clare.

"Yes, my dear." Nathan said as they cuddled up by a rock and fell asleep. Back outside in the cavern roads, our group of heroes were following the flock of white doves that God had sent down to guide them. The pathway towards the cave Jesus told them would be was getting denser and more trickier to follow, the fog was becoming more and more thick, mist started dissolving on their faces and eyes making it difficult to even see, and the smells of disgusting chemicals and liquids got stronger.

"Maybe we should go back and hope for the best." said Ocellus, only to be popped by Sandbar.

"Ocellus, stop being ridiculous!" he said.

"We cannot just be cowards!" exclaimed Gallus, suddenly they bumped into the rest of the group who seemed to have stopped all of a sudden.

"What the...." They had soon found themselves in front of a large cave, and the white doves were flocking right in front of it, cooing in a way of telling them that this cave would lead them straight to Nathan and Cozy Glow. The group could've not been more impressed with the God of the human world, they were now putting trust in Him with Celestia kneeling before the doves, soon the rest of the group bowed.

"Thank you Lord for bringing us here, if you would answer our prayer and have these doves guide us to Nathan?" asked Celestia.

"Yes, Princess Celestia." God answered, and thus the doves slowly flew in and cooed.

"Wow, I can't believe it!" said Smolder.

"Nathan's God really does know how to help." replied Starswirl.

"Well, what are we waiting for, let's follow those doves." said Tempest, and they ran right into the cave

"Just hold on sweetie." thought Cadance "Mommy's almost there!"

Back in the dark part of the cave, Clarissa had her hypnotized "boyfriend" wrapped around her arm, and were both fast asleep. What Clare didn't understand though was that the massive group she had imprisoned managed to break free from their restraints and were on their way into this cave they were in.

Clarissa chuckled evilly, "Once those fools are in my grasp, Equestria will be seeing a new ruler with her sidekick. Isn't that right my pet?"

Nathan laughed evilly too, "Yes sweet treat, soon everypony will bow before us!"

But before they could do anything, the sudden sound of rapid running hoofsteps heading their direction. Clarissa looked up and saw silhouetted figures running downward, along with birds flocking beside them. She quickly activated the belt that she had on and turned herself back into a pony.

"COZY GLOW, SHOW YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yelled an all to familiar voice, Cozy Glow gave and evil smile and quickly flew up leaving Nathan with bundles of rope to tie them up with. When she finally was in full view, the group of angry ponies and students glaring on her.

"Hello my slaves, I take it you want Nathan back." she said in a rather sarcastic tone.

"Naw, really!" scowled Smolder.

"What have you done to him!" demanded Shining Armor.

"Release him now, you little monster!" ordered Starswirl the Bearded, "Or face the wrath of the God of the Earth!"

Instead of complying, Cozy turned over her head, "Oh my sweet cake?!" she yelled. Out of the shadows came Nathan showing an evil grin.

"Nathan?!" asked Applebloom, suddenly, Nathan managed to beat them all up thanks to power that Cozy Glow gave him. Before long they were gagged and tied up.

"Thanks Nathan." Cozy Glow said.

"You're welcome, my love." Nathan said.

"My love?!" Applebloom exclaimed in shock, she then turned her anger to Cozy Glow because she knew that Nathan wouldn't ever really mean anything to it.

"What have ya' done to mah' boyfriend?!!!!!" she yelled.

Cozy Glow cackled, "Let's say I've kept Bate Nate here pretty busy throughout your bogus journey here to save him. But you all can forget about doing anything to help him at all, because he's under my control now and there's nothing you all can do about it!"

"You will pay for this Cozy Glow, we will find a way to reverse what you've created!" said Cadance.

"I warn you Cozy, you will get what comes to you!" said Shining Armor.

"SHUT UP YA' FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled a hypnotized Nathan as he zapped them with the taser device that Cozy Glow gave him.

Celestia and Luna gasped in horror at what they were seeing.

"Now if you all don't mind, my boyfriend and I have some domination schemes to attend to." said Cozy Glow as she took her enslaved human friend back into the shadows, leaving behind tied up ponies and students.

"What are we going to do now!?!" yelled Gallus.

"Those doves led us into a trap!" shrieked Smolder.

"I knew trusting that God of Nathan's wasn't a good idea." informed Tempest.

"Come on guys, God did lead us into the right cave where Nathan would be. I think He's letting us devise a plan." said Twilight.

"What, what plan?!" said Ocellus.

"We're trapped!" said Stygian.

"Not for long!" said Twilight.

Author's Note:

Looks like Twilight has trust in God and knows He's still helping them lead a trap onto Clarissa and save Nathan of his dark spell.