• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Dragonfly: Machines in the Clouds

Once Spyro, Cynder, Spike, Ember, and Elora returned to Castle Hills, in the dock area that was near the farm and the honey area they hadn’t been to yet, they walked away from the ship they had reappeared on when they headed through Luau Island’s exit portal and quickly made their way towards the castle that seemed to be resting in the middle of this island, based on everything they had seen since this adventure had started, and found that Bruno and the others were making sure all of the dragonflies that had been recovered, before they rejoined their partners. Considering that some of them had been in some odd areas when the group recovered them, like taken by Space Riptocs or captured by Tourist Riptocs, it made sense that the Leader of the Beast Makers would make sure all of them were fine and that any injuries were healed before allowing them to leave the area of the castle that they appeared in, due to Spike’s magic, and headed out to find the hatchlings that they had been paired with earlier, when the celebration started and before Ripto arrived. This allowed the five of them to see that they had rescued a good number of dragonflies, thirty-six of them based on Spike’s calculations and the fact that each land of this island, be it the main homeworld or the realms, seemed to have ten dragonflies, where he came to that conclusion based on what they had seen in Dragonfly Dojo, Crop Circle Country, and Luau Island, and he was sure the same could be said for the rest of the realms, given that they knew that ninety dragonflies had been displaced by Ripto’s spell. At the same time this allowed the group to see that Nestor and the other adult dragons were pleased with their progress in assisting the realms of Castle Hills, not to mention rescuing all of the dragonflies that had been displaced, which put a smile on their faces as they started to move out of the area and head for the next realm that needed assistance, even though there was one stop they needed to make before they reached the portal that was their destination.

Their stop was the crystalline dragon statue that was resting near the castle, where Spike removed the jade fragment they had recovered from Luau Island and carefully slipped it back into one of the slots that were in front of them, knowing that it really didn’t do anything for the four of them or Elora, before they walked away from the statue and headed for the structure that rested on the earthen pillar that was near the castle, where they found that the small bear that was standing up there, who was dressed in pajamas, was exhausted, like he didn’t get a good night’s sleep or something.

“Hooray, you guys did it! You got the swirly thing to work again!” the Teddy Bear exclaimed, his tone revealing that he had no idea that he was standing next to a portal between his realm and the land that was around them, though at the same time Spike wasn’t about to correct him, due to the fact that there were some people in this world that reallyly didn’t understand portal magic and he knew his explanations would be lost on individuals like the Teddy Bear that was in front of them, before he focused on them again, as in there was one or two more things for him to tell them before they headed to Cloud 9, “Go ahead, step right into the swirly thing and it will take you into the clouds… though I hope none of you get dizzy easily, as its rather easy for it to happen to those that use it and it happened to be once. I actually got dizzy once and almost lost my ham and sheep sandwich when that happened… did I really just say ‘ham and sheep sandwich’?”

“Yeah, you did say that… though I wonder if Alvar can make some of those, with cheese and his usual spin on all the ingredients he usually uses.” Cynder remarked, answering the question while at the same time taking a moment to think about some of the wonderful food that Alvar had made in the past, as he was a great chef and, by this time in time, she truly understood why Spyro and the others liked his cooking so much, even though all of them were likely thinking about lunch and when they might take a break to eat something, just so they weren’t running on empty in the near future, which was when she glanced at the others, “Spyro, what are your thoughts on the matter?”

“First, we’ll help Cloud 9 and figure out what’s going on,” Spyro replied, though he knew why Cynder had asked the question in the first place, as they had used a good amount of energy since Ripto had shown up and displaced ninety of the dragonflies, which was impressive due to the fact that Spike and Bianca had used their magic to protect everyone that was outside the castle, and none of them had taken a break since this adventure had started, so he knew that, at some point, they would have to rest for a few moments and recover their energy before tackling the next realm, “then we’ll come back, take a short break, and then pick out which realm we’ll tackle next, since the Riptocs have to be bothering the residents of the remaining realms we haven’t been to yet.”

Cynder, Spike, Ember, and Elora nodded their heads in agreement before they followed Spyro into the magic that was inside the structure that the Teddy Bear was currently standing near, where each of them disappeared as they headed for Cloud 9, the next realm that they would be tackling, and quickly reappeared in what seemed to be the starting area for this particular realm, which was a circular area that rested in a temple, or outside a temple, that just so happened to be resting in the clouds, which was rather interesting as they glanced around the area they were in. One of the first things they noticed, and that wasn’t counting all of the rather nice stonework that went into making the temple, which actually reminded the majority of the palaces from the realms of Scorch and Shady Oasis, was the orange scaled Riptoc that was wearing green armor and, interestingly enough, a fake halo above its head, like it was an angel or something, which made it easy for them to label it as an Angel Riptoc. In fact, based on the shapes of the openings that they could see, it was easy for some of them, namely Spyro and Ember, to wonder if this realm, Cloud 9, could have been part of the same desert that made up the area that both Scorch and Shady Oasis resided in, but Spike was the one that revealed such a thing wasn’t what had happened, as it appeared that the Teddy Bears had built this realm in the clouds and might have been inspired by one of the lands they had seen in the past. Besides, Elora was the resident expert on all of the realms of Avalar, even though Spike rivaled her knowledge on the matter, and she had to agree that this place wasn’t connected to the realms in question, which was why Spyro, Cynder, and Ember nodded their heads and started to move, as it was easy to waste time talking, when they could be using the time for other matters, like talking to the nearby Teddy Bear and learn what was going on.

“Hey guys, I’ve got some bad news: the Riptocs have invaded our palace and, at the same time, have sabotaged the machines that powered our hourglass,” the Teddy Bear said, though none of them were even a tiny bit surprised by the fact that their new enemies were bothering this realm, as it seemed like Ripto had sent all of his Riptocs out to bother the various realms of Castle Hills and that they would no doubt find more of the gem creations in the next couple of realms that stood between them and their true foe, before the Teddy Bear shifted his stance for a moment, like he had more to say, “without the hourglass, none of us can sleep… but your electric powers might be able to turn everything back on and restore our realm to what it was before these Riptocs started bothering us.”

“Got it, we’ll take care of the Riptocs and restore the machines to their full capability,” Spyro replied, as he was following the pattern they had established back during their second adventure, talking to the first resident of the realm he had picked out, since he was the leader and it appeared that the others were still following his decisions, before tackling the enemies and challenges of the various realms that they were exploring, and the same would be happening in this realm, before he nodded his head and the five of them moved out to see what sort of enemies they would have to fight this time around, especially after what they had seen in the last couple of realms.

The first thing the group did was carefully collect the gems that were resting on the platform that served as the starting point for this realm, a platform that was square shaped and had four points that were facing the north, south, east, and west, where each point happened to be the same length, though the reason behind them trying to be safe was due to the lack of railings that were on the edges of the area, so they quickly collected all of the gems and even smashed a straw basket or two, before they left the starting area and started to explore the rest of the realm. With that area cleared out the group walked down the bridge that was in front of them and entered the area the Angel Riptoc was standing in, which just so happened to be the moment that Elora rushed forward and kicked her target in the middle of its chest, before spinning for a second to kick the back of its head, knocking it forward as its head crashed into the ground, causing a gem to appear before them as the majority of the group collected the gems that were around them and broke a few more straw baskets. While they did that Spike found another fragment of the jade statue that rested outside the main castle of Castle Hills, one that happened to have the symbol for Ice etched into it, so he picked it up and pocketed it inside his satchel, where he understood that if none of them had access to the Ice element this would have given them that power for the Elemental Lock, before he closed the satchel as he rejoined the others.

From there it appeared that they had two options on where to go, glide over to the structure that was to their left or head over the short walkway that was to their right and see what was inside the building it was connected to, though Spyro picked the structure that was to their left and flew over to it, which was followed by the others doing the same thing as they reached the flat area of the structure and found that there were a few gems for them to collect, along with a whirlwind that would allow them to reach the upper part of the structure. As such the group made sure to pick up the gems and smash the straw baskets that were around the area, even making sure to walk down a few steps to clear out a slightly lower area, before regrouping at the area that the whirlwind was in and stepped into it, allowing it to take them to the second floor of the structure, which was more like a walkway than an actual floor, where the five of them spread out and collected the gems that were around them, before pausing as they noticed that there was a device on the next structure, one that looked oddly similar to the sonic weapons of Crop Circle Country. Spike had the feeling that the form of the weapon had been mass produced by someone in one of the realms, no doubt to keep costs down by the looks of things, while each realm had a different function for their versions of the sonic weapons, so this realm was likely going to have them power something, likely the hourglass the Teddy Bear had mentioned during his explanation on what was happening to this realm, but the only way they would figure out what was going on would be by activating it with their Lightning powers. When the five of them landed on the next platform it was easy for them to repeat what they had done so far, pick up the gems and smash any straw baskets that were in the area, before using another whirlwind to move up to the top of the new structure and stop in front of the oddly placed sonic weapon that was resting in front of them, even though that was when Spyro loosed a burst of his Lightning Breath and quickly restored the machine’s power to it, so they could see what it really did.

What happened next was that the machine shifted for a moment, so that the center of the head of the device was pointed at something else, before a beam of energy was loosed through the air and struck something off in the distance, where they followed the bronze colored beam of energy and noticed that it was hitting what appeared to be a massive hourglass, one that was resting just beyond their reach, or at least it seemed that way at the moment and might become more clear as they advanced through this realm.

“I see, they’re messing with Time magic… or, if not that, they have a relic that controls time,” Spike said, as he was taking the moment to study what they were seeing right now and what he could feel, since he was the one that was the most attuned to magic, out of the five of them, and he was sure he was feeling something that was akin to the Chronicler’s powers, which explained why the Teddy Bears were unable to sleep, at least to a degree, “they’ve become attuned with Time magic, not to the degree that the Chronicler is capable of wielding anyway, and since their machines are turned off the Time magic that is tied to this realm has been messed up, causing the residents of this realm to lose sleep and… well, who knows what else might happen if the hourglass is turned off for too long.”

The others glanced at each other for a moment and knew that Spike was already thinking about what might happen to Cloud 9 if the main time manipulating artifact was turned off for too long, especially if the residents were already feeling the effects of the hourglass being deactivated or suspended, and they knew that if things progressed too far they would call in the Chronicler to fix things, given his power over Time itself, but they were hoping that things didn’t get that far. Once they were done clearing out the area that was around the first of the Time manipulating machines, and all five of them were sure there were no more gems for them to pick up, they flew over to the next structure and cleared it of gems and a few straw baskets, before landing on the next structure, which had a whirlwind that really didn’t do much other than give them a few more gems, before they returned to the first whirlwind structure, due to the fact that there was a moving platform between the second floor and the structure that was above the starting area. The only reason they bothered with the platform was because one of the portals that would take them to the side sections of the realm were up there, so it let them know where to go once they figured out how to fix things in this realm, so they dropped down into the area that the first foe of this realm had been standing in and headed for the other building so they could progress through the rest of Cloud 9 and fix whatever was going on as they looked for the dragonflies, even though it was a little odd that they hadn’t seen any of them so far, which would change soon enough.

As they soon discovered there was only two paths for them to pick from as they entered the first part of the other building that was near the starting area of this realm, the one that would allow them to head deeper into the realm and the one they had used to enter the building, so the group kept their eyes open as they picked up a few gems, smashed a few straw baskets, and shattered one or two metallic vases, all while keeping an eye out for dragonflies, enemies, and the other machines that needed to be powered before ruin came to this realm. That was when they discovered a second type of Riptoc that was invading this realm, which was common since most of the other realms had one or two types of Riptocs bothering the various residents, and this one was wearing what appeared to be the attire of a cupid, mostly a gown or dress while carrying a bow, though it did have blue scales and, based on what they could see, pretty bad aim since it missed Elora, who barely moved as their foe fired at her, which happened to be when Spike loosed a Fireball that blew it up and opened the way forward. There were also two of the Angel Riptocs beyond where the Cupid Riptoc had been standing, where Ember rushed forward and spun through the air as she collided with the first one, crushing it into the ground, opening the way for Elora to rush forward and kick her foe in the side of its head, allowing them to drop their foes while the others collected the gems that had been lining the walkway that the three enemies had been standing on, before discovering a hallway that would take them deeper into the realm and would let them locate the other machines that needed to be turned back on.

There was one of the Cupid Riptocs lingering in the hallway, though it didn’t stand much of a chance against the group as Spyro rushed forward and jumped into the air to avoid the incoming arrow, though his target was something else as he unsheathed his blade for a moment and cut his target’s weapon in half, opening the way for Cynder to barrel into its chest and knock it to the ground, earning a gem for their efforts and allowed them to move deeper into the territory that their enemies controlled, despite the fact that the realm would be returned to the Teddy Bears soon enough. The hallway eventually came to a large chamber that had some water in front of them and a path leading to the upper part of the structure that they were now in, hence the reason Ember dived into the water to collect the gems while Spyro lead the others up the square shaped stairs that lead the way to an opening, one that had to lead outside, though Spike shocked the Cupid Riptoc who was guarding the stairs with a Lightning Bolt, so the others could continue forwards. It didn’t take Ember long to burst out of the water and land on one of the square sections that the others had been walking on, and jumping over since there were gaps between certain steps, before she spotted two of the Cupid Riptocs on the highest point of the stairs and flapped her wings as she took off, slamming her tail into the first one before spinning around to loose a burst of fire on the second one to take it down.

Once the others caught up with her they walked out of the structure they had been walking in and found that the area in front of them was slightly larger than the first area of this realm they had explored, or at least it seemed to be that way, and while there were a few enemies in this area the group could also see one of the machines that they were looking for, along with a Teddy Bear that was standing near a structure, one that was either important to get them to the machine or would allow them to get somewhere else in this area. The first thing the group did was take down the enemies that were in front of them, which was why Elora and Spike beat up the pair of Angel Riptocs that were in their way, the former jumping over the incoming attack and kicking her foe in the chest while the latter froze his foe with a burst of his Ice Breath and then smashed the ice in seconds, allowing them to clear the area of immediate enemies, save for a Thief that was wearing red robes and a small storm cloud that looked like it had been given life. Spike, seeing the storm cloud, which looked like it wanted a piece of one of them, weaved his magic into the area between them and cut off the magic that was fueling it, as it seemed that this realm was definitely under the effects of the massive hourglass being deactivated, if everything else wasn’t enough to convince him of that, and a gem landed where the Storm Cloud had been floating, allowing him to collect it as Cynder crashed into the back of the Thief, who coughed up a wand for them to take, leaving Ember and Elora to smash the metallic vases around them and collect the gems that were in the area.

As it turned out the wand was for the Teddy Bear that was near them, who seemed happy to have it back and used it to activate a whirlwind for them to use, or a ‘swirly’ as they apparently called them in this realm, but the group didn’t really need it as the four dragons opened their wings and flew up to the tops of the structures that were in this area while Elora jumped up to where they were standing, which was when they found a few Cupid Riptocs standing in their way and a dragonfly that was waiting for someone to come and rescue it. While Spyro, Cynder, Ember, and Elora focused on taking down the couple of enemies that were in front of them, and made sure to pick up all of the gems that were resting on the tops of the structures, Spike made sure to send the first dragonfly of this realm back to where the others were resting, so it could be counted among those that had been saved and returned to the young dragon that was its partner, before they regrouped and headed for the end of the structures, which was when they found a rainbow that had been turned into a walkway that would allow someone to reach the area the second machine was in, even though the group simply flew over to it. In that moment Spyro gathered his magic and loosed a burst of his Lightning Breath to power the time manipulating machine while the others smashed the metallic vases to get at the gems that were inside them, where Spike made sure to watch as a second beam joined the first one in the air, signifying that they had done what needed to be done and that it was time to move on to find the third and however many machines were left before the hourglass was restored to its former glory.

With the second machine turned on, and Spike was sure of it, the group headed back to where the one Storm Cloud had been floating and entered the hallway that was just beyond where Spike had found it, where they followed the new path since they had cleared out the previous one, though at the same time they knew that finding the dragonflies that were in this realm was going to be a challenge, because back during their adventure in Avalar the later realms had more interesting methods for them to acquire the Orbs and the same had been true in Avilion, and it seemed that it might be true for Castle Hills. The hallway had a few gems for them to collect, which they did as each of them kept an eye open for enemies, but in the end they were able to reach a building that seemed like the one that lead them to the second machine, even though it wasn’t actually the first building and the area around it wasn’t the first area of this realm, but that didn’t stop Spike from spotting a lone Angel Riptoc and shocked it with a Lightning Bolt, allowing the others to collect the gems as they moved further into the next section of this realm. At the very end of the path they were following the group found that this part of the realm was definitely different than the other two areas they had passed through earlier, though as they flew over to the next platform, and Spike released a Storm Cloud from what was going on as the others smashed a lone Cupid Riptoc right into the ground, all of them were already looking for the next machine or the path that would take them to their destination.

As soon as they finished clearing out that structure the group glided to the next one and Spike freed the Storm Cloud that was in the middle of the area, allowing his siblings and Elora to smash the couple of metallic vases that were around them, before they headed to the next structure and dealt with the next foe, yet another Storm Cloud, before collecting the gems that were resting all over the area, even if they were still surprised by the lack of dragonflies in this realm. It was easy for them to see that this structure had one of the whirlwinds that would allow them to head up to the next floor, which was why the five of them cleared out the gems and smashed a few straw baskets before even accessing the whirlwind and went up to the next level of the structure, where they quickly found one of the Angel Riptocs standing guard over the floor and noticed a moving platform that moved to where the third machine was located. Once they knew what was around them it was easy for the group to clear out the area by having Ember smash their foe into the ground, while Spike, Cynder, and Elora picked up all of the gems that it had been guarding, allowing Spyro to fly over to the third machine and use his Lightning Breath to power it back up, adding a third beam to the hourglass, though Spike felt nothing different and had to wonder how many more machines rested throughout the realm. From there the group noticed that there was a dragonfly on some of the pillars that had been on the previous structures they had walked through earlier, hence the reason Spyro flew over to it while the others were collecting the rest of the gems and had it follow him back to where Spike was waiting, so he could use his magic to send the second dragonfly of this realm back to the others, though as soon as that was done the group found another platform that seemed to lead to an area that no doubt lead to another part of the realm, which was why they used it and moved out of the area.

Interestingly enough the group found a hallway on the platform the moving one brought them to, where it was easy to find a third dragonfly waiting for them and Spike sent it back to Nestor and the others, which was followed by the five of them moving through the hallway, collecting the gems that were along the way, and found that there were no enemies to worry about, before discovering that there was a ramp at the end of the hallway and that it lead to higher point of this part of the realm, a ramp that was raised like the one chamber they had been in earlier. For now all they found some gems and some metallic vases along the way, meaning all they could do was collect the gems and smash the vases, before finding that there was a Angel Riptoc guarding a Challenge Gate, though such a foe didn't stand much of a chance against them as Spyro blasted it with a burst of his Fire Breath, opening the way for them to access the gateway in question and they did spot a Teddy Bear standing nearby, along with the fact that there was a pool of water behind it. From what it looked like the challenge was to use the gate and empower themselves, so they could mess with the Storm Clouds that were resting above the water, though while Spyro activated the gateway it was just a cover as Spike weaved his magic through the air and dispelled all of them, breaking the spell that was resting on them and freed the fourth dragonfly from where it was being held, allowing Spike to send it along as well while the area returned to normal, hence the reason Cynder and Ember dived into the water to smash the glass vases that happened to be resting in front of them. While they did that Spike took a moment to note that the fourth machine rested near their location, meaning that another one was going to be turned on in the near future, and it wasn't long before Cynder and Ember returned to them, revealing that there was a path under the water and that it lead up to the area that the machine rested in, so while the pair headed through that path the rest of the group flew through the air to reach the other side.

Once the five of them were back together they collected the gems that were in the area and made sure to smash a few straw baskets, before gliding over to the platform the next machine was resting on and found a Cupid Riptoc next to it, so Spyro took out two birds with one stone as he loosed a burst of his Lightning Breath, which slammed into their foe and empowered the machine at the same time, where they watched as it fired a beam of energy at the hourglass, before they bothered to jump over to the final platform of the area, which connected to the main palace they had learned about at the start of their visit to this realm, where Spike shocked a Cupid Riptoc and Elora kicked an Angel Riptoc into the ground, so they could approach the Teddy Bear that seemed to be guarding Cloud 9's exit portal.

"Hooray, you guys reactivated the hourglass and restored its magic to our realm!" the Teddy Bear exclaimed, showing that he must have been watching their progress through this point of the realm and that he was happy with what they had done to assist the residents of the realm, though that was when he reached into a pouch that he happened to be carrying and withdrew one of the dragonflies that they were looking for, the fifth one based on what they knew, who flew over to them so Spike could send it back to the others, "Now we can finally sleep in peace."

With the fifth dragonfly saved the group explored the area that was around the exit portal and eventually made their way through the path that went through the palace, making sure to pick up all the gems and smash a few straw baskets that were around the area, before discovering a platform at the end of the path and some ladders that would allow them to move to a higher point, so Ember took care of the lone platform, which seemed to be a way for them to glide down to the starting point of this realm, while the others collected any gems that were around them. From there the group took a few moments to climb up the metallic ladders and looked out at the area they brought the five of them to, where it was easy to find a room full of machines and the sixth dragonfly of this realm, so what they did was let Spike send it back to the others as they checked out what else was in the area, especially since they had no idea where the second exit portal was resting, since that was the only thing they were missing at the moment. With that done the group climbed up some of the gears and a ladder that was at the end of the path, before using a second set of gears to reach a side section that held a short path that lead to a portal, hence the reason they headed through it and reappeared on the top of the palace, which appeared to be under attack from Riptocs or something, based on the ships that were flying around the area, which was why they walked over to the Teddy Bear that was standing nearby.

"Please, you guys have to help us... the Puffy Palace is under attack!" the Teddy Bear exclaimed, which was easy for the group to see as they stared at the four larger wooden ships, which had to have metal mixed into it, and some smaller metal ships that were more like some of the ships they had seen in the past, during their visits to the other side sections of the various realms, though that was around the time that Spike chuckled for a moment as he understood what he was seeing at the moment, "Um... I fail to understand what's funny about this situation."

"Easy, those ships are toast," Spike stated, where he gathered his magic for a moment and sent it out over the rest of the area that was around them, where Spyro and the others watched as the clouds shifted into storm clouds and several lightning serpents, smaller forms of the one spell Spyro and Ember had seen a few times in the past, quickly burst out of the clouds and slammed into the larger ships with ease, blowing all of them up in the process as he turned to look at the rest of the group, "Serpents of Lightning, a lesser version of my favorite Lightning spell, but more than enough to take down all of the larger ships that are attacking this area."

Spyro and the others chuckled for a moment as they took off and flew out to make sure the lesser ships were taken care of, or if they were still in the air the group would smash them in a matter of seconds, where Spike watched as the rest of their enemies fell in a matter of moments and the Teddy Bear revealed that he had found a dragonfly, the seventh, who flew over to Spike and was send back to the others in due time, before the others returned to his side and they departed for the main realm once more, as there was one dragonfly missing before they bothered with the first side section, which would be where the remaining two would be waiting for them. As it turned out the eighth dragonfly was just outside the entrance that allowed them to access the gear room that the sixth dragonfly had been located in, who joined them and was sent back to the others without delay, though once Spike did that the group took to the air and flew back to the start of the realm, where they entered the portal and headed for the last area of this realm, so they could find the remaining dragonflies and then head for the next realm. When they appeared in the side section of the realm a smile appeared on Spyro's face, as he could see that they were in what seemed to be another Flight Realm, a Speedway, and he barely waited for Spike to say anything as he took off and raced over to the area that the racers were waiting in, though it was hard to tell if this place was a rainbow factory or some other machine that was important to the Teddy Bears, but they knew that it didn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Spike informed the rest of the group that this was Rainbow Speedway and the four obstacles they needed to take care of were the rings, the yellow stars that rested all over the area, some Riptocs that were racing on the rainbows, and some Riptocs that were using planes to fly through the air, which was why the group did the set of rings together before separating to tackle the other obstacles, all while Spyro followed the racers as they showed him the course and smiled as he overtook the one that was in front of him.

Soon enough the group returned to the starting area of this part of the realm and noticed that the ninth dragonfly was waiting for them, showing that they had overcome the first challenge of the area, before watching as Spyro finished the race and gained the tenth dragonfly as well, which was when Spike sent the last two dragonflies back to the others and joined the others as they headed for the exit portal, as Spyro was going to have them pause for a few moments and get a snack before they headed off to deal with the next realm that the Riptocs happened to be messing with.

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