• Member Since 17th Nov, 2018
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"You don't forgive someone because they need it, you forgive someone because you need it," -Asura Kraken



What if Sunset had enlisted aid from four youth filled to the brim with cruelty and crassness in equal order.

If older they might've been wise, but the folly of youth know no bounds, much less to those whose rage be not bound by common courtesy.

Violence is bread, blood is butter.

This is basically an idea that has been plaguing me for a while now and though this is essentially an offset of my original story.


14/10/23: Updates Once a month.

12/3/24: Hiatus ends May 5th, 2024

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 47 )

Interesting concept for an Anon-a-Miss fic.

I'll be following this one closely.

So have a Fave, a Track, an Upvote and a Follow.

(If I'm not already, that is.)

What show or series this based off?

I'm not to sure what to say. I find it hard to root for our protagonist; irrespective of motive, he did just assault two people.

Was this to vent some sort of frustration?

None. It's just an idea I came up with while I was making Orthros.

Kinda. Had a more normal story planned out but this one came to me in a vision.

And somewhat spoiler but You'll find that in this fic that most characters are at best, gray men with good intentions.

And yes it is assault, blatant assault however they are not blameless either. Remember its Rains who threw the first punch, and to him that's all the challenge he needs to respond with ten more... man that sounds psychotic

Hmm. Any Anon-a-Miss that starts off with the Rainbooms; more specifically Rainbow and Applejack, getting owned is welcomed in my books.

Hey there Orrm!
Just cruising through my recommended. Nice work mate!

Keep it up ^_^

You're welcome. The compliment is appreciated.

I'm sure the police are like:*hears who's "assaulting" girls* Nope not going there.

Correct Mon amine, let's just say they have a reputation.

The people who need to know about them know, and the people who don't know don't need to know and are not told.

Can Sunset sue anyone legally? Love to see her former employer grovel worried on being sued.

She has zero papers of identification. That does not bode well for anyone.

Dammit, well like to see hr former employee getting his rep damaged by all this when the truth is revealed.

What was taking the baker so fucking long? Did the cashier go for a quickie or something it’s one tiny fucking cupcake and- WHO THE FUCK IS SHOUTING?!

“Hey! Get out!”

Gods he could taste the arrogance in that voice.

“Yer not welcome here, Sunset!”

The thickness of that southern accent could only be rivaled by the cock she took at night.

He turned his head to the side and glared at the offending girls. One sported a light blue skin color with an athletic build and rainbow colored hair, all six colors of them. The other was just as he expected for a stereotypical southern gal. Green eyes, Stetson, cowboy boots and a strong build. Nowhere near as strong a him but it was a start. A start she would never finish. Apparently their shouting was directed at a girl with light yellow skin and red hair with yellow streaks, looked like bacon, bacon is tasty. In addition she wore an orange skirt and black leather jacket. They all looked fucking gay.

Since neither wore worker’s uniforms they most likely weren’t employees, therefore that ‘Sunset’ girl had a legal right to be here. Besides, by the looks of it, the scene seemed like a personal spat. All the same he could not have someone disturb his day any further because he was quite literally one hand away from fucking over this entire building. Then again he induced most of his rage…. damn it all, clarity and sane thought could suck him off at 5am on Sunday, time to vent!

Go right ahead.

Asura stood up from his seat and walked over to the girls’ table. Also seated on said table were a curious yellow-skinned girl with silky pink hair, beside her sat a pink-skinned girl who had poofy hot-pink hair and the last person was a white-skinned, purple haired priss whose face might as well have been a literal mask of makeup.

“Lady, if you shout one more time I’ll punch you so hard you won’t be able to swallow your boyfriend’s dick anymore,”

:pinkiegasp: Burn!

He stated his view clearly and precisely, the animosity and annoyance in his voice layered his tone and the girls stiffened as his words hit them. Then the rainbow-haired one made what may have been the worst mistake of her life. She walked right up to him and eyed him closely, practically pressing her nose against his while squinting her eyes to appear intimidating. She opened her mouth to speak but the words never came.

Asura brought his right hand from his side and threw a slap at her, she caught it with her left but before she could speak, he hit her across the face with the other hand, the blow holding so much torque her body was flung to the side while spinning perpendicularly until she crashed and slumped against a nearby wall, a large red welt forming on her cheek area and one half of her jaw appearing to be oddly loose.

They stood before him, dazed by his display until Captain Countrygirl tried to punch him. He didn’t even bother to dodge. The punch landed on flesh with a meaty yet firm ‘Thump!’ however he was unshaken. Not a single step back was taken nor did his rigid form even tremble and though he could feel pain in his chest burn like an electric fire, he paid it no mind, it wasn’t any different than what he was used to. He then returned the favor with a jab to the gut, planting the girl on the ground rolling around in agony. He then followed with a falling knee to the midsection just for ‘kicks’.

Next someone smashed a chair against his head. Keep in mind, he’d been hit on the cranium with metal pipes until they bent backwards, what would a chair do? He turned his head and stared at the shocked pink-haired girl, wearing a blank expression that screamed ,’Really?’ He grabbed a napkin holder and smashed the ceramic on her head.

:pinkiecrazy: Not so tough now are you three?

Understatement of the century.

You'll probably hate them for what they will do.

Ragnarok is an even that destroys the world
, all guilty and innocent and all inbetween.

And Ragnarok is the only reason the wolf Fenrir even existed.

Oh. I was meaning about how they would willing assault underage teenagers and children for their sick pleasure

Oh come on, those teenagers deserve it. (Maybe?)

Plus there's that one rule they follow that state that they will never throw the first punch.

"Punch" is a multi-meaning word in this case.

Also they are children. 15 14 12 14

Oh of course. What better way to explain 4 hyper growth tweens that have a fetish for violence and destruction then that if some bullies (who in some cases can be in the same boat as Sunset or victims of the bullies) swing first it's okay to break possibly every bone in their bodies.

Hell he threw Pinkie into a wall that crumbled around her cause she was defending herself, the shoppe, and her friends from a assaulter.

Logic? I see not

He didn't throw pinkie, he hit her on the head with a ceramic napkin holder....


And yes, like I said earlier, the idea of black and white hits the fan here. And there is logic, just not morals. Know the differance.

fair assessment.

Forgot to say this one earlier but,
If someone calls you a monster for long enough you become one and if someone calls you a fighter for long enough the same occurs. Eventually your original goals become corroded by the tags assigned to you and the actions you perform. Eventually the reason you started becomes blurred as new sensations take root and for a while you can't help but feed them.


Eventually you will look into the mirror and through relaisation for the monster you have become you set your own path straight. Keeping some traits of course but nonetheless you move from Vandal to Vanir.

Orthros, my other story, has them interact in similar situations by which they are more voberse and witty rather than forceful and brash. The differance, age and an alternate universe.

Nine years changes alot about someone. As I work on both stories, this, you shall see.

Who is he talking about? I guess we'll find out soon.

Like I said. Jacked up supposedly godlike teens assaulting other teens and minorities is not a good idea. You can only resort to violence when necessary pieces fall into place. In this situation the best option would to be to give the Rainbooms a stern verbal talking to, maybe a little physical with Rainbow cause her brashness, and if they don't listen then they have to learn the hard way, but NOT through violence.

Comment posted by Orrm deleted Apr 7th, 2019

Remember how I said they won't attack without a reason?

With 'her' they'll make an exception.


As a wise person once said, you get your ass beat, getting hit no longer phases you, at least to a point

Yep, see, someone gets it!

are these guys werewolves? like world of darkness werewolves cause they kinda act like it.

Nope, just strength obsessed humans with a shit ton of coping issues.

“The hell are we?! Some kind of emotional support group! The fuck did we just do that? The fuck did I just do that!? We’re supposed to use her situation to help us, and I understand getting closer to the victim to understand the crime but what in the Nine Hells was that! I felt that! And I know you fuckers did to! We don’t feel anything an-and!” Vandal tensed and curled his hands into tight fists and his brothers could only look at him in silence. He was right. They never grew close to someone this quickly, they never cared about someone this quickly. Sure, they could give someone a hug, comfort them and like the Devil they’d whisper sweet, soothing words. They’d make them feel so safe that one would have a problem identifying if the person was ever sad to begin with. They'd make that person hang on their every word.


Was Manipulation at its finest.

That was Orthros.

This, this was no manipulation. There was genuine emotion in that little action. Firstly, they moved too fast for it. If they simply wanted to manipulate someone, they’d move slower, visibly, they WOULDN’T go full tilt and they certainly wouldn’t leave it at simple ‘comfort’. Something was up and none of them wanted to confront it.

“The hell is wrong with that woman! One day and she’s cleaned more of the house than we do in a year! And then there’s the fact that she,”

Vandal went on to use his fingers as he counted Sunset’s various abnormalities,

“Was alright and actually enjoyed playing a childish game with our resident madman,”

His gaze found a sheepish Orthros who as currently intently focused on the ceiling.

“Somehow managed to sort out one of your ‘collections’,”

He turned to Asura, who simply smirked in turn.

“And on top of being a complete emotional wreck who is far too trusting for her own good, can actually keep up with Achiles in terms of Academics?!”

Achiles grinned as he typed away on his phone, paying mild attention to Vandal’s rant.

“What kind of half-brained Jackass would turn their back on this?! She’s literally the ideal material for an ally, family member or even a goddamn co-worker Christ! How is this girl hated?! Hell! She's so damned apathetic towards her own self worth she'd be the perfect puppet!”

“Who has such a great deficiency of testicular apparatus that they feel the need to humiliate someone who might as well be their plaything?”

Vandal concluded, his eyes slanted and brows furrowed, his body tensed as if waiting for something to pounce out at him. This wasn’t right. Sunset’s personality and actions were perfect and worst of all they lined up. Every single one could be justified and judging by Achiles lack of interruption he could infer that most, if not all she had done so far was genuine.

That scared him.

It scared all of them.

I think this is a story where the girl changes the guy from their brutish self to a gentler tone. Like beauty and the beast or beasts in this case

Quick spoiler

Yeah no

This story is about suffering

Everyone's gonna be stupendously fucked by the time I'm done

Can't suffer if you're dead.

Is there gonna be a new chapter soon? I've been waiting forrrrrreeeeeeverrrrrr!!!!

Sometime next week or so, some drama happened with finals and I had to go on an unexpected hiatus.

Now that's over and I can get to finishing the next chapter and touching up this one.

Sincerest apologies for the prolonged wait.

And considering he making them behave and mind their manners while they want to do something horrible to sunset because she supposedly released their secrets. The girls should be arrested.

I'm not sure because the from another world thing plus i do know you need money for a lawsuit paperwork and she doesn't exactly have that.

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