• Published 16th Feb 2019
  • 3,823 Views, 168 Comments

Equestria Girls: Duel Monsters - Night-Quill

Twilight Sparkle's crown, the Element of Magic, has been stolen. She must now pursue the wayward Sunset Shimmer into a new world. A world where a dark magic lurks beneath the notice of its inhabitants, within a most peculiar game unlike any other...

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Duel #15: Temporary Ceasefire

Twilight was dumbstruck as she watched Strength of Prophecy (ATK: 2000) get pulled by what might best be described as an exorbitant pulling force generated by the beast-like Gravity Warrior (ATK: 3000). Whatever it was doing to generate such a feat literally made it seem like she was falling sideways, right for the vicious claws at the ends of its fingers. With one swipe, like that of an ornery Ursa, Strength’s form shattered, a gust blowing across the field against Twilight’s forcefield, followed by the heart dropping sound of life points plummeting.

Twilight Sparkle Life Points: 550 – 1000 = -450

Rainbow Dash Victory!

“Holy shi-!” Pinkie exclaimed, only to catch herself before she did what would have amounted to a fine for the state mandated swear jar, at least in Equestria, “… Schmidt!” She paused for a moment. “I, uh… Rainbow Dash is the winner…”

Some members of the crowd began to cheer for Rainbow’s part, most likely those of her clique, the jocks, complete with enthusiastic whistles and even chanting her name.

Twilight Sparkle was not always the most dignified pony, or human, for that matter. Especially not a human, with the multitude of awkward circumstances she’d gone through, what with her ineptitude to technology, the customs, or even dueling near the start. As a newly ascended alicorn princess, she’d come to view her new status as something requiring finesse, patience, and poise.

At her current best, she stood stiffly on the slightly trampled patch of grass she’d occupied for quite a while that afternoon. Everything that day seemed to have been going mostly as she’d hoped, and then some. That was all she really could do, for the good of her respectability. She absolutely refused to hyperventilate in front of everyone. Her vulnerabilities had receded into her mind, which was now in disarray.

Now you’ve done it, Sparkle. You just had to fall for Rainbow’s goading, didn’t you? But the way she worded it was so connivingly well thought-out- That’s beside the point! You had it! You had much of the student body convinced; you beat four of the best! You nearly beat the best by the tip of your horn! But there was no way out; Rainbow Dash, freaking Rainbow Dash, “reading is for eggheads until she touched A. K. Yearling” Rainbow Dash, played you like a flugelhorn...

“Twilight?” Spike tapped at her shin, which went unnoticed. In her state of disbelief, much of the world’s external stimulus went over her.

Now Rainbow Dash will be the one to duel Sunset. And the way Sunset reacted, and whatever that… Dear Celestia, and the notion of the Games of Darkness…! I mean, Rainbow Dash might be able to win, but if there’s actual magic involved like during my match with her! Could she handle it? How would she, let alone everyone else? Everyone could be in danger!

Twilight?” even Priestess’ psionic echo didn’t rouse her from her internalized dilemma.

That was until a sudden, sharp pinch at the soft skin at the back of her knee finally warranted a hiss of pain, “Ouch!”

“Twilight, you’re doing that thing right now,” said Spike, leaning up against Twilight’s shin.

“Spike…?! Did you bite me?”

“No fingers,” the dragon-turned-dog remarked, getting back on all fours.

“Right…” Twilight muttered absently, her mind close to receding back into her to the point of almost not noticing someone approaching, to which Spike deliberately bumped his furry body against her leg. She flinched with a start, recognizing Rainbow Dash standing right in front of her, duel disk disengaged.

The athlete turned to the audience, holding up a hand, “Hey, Pinkie! Phone me!”

In an impressive example of understanding, Pinkie’s megaphone came flying in, Rainbow catching it with impeccable dexterity by the handle. She looked at Twilight, like she was scrutinizing her in lieu of what to say. Twilight remained silent, her eyes catching Rainbow’s cerise ones, refusing to look any weaker than she possibly could have before the victor in front of the people she’d striven to impress.

Holding up the megaphone, wincing from the errant squeal emanating from the device, Rainbow looked over the audience, took a deep breath and, “Yea; I’ve decided: I’m voting for Twilight Sparkle as the contender for Duel Queen.”

In a double take, Twilight stared at Rainbow Dash, further dumbfounded by the athlete’s demeanor. As if in answer to a question she didn’t even come to ask, Rainbow flashed a card at Twilight. A teal-haired, white garbed human of indeterminate gender with wings.

“For Scoot,” Rainbow stated, sliding the card back into her deck. “If she’s that willing to trust you, enough to let you use that, maybe there’s still something you can do.”

“B-but…” Twilight blinked incredulously, “But our wager! You beat me, what about-”

“Just wanted to see if you were still willing to put everything on the line, even if you might have lost,” said Rainbow, an earnest smile formed on her lips. “You’ve got guts, Sparkle. And you came this close to beating Sunset Shimmer, something even I haven’t managed. And come on; I’m me!”

An awkward laugh escaped Twilight’s lips, both at the similarities between the rainbow-haired athlete and her pegasus counterpart through the portal, currently no doubt grumbling how she couldn’t accompany Twilight to this new world, and at her unconventional mode of encouragement. She didn’t know whether or not she should have hugged the athlete at this point in gratitude. Only to have Rainbow put a chummy arm around her shoulder.

“I officially decline my placement as runner-up for midterm contender!” Rainbow announced to the crowd. “If you want to make a complaint… Well the vote is tomorrow, so it’s between her and… What? Everyone else who Sunset has consistently kicked the asses of? So take that for what it’s worth. Or you can give our new Wondercolt to the herd your warm welcome.”

“Wonder…colt?” asked Twilight.

“The name of the unified school team,” said Rainbow in a hush, before turning back to the crowd. “Come on now; anything anyone has to say to the champ?”

Amidst the crowd, one of the spectating students stood up to make her way onto the field. The slightly messy hair, grey skin and mismatching walleyes immediately confirmed her as the human Derpy Hooves. The girl gingerly took Twilights hand and shook it, smiling sweetly.

“I think you were amazing! Even your duel with Rainbow Dash: Though you lost, I had fun watching, and I think a lot of others felt so too,” said Derpy, her smile never wavering. “I was literally grasping at my seat towards the end!”

Twilight reciprocated Derpy’s sentiments, “I’m happy you enjoyed the spectacle.”

Derpy nodded eagerly, “I bet you’ll get that awful Sunset Shimmer tomorrow! I mean you two were neck and… neck?” Twilight nodded in confirmation to the idiom. “See you tomorrow!” At which she began to head out, the sun in the having begun to approach the rim of the horizon, painting the edge of the sky a radiant orange.

“You’re serious about this, Dash?” came a slightly gruff female voice. Judging by the slicked back, fiery hair and the yellow skin of this approaching individual, it was the human counterpart to Spitfire. She eyed Rainbow Dash in honest confusion, looking between her and Twilight. “You’ve been raring to get at Sunset forever. You sure you wanna leave it up to the new girl?”

Rainbow brought her hands behind her head, “Yea, I know. But hey, there’s always next year and all.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, “Thanks for the vote of confidence…” she remarked dryly.

“I mean, I don’t doubt ya on many things, but… I dunno, just I always thought it’d be you to finally take ‘er down,” she smirked, “Well, you or me, in any case.”

“Well hey,” Rainbow chuckled, “You may be looking at the next Duel Queen right here. You can always take a swing at her later.”

Spitfire scoffed, “I never cared for the title of ‘Queen’ at all. It’s just that bitch staining the name of Canterlot Wondercolts that pisses me off so much.” She looked to Twilight, “Sparkle, yea? Team captain’s vouching for ya, so then we’re rooting for ya. Don’t let us down.” She smirked, holding forward a fist. Letting intuition lead her, Twilight reach out with her own and gingerly tapped knuckles with Spitfire, like a hoofbump. “Give Sunset hell tomorrow,” she said, bidding a farewell gesture.

“You’re a team captain?” asked Twilight as she watched Spitfire walk off.

“Soccer, swimming, volleyball, you name it,” said Rainbow with a hint of smugness in her voice. “Don’t let Spits get to ya. If the name didn’t tip you off; she’s fiercely competitive. So if she’s backing someone, that’s a miracle in itself.”

Several other students close by offered encouragement and congratulations. A few even offered warm greetings to the school and were offering a spot in their specific cliques to her. Most awkward was the enthusiasm of Lyra Hearstrings, to which Bon Bon had to literally drag her friend slash implied lover with her.

Pinkie Pie walked up to the two, taking back her megaphone and inserted it into her hair, “Whew…” she said, miming wiping sweat off her brow, before bringing both fists to her hips and smiled with that trademark Pinkie smile. “That went wondertacularly… I couldn’t decide on the words so I combined them.”

Upon seeing when no-one else was looking, Twilight let loose a long, worn-out sigh, her body going near limp to the point where she undoubtedly would have collapsed to her knees, hadn’t Rainbow and Pinkie moved in to prop her up by her arms.

“Who-hoa, easy there,” said Rainbow. “If I was you right now, I’d be pumped.”

“Sunset did kinda-sorta scratch her though…” Pinkie added in an uncharacteristically dry delivery.

“Want me to go after her and sock ‘er one for ya?” asked Rainbow.

“What? No!” said Twilight distastefully. Never before had someone offered to inflict physical violence on somepony or -body on her behalf, and she preferred it never come to that. “Um, no. I prefer not resorting to violence. Please.” Rainbow’s response was a displeased groan.

With the field emptying out, Twilight, having found her footing again, saw as Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo approached. Applejack and Scootaloo in particular caught her attention, the former looking at the athlete in what could amount to uncertainty or concern, while the latter looked at her as if she was pleading.

“Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo uttered as she approached. She rubbed her forearm, suddenly averting direct eye contact. “Um, you might have figured that was my Effect Veiler just then… I gave it to Twilight to… That is, I gave it to her if she was going to be dueling, this morning, a-and I… I mean I didn’t…”

Rainbow placed a hand atop her honorary little sister’s head and gently ruffled her cerise hair. Scootaloo returned her gaze back up at Rainbow, her eyes widened with a glint of hope.

“It’s fine, Scoot,” said Rainbow nonchalantly, the best display of tenderness from Rainbow. “Listen, you have nothing to fear about me coming between you and your friends. I’d be a pretty bad big sis if that was the case, right?”

Scootaloo’s eyes darted about, the girl stuttering in embarrassment. With a laugh, Rainbow ruffled her hair harder, miraculously not mussing it much from its usual placement, “Oh, and in my personal opinion; fusion really doesn’t suit ya.”

With that, the athlete began to walk away. That was where Applejack came in.

“Rainbow! Seriously; everythin’ that’s happened: Water under the bridge?” she called out.

Rainbow stopped, looking over her shoulder at Applejack, and everyone else no doubt, seeing how everyone had gathered around Twilight. In a non-verbal response, Rainbow held out an arm, extending her thumb upwards from a fist, a gesture Twilight had seen repeated several times that day, so it was evident of positive connotations, before continuing heading off. Though Rainbow and Applejack did not say anything, Twilight thought she could spot some hints of some reformed rapport. Perhaps they wouldn’t start off again as cordial as Twilight was hoping, but maybe they really would mend the figurative fence. Eventually.

“I think we just might have got our sixth ranger~” sang Pinkie, one hand still grasping Twilight’s bicep, all the while happily pulling Fluttershy in with her other.

“Say what?” asked Twilight, further confounded by the unfamiliar human lingo.

Fluttershy chuckled, “We’ll need to get you up to speed in otakudom one of these days.”

“Oooh!” vocalized Pinkie, Twilight feeling her arm being released, only to then feel a tight pressure around her torso, before being pulled into a three-way hug with Pinkie and Fluttershy, those confounded chest obstructions pressing against her upper back awkwardly. “You know what we should do in celebration?!”

“Have a party?” gasped Fluttershy in the grasp of Pinkie’s vice-like arm.

“Nope: We need to have a par-tay!” exclaimed Pinkie in response. “Specifically a congratulations-Twilight-on-beating-four-out-of-six-matches-making-an-impression-on-everybody-plus-getting-us-together-again-and-welcoming-our-newest-bestest-buddy-and-Wondercolt partay! Duh!”

A round of laughter emanated from everyone gathered, vice-like hug or no. The vibes or familiarity and nostalgia felt stronger than ever, having the counterparts of four of Twilight’s friends, plus the Cutie Mark Crusaders, together. Dimensional differences or not, at that moment, this world felt slightly more… right, than any other moment Twilight had witnessed thus far.

“Say, Twi,” Applejack spoke up. “Did ya manage to find your wallet?”

Twilight raised a brow, “Found my wallet…?” Oh that’s right! “Oh… Dang it!”


“So, what do you think?” asked Principal Celestia, casually leaning against the window frame, watching the remaining students vacate the premises from the second-floor classroom.

Luna glanced at her, her expression much less amused. “Still thinking about disciplinary action regarding Miss Shimmer,” she stated, sounding thoroughly unamused.

Celestia chose not to comment on that. “I must admit, Miss Sparkle’s performance was remarkable.”

“And so far all we know about this “new student”,” added Luna.

Celestia hummed contemplatively, “Indeed. I have heard no hide nor hair of her credentials for someone transferring soon.” She looked over at Luna, “So nothing on your part as well?”

Luna, without saying a word, pulled down the window blinds, “Nothing. I found no information on this Twilight Sparkle. Birthday, educational background, medical, you name it. Interestingly, I did manage to dig up dirt on a Twilight Sparkle, but it doesn’t add up.”

“How so?”

“There’s a Twilight Sparkle currently attending Crystal Prep, but so far I have no confirmation on her transferring…” She pursed her lips, “Let alone why she would transfer to our school, what with such an illustrious facility she-”

“Now Luna…” Celestia softly scolded her sister, despite herself not being all that fond of said facility herself. “How did you come across that, anyway?”

“Cadence, naturally,” said Luna, not at all impacted.

Celestia nodded, still able to see the five junior and three freshman students through the gaps in the blinds. “Makes me think back…”


“When Sunset Shimmer first came to us. As if she just popped into existence; a girl her age, alone, no parents, her background very much a mystery,” said Celestia, her eyes trailing after the students as they too finally took to make their leave. “Next thing you know the school feels like a completely different place from before.”

“Speaking of new arrivals;” Luna crossed her arms, “what of Miss Sparkle? Are we still just going to allow her to compete in the mid-term duel were she to win the vote tomorrow?”

Celestia looked on in contemplation, grabbing her right elbow in her left hand and grasping her chin with her right hand, she considered the ramifications. A mysterious new student who, much like the aforementioned Sunset Shimmer, just appeared out of nowhere, and soon after something would happen within the school amongst the student body.

“Let’s give it a day or two before we come to a decision about her,” said Celestia. “In the meantime, I need to give Turner a call.”

Luna looked at her in intrigue, “Turner? Why?”

Celestia, closed her eyes, having felt strangely troubled since the duel between Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle, “I… I hope it’s just me being paranoid, Luna. I just can’t help but feel like there’s something more going on than we realize.”

“Surely you can’t mean that…” Luna hesitated for a moment. “I mean, that was a long time ago. What possible connections could there be?”

Celestia looked away, a somber sigh escaping her lips, “I know it seems highly unlikely. Still, lots of strange things have happened with Duel Monsters involved. We may not be Academia, but… Let’s hope I really am just being paranoid…”


Sunset Shimmer, her legs having finally tired, had retreated into a nearby alley, refusing to her utmost to let people see her in her crushed state. Leaning her back against the bare brick wall, her mind was disheveled, with Twilight Sparkle being the only point of clarity. Twilight Sparkle, and the indignity of how she might as well have been defeated.

Defeated. Its sting was not unheard of for her: She had been defeated before, so many times, in so many ways, not just on the field of battle the denizens of this world foolishly perceived as a mere game. If it was anyone else, anybody else; she would have crushed them. Her will was indomitable, not like everyone else living in ignorance of the real power at their fingertips. But Twilight Sparkle; a mere amateur. How could she be on her level so quickly?

There always existed the possibility that somepony could follow her, much as she, to her own embarrassment as of now, had come to view Celestia’s methods as inefficient and lacking. If only she hadn’t been so ignominiously clumsy once she had switched the Element of Magic with the fake crown, Twilight Sparkle might have been none the wiser, at least for a little while. And there was that meddlesome Fluttershy for taking the element out of reach: Knowing Vice-principal Luna’s propensity for thoroughness, no doubt behind lock and key. Sunset made note to mete out a special bit of punishment for the meek fool, once the element was back in her hands.

But now there was the immediate threat to her plans: Princess Twilight Sparkle. Her performance going from yesterday to today, much as Sunset hated to admit it, was remarkable. The consecutive duels against the school’s top brass wasn’t just theatrics with the four holding back; Twilight was fully aware of what she was doing. But how did she master something that took Sunset months? And where did she get such a powerful deck immediately upon arrival? And she knew of the true nature of Duel Monsters.

Did Princess Celestia know beforehand? As Sunset had come to learn, her former mentor was wont for secrecy, but never had she uncovered if the Princess had stepped into this world herself. A rush of infuriation coursed through Sunset; had Celestia been planning for this the entire time?

“In the very least, much as it repulses me from what you’ve been up to, in a way I should be grateful to you for getting me this far.”

What had Twilight Sparkle meant by that? Grateful? For what?

“You really don’t remember?”

Remember what? Sunset had never met the new princess before. Even taking the upstart’s advice in trying to delve into her memories, she… She found only emptiness. But why? The further she tried, it felt as if her own mind was becoming enshrouded like fog on a dark night. It felt… It felt like it was physically hurting her just trying.

“I wasn’t lying; part of my success is thanks to you, Sunset Shimmer. The night you snuck into the Crystal Castle, you left something behind.”

Sunset rubbed at her temples, straining to try and remember everything she could about the night of her brief return to Equestria. She’d waited in hiding behind the bushes around the Wonder Colt statue for when the hidden portal would open, after which she dove in, finding herself inside the treasury not of Canterlot Castle, but the Crystal Castle, being aware thanks to knowing enough how to peer through the portal.


“As I continue my research, I found that this mirror is not just an ordinary one, but in fact a door to a new world that looks completely different from ours. It also seems the mirror-”

“What are you doing here?!”


Finding the Element was easy: A simple beaconing spell that locked onto any source of magic in the immediate vicinity, emitting a reaction for her horn to follow like a metal detector. And with the Element having the strongest signature, it might as well have called her to it. After managing to evade the lacking security, almost as if the Crystal Castle was inviting anypony to come in and snoop around, it was almost insulting to see Equestria’s newest princess not even having the foresight of keeping her element better protected. A simple switch with the crown used for the CHS Duel King or Queen and it would have been over, when she slipped… or had she tripped on something?

Regardless of how, she had to make a break back for the mirror. Twilight had tried waylaying her by teleporting in front of her; a most elementary trick if ever there was one, for she easily teleported past Twilight’s placement. When she’d thought she was home free, Twilight had managed to catch up and flung her weight onto Sunset, the two of them taking a violent tumble, which caused the Element of Magic to shoot out, bounce about the enclosed space, right into the portal.

If she’d left something behind… But how would she have had anything to leave behind? All she took was her backpack and cloak (that she, awkwardly enough, got from a costume shop), all she really needed back in the home dimension; she had her magic to rely on. Or did she have that deck with her that she’d merely forgotten about…?

What deck? She’d always used the one even now affixed to her duel disk… Right? Or had she…? She had back during her last year’s mid-term against the obnoxious Pinkie Pie. But before that against her ex…?

“Sunset Shimmer!” A recent memory called from within the recesses of her mind. “Reveal yourself to me; let me see what plagues your mind!”


Sunset’s head suddenly felt as if a fire had erupted within the cranium. She grasped at the sides in vain as jolting agony overtook her entire body once more, this one being worse than any of the inexplicable migraines she’d had in the last few days.

What is this?! Her mind screamed futilely. The pain… No, agony, was so severe, it felt like her head was going to split simply from thinking, like someone had driven a hot wedge through her skull that was now burning away at her, both physically, and in her mind. Stop it… Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Why?!

“Do you remember…?”






“You don’t need to be alone…”


Sunset’s head shot up in an abrupt, violent motion, against any and all bodily control. The momentum may as well have been strong enough to snap her neck the way it contorted. Her eyes stared helplessly at the blurring brick wall above and behind her, the gradually changing sky staring down at her from her hiding place in the alleyway. Her body was frozen in that most discomforting of positions, unable to move nary a finger, like the burning in her mind had seared away any connections to her body. All she could do was feel, her vision blurring, and her hearing muting. She wasn’t sure if she could breathe. She didn’t feel like suffocating, just the pain, and utter loss of control.

What’s happening… to me? She wanted to cry out, feeling her vision blur… Or just to opposite, feeling it like it was clearer through the film of clear liquid expelling from her eyes, trickling down her cheeks in warm, salty streaks.

Help me…

That’s when her body stopped being rigid, her arms falling to her sides, though her neck still felt like it was locked in place. Possibly broken? The muscles relaxed finally; her head allowed to droop down. No cracking. Not broken. Possibly. But her mind… She couldn’t remember… She could, but then at the same...

Her body retched forward. Sunset found herself collapsing onto her knees, her hands managing to catch herself from having her face plow into the asphalt beneath her. And with that, she heaved violently onto the ground.

Shaking her head, Sunset found herself gasping for breath on her knees. Why was she on the ground… And in an alleyway of all places?! Getting back up, she wiped her dust and dirt-stained hands against her jacket. What was she doing here? She didn’t have time for fooling around.

It isn’t over yet. If Twilight Sparkle insists on getting in my way, then she’ll be the first example of what happens to those who defy me, she thought, holding her head, feeling a rather prominent pain. “But first; I need some Tylenol…” she muttered, not noticing on her way out of the alley as her boot touched down on a black splatter on the ground.


For the sake of legitimacy, Twilight had gone to get in touch with Principal Celestia in regards to her missing wallet. Not that there was not wallet, not one missing, in any case, as Twilight’s bit purse was tucked away inside her backpack. Both the principal and vice-principal were gone, their office doors locked. Likely having gone home, given how long Pinkie’s “boss rush” had taken.

“Barring the distasteful subterfuge; I’m just glad that gauntlet ended as well as it did,” said Twilight as she walked down the hallway back towards the exit to the school.

Spike had returned into her backpack, the dragon turned dog’s head poking out, “Do you think it’s high time that we told them the truth?”

Twilight stopped in her tracks peering over her shoulder towards Spike, yet she said nothing, her eyes diverting at nothing in particular, contemplating her assistant’s suggestion.

“I’m… I’m not actually certain about that,” said Twilight.

“Why?” asked Spike. “If you’re worried about them thinking you’re crazy,” he gestured to himself with a paw, “talking dog. Heck; I’d be weird even in Equestria. You know, unless I was a diamond dog, but I digress.”

“I know, Spike. But see; there’s another factor to all of this. You remember what Princess Luna told us back before we left Equestria?”

Spike needed a moment to remember when he looked up in realization, “Oh yea, that… de-harmonic… dimensional…?”

“Multiversal Disharmonic Theorem. And no, at least not in this case. When she said there being magic in this world too, different from that of Equestria’s,” said Twilight, her attention diverting to the form of Priestess who had appeared sitting atop a row of lockers, leisurely dangling one leg over the rim.

“Yea; don’t think I haven’t noticed you zoning out constantly after yesterday,” remarked Spike.

“Sorry. It’s just that with people being around it can be a little hard to explain, and-”

I believe I can speak for myself in this regard, Twilight.” Priestess’ voice echoed in her mind, only now Twilight felt a pair of furry paws grasp at her neck.

“Whuzzat?!” barked Spike. “Twilight, did you hear that, or am I just hearing voices?! Is that a symptom of staying in this world too long?! … Or do dogs have better hearing than I thought?”

“Spike calm- Wait! You heard her too?” Twilight glanced between Spike and Priestess, the latter who dropped down from atop the lockers and landed soundlessly on her long legs.

He can. I thought it be a perfect time to extend communications with your dragonic companion, now that he’s aware and there’s no-one to eavesdrop.

Spike, while still clinging to Twilight with his forepaws, seemed to also spot Priestess, “W-who is that? Twilight? She looks just like one of your monsters!”

“Spike, let me formally introduce you to Priestess. We met last night in Applejack’s room. You were asleep at the time,” said Twilight, vocally, as she was uncertain whether or not the psionic link between her and Priestess would apply to Spike as well.

Spike observed Priestess with a look of uncertainty, laced with a hint of bafflement, which the spirit seemed to be amused by, as hinted by holding a hand to her lips.

“So… Your monsters are real?” asked Spike, still looking over Priestess. “I thought all of that was just projections.”

For the most part what you’ve observed, young dragon, are the product of human engineering, which is far beyond my understanding. Myself,” Priestess indicated herself, “as you see before your eyes, I am very much real.

“How are you talking without moving your lips?” asked Spike. “Oh! Are you psychic?!”

I am projecting my thoughts directly into your mind, the same as I have been doing with Twilight all this time. I cannot physically communicate with those on an alternate plane. So in a way, yes; I am communicating with the two of you with a form of telepathy as you might call it.

“Oookay…” Spike eyed Priestess warily. “Why didn’t you extend this over to me and not just Twilight?”

Priestess shrugged, “It’s just as Lady Twilight said; firstly, you were asleep. And if I may be so bold, you just looked too precious to wake up…

Twilight stiffened a giggle at Priestess’ bout of playfulness, combined with Spike emitting a peeved snort, a notion both Twilight and Priestess found more endearing than scolding.

That is to say, it could have proved difficult before with so many witnesses. I wished to adhere to Lady Twilight’s approach to secrecy, but now since we have some privacy for the moment, I decided to reveal myself to you as well, Spike the dragon.

“So… Who or what are you exactly?” asked Spike, his wariness having washed away via the two’s giggling.

As Lady Twilight said, I am simply Priestess. I am a spirit currently using that Duel Monsters card as my vessel as per my influence in humanity’s consciousness. Over the millennia I have existed under many names and titles among this world’s populace. Wherever and whenever, the people of this world gave me the moniker as a goddess of wisdom and the mystic arts.

“Humanity’s… consciousness? What’s that mean?” Spike looked between Twilight and Priestess.

“As far as I understand,” Twilight began, “in this world magic seems to work based on influence rather than just taking and diverting or transferring energy inherent to the world as it does in Equestria. Essentially humanity’s devotion to something inadvertently causes energy inherent to this world to develop a consciousness with power over others fueled by this devotion.”

And apt description if there ever was one. It was through humanity’s growing consciousness and perceptions that I was given form and have presided over all things magical since then in many forms, in many ages. Many fellow spirits such as I exist, currently separated from the material world, but I fear this will soon change, if we don’t stop Sunset Shimmer.

Spike looked at Twilight, “I’m getting a bit lost here…”

Twilight thought about the situation for a moment, when her mind came upon the perfect comparative, “Spike, you remember when I…” a hint of a regretful sigh escaped her, “When I screwed up with Star Swirl’s unfinished spell.”

“It’s not easy to forget how you switched around our friends’ destinies and whatnot,” said Spike when he noticed Twilight’s ashamed expression, “Uh, by complete accident, of course!” He patted Twilight’s shoulder, “Besides, you fixed it all, and completed the spell. And became an alicorn princess. Mustn’t forget that part, am I right?”

“I know, Spike. No harm done. Point is; the people of this world, according to Priestess, were much more careless than us, as a whole,” explained Twilight.

Priestess shook her head in a similar tone of regret, “I’ve seen countless times when wayward fools sought the power of the cosmos for foolish gain. I have witnessed wars, pestilence, the rise and falls of entire empires. The fact you two managed to arrive before Sunset Shimmer got her hands on the Element of Magic was fortuitous: If she gets her hands on such an exorbitant source of power, she could easily reinstate the age of the Games of Darkness once more.

“Games of Darkness?” Spike wondered aloud. “W-what’s that?”

“Well, let’s just put it like this,” Twilight emphasized, pulling her deck’s container out, popping the cover and pulling out, fittingly, High Priestess of Prophecy, “This game, it’s ostensibly a recreation of dark rituals that entailed summoning supernatural beings as weapons. And believe me, Spike, I’ve already felt it,” Twilight’s lips pursed. “The moment Sunset’s Imprisoned Queen Archfiend sapped us of our remaining life points, for but a moment, I could feel the effect choking me…”

“Imprisoned Queen? Wasn’t that when… When you started coughing?” Spike asked. Twilight simply nodded, to which the dragon turned dog’s expression switched from confusion to alarm, “That was real?!”

It was, little dragon,” Priestess’ voice echoed in response. “I tried reaching out to Sunset Shimmer by changing the final turn of the duel into a Game of Darkness. When neither side won, it left the both of them vulnerable, in which I tried to peer into Sunset’s soul.

A shudder raced down Twilight’s spine when she remembered; the furious, echoed voice that roared within Sunset, “Priestess… What did you see in there?”

Now was the spirit’s turn to appear lost and confused, to the point where she held her emerald tome close to her chest, her eye closing in sorrowed uncertainty, “I couldn’t see anything. Only a brief glimpse, but something pushed me back.

“Wait, wait!” Spike interjected. “What does she- pardon me: What do you have to do with Sunset Shimmer?”

Priestess looked past Twilight towards Spike, her sorrowed expression remaining, “When Sunset came to this world from yours, I was drawn to her. Unlike the people of this school, Sunset Shimmer is a veritable signal beacon to spirits much as myself. When she first arrived, she was lost, confused, uncertain. I wished to help her, as I had with others throughout the ages, but eventually, she began to grow distant until finally, my voice could no longer reach her. It was most fortuitous that she dropped my card, for it allowed me to make contact with Twilight Sparkle.

“So, why not just warn someone else?” asked Spiked. “The principal, or tell the others about Sunset’s acts, or-”

“She couldn’t,” Twilight replied, cutting off her assistant.

Most humans can’t see or hear spirits. Twilight, Sunset, and you, Spike the dragon, are the only ones here due to your otherworldly, magical natures.” She bowed her head, “I apologize for hiding myself from your perceptions initially, but as Twilight herself stated, I agreed with her notions of maintaining some form of secrecy, in lieu of your own notion of talking dogs being unheard of even in your world.

Spike shrugged, or rather, did the best comparative to a shrug, given his canine physiology, “Eh, that’s okay. I hate to admit it; but I can be kinda fidgety. But: Let me see if I got this straight; so someone took dark ritual blood sports used for summoning monsters and spirits; then patented it, packaged it, slapped a brand on it and is now selling it to ordinary people, all the while a power-hungry unicorn from Equestria is using it, and Twilight’s crown, for whatever insidious plan she’s cooking up?”

Twilight and Priestess exchanged awkward, yet thoughtful looks between each other.

In lieu of your contemporary mode of articulation, I suppose that is the best way to describe it,” echoed Priestess.

“Alright, now I’m up to speed,” said Spike in a strangely matter-of-fact manner.

“I thought you’d be more distraught,” said Twilight.

“Oh, I definitely am,” admitted Spike dryly. “Standard procedure: Using humor to mask it.”

“Twilight?” came Rarity’s voice from down the hall. “Is everything alright? Did you manage to find your wallet?”

Priestess, focus on showing Spike the ropes about mental communication,” said Twilight through her mind as she proceeded down towards the exit, “Sorry! The principals already left; I wasn’t certain what to do next. My ID and everything are in there…” she feigned wrapping her arms around herself in worry.

“That’s alright, darling,” said Rarity with a small smile. “I’m sure we’ll find it tomorrow. Come; I called us a taxi.”

“Oh… But, I possibly couldn’t charge you on driving me to the whole other side of town!” and the notion that she didn’t know any of the street names or locales, to getting lost in the town could amount to-

Rarity tittered, “Oh don’t be silly. And besides, we’re going to my house.”

Twilight held herself from sighing in relief, “Ah. That’s very gracious of you for inviting me.” The two of them, along with Sweetie Belle, who seemed quite ecstatic over something, walked down the path towards the road, Twilight’s eyes trailing along the rearing equine statue.

“What Pinkie had said earlier, after yours and Rainbow’s duel, about a party? The two of us thought it would be a splendid idea if we all just got together at my place. Start making up for lost time. And of course, to warmly welcome you,” the fashionista said, smiling sweetly.

“Ooh, so like a slumber party?” asked Twilight, bringing her hands together in eager anticipation.

“I suppose so,” said Rarity. “Have you ever been?”

Nostalgia flooded Twilight’s mind, thinking back to during her early days in Ponyville that one scheduled stormy night. “Just once, a long time ago, to be frank. It was… Interesting, a bit hectic, but I remember it fondly.”

“I have a good feeling you’ll like it, given that Pinkie is involved,” Rarity chuckled. “She always could make even the smaller events fun.”

Soon a yellow car pulled up along the road; ostensibly like a Manehatten cab carriage, but in the form of the human world’s combustion powered vehicles. The three clambered into the backseat, Twilight insisting on a window seat in case of another bout of yesterday’s carsickness. As the car began to pull away from CHS, Twilight’s eyes focused towards the soccer field, a sense of accomplishment, as well as foreboding trepidation swelling within her.

Tomorrow is when the hard part begins…

Author's Note:

Some story without card games. :pinkiegasp: