• Member Since 31st Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen May 27th

Eric Longtooth

And sometimes, when the world is already burning, there is little more to do but dance with the flames...


This story is a sequel to The Heartbeats of Iron

Equestria was once a peaceful land, their armies were once the stuff of legends.
But now?
Now there is nothing left.
Cities fell within hours of the first contact, and the bulk of the Equestrian military where culled not long after.
In a last ditch effort to gain some kind of advantage, Celestia sent her younger sister with the remains of the Royal Guards to infiltrate the Factory.

This is their story.

A Crossover with Factorio, with themes from the Matrix and similar works.
Reading the prequel is required, but this is set before the final chapter.
I DO NOT own Factorio, My Little Pony, or any works referenced by this fic. Factorio is owned by Wube Software, MLP is owned by Hasbro, and the other works are owned by their respective authors/publishers.
Please support the official releases.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 69 )

Was about to say that it will be interesting to see how luna ends up loosing part of her brain , but then i realized how morbid that sounded. Anyway, yay more factory. :twilightsmile:

Also i hope we get to learn what happened regarding the changelings, if not in this story then in a future one. It seems like an odd decision judging from what we have seen of its thought processes up until now.

If I remember correctly, the Changelings had... Attempted to join forces.
I'll have to look back though. Perhaps add in a little extra emphasis.

yeah, i saw that but i don't get how that lead to the factory deciding to destroy them instead assimilating them like it does with other species?

Aaaah, right.
Sorry, misunderstood what you were saying.

The reason for that is probably due to how in the game you slaughter an insectoid species, there for it would make sense for the factory to be bias against them.

I really like this story, especially since I have 420 hours logged into the game so far. Keep at it. Oh and the part in the first story with the "sing praise to the God of all machines." LOVED THAT.

Thanks a bunch!
Amusingly enough, Warhammer 40k and Factorio blend really well on some topics. The Omnisiah being a good example of that. ;P

bɐʇəs¿ ɯɐunɟɐɔʇoɹınɯ,s ʇɥə ɐʇ ʞuoɔʞs ʍɥo

qatəs? manufactorıum's thə at knocks who

“ʇɥə ɯɐunɟɐɔʇoɹınɯ ɔɐlls ɟoɹ ʎonɹ pəɐʇɥ' ıusəɔʇ¡”

“thə manufactorıum calls for your dəath, ınsəct!”

Close, two different systems were used.
First one being a little more complex then the other.
Off the top of my head, the first one is 'who knocks at the manufactorum's gates' or something of the vein.





Mass EMP or Ion Cannon Bombardment with Heavy Ion Cannons being preferred would probably help.

Personally, I prefer a good Lance bombardment, or a broadside of Macrocannons.
Still, the point remains. :P

Do you even know what the Mavor is?

Yeah, but it lacks the gothic grimdarkness of Warhammer weapons.
Plus that sort of stuff gets outpaced pretty quick when we start looking at the... bigger weapons.

True....... although if we want to make sure the stuff below ground is destroyed seismic bombs could do the job.

FYI you might want to make the reply in the chapter next time as I wouldn't have known if I hadn't been browsing around.

Hm? Oh, apologies on that front, I've got a bit of a habit of doing that. @-@

And yeah, that makes sense. Still, you'd think throwing a hundred or so rounds the size of tanks at a fortification would wipe it off the map. xD

Indeed, speaking of which I know what would wipe the factory off the face of the map and here's a hint: You wake one, you wake them all.

You're not familiar with G1 Bionicle are you?

Not really, kinda missed that train.

Huh... I dunno on that front.
Unless there is something stopping the Factory from salvaging their corpses, I'd say they can be help off quite effectively.

Although I was mainly thinking of the Nuhvok due to their MO.

You know since I doubt there's an AA defenses a squadron or two of strategic bombers with conventional bombs could demolish it or carrying a few tactical nukes.

I'll have to disagree on that front.
Case and point: Fully Awakened Necron Tomb World.

So there are AA defenses well guess it's either conventional or nuclear tipped cruise missiles.

Would be shot down before even making planetfall.
Not to mention, even if they did make it, it would do little to no damage depending on the point of inpact.

Not if they're surface launched or launched in air, I was thinking more of airburst thanks to wider spread damage and less fallout depending on yield an detonation altitude.

So what you're saying is that you would get through the anti-orbital defences of the tomb world, and then launch the missile? You'd still have to deal with the AA Guass, Scarabs, and any other random doomsday weapon the Tomb World has laying around.

Not to mention the temporal anomolies they could throw at you, or the Ca'tan Shards they would have.

I was thinking against the factory.

Aaah, yeah.
Still have to disagree, despite the fact of the factory itself being so expansive it would take a carpet bombing over most of Equestria to accomplish, the roots go deep.
Although I didn't say much in this, the factory itself goes almost all the way down to the core of the planet, and given a few more years, would be in the core.
You'd have to kill the planet to remove it at the very least.

Let's hope our heroes can reverse what happened if not commence primary ignition.

‘ Well… this couldn’t get any worse… ’


We'll see.

Honestly, I'm not a massive fan of good endings, but we'll see. :P

You could go for a bittersweet ending

You know if IoM got their hands on the Eclipse I and it's schematics I'm sure the Inquisition would enjoy the big gun it has.

Well....RIP Chryssie

I get the feeling Luna will do something soon that she will very much regret...

What exactly does Factorio have to do with Warhammer?

Most of the robots are directly based off of warhammer, in one way or another.
To be completely fair, it is the sort of reference that wouldn't be noticed unless you knew exactly what it is referencing...
I think I'll remove that tag, my bad.

I'm sure as hell not leaving this trash a like

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