• Member Since 29th Oct, 2018
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Just a nerd who's ships have formed an armada. I like rare pairs, but the list goes on forever. Hope I can throw out a fic or two you might enjoy. The SunDigo guy.


This story is a sequel to SunDash Beginnings

Its been a few weeks since Dash and Sunset got together. Rainbow comes to Sunset's place after work and joins her for a live episode of Shimmer Code. This week: pajamas, fun games and good natured bickering.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 28 )

i like this prospect, however the youtube/twitch humane 7 is new

Daww they are so cute together! and Sunset better start off with Birth By Sleep first if shes gonna be a story fan hehe

I always play series in order of release...BBS was one of my favorites.

Yeah! The miniseries added a lot for me to work with. :D

yeah, I usually do to, though whenever I eventually get to return to youtube, like with the Zelda series, Im hoping to do it in story order hehe. Id say the same for Kingdom Hearts, but I dont actually play RPG's sadly. I just like its story

If you ever get the urge. Kh 1 on beginner mode can be burned through in under 15 hours. I believe that's the trophy time.... :D

tried playing Kingdom Hearts 1 on the PS4. got as far as the Alice stage and lost interest

Mmm. That's fair. Alice is my least favorite world. :pinkiesad2:
Can't say you didn't try though. That's what matters!

Very cute. Also given who she’s dating I’d think she would prefer Amethyst.

Actually, that's based off of me. I have a hard time choosing if I like the main cast. So I'll pick a secondary character so I don't have to choose. xD

It's why Vinyl, or Trixie would be my favorite because I can't choose between the main 6/7

Well this was a fun one. Certainly got a laugh.

I'm glad you liked it! Thanks so much for reading. :pinkiehappy:

I just happened to stumble across this story on the night of the Steven Universe finale. :( Loved the story! It was very funny and sweet and I love the way you wrote Sunset and Rainbow’s characters! It felt very real, and the way you described the stream made it seem like i was really there! This is going to the favorites! :pinkiehappy:

Oh my god, you have no idea how happy that makes me to hear. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it!

Love the story. I agree that there aren't Enough stories of this ship. I have even started writing my own one.

Awesome, good luck! I'll look forward to it. :D

I love these two together!! They are so fun and adorable!

Great work with this story and I hope to see more of your work in the future!

I'm really glad I saw your comment the other day.

PS: I also forget words sometimes and just choose something that's close enough.

PS2: I don't know when, I don't know how, but I will draw The Burger Queen!

I watch a lot of streamers and I try to have Sunset's streams feel like theirs. Fun and open to take jabs. I love the idea of Sunset and Dash just teasing each other while gaming.

I also watch a few and I totally see them getting a huge crowd on Twitch :rainbowlaugh:

I try to balance out just how dirty their jokes get because ooh boy, I dunno if you watch PatStaresAt or PeachSaliva, but I was going off of them a bit for some of that dynamic.

Sadly no, but I like the restriction, it gives them a bit more maturity

I'm curious as to your opinion on the OOC story I did also because I'm working on one that's just clips of Sunset taken from different streams.

I totally LOVED this one! The way you write Sunset and Rainbow is definitely true to their characters. I would really enjoy reading more like this. I didn't really think that Sunset and Rainbow would work as a couple till I read your first story on this pairing, and now I definitely ship it :)

Oh, thank you so much! I'm very happy to introduce the ship and have you enjoy it. It means a lot to hear. Thank you for reading!

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