• Published 10th Sep 2019
  • 2,140 Views, 53 Comments

Equestria AquaGirls - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms joins forces with Aquaman to search the lost trident of Atlan and dethrone King Orm.

  • ...

The Ring of Fire

Twilight and Leo returned to the Turtle Sub and their friends went to check on them.

“Are you alright, darlings? That was scary and intense out there.” Rarity asked, feeling worried already.

“Yeah. They were nothing like I’ve ever fought for.” Twilight said, feeling tired.

Leo added, “They were like stronger than regular Foot Ninjas.”

“And on top of that, our weapons won’t cut through their armor.” Twilight said.

“Well that’s new.” Rainbow replied.

“Any idea on how to defeat those underwater scumbugs? I want a piece of them!” Raph said.

“Hold on guys. These foot soldiers are trained to combat in underwater. Since we know how to fight on land, we need to beat them at their element.” Donnie explained.

“What does that even mean?” Mikey asked.

“It means that we need to fight them in underwater.” Donnie answered to Mikey.

“Okay. We already know how to fight with our sick ninja moves, but how do we transfer that when we're under the sea?” Rainbow asked.

“With these...” Donnie showed them the rest of their diving gear.

“Nice work, Donnie. Now, how are we going to find Arthur?” Sunset asked.

“We can still use the drone, but I need to repair it because of what transpired earlier. I’ll let you and the others know when it’s fixed.” Donnie said.

“Okay. Thank you.” Sunset thanked him.

“But what about our weapons, Donnie?” Applejack asked.

Donnie explained to them, “Like Twilight said, their armor is highly invincible against regular weapons. So, the only way to fight them is to fight fire with fire, or in this case, water with water. You get the idea.”

Everyone nodded. “Oh, that makes sense,” Applejack said, “Thanks for the advice, Donnie.”

“No problem.” Donnie piloted the Turtle Sub to find Arthur in Atlantis without getting caught.

Meanwhile, Arthur suddenly woke up as he screamed and grunted heavily from the shock treatment that the royal guards were giving him as he breathed heavily after that.

“Welcome back to Atlantis... brother.”

Arthur looked up and he finally saw his half-brother, King Orm Marius. Sitting right next to him was Mera and on the left seat was Vulko.

“I can't believe you're finally back. I've heard so many stories about you.”

Then, Leo, Fluttershy, Twilight, Donnie, and Pinkie Pie snuck inside the throne room without the guards noticing and observed the interaction between the two brothers.

Orm rosed up from his throne, “After all these years, I've been ashamed of my mother for defiling herself with a surface-dweller. And now that you're finally here again. I must admit.”

Arthur growled, ready to charge towards him with a single strike. However, the royal guards controlled the situation and pulled as hard as they can. From then on, Arthur went face-to-face with is brother.

“I'm conflicted.”

“You want conflict, why don’t you take these chains of little brother. And we'll see who gets run through.” Arthur insisted him to try, but his brother did not.

Mera and Vulko looked at each other, feeling worried already while Arthur Jr. looked on.

“Yes, I see you've brought our mother's weapon. Is that why you've come here after all this time? To kill me?”

Arthur answered, “I came here to stop a maniac from destroying the world.”

“I see. And how do you plan to stop the atrocities that the surface continues to commit?” Orm’s guards then pulled up holograms of horrible deeds committed by surface-dwellers. The holograms showed garbage on the ocean, and marine wildlife being captured or killed. From then on, the two brothers argued each other. “Because for a century, they have polluted our waters and poisoned our children. And now, their skies burn and our oceans boil. And you've come all this way to take sides against your own people? Even so far as to bring surface-dwellers here?”

Leo and his friends were stunned at the revelation until they were captured by the Atlantean royal guards.

“I don't know what you're...”

Orm interrupted Arthur and a holographic imagine of the Turtle sub appeared.

“They're not with me,” Arthur answered. “But there are no sides in a war like this.” Arthur said.

Orm assumed, “You have clearly chosen a side and come here to challenge the throne.”

Arthur replied, “If that's what it takes to stop your war.”

“Are you invoking the Combat of the Kings?” Orm questioned.

“Call it whatever you want. I call it a butt-whooping.”

“Well then perhaps that's how we'll proceed,” Orm answered as his guards brought Leo's group in shackles. “And for the sake of your companions?”

Arthur stared at them and knew he couldn't risk their lives. “Them, too.”

“Your Majesty!” Vulko called him.

“Orm, please.” Mera pleaded.

“Don't you see?” Orm stated, “If I defeat the firstborn son of Atlanna in a formal challenge in front of everyone, then all Seven Kingdoms will have to concede that I am the one true king.”

Mera informed Orm, “Your Majesty, there is no victory in defeating the ignorant. Your brother is clearly an imbecile.”

Arthur reacted like he was insulted.

“And to show you that I'm serious...” Orm then swam over to his prisoners and smashed their oxygen helmets open.

Arthur yelled, “NO!”

As Twilight and the others struggled to survive, their geodes reacted and started glowing.

Meanwhile in Seaquestria, something was happening to the pearl in Queen Novo’s throne room.

One of the royal guards informed Queen Novo, “Queen Novo, something is happening to the pearl.”

“What?!” Queen Novo questioned.

Queen Novo and her guards saw the pearl and closed their eyes before it gleamed enough to blind them.

Back in Atlantis, Orm watched as his prisoners drowned, but the geodes saved them by giving them a protective field that filtered out the hydrogen in the water they breathed, but left the oxygen untouched.

Leo wondered, “Huh?”

The Ninjas removed their helmets and they were breathing perfectly in underwater.

Orm gasped, “WHAT?!”

Arthur laughed at his Half-brother's misfortune, but was just as confused as everyone else.

Vulko added, “Your Highness, the new visitors doesn't know our ways.”

“Then they're about to get an education,” Orm approached his brother, “Are you officially challenging me?”

“Heck yeah, I'm challenging you. And when I win...”

Orm challenged him, “If you win, I will cease all immediate action. The war is over. But if I win... you're over.”

Arthur accepted his brother’s offer. “Let's do it.”

“So be it. The challenge has been made and I accept. Prepare him for the Ring of Fire.”

“Wait. The ring of what?” Arthur asked before he got pulled by the Atlantean Royal Guards and groaned.

Leo requested, “King Orm, allow me and my associates to return to our ship.”

Orm asked, “Are there any more of you?”

Twilight and the others shook their heads.

“No, your highness.” Leo answered.

Orm sighed, “Fine. But your lives are in my Half-brother's hands.” He then ordered his guards, “Release them.” The guards released Leo along with his team and they left the throne room safely.

Back in the Turtle Sub, the rest of the Ninjas were waiting for Leo and his team to return.

Mikey groaned, “I'm so bored. When did Leo said they'd be back?”

Applejack answered, “They didn't say. But I don't like the looks of this.”

“Everyone relax. As long as we remain calm, we won't draw attention to ourselves.” April said until Donnie knocked on the window, causing everyone to freak when they saw him without a oxygen mask.

Spike asked, “Leo? Girls? How are you breathing underwater?”

Leo and his team got inside and explained what happened in the throne room.

Sunset continued, “Since our geodes are connected to Equestria, they must be tapping into some other magic there to protect us.”

Raph questioned her, “You mean you have no idea what they're tapping into?”

Sunset answered, “No. I don't know any spells or artifacts that allow us the capability to survive underwater. Nothing in Celestia's collection instructed even a temporary solution.”

Leo informed everyone, “Then, we'll have to be careful. My group will head back to Arthur. Raph, you're in charge of a quick escape.”

“You got it, Leo.” Raph answered, giving Leo a thumbs-up.

Meanwhile, Vulko and Arthur were having a discussion in the training room.

“How could you be so foolish as to let Orm bait you into a fight?” Orm questioned Arthur’s motives.

Arthur replied, “It seems to me that'll solve all our problems. I beat him in battle, the war's over. I'll come back home in no time.”

Orm told him, “You're a formidable fighter on land, but here you're out of your element literally. Orm has spent his entire life underwater, training to be a warrior, training to be the best.”

“You taught me how to fight Cobra Kai. Let’s see if you remember anything.” Arthur said as he started training.

Years ago, a teenage Arthur was with Vulko at the beach alone.

“So what's with the big fork?” Teenage Arthur asked.

Vulko answered, “It's called a trident. Now defend yourself.”

The two began sparring against each other with their tridents until they were tired.

“Why did she never come to see me, huh?” He asked.

Vulko answered, “I told you, when you're ready.”

“Stop lying to me! I've done everything you've asked, and every time I pass a test, you make up another one! When am I going to be good enough? Did she not love me?”

Vulko sighed, knowing that he cannot hold on to the truth about Atlanna. So Vulko explained to his student, “Your mother loved you more than anything in the world, but she had to return to Atlantis to keep you safe. Her marriage to King Orvax was arranged a long time ago so she had to marry him and bear him a son, Prince Orm. But Orvax eventually found out about you, he became overwhelmed with jealousy and sacrificed her to the creatures of the Trench.”

“Are you saying they executed her because she had me?”

Vulko never answered, but it was the truth. Arthur was so furious about hearing the supposed death of his mother and he decided to threw his trident at his mentor.

Back to the present, Vulko dodged Arthur’s trident.

Arthur told his mentor, “Yeah. I remember... everything.”

Leo called, “Arthur.”

Arthur and Vulko saw Leo's small party swimming towards them.

“Leo, you and your friends scared me. You guys okay?” Arthur asked.

Leo answered, “Yeah. We're fine.”

“I was under the impression humans breath air, not water. And last time I checked, you two aren't sea turtles.” Vulko said.

Pinkie explained, “Well, we have these special geodes that get their powers from a distance pony world called Equestria that allows us to do all sorts of stuff that to the untrained eye make us seem like what you call metahuman.”

Arthur was rubbing his head in annoyance while Vulko caught something familiar.

Vulko replied, “Equestria... That's impossible.”

Leo surprisingly asked, “You know Equestria, Vulko?

“Only what I know from the archives. It's a realm of magic and friendship ruled solely by the alicorn, Princess Celestia.”

Donnie noted, “Sounds like an update is necessary.”

Before anyone could say anything else, it was showtime.

Meanwhile, in the underground of the arena, Mera wore a beautiful dress as Orm in his armor gave something to her. “I have something for you,” Orm placed his gift to Mera on her wrist. It was an Atlantean bracelet that was once belonged to his mother, Atlanna. “It belonged to my mother.”

Mera put it on and asked, “Tell me... Do you think she enjoyed watching her sons murder each other?”

Orm answered, “I understand your fear and your reluctance, Mera. I truly do. I don't want war...”

Mera rebuffed, “Don’t patronize me! I know you. What you’re doing flies in the face of everything that your mother taught us when we were children. If she were here...”

Orm interrupted Mera, “But she’s not here, is she? What my mother taught us was treason. Don’t follow in her wake.”

Arthur, Vulko, and their companions swam up to the duo, entering the underground of the arena.

“All right! So, this is the big, old ring of fire, huh? How's it work? I just kick your butt right here?” Arthur said.

Orm asked, “Vulko. Will you escort my betrothed to the royal box?”

Vulko handed Arthur his trident, “What of Arthur's companions?”

Orm sneered at Leo’s party, “Give them a front row seat to my victory.”

Vulko called Mera and the Ninjas, “Let's go everyone.”

Mera and the others left the underground to find the royal box, leaving the two brothers behind for battle.

Orm explained, “Down here we have a legend called the Karathen. An ancient sea monster so powerful that even King Atlan himself feared it. So he imprisoned it, in the depths of the ocean. And in that abyss, the creature bides its time, waiting to rise again. Atlantis has been lying in wait… And now the beast has awakened.”

Arthur told him, “You know, there was a time when I wanted to see you again someday, get to know my little brother a little better, let him know that he wasn't alone. If only I'd known what a jerk you would turn out to be.”

“You were the reason our mother was executed, and I've hated you for it ever since. But I do not want to kill you, Arthur. I'm going to give you one chance. Take your companions. Go home. Do not ever come back to Atlantis. You are not going to win this. A war is coming to the surface, whether you like or not. And I am bringing the wrath of the Seven Seas with me.” Orm vowed.

Arthur replied, “You know I can't let that happen.”

“I know.”

As Orm put on his helmet, his brother asked, “What in the world is that?”

“The Ring of Fire.” Orm said and he swam up to the surface of the arena. The Atlantean crowd cheered for him while Mera, Arthur Jr. and Vulko along with the Ninjas watched and never said a word. As for the rest of the Ninjas in the Turtle Sub, they watched the action on TV from Donnie’s sub-drone as it swam to the Ring of Fire to get a better view.

“Great!” Arthur said as he put on his helmet.

Orm called to his people, “People of Atlantis, hear me! My brother has come back from the surface to challenge me for the throne.” The crowd booed at the announcement as Orm continued, “Let us settle his claim in the ancient way. By bloodshed do the gods make known their will!”

By the time Arthur entered, everyone in the arena except his companions booed at him and berated him. Arthur looked and observed the arena filled with a heated crowd and a holographic stat sheet between him and his brother.

Leo sarcastically said, “They're clearly not picking favorites right here.”

“Just be grateful that insults are the only thing they can throw at him right now.” Vulko said.

Twilight commented, “Check out the stat sheet of Orm and Arthur.”

Fluttershy gasped, “Those aren't nice things to say about Arthur.”

Vulko understood her, “I know, child. But you have to understand that our views of how we treat those who are different are much similar to humanity.”

Back at the Turtle Sub, Rainbow called, “Hey guys, take a look at the drummer.”

The group noticed the octopus playing the bongo drums for the battle. They said, “Cool.”

Then, Mera swam up to her father, King Nereus. “Never thought I'd see the day when my own father would bow before the king of Atlantis.”

“The surface-dwellers drew first blood. What would you have us do? Beg them for mercy?” King Nereus questioned.

Mera detested, “I detest the surface as much as you do. But don't you find of all of this, a bit convenient? But you wouldn't be that gullible, would you?” As King Nereus knew what his daughter was talking about, it was too late for Mera to change her father’s mind. “You want this war too, don't you?”

“It is past time the surface-dwellers learned their place in the world. If this is how it must be done, then so be it.” King Nereus insisted.

Leo begged Mera’s father, “Sir, please listen to your daughter.”

Nereus glared at the five surface-dwellers before him. “You five would be wise to stay out of this discussion.”

The two combatants stood face-to-face against one another. Orm stated, “You have my mother's Trident. Powerful, but flawed like her. I wield my father's,” They pause for a moment until Orm said, “And it has never known defeat!”

The brothers engaged in their fight, but it soon grew intense that they slammed into the nearby rocks.

“I don't like this at all. What do you think?” Donnie asked his comrades.

Leo alerted Vulko, “Vulko, you have to stop this. Someone in the audience will get hurt.”

“Rest assured, we have precautions for this.” Vulko answered.

Orm and Arthur collided with the rocks again until Orm drove his brother straight down to the lava pit with his trident.

“I promise Atlanna I'd protect him.” Vulko promised as Orm continued to send Arthur straight down. “This isn't a competition. It's an execution.”

Orm and Arthur rushed at each at incredible speed, sending a shockwave through the stands upon collision and the crowd cheered and loved the battle.

Leo said, “Mera, this has to stop.”

Mera looked at Leo and his friends, knowing that they were right. She whispered to Vulko, “Vulko, protect my son for me.”

Vulko nodded to her as the battle continued on top of the statue as Arthur defended himself against Orm until he broke Arthur’s trident that once belonged to their mother with Orm’s trident which belonged to their father.

Orm screamed with pride as the Atlantean crowd cheered for him. “I am the one true king!”

Just before Orm could kill Arthur, Mera used her powers to create an area of air around Orm as Mera's vehicle and the Turtle sub arrived while the Atlanteans looked on.

Mera opened the entrance of her sub. “Waiting for an invitation? Get in!”

As Arthur went inside Mera’s getaway vehicle, the Turtle Sub and Mera’s vehicle drove away from the Ring of Fire. As for Orm, he echoed in anger for his friend’s betrayal, “Mera!”

“Oh, yeah. So what's the plan?” Arthur asked while putting on his seatbelt.

Mera replied, “The plan was to recover Atlan's trident, then challenge Orm.”

“Okay, so we're doing things a little out of order. Stuff happens.” Arthur shrugged.

Mikey added via radio, “Nothing new with us.”

As if things had gotten smoother, Orm’s Atlantean forces arrived and chased after them.

Arthur alerted Mera, “Heads up! We got a bogey on our six!”

Mera asked, “What does that even mean?”

Donnie answered via radio, “He said bad guys behind us.”

“Then just say that!”

“Bad guys behind us.” Arthur said.

“Oh now they're in deep trouble,” Raph stated as he was about to man the turret, but Leo stopped him.

Leo informed his brother, “We can't risk shooting civilians in Atlantis.”

Raph didn't like it, but he knew Leo was right.

“Donnie, full speed. Twilight, keep your eyes on the monitor.” Leo ordered.

Twilight and Donnie answered, “Right!”

While both ships were doing their best not to get hit or slam into something, the pursuers kept firing at them and destroying structures.

Mikey commented, “Man, these guys are going to be scolded for the property damage.”

Arthur agreed via radio, “No doubt about it, Mikey.”

As Orm’s ship got close to the Turtle Sub, he spotted the rest of Leo's group.

Orm yelled, “DECEIVERS!”

The heroes were heading towards a tall, glowing ferris wheel of some sort. Both ships accelerated upwards from their pursers.

As Orm’s men closed in, they broke off pursuit as they closed in on the wall.

“Mera, we can't risk the Turtle Sub. We'll take the main road and pick you guys up when it's safe.” Leo informed her as the Turtle Sub turned invisible and swam away.

Mera answered via radio, “Understood.”

Then all of a sudden, Orm’s sub rammed right at Mera’s sub until he and his men continued chasing after the duo.

As Mera sped towards the wall, the turrets armed themselves.

“Whoa, whoa, wait, you said we couldn't go over these walls.” Arthur remembered.

Mera shouted, “I did!”

Arthur reminded her, “You said there were hydro-cannons.”

“I did, now shut up!” Mera yelled again at the annoying half-breed.

As Mera continued dodging the cannon blasts, Arthur yelped, “Oh, snap!”

While Orm’s ships were down from the cannon blasts, Orm locked in on Mera’s sub vehicle and he nailed her craft with one blast. The duo fell straight towards the underwater magma, bracing for impact.

Mera shouted, “We're not dead yet! But I'm hoping he'll think we are.”

The vehicle kept spinning until the two exited the craft and swam towards a pod of humpback whales before it splashed down into the lava pit.

“Here, hold this.” Arthur said as he gave the artifact to Mera and used his powers to communicate with one of the whales.

Mera asked, “What are you doing?”

“Listen, it worked for Pinnochio.”

Mera had no clue what Arthur was talking about. “Who?”

“Never mind. Come here, get in. Come on.” Arthur insisted as the whale slowly opened its mouth.

Mera sarcastically said, “Great. So we’re getting eaten.”

As the pair sat in the whale's mouth, Orm and his men found the wreckage of Mera’s ship.

“Sir, we lost sight of the Turtle vehicle after it left the city limits.”

Orm didn’t reply as he looked on to the wreckage of Mera’s ship and felt gloomy, assuming that Mera along with his brother were dead by the smoldering lava.

Back in the whale’s mouth, Mera asked Arthur, “How are you even doing this, anyway?”

“I don’t know. I can hear them sometimes, and they can hear me.” Arthur explained.

“Right. Because you’re both big, dumb animals.” Mera said.

Arthur exclaimed, “Hey, I just saved your life.”

Mera fired back, “I saved yours first!”

The whale communicated with Arthur. “She said, "Coast is clear!"” Arthur laid down on his back with hands behind his head and asked, “So, where to now?”

“To the ocean of sand your people call the Sahara.”

Arthur smiled, “Alright.”

Author's Note:

After 2 years of hiatus, the story is back online.

  • The pearl from Queen Novo’s throne room appears again from My Little Pony: The Movie.
  • Arthur Jr. first appeared in the DCAU show, Justice League.