• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,560 Views, 3,502 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 6


I might be able to force my will on other creatures 85%

"There is something I can do with my eyes." Flutershy's voice rapidly losing power as her anxity hit her like a sack of bricks. Chakwas wasn't oblivious to this and sat down in front of Fluttershy.

"If you don't want me to tell anyone I won't, I am a doctor after all which means I don't discuss someone's medical information if they don't want me to." She told the nervous pegasus.

"O-okay," Fluttershy gulped, "I'm just affraid you'll be scared of me."

"I've heard a lot of horror stories from soldiers in my time, Fluttershy, I promise that I won't be scared of you. Cross my heart..."

"...Hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Fluttershy finished for the doctor who looked at the pegasus for a moment before chuckling.

"My version is a bit different but I like yours better," She smiled, "Now what is it that you're so afraid of telling me?"

Fluttershy shuffled uncomfortably in place but wasn't going to back out, "I-I can momentarily bend someone's will to my own" She blurted out, immediately hiding behind her mane.

Chakwas again looked at the pegasus in astonishment, "Wow, I'll admit that something like that might put off some people but I'm not going to treat you differently because of it."

"You're not scared?" Fluttershy asked a bit of hope in her voice.

Chakwas sighed and moved the mane out of the way of Fluttershy's face, "Tell me, would you just use it on anyone?"

"NO!" Fluttershy immediately shouted as she recoiled in horror, "I'd never casually use the stare!"

Chakwas giving her a comforting smile, "And that's why I won't be scared of you, the power itself is something that should be respected but I don't see you abusing it in any way."

Fluttershy scanned the doctor for any signs of fear, letting out the breath she had been holding when she found none. "Thank you, doctor."

"No problem, Fluttershy, though I have to warn you not to keep this from Shepard for too long. He's not stupid and if he hasn't already figured out that there's something you're hiding it probably won't take long for him to do realize that." The doctor warned.

Fluttershy sighed, she could still remember nearly revealing the stare to the Commander earlier in the day so she decided it was probably for the best to get him in the loop as soon as possible.

"Now since I'm guessing that you're tired after a day like this I think we should get you into a bed," Chakwas smirked as Fluttershy yawned widely, "The sleeper pods are made for bi-pedal creatures so I'd suggest we drag one of the matrasses to the storage room for you to use."

"Thank you, doctor," Fluttershy said as she helped the doctor pull the mattress to the adjacent room, the pegasus falling asleep the moment she lay down on it. Chakwas smiling as she covered the snoring form of the pegasus with a blanket and leaving her to get some rest.

A couple of relatively uneventful days passed after Fluttershy first found herself in her new world, though this was something that the pegasus wasn't all too unhappy about. Not that it meant she had been sitting still and doing nothing, in the couple of days it had taken them to track down their first lead—the daughter of one of Saren's associates called Liara T'Soni—Fluttershy had been working on things like registering for citizenship and getting a credit account, getting either of those had been a bit of a hassle as the laws and systems in place didn't take into account that a single member of a species could get stuck within Citadel space but with Shepards help the registration would be done by the end of the week.

The other thing she had been doing was reading up on the medical books doctor Chakwas was providing her with, Fluttershy might not have been Twilight Sparkle in her book reading skills but being the town's wildlife manager meant that in winter she had plenty of time to read books. It also helped that due to the invention of medi-gel a lot of procedures were simplified to choosing the right type of medi-gel for the situation, though both doctor Chakwas and Fluttershy agreed it was important to learn how the bodies of various aliens worked as it would allow them to work on even if there was no medi-gel available.

But all that had been the past few days as Fluttershy and doctor Chakwas were now on standby, a couple of hours prior Shepard, Garrus, Wrex, and Kaidan had used the Mako to deploy onto the surface of a planet named Therum where Liara T'Soni was supposed to be investigating the ruins of an ancient spacefaring civilization called the Protheans.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy, Shepard is always careful when he's out in the field and takes great care ensuring the safety of his team." Chakwas comforted the pegasus as she noticed how tensed Fluttershy was.

Fluttershy looked at the doctor who seemed completely at ease and took deep calming breaths, something Twilight had shown her to calm down. "Thank you, doctor."

"No problem, Fluttershy. Remember to keep cool in these situations, if we need to rapidly treat patients we can't have you panicking." Fluttershy nodded just as Joker, the Normandy's pilot, opened ship-wide comms.

"Normandy crew, I'm re-routing power from the inertia dampeners to the engines. Brace for deceleration!" He announced, both doctor Chakwas and Fluttershy rushing to a wall-mounted chair and strapping in tight. The ship suddenly felt like it had hit a brick wall as all the air was pushed from the pegasus's lungs, the moment Fluttershy could grasp for air again she felt panic rising.

No! Joker didn't just go down for no reason, I can't be panicking if the Commander or one of the others is hurt!

Fluttershy mentally scolded herself as she released herself from the chair that had been holding her down. She quickly checked if all the medical Equipment was still strapped down in place, finding out something was missing or broken while treating a patient was less desirable.

"Mako retrieved, returning to orbit," Joker reported, Commander Shepard opening his own comm line to the medbay moments after.

"Doctor, T'Soni took a bit of shrapnel to her abdomen, we administered combat grade medi-gel but I think there's a piece lodged in there and it's causing internal bleeding." Shepard reported, "I'm heading up in the elevator now."

"Fluttershy get the scalpels!" Chakwas ordered, the pegasus momentarily forgot all her anxiety and dashed for the drawer that had all the scalpels, pulling out a set of the extremely sharp sterile blades and putting them next to the bed Chakwas was preparing. Having delivered the knives Fluttershy ran back to the storage pulling out a gas-canister filled with an analgesic that she knew worked well on asari, delivering it back to the doctor just as the Commander and Garrus carried the injured asari into the medbay.

"Put her on that bed," Chakwas told the two soldiers who didn't waste a moment placing Liara T'Soni on the designated bed before leaving again, knowing that they weren't of further use at the moment.

"I got a bottle of analgesic from storage," Fluttershy told the doctor who looked at the label on the bottle and nodded.

"Good thinking, Fluttershy. You make sure she stays calm while I remove the piece of shrapnel," The doctor told her as she used a bottle to spray some sort of liquid on the wound that would neutralize any of the medi-gel still present, it would be counterproductive to cut open the skin to get out the shrapnel if there was still medi-gel trying to mend the tissue. Fluttershy meanwhile stood next to the bed and administered the painkiller.

"Focus on my voice," Fluttershy told the asari whose eyes were darting around in panic, "You're safe here, we're going to do our best to fix you, okay?" T'Soni nodded, calming down a bit as the painkiller most likely had started to kick in. The sound of metal falling into a bowl drew Fluttershy's attention, a shard drenched in purple blood lay in a bowl as doctor Chakwas was administering new medi-gel to the wound. Turning back to the asari Fluttershy found that she had calmed down enough to be studying the pegasus who closed the valve on the bottle of gas and put it down on the table behind her.

"I've got this Fluttershy, you go and get some water to calm down," Chakwas said as she applied a bandage over the place where the shrapnel had hit. Fluttershy nodded making her way out of the medbay where Shepard was waiting.

"How is she?" He immediately asked after Fluttershy had exited the medbay.

"She's fine, doctor Chakwas got the piece of shrapnel out of the wounds relatively quickly," Fluttershy answered as she made her way to the kitchen and tapped a glass of water, sitting down at the mess table. Her hooves were trembling slightly though not of fear but due to the adrenaline coursing through her body.

"That's good to hear," Shepard said, "When do you think she'll be able to join us in debriefing?"

"I don't know, Commander. Doctor Chakwas should make that call." Fluttershy told Shepard as her nerves returned to her now she didn't have anything important to focus on. luckily for the pegasus, the door to the medbay opened up and Liara T'Soni supported by doctor Chakwas came walking out.

"Commander Shepard, I must express my gratitude to you. You've saved me not only from that volcano but also from the Geth that would have dragged me off to Saren," Liara said as she spotted the Commander standing next to Fluttershy.

"You looked like you needed the help," Shepard smirked before turning to Chakwas, "Is she good to join us for debriefing?" He asked the doctor who nodded.

"Just make sure she gets rest afterward, medi-gel might be good but it'll still feel sore for a good while," Chakwas instructed the commander.

"I won't hold her for long," Shepard said while taking over support for Liara from Chakwas, turning his attention to Fluttershy, "Would you like to join us in debriefing? I'd like to ask you some things after I'm done with that anyway."

Fluttershy gulped as she had the inkling of a feeling what Shepard wanted to know about,

I guess he was going to figure something out sooner than later, though I don't see why he would invite me to a mission debriefing, but it does also give me the opportunity to make sure Liara is fine.

1. I'll come along if that's what you want.

2. I'm sure doctor Chakwas needs me elsewhere

3. What is it you wanted to ask me about?

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Author's Note:

I couldn't really be bothered to do an April fools joke so here's a legitimate chapter :scootangel:

As for the content of this chapter; I always wondered how Liara ever got through that fight out of the ruins unscathed because, as you might have noticed, she hunkers down in the open while all around her bullets start flying.

[Paragon] or a [Renegade] Are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]


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