• Published 14th Apr 2019
  • 1,894 Views, 42 Comments

Dear Leader but He's In Equestria - RickAndMicrophone

Some magic thing happens and now Jim Pickens is wreaking havoc in Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter Five but Kevin finds Jim and a whole new world in his Sims 4 gameplay and therapy attempts to cure the moon princess

"Hey there friends. My name is Kevin and today we're going to try and play the Sims 4."

Kevin was still pretty bummed that the Dear Leader had left him in a puff of smoke, but he had a sliver of hope from the totally reliable and very positive YouTube comment section.

"Many of you have suggested that I actually click on Jim in the bottom left corner and I'll go to where he is. I don't know why I didn't think of that. Past Kevin is so stupid!"

He did what his fans suggested and ended up on another loading screen.

"Oh, no," Kevin groaned. "I don't like where this is going."

The screen finally loaded and displayed Jim outside of a hollowed out tree made out of a house. He was following a weird looking purple lizard riding a purple horse.

"Where are we and why is Jim following these feckin' animals?" Kevin asked to no one in particular, except for maybe EA.

"I have a feeling that someone is gonna die and I hope it's Jim that's luring them to their demise and not the other way around."

Kevin was wrong. No one was going to die.

"Well that was anticlimactic. We just went to some park," Kevin said in disappointment, but chuckling afterwards. "Okay, Jim. I think we're done with this weird vacation."

Kevin navigated the menus of the game, but he couldn't find any option that would be able to take Jim back to the pufferfish restaurant.

"Looks like I ran into another feckin' problem," Kevin groaned with a little chuckle. "I'm stuck with these creatures."

"Going to the park was actually a great idea, Twilight."

"Wait, did that lizard just say something?"

Kevin zoomed into the scene to listen to the lizard and horse speak.

"I agree," the purple horse, presumably named Twilight, replied. "Now Jim has a chance to make lots of friends!"

"Wait a feckin' minute. Is this horse speaking English?" Kevin said in reaction. "I'm not even asking that because it's a talking horse, I'm asking that because it's the feckin' Sims."

Usually in the Sims, the people speak Simlish. What just spoke was neither a person nor a speaker of Simlish. Kevin was confused, but just ignored it as one of the many anomalies since Jim started glowing.

"I'm sure he had lots of friends, Twilight," the lizard responded. "Princess Celestia did say she brought him from another world. Maybe he had friends in that other world."

"This lizard is spitting facts," Kevin remarked.
"Wait a minute, did he just say, 'other world?' Jim is in another world? Shit. We've been abducted by aliens!"

"You might be right Spike, but what if he didn't," Twilight argued.

Kevin completely ignored the conversation going on between the two creatures and decided this was a great opportunity to start Jim's life over... kind of.

"I want to restart the cult in this new land. I'm sure my audience will find entertainment in that. I also need a house to live in. I don't know why, but I don't trust any creature here to live with Jim."

Kevin looked around the park and spotted three horses smaller than Twilight playing in the park and assumed they were children. "Alright Jim, 'make friends,'" he said, using air quotes. Obviously this was a euphemism for the common phrase "Recruit those horses into the cult. They seem like young impressionable children and I'm ready to fill their minds with Jim's great ideas."

Kevin took control of Jim, leaving the well known floating gem above his head. Twilight and the lizard noticed this gem but only looked on in curiosity. However, before he could make quality content with the Dear Leader the game displayed a new message.

You can now talk to Sims through the plumbob.

Kevin just looked at the message, but shrugged it off not caring for an explanation. "I don't care anymore. As long as this doesn't bore my 2.27 million subscriber audience." He closed the message and proceeded to speak to the game through the microphone


"Yes not-scary-dragon-that-breathes-fire?"

"What's that on top of your head," Spike asks, pointing to the plumbob. One of the two finally bothered to ask about it.

"Oh." Jim looked up to see the green gem. "That's always been there."

"You don't know wha-" Twilight began to ask, but she was interrupted by... the plumbob?

"Hey there! My name is Kevin!"

"Ah!" Twilight and Spike were caught by surprise.

"It never did that before," Jim commented. "Hello, Kevin."

"Hello, Dear Leader."

Things were silent for a few seconds.

"When someone says 'hi' you're supposed to say 'hi' back. You two are very feckin' rude!"

"Hi?" the purple ones said in unison. Twilight began to question the gem named Kevin, but Kevin had other plans.

"I'm just gonna take Jim with me to meet those small horse children over there. Don't follow us."


"Sorry, weird horse thing. I need content to post on YouTube."

"YouTube?" Twilight asked.

"No time to explain. The more boring footage I have to sit through, the more I have to cut out during editing." Jim and the gem then walked toward the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"We need to send a letter to the princess about Kevin immediately," Twilight ordered Spike, who groaned.

Along the way, Jim decided it would be a great idea to talk to this gem that had addressed him correctly as the Dear Leader.

"That went well."

"I completely agree."

"So, are you like a god or something?"

"I'm actually a Irish YouTuber with 2.27 million subscribers, but I guess in the context of this world I am kind of like a god."

"Are you my creator?" Jim asked, knowing that in some religions the common theme was that a god or gods made everything.


"Can't you give me loads of money then? If you can create life, shouldn't you be able to give that life wealth?"

"Why didn't I think of that? Past Kevin is so stupid!"

"Don't be so hard on yourself," Jim replied. "Everybody makes mistakes. I'm assuming this can apply to gods as well."

"I'm not blaming myself, I'm blaming Past Kevin! He's so feckin' stupid!"

"But didn't past Kevin create me?" Jim argued.
"No," Kevin replied. "That was God Kevin. There's a difference."

"I see," Jim said unconvinced.

"None of that matters now. I'm going to make you rich."

"Make sure not to give me Simoleons, because these feckers use a currency called 'bits'," Jim clarified.

"I'll see what I can do."

Kevin paused the game, opened the cheat console, spammed "motherlode" a few times, and then unpaused the game. "Alright, I made you rich," he said in triumph.

"I just said to not give me a feckton of Simoleons," Jim reminded Kevin, showing the gem the Simoleon money he has.

"That was Past Kevin's fault! I had nothing to do with it!" Kevin quickly defended, pausing the game and going back to the cheat console. The screen popped up another message.

You know, you could just ask me nicely to give Jim some bits.

- Your corrupted Sims 4 game

Kevin followed these orders immediately. "Can you please give Jim one million bits?"

I don't know. Can I?

- Your corrupted Sims 4 game

Kevin sighed in frustration. "MAY you PLEASE give Jim one million bits?"

Sure, but you should calm down. I suggest you take anger management courses.

- Your corrupted Si- you get the point

"Thank you, my corrupted Sims 4 game," Kevin said, trying to hide his annoyance with video game pop ups.

No problem.

Kevin unpaused the game again.

"Thank you Kevin. Now I can get my own plot of land and get away from that purple bitch. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm going to cause trouble. How dare she! I only want to overthrow the diarchy."

Kevin laughed at Jim's totally innocent and not destructive plans. "I'm gonna be honest Jim. I expected your goal to be to kill every horse in the country."

"They're too intelligent," Jim argued. "They're not like the Sims back at home who are completely unaware that the raw pufferfish on their plate is very deadly. I'm pretty sure they don't even eat meat, let alone raw pufferfish."

"So your saying me need to be strategic?"


"That sounds difficult," Kevin argued. "Can't we just kill the purple bitch?"

"She is the messenger to one of the rulers. I'm pretty sure if we kill her, we'll eventually get arrested."

The gem's voice behind the computer screen understood the issue. "Sounds terrible, especially since I'm really bad at escaping prisons," he said, reminding himself of his experiences in BitLife.

"Escaping what now?" Jim looked down and Kevin maneuvered his screen to see they had reached their destination with the trio of impressionable children speaking in unison as confirmation.

"I escaped my house to visit the great outdoors," Jim lied effectively. "I'm Jim Pickens."

"Hey they're friends. My name is Kevin."

"We're not friends yet," the trio replied simultaneously.

"I get that a lot."
"What are your names?"

"I'm Apple Bloom," said the yellow one with the bow. She then pointed to the white unicorn, calling her "Sweetie Belle," and finally pointed to the orange-brown... I'm not sure what color that is but she's a pegasus and her name is "Scootaloo." "We're trying to get our cutie marks!"

"The feck is a cutie mark?" Jim asked.

"What do you mean what's a cutie mark?" Scootaloo asked.

"Getting a cutie mark is a big deal for ponies," the unicorn added. "A cutie mark shows a pony's special talent."

"Well I'm not a pony and I don't have a special talent, so I guess I don't get one of those."

"Don't feel bad uh..." Apple Bloom already forgot the plumbob's name.

"Call me Kevin."

"Kevin," Apple Bloom repeated. "I'm sure you'll find yer special talent one day, cutie mark or not."

"I doubt it, but okay."

"His special talent is creating life," Jim said, saving Kevin's self-deprecating ass. "I am actually his creation and I'm kind of a big deal."

"Are you the hairless monkey mah sister warned me about?" Apple Bloom questioned in her usual southern accent.

"I am a human, but I'm harmless," Jim assured the pony, while subtly discouraging the use of the term "hairless monkey". "I have never harmed a pony since I got here."

I have harmed and killed several Sims, but never a pony. Jim thought. Thank feck there are loopholes.


"Yes. However, my dreams have caused one of your royal princesses to become mentally unstable. That's probably why people think I'm dangerous."

"Wait wh-" Sweetie Belle began.

"Hold on a second," Scootaloo interrupted, covering Sweetie's mouth and studying Jim as if she had seen him before. "Didn't you beat that Bop It™ game 11 times?"



Sweetie Belle just looked at the pegasus like her priorities were all out of whack.

"Shouldn't we go and find a way to get our cutie marks?" Sweetie Belle reminded her friends. "I mean this 'human' probably has stuff to do and talking to him isn't gonna get us our cutie marks."

"Ah agree," said Apple Bloom. "Bye Jim. Bye Kevin."

"Bye," echoed the unicorn and pegasus. Then the three of them started to shout.

Cutie Mark Crusaders, yay!

Usually, one would flinch, but not Jim. He can withstand loud noises, such as children screaming. "Why don't you three go zip lining for your tattoos?" Jim suggested.

"Great idea!" Scootaloo replied, while the other two ponies had unsure looks on them.

Kevin however, forgot he was recording a video and drifted off to sleep. "Holy shit," he cried as he woke up. "The feck is this about the Crusades?!"

"It's just the children," Jim explained. "They left to get their cutie marks or something. I recommended zip lining to them." Jim sighed. "Sadly, I forgot to ask them to join our 'club.' I think this 'crusaders' thing they screamed about was their own group, so I assume they probably wouldn't join our cult anyway."

"That zip lining idea sounds dangerous for such young children," Kevin said. "Good job, Jim. Although they could potentially get out of zip lining with no injuries."

"It was the first thing I thought of. My mind is full of potential ways to kill or injure Sims," Jim argued. "Besides, that's the best I could do with the limited resources I have, Kevin."

"I just gave you loads of money," Kevin retorted.

"Yes, but I should save them for shelter and a basement for pony slaves, so that I can get paintings made for more money."

"You mean like the good ol' days?"


"There you are, Jim," uttered a relieved Twilight. "I thought you were going to destroy the park or something. Come on. Let's go home."

"I can see why you hate her."

"What was that?" Twilight growled. "Do you not realize how dangerous Jim could be?"

"Jim has loads of money," Kevin began. "He can afford to live on his own." Jim demonstrated this by taking out a huge pile of bits from his pocket and showing it to Twilight.

"Besides, I'm harmless," Jim added. "My dreams are just really weird and would confuse the hell out of any living creature."

"How do I know you're not lying?"

"What would I lie about?" Jim rhetorically asked. "I just got here yesterday, because of your ruler and I sang you a beautiful song. You cried tears of joy because of the song for feck sake!"

"A man with vocal cords like Jim would never harm a fly," Kevin said "truthfully".

Twilight stayed silent for a few moments.

"They have a point," the ignored dragon acknowledged. "I think you should let them go."

"I still have doubts," Twilight said nervously.

"I have one last trick up my sleeve," Kevin said. He immediately started playing his rival's meme song to the pony and her assistant.

Just like with Jim's performance, Spike and Twilight cried at the wonderful singing.

"I don't know what I was thinking," Twilight said wiping tears from her eyes once again. "You should find your own place to stay. However, I don't know if there are any vacant houses here in Ponyville."

"I think there's a house available next to those musicians," Spike pointed out also trying to wipe away his tears. "I'm sure these two amazing singers wouldn't mind having musician neighbors."

"I don't see why not," Jim agreed. "I didn't like living in a tree anyway."

"Then it's settled," Twilight announced. "I'll just go talk to Ponyville's realtor and-"

"I already found the house you were talking about and bought it," Kevin responded.


"Did Kevin forget to tell you he was a god?" Jim asked.



"B-b-but the princesses-"

"I mean, we are from a different world," Kevin argued. "That world has different gods."

"Okay then," Twilight said. "Well, I'll see you later." She waved at the Dear Leader and the gem above him, then motioned Spike to follow her to the library house tree... thing. I don't know what the fuck that shit is actually called and I'm not gonna bother looking it up.

"Alright Jim. Let's go to your new house."

"And how does that make you feel, princess?"

Luna was talking to a therapist, named Mind Clear*, with her sun sister by her side. She was still shaken from the chaos of Jim's powerful dreams.

"I feel as if my own subjects want to kill me," Luna shuddered. "Especially the pink one."

"And this was all due to some creature your sister accidentally summoned and his dreams?"

"Yes," Luna said. "I fear that human creature will corrupt my subjects and get me and my sister killed."

"Aren't you and your sister immortal?"

"THEY THREW ME IN A FECKIN' OVEN!" Luna yelled. Princess Celestia defended herself from vase shards... again. However, there wasn't much Luna could do, considering she was restrained by large amounts of duct tape.

"That's not what I asked."

Luna sighed, finally answering the question. "Yes."

"Then what are you really worried about?" Mind Clear asked. She wasn't convinced she was worried about dying if she was immortal.

Luna sighed again. "I'm worried my sister mistakenly summoned another 'Lord of Chaos.' Considering the weird dream this Jim Pickens had last night, I have reason to believe he might be at least a product of chaos magic."

"I already sent a letter to Twilight about how Jim might be a threat because of your strange outbursts," Celestia assured. "The Elements of Harmony will take care of him."

"What if they don't and he overthrows the diarchy?" Luna asked in worry.

"Let's be honest here. Lots of ponies wants to overthrow us. If Jim wanted to overthrow us, he'd have to get past the guards."

"But what if he does get past the guards and overthrows the diarchy?"

"We get a break from ruling Equestria for a while until he dies."

"I have a feeling you aren't taking my fears very seriously, sister. Besides, what if he is immortal?"

"Well, it looks like our time is up," Mind Clear said. "I heard enough."

"But we have 10 minutes lef-"

"I. Heard. Enough. Get. Out," Mind Clear growled, before taking deep breaths. "I'm sorry princesses, but this doesn't seem like a psychological issue anymore and I have absolutely no idea how our government works. This is an issue you have to deal with on your own."

"I understand your lack of expertise Mrs. Clear, but you are in the Canterlot Castle," Celestia reminded. "It is you that needs to get out."

"Oh." Mind Clear apologized and left.



"Can you get me out of this feckin' tape prison?"

"Are you going to throw another vase at my guards?"

"No," Luna promised.

"Pinkie Promise?"

"I can't exactly cross my heart when I can't move my forelegs."

Needless to say, Luna had finally escaped the tape prison. Suddenly, a letter appeared for princess Celestia. She read it aloud.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Jim Pickens is not alone. He has a gem that floats above his head named Kevin. The gem can communicate much like any normal pony and I fear it might be a threat much like Jim. However, Kevin and Jim so no sign of being a threat as I am writing this, but I already told the other Elements of Harmony about Jim. I'll keep track of Jim and Kevin to make sure they don't become a threat.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

"Kevin," whispered Princess Luna. "I swear I heard that feckin' name before."

"What was that Luna?"

"Nothing, sister."
"What does 'feck' mean, sister?"

"I don't feckin' know!"

Author's Note:

*I'm really bad with making up names. I'd like to apologize for now and then near-ish future.

I originally turned Kevin into one of the pony characters, but in hindsight that was a stupid idea. Kevin thinking he's just playing a weird version of the Sims 4 was a better idea. I mean, I want this story to be cursed, but not too cursed.

Also, according the the Call Me Kevin Wiki:
"Kevin has been confirmed to be God himself during all of his videos. There are clues in each that when all are seen allows you to see Kevin in his true form."
Whether or not he is actually God himself is irrelevant to the story, but I thought it was an interesting fact.

See you guys in another year!

But seriously, another chapter will be made whenever I feel like it. Maybe within the next few months...

Actually, maybe not. See you guys in another year/decade!