• Published 14th Jun 2019
  • 3,005 Views, 263 Comments

Nightmare - Salty Alty

When a journalist set out to the Castle of the Two Sisters to seek inspiration, she took one wrong step and found something she never could've expected. Now host to a Nightmare, will she be able to keep her newfound secret without it consuming her?

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Chapter 2: Letting My Hair Down

I opened my eyes to a strange and foreign sight. I was floating in a vast void, the space around me a kaleidoscope of the softest shades of color I had ever laid eyes upon, each individual borealis ranging from deep blues to verdant greens and stretching across the horizon like vast tapestries. Stars surrounded me, each one a veritable sun in its own right, burning bright and proud in this endless abyss. I brought my hooves to my face, only... They weren't there. In their place were twisting tendrils of oily blackness, bound and contorted tightly to resemble legs.

I opened my mouth to scream, and the stars around me rushed to fill my maw, moving so quickly I couldn't keep track of them. The feeling was akin to gulping down cold water on a hot summer day, leaving me feeling fresh and rejuvenated. The sky was darker now, the beautiful rainbows replaced with the light of a city skyline, the inky blackness leaving only towering skyscrapers and light pollution that shrouded the beauty of the night. I didn't know why, but it made me feel angry. That ponies could shun such natural magnificence with our greed and hubris, with our lust for more.

Except... these weren't my thoughts. I hadn't given a rat's ass about these things before, so what was different?

Suddenly, the world shook around me, the sky fracturing like panes of glass, and it was made very clear to me that this wasn't any normal dream. There, now dominating the skyline, was a massive silhouette of an alicorn, its wings flared out to caress and enshroud the entire world in their cool embrace, soft and endearing, yet forgiving like oblivion.

And then it opened its eyes to look at me, but there were no pupils or irises, just gargantuan pools of blazing white. A thousand booming voices echoed around me, surrounding me on all sides, their origin impossible to pinpoint. The message was conveyed clearly, more like... Concepts than actual words.

"G̯̭̭̗̰͎̘̓̔ͨ͗̽ͯͩ͘e͙̙̺̜̠̓̈ͪṅ̙͝ẹ̞̫͚̪ͭͦŕ͖̺̱̠͖̅͑͡ͅo͓ͭ̽͊͆̂ͥ̋s͏̣͉͖ỉ̸͓̀̄t̯͆ͧ͡y͈̋̀ͮ͞.̮͚̓ͥ̈́ͬͮ͊̚ ̪͚̻̺



And then I woke up.


I shot awake with a gasp, sucking in a breath of air as I sat up rapidly, nearly falling off my couch. Rapidly glancing around at my apartment, I grimaced. the place was wrecked. The fridge was open, a majority of its contents, or at least what was left of them, sprawled across my table. Skins of mangoes and oranges were left discarded on the tabletop, and my jug of apple cider lay empty on the floor. Some of my chairs had been knocked over, as if somepony had been barging around in a hurry.

Tentatively hopping off of the couch, I sighed, lugging myself over to the cabinet where I kept my cleaning supplies and resigning myself to the sad, sad inevitability of having to clean up this mess.

As I wiped down the counters and replaced the chairs, I slowly realized that there was a feeling of... Not quite hunger, but almost a void in my soul, gnawing at the fringes of my consciousness. It felt... strange, like somepony was watching me, but every time I took active notice of it, the sensation would suddenly disappear, spooking me that much more.

It took me a good hour or so, but I finally managed to restore my apartment to its usual prim and proper state. By the end of it, I had worked up a good sweat, and by extension, an appetite.

I swiped my scarf and phone off the couch as I trotted out the door to the balcony. Normal apartments usually didn't have them, but Pegasus condos usually had them installed for a slightly higher monthly rent. I vaulted over the railing and glided down to the streets below, touching down near an alleyway. I honestly didn’t like flying. Ironic coming from a thestral, I know. There had been an incident a few years back when a rogue storm from Ponyville had knocked me out of the sky, and I suppose I just hadn’t been able to enjoy flying since then. There's just a certain feeling that comes with losing control so high above the ground. Sheer helplessness grips every fiber of your body as you hurtle towards the ground, faster and faster until you either stabilize yourself or hit the ground. Unfortunately for me... I had done the latter. My wings, despite all the physical therapy, still ached every day, doubly so in the cold.

I shook myself out of that thought, trotting through the bustling streets of Lower Canterlot. The incessant chatter of a thousand voices reached my large, tufted ears just as easily as the sound of the snow crunching beneath my hooves. It wasn't quite as prominent during the winter months, but magic burned the air around everypony. The resulting smell was akin to that of ozone, and lots of it. I usually didn't notice it enough to bother me, but for once in my life it smelt... Good. Like the sort of smell you'd want in an air freshener.

Making my way through the winding streets and cobbled pathways, I found myself at what I almost considered to be my home away from home, Cuppa's Coffee. Pushing the door open, I was greeted with an immediate blast of hot air, the delectable aroma of various herbal teas and vintage coffees, and the familiar chime of a bell that softly rang throughout the establishment.

Trotting up to my usual table, a small booth off in the corner, I sat down and made myself comfortable, retrieving my phone from a small pocket in my scarf. Idly scrolling through my messages, I frowned; my manager had messaged me.

World Wide: Hello Evening! Just messaging you to inquire about the next issue of the Evening Scoop that you said you'd have ready by the end of the month. How's that coming along?

I huffed, leaning against the wall as I typed up a response. It was not that I didn't like him, it was just that at times he could be a bit of a hardass. One would think after working with the stallion for seven years now, he'd learn to stop his nagging. This was the fourth time in two weeks that he'd asked me about the damned article.

Evening Shade: It's coming along just fine, thank you for asking. I just got back from my trip to the Everfree, so I should have a draft for you by Thursday. Is there anything else you needed to ask about?

I set my phone down on the table, massaging my temples. I already had a gut feeling that I'd need to go to the clinic to get checked out after the incident, but I really didn't want to put up with the hassle if it turned out to be something terrible or life threatening. Ignorance is bliss, after all.

I felt a tapping on my shoulder, and out of the corner of my eye I saw the familiar black-and-white stripes and apron that I had come to adore. "Eyy, Sistah. Here is your usual, as always. What seems to be da problem today?" Cuppa asked me, the barest hint of concern hidden behind the grin he always had plastered on his face. He had immigrated here almost a decade ago, changing his name and setting up his quaint little shop in a quiet section of Lower Canterlot. I didn't pry too much, but even I could tell where he came from. He's a good friend though, no denying that. Our friendship alone could attest to that, never mind the bond he shared with the rest of his regulars.

I graciously accepted the small mug of hot chocolate from him, giving him a soft smile. "Just work issues, I suppose," I said, before a thought came to mind. "Say, would you have any idea about strange mists or creatures in the Everfree?"

Cuppa shook his head, his dreadlocks swaying with the motion. "No, I do not know of any such things. I have never been to da Evah Free, or anything like it for dat matter. Closest thing I'd have seen would be da fogs of my homeland. Why?"

I sighed, sipping at my cup. I noticed my phone vibrating out of the corner of my eye as I spoke. "Just something I'd seen during my trip, it's probably nothing. Thanks anyway, though!"

He nodded tersely, the previously bubbly expression on his face had been replaced with a grim frown. "Be careful, Sistah. You never know what things may lurk in da dark," he said, getting a far-off, glassy look in his eyes, almost like some sort of... Feral animal. "Trust me, that is something I know more than most." He blinked a few times, seemingly shaking himself out of whatever state he was in, reverting back to his usual, happy-go-lucky self. It was almost frightening, in a way, to see how quickly he swapped between the two. "Anyway, I have to finish up the rest of da coffee, we're running short. Catch you on the flip side, ya?"

I felt my ears splay back a bit as I replied, setting a hoof on my phone. "Err, yeah. You too, Cuppa." The zebra turned and walked away, humming a tune.

I flipped my phone over, tilting my head as I read the message.

World Wide: Yes there is, actually. I know you typically don't like "investigative" journalism, but the company really thinks that this story has the potential to make the headlines!

I bit the inside of my cheek, struggling not to say some very... Not nice things as my eye twitched wildly. I knew exactly what he was referring to. A shadow job. Stalk somepony, get whatever dirt you could on them, the works. Thankfully, at least a few of the ponies I had done that kind of story on had done something criminal, and I suppose that let me sleep easier at night, but it still made me feel like some sort of... Glorified paparazzi fluke, nipping at some poor celebrity's hooves for table scraps. I snorted, angrily sipping my hot coco.

Evening Shade: Fine. Who am I playing secret admirer to this time?

World Wide: Crystal Heart, CEO of Genesis Technology & Pharmaceuticals. Recently, they've been upping the ante in regards to a new drug they've produced called Amoraphyll, and have been requesting increased numbers of pony volunteers for clinical trials. Somepony up high thinks that something is shady about the whole ordeal, but doesn't quite know what. We'd like you to dig up what you can on her, and if possible get an interview with her. Nothing out of the ordinary.

I blinked my eyes in surprise at that. GenTech, as they were usually known, had been in business for a while now. Hay, I'd even used some of their medicine during my recovery. They were the last group I'd suspect of doing well... Anything! For Celestia's sake, Amoraphyll was an anti-depressant as far as I knew!

And wasn’t my coltfriend working for them?

Evening Shade: Tall order, but should be doable. She's the last pony I'd suspect of being involved in anything suspect though, she's a known philanthropist after all.

World Wide: Generous aristocrat or not, something doesn't feel right about the situation... To any of us. Text me back when you've got an update for me.

I pondered on that for a long while, nursing my mug as I thought about my next move. None of it made sense on the surface, at all. Crystal had been heavily involved in most of the residential clean-ups of Canterlot, and had even squashed poverty in the city altogether with her corporate-funded welfare programs. What could she of all ponies have to hide? It just baffled my mind.

I put that thought on the back burner as I chewed the last of the marshmallows in my cup, and left a few bits on the table to cover the costs. I figured I'd get started on my latest assignment tomorrow. First, I had an appointment to make, one that I absolutely

"See ya, Cuppa!" I shouted out as I rushed out the door, barely taking heed of whatever response he might have given as I galloped through the streets, my scarf trailing behind me in the wind.

Wandering through the twists and turns that made up the Canterlot streets was made difficult by the chilling cold and biting winds of winter, but I pushed through it, despite how much pain my wings were in. But after the better part of an hour, I had arrived at my destination.

I shook the snow off of myself as best I could as I trotted up to a — compared to the estate around it — luxurious and cozy house. The porch was swept so that not a speck of snow graced the surface of the polished marble, the mailbox wasn't overflowing, and the doormat was perfectly straight. It was what I could best describe as picturesque, something straight out of one of those magazines you'd read in the doctor's office.

Pressing the doorbell with a hoof, I waited for a moment as I heard the doorbell's jingle play throughout the house. I felt my ear flick involuntarily as I heard the hurried clopping of hooves towards the door. I felt my heart flutter a little bit as the door swung wide open to reveal...

"Daaaawn!!!" I shouted as I practically jumped on the poor stallion, doing my best to hug the life out of him.

"Oof— Calm down, Evey! It's only been a week!" the unicorn shouted, gently hugging me back. Dawn Star and I had been dating for about a year, and his career wasn't the only thing that made him attractive. Despite being an extremely skilled and talented chemist, he still had an incredibly toned physique and took care to groom himself well, hay, I can't even recall a time where he's had the infamous "Five'o'Clock shadow". He was a generally caring and patient pony, and well...

Simply put, this stallion completed me in every conceivable way. He was the yin to my yang, the other side of my coin. He was the sun to my moon. And I wouldn't have had it any other way.

"Oh come on, Dawny! You know I'm never gonna miss a chance to come over!" I said, hastily pulling him inside and out of the cold. The smell of food immediately wafted into my nose, causing me to salivate. "Do I smell stir fry?" I asked, eyeing the stains on his apron and coat, the soy sauce staining his white fur.

He chuckled, rubbing at the back of his head, his blonde mane gleaming under the bright lights of his house. "I mean, I just got off work around a half hour ago and was feeling lazy... So yeah, you smell stir fry!"

I giggled, booping his nose as I walked towards the kitchen. "Hey now, I'm not complaining. Remember our third date?"

He groaned, trotting alongside me. "Oh come on, I was new to flambeing at the time!"

I took a seat on a stool next to the countertop, watching the steam emanating from the wok on the stove. "Yup, still burnt your eyebrows off, though!"

He mumbled under his breath, and though he tried to hide it, I could still see him grin. He levitated the wok over, sliding two decently sized portions of food onto the plates set in front of me, before swiping the second plate for himself. "Bon appetit! At least, that's how I think they say it. Never understood Prench."

I shrugged, stabbing a fork into the mixture of vegetables and seafood. "Neither have I. I heard that they apparently have eleven different words for 'surrender.'"

He snorted, pointing his fork my way and taking a seat next to me. "See, that's crazy." He chewed for a moment. "Say, how was Ponyville?"

I blanched at that. "Never again."

He let out a 'Hah!'. "That bad?"

I nodded, shivering from the memory alone. "There was this weird pink mare that forced a welcome party on me, and she kept appearing out of random places," I said, poking at my food pensively. "She popped out of my scarf once. I don’t know how, but she did."

He looked at me as if I had gone mad. "She... What? You're joking right?"

I shook my head. "I've got better jokes than that. It was... Quite terrifying, actually."

He slumped in his chair, prodding his food. "Guess I owe Petri five bits then."

I nearly spat out my food, looking at him in shock. "You made a bet on me?!"

He laughed, waving a hoof dismissively. "No no, nothing like that. We made a bet a month or so back on whether or not Ponyville was as crazy as the rumors make it out to be."

I harrumphed at that, crossing my hooves. "It wasn't fun at all... The Everfree was the best part about it, actually."

He raised an inquisitive eyebrow at me. "Oh? Didn't think I'd hear you of all ponies say that." I nodded vigorously, launching into an explanation of everything I'd seen, though I found myself unable to bring up the topic of the strange mist.

We talked like that long into the night, just chatting about anything that came to mind. It was nice, and we had turned it into a ritual of sorts ever since we had started taking our relationship seriously.

It was near the end of the night, while we were snuggled together in bed, when I was forced to ask him a question.

"Hey babe?"

He blearily looked over to me, tearing his gaze off the cheesy horror flick we'd put on for the night. "Mmh, yeah? What's up?"

I chewed my lip for a second, before tentatively popping the question. I hoped I was wrong. "You uhh... You know that firm you're working for?" He nodded. "Which company were you recently contracted by?"

He pulled himself to a sitting position, racking his brain for an answer. "I think it was GenTech, why?"

I hit the button to pause the movie, sitting up with him. "The network is having me do an article on Crystal Heart and the whole... Amoraphyll thing."

His eyes widened in response. "No shit? They think you'll find any dirt on her?"

I shrugged, feeling my ears splay back. "Apparently. And if I haven't heard rumors of it, it's either nothing or well..." I looked him in the eyes, worry and concern visible across my entire face. "It's something that they don't want anypony leaking. And that terrifies me."

He hugged me, planting a quick kiss on my forehead. "C'mon hun, don't worry too much. You've tackled a lot worse before. Get some rest, okay?"

I sighed, lying back down. "Okay, okay. You too, Dawn."

He nuzzled the back of my neck, whispering into my ear. "Goodnight, Evey."

Only... Rest didn't find me that night.

I slipped out of bed a few hours later, slinking over to the dining room where he usually left his laptop, finding it right where I expected it to be.

"Sorry, honey. I don't think this is something I can take chances on."

I fished a flash drive out of my mane and plugged it in.

I really hoped this would have what I needed.

I hoped it was worth it.

"Please forgive me."

Author's Note:

Now edited by Everfree Pony!