• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 45 minutes ago

The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.


It is Jimmy's birthday, and he is excited, naturally enough. But this being Jimmy, will his day go normally without a single transformation?

I think we both know the answer to that one...

A surprise birthday present for my friend, JimmyHook19.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 54 )

Did you get 'being displaced' mixed up with 'The Displaced' ?

Err, yes. Sorry, that was an error.

When furry transformation wasn't enough, turn into a pony.

I kudos my own line if i have to be really honest.

Sorry? You wouldn't mind explaining your comment?

Feel free to remove the story from the offending folders..

This was very good! Loved the transformation scene. Also, Jimmy has one of my names as well. :rainbowwild:

Aww, thanks. Which name is it?

I'll PM it to you privately. :twilightsheepish:

"That doesn't quite scan," Pharynx observed grumpily.

That brings a limerick to mind.

There once was a man from Japan,
Whose limericks just wouldn't scan.
They told him'twas so,
He said "Yeah, I know,
But I always try to fit as many words in the last line as I possibly can!"

Not any that good off the top of my head. :unsuresweetie:

Well, here comes another bout of recurring nightmares. Why do I keep reading these?

Because you like me?

Aw, don't flatter yourself, boyo. It's probably sheer morbid curiosity.

I see. Well, a certain Mr Hook can't get enough of it. How do you feel about EqG TFs?


Well, a certain Mr Hook can't get enough of it.

And I wouldn't give up my transformation online life for anything though! <3 :heart: :yay:

Do you like it? It was tough keeping it a secret!

It was worth it X3

So.... aside from this being my present from you to me, does that mean.... little by little.... you are supporting me in hoping Chrysalis is reformed? ^^

With fewer than 13 episodes to go, don't hold your hopes up.

I selected it as it's one of two forms of Chryssy you haven't covered yet.

And the other would be EQG Chrissy, right? :3

Yes. Jury's out as to what she looks like.

Heh, to quote our friend Discord's favorite saying when we get things right:

Nailed it

Hehe. Any suggestions?

Don't get me wrong. You're alright. It's just some bizarre fascination of mine.

As for the Equestria Girls transformation: I feel like the horrifying details of such is best left to the imagination.

Such as certain bits down there?

Right. That kind of thing is better left to interpretation.

But, who knows? I may end up writing my own one-shot like this. What character to use, though?

Well, y'now furries right? Well they like to imagine humans turning INTO Another furry, it's almost like an entire subgenre of the furry fandom.

Now imagine bronies as furries in denial, and add ponies in the batter, Voila! Pony transformation

Uh.... you are looking at the Jimmy you are speaking to (aka me)

Eventually, but I'm a little busy now.

It was a wonderful July morning in Manteo, North Carolina, and the beams of the sun shone marvellously down upon the city. That morning was a gloriously sunny one indeed, as it was decreed by the sun, as it was the morning of a very important day. This day was a birthday, and not just any birthday. No, today was the birthday of Manteo's most famous resident (on this website, at least). That's right, the Birthday of James Thomas Hook, or our old friend, Jimmy!


Alas, he did not see the sun. Following an incident back in March in which the sun itself had triggered one of his many transformations, he had installed thick blinds in order to ensure such an incident did not occur again. This neant he was now reliant on his alarm clock, which suddenly and loudly went off, ringing and bouncing along his bedside table with an incredible racket. Once the noise had finally ceased, as the alarm clock fell off the table and fell to its certain doom, gears, cogs, and plastic landing all over the place, Jimmy finally stirred in his bed, raising his arms above his head and issuing a great yawn.

Looks like someone's really tired:twilightsmile:.

"Boy, I'm tired!" he exclaimed, glancing around the interior of his bedroom, which was more or less the same as usual. The same old arrangements of My Little Pony DVDs (and Blu-rays, to be exact about some of them), toys, books, and even some fan art thrown into the mix. Despite what some neighsayers were saying (but not a certain chancellor, thankfully. That would be confusing), the Brony fandom was very much alive and well, with music, art, and literature flowing out of them like a river of fine wine. The clear and obvious benefit that this art had over wine was that you couldn't get drunk over it, although to a certain degree finding art of certain types could prove to be a headache in and out of itself. Such as finding artwork of Luna's original Season 1 appearance, before she was upgraded to a new Flash rig. Jimmy had had multiple adventures in that regard, most noticably having disrupted the show's timeline whilst stuck in her body. The other two had been the usual of him vanishing for a few days, then returning a few days later, apparently no worse for wear, but usually on a Wednesday for some reason. What's with that? Still, he pulled himself out of bed, and went to tweak the air conditioning unit in his bedroom, as it was projected to get very hot.

Wow, he was busy:derpytongue2:!!!

Only then did he remember what day it was. "Oh! It's my birthday!" he exclaimed, and instantly forgot to be tired at all. He went into the shower, remembering to get undressed first, and went straight through the shower as fast as he could, before going back to his room and drying himself off with a towel. He knew from experience using only your hands to dry yourself off was time consuming and silly. Hence his not doing it.

Happy birthday:scootangel:🎉!!!

Once fully attired for the day, the birthday man went downstairs. He had a vague idea of what his friends had got him, but he had a few minutes before they came over. Even his friend from the UK was visiting for the occasion, as he was on a road trip of the USA through the area, and would stop off for the day, before heading onwards to Raleigh, North Carolina, to stay the night before resuming his trip to Washington, D.C. And that would be a good thing, as they had never met before, and Jimmy was looking forward to meeting him in person at last.

Jimmy suddenly noticed a card sitting on the table, with the legend OPEN BEFORE OTHERS ARRIVE written in big, yellow letters, which made it exceptionally hard to read in the lighting conditions. Jimmy wondered why on Earth that not only had someone sent a letter meant to be opened before anybody else got there, but why they had even used yellow ink. Or, more importantly, how they even knew his friends weren't here.

Open before others arrive...does that mean:rainbowderp:!!!

"Probably junk mail," he said, opening it absentmindedly, and looking at the card inside. It read;

To Chrysalis,
Happy Hatchday!
From Thorax.

Suddenly, a jolt of electrical energy shot through Jimmy. He knew exactly what was coming next. "Why today, of all days?" he asked, as he began to change...

Here it comes:scootangel:!!!

First off, his feet rolled up, and morphed into a pair of hooves, followed by the joints in his legs inverting in the manner of a pony. His shoes fell off as a result, and to his complete surprise his jeans promptly vanished, exposing his rear for all the world to see. Not that it would have mattered if they were still there, as whilst he was still totally stunned, a loud cracking sound echoed from his hips as they changed shape and sucked themselves inwards, not only forcing him onto all fours, but pulling his legs underneath his body. This would, in all likelihood, have destroyed his clothing in that part of the world, but this proved to be the least of his concerns, as a certain part of his body that inhabited that region of the world vanished, being sucked quite abruptly up his backside.

Firs the, um...body formatting:twilightsheepish:.

Or should I say, by this point, her backside.


Yes indeed folks, Jimmy was now female, as he (or she) seemed incapable of transforming into male characters. What did surprise her was the lack of lumps appearing underneath her, but then she remembered the contents of the letter she had received.

"Wait, Chrysalis... Changelings! Of course, they lay eggs!"

Of course they do:rainbowlaugh:!!!

She had little more time to think as her chest began expanding, tearing her shirt open at the seams, which fell to the floor amidst tatters of destroyed clothing. Her shoulders sucked inward, and her front arms moved under her body, in preparation for what was to come. The joints in her elbows inverted, and her hands rolled up, compressing into hooves in the process. Her neck stretched upward in length, and a muzzle exploded out of her face which smashed her glasses to pieces, followed by a mane cascading wildly down the back of her head and neck, coming to rest somewhere around her leg joints. Then pressure built up under her forehead, which abruptly released as a curved horn exploded out of her forehead.

First the joints, then the hooves, and muzzle, then the mane, and the horn:scootangel:!!!

There was to be no fur this time. At least, not much, as orange fur grew around her forelegs and around the base of her neck. Her mane turned green, morphing to turquoise at the top, and her back was suddenly covered in a mass of purple armour, with her barrel turning the same colour as a pair of rainbow, fairy-like wings sprouted from her back, with a turquoise and blue tail to match. Finally, her formally human skin morphed into chitin, and all trace of Jimmy was gone as the new being teleported elsewhere.

Then the colors, and the wings, and the armor, and the chitin:yay:!!!

Chrysalis, reformed Queen of the Changelings, was very confused. Where in the world was she? Was this her hive? It certainly looked to bright to be her hive, and this confused her.

"Ah!" called a voice, one she recognised as Thorax. "Your Majesty! You're just in time!"

"Just in time for what?" Chrysalis asked, her mane briefly getting in her eyes. Then she remembered. "Oh! It's my hatchday!"


Thorax came into view, followed by a crowd of reformed Changelings. Amongst them was Pharynx, her former military commander. As instruments started up in the background, the assembled band of bugs began to sing;

"Happy Hatchday to you,
Happy Hatchday to you,
Happy Hatchday dear Chrysalis!"

"That doesn't quite scan," Pharynx observed grumpily.

Oh Pharynx:rainbowlaugh:!!!

"Happy Hatchday to you!"

It was the happiest Chrysalis had been for many years.


Glad you enjoyed. Cheers for the faves!

I appreciate them.

Thank you. Jimmy loved this, as you can probably see.

I bet he did!

It was a fun romp!

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