• Member Since 24th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen May 30th

Phantom Shadow

The One and Only!


Everything we know about the dimensions of the universe changes when an evil force begins destroying different dimensions, enslaving the populaces, and leaving the distorted dimension to rot and wither away into nothing. Amidst the treachery, five of the most unlikely of heroes, from five completely different dimensions, must team together to find the new evil, save the enslaved prisoners and restore the balance between the dimensions!

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 40 )

First! And From Being First Please Know How Awesome This Story Is Pal... :ajsmug:.. Also, Thanks For Being Semi- Consistant With The Chapter Output!

thanks, mate! I greatly appreciate it!
Working on the next chapter, so it should be out soon.
thanks for the support! :derpytongue2:

Comment posted by Steel Redemption deleted Dec 12th, 2012

1781132 You're welcome! It really IS a good story...At first, I was like: "Wow, Sailor Moon is one of the five Heros? Really? -_-", but After that last chaper, I was like 29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lltzgnHi5F1qzib3wo1_400.jpg , so that was a pleasent surprise... Also, If you ever need an Editor, Proofreader, or any assistance what so ever, just message me, Pal!

I definitely will, mate. Again, thanks for the support. I am working on the next chapter, so it should be up before long :derpytongue2:

Comment posted by Steel Redemption deleted Dec 12th, 2012

Lol...I know where they are...They are in that one Disney universe...W.I.T.C.H, are they not?....Don't Judge :fluttershbad:.....I used to love that show...

So there dimension hopping between dead shows? Interesting.

"dimension hopping", yes
"dead shows", I cannot say yes or no! :derpytongue2:

digimon? the toy town from the first episodes? or is it santa claus's town?

2088608 Kitty!... Erhm I mean. YAY! I was right... hey have you ever seen the shows SWAT KATS or THE CENTURIONS? you should check them out they are great.

...Oh crap...from the sound of her voice, something is telling me that this news isn't going to have a happy appeal to it.

“What’s going on.”
> Question mark.

I originally thought that 'let's go' was a mistake, until I google'd it. Huh, learned something new.

LOL! Thanks for the heads up on the mistake! Hope you like the story. :derpytongue2:

I am. You're doing a great job so far!

For a story of its type this is amazingly well written.

Most stories with a similar concept butcher the personalities of the characters and don't have any concept of grammar.

This story, while admittedly not being perfect- is amazing in the right that it even managed to pull this idea off at all.

Good job!

thanks, mate. I hope to have it come off of hiatus soon.

Pretty good. May I ask, who's the anime girl in the title picture?

1792102 W.i.t.c.h! They're THERE! YAYYYYYY!:yay: Aw, I wanna cookie... :fluttershysad:

Darn! Wish I had discovered this earlier.:fluttershysad:

I'm finally up to date with this story. Overall it's a good story; not bad but not great either. You have an interesting concept and an interesting group of heroes. This is enough to keep me interested to find out what happens next. However, the pacing isn't the best, the plot is still largely ambiguous and for a story that involves travelling to other worlds, they're all very obscure and we don't see much exploration about them, so they might as well all be empty deserts. I'm still interested to see where it will go next. I'm going to favourite it so that I can be alerted to updates, but I'm not going upvote just yet.

Don't bother wasting your time with this fic; I sense you're only going to hate it more.

First off...YAY, UPDATE!!! Second, we finally getting to see the one responsible for this whole trouble, or at least a slim glance. Third, I feel sorry for poor Kim, but something tell me things might still be better than what she previously expected.

I checked this out hoping to see these 5 different personalities interacting, but from what I've seen, all their personalities are nearly interchangeable. Sonic is missing all of the snarky and cocky behavior that it synonymous with his character, I haven't seen any teen-like behavior from Kim Possible, and Twilight seems to be missing her intellect and 'geeky' traits; in fact, Sonic is exhibiting more of the traits Twilight should have than she is. Only the other two seem on base since I know that Sailor Moon is supposed to be panicky and Mew has no defined personality. The writing would be good if it weren't for characterization.

I know what you're saying and I agree with you 100%! In the year and a half it took to resume this story, I have looked back at these previous chapters and saw that there is a LOT of characterization errors. I can't guarantee it'll get better, but just know that I have taken some time to study these characters closer and hopefully get it right.

1. Good chapter. Three out of five mustaches. :moustache::moustache::moustache:
2. This is the first world they've been to that I know.
3. At first, I thought the two mysterious figures that saved them were Jim and Tim, but when one of them said, "Kimmy", I'm now thinking it might be her dad and Ron.
4. In my mind, the dragonfly thing looks like this: th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/088/d/0/yanmega_by_ilikki-d5znl7k.png
5. Ditto, the cloaked figure looks like this: img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110206035040/kingdomhearts/images/f/f0/BlackCoat.png
6. I'll be interested to see how it continues, but don't rush; take your time. Don't worry, you're still no where near as bad as me at updating.

hay continue it I like were this story is going:ajbemused:

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