• Published 18th May 2019
  • 2,868 Views, 23 Comments

Among the Kitsune - Crisis Novastar

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Chapter Four: Cold Day In Sweet Apple Acres

Chapter Four

Cold Day in Sweet Apple Acres

I can’t believe I have to do this! I’m a Zenko for Inari’s sake. I shouldn’t be doing any harvesting whatsoever!’ Frostbite thought while walking through the streets of Ponyville. Even though Princess Celestia hasn’t risen the sun yet, a few ponies were already awake and doing some early activities. Frostbite was unaware of the stares she was receiving, especially from a certain cyan pegasus who was doing her morning rounds.

Normally, the arctic fox would wear a black kimono with white haori and a snowflake symbol on the back. Instead, she wore a black tank top that was clinging to her B-cup size chest, with matching shorts that reached her thighs. Furthermore, her long silk white hair was tied into a ponytail, as despite being Seer’s personal guard for several decades, Frostbite still retained her girlish charm. The twin-tailed vixen continued to complain in her head while she trudged towards her punishment.

Frostbite used to be the tenth captain within thirteen imperial court unit of Vulpes Terra, a guard dedicated to enforce and protect the citizens of the island nation. In due time, Frostbite was promoted to join the royal guard and shortly afterward, became one of Seer’s five personal guards. The vixen was a bit hot-headed, despite her name and abilities. Very much displeased by this, Seer accurately theorized that Frostbite’s lack of discipline that stemmed from being spoiled by her noble family.

The frustrated vixen tried to calm down a little and temporarily stopped walking in order to put some thought into what it was that got her into this situation. ‘If only those ponies did a little more research and provided they leave the safety of their land, none of this would have happened. The vixen’s mind continued to wonder even as she resumed walking and she soon arrived at the front gate of Sweet Apple Acres. “But this is what I deserve after attempting to claim Princess Sparkle’s life...” she sighed. “Well let's get this over with.”

In front of the arctic fox was a wooden red door. Frostbite began to lightly knock on the door. No answer. She knocked once more. No answer. She was about to bang on the door until it opens, revealing a tall red stallion with a dirty blond mane and tail. She wore a plaid button up shirt and blue jeans. Even though he was about an inch shorter than Seer, he had a build to him. She still needed to look up.

“Um, hello...” she said waving her hand. The stallion looked down at Frostbite, with a raised brow and didn’t respond to the vixen’s greeting.

“Um yes, I’m here by order of Seer Dono to, um... help out around your farm,” Frostbite spoke nervously. The stallion just nodded and move to the side, allowing her to come in. Without hesitation, the fox enter then look around. It was like any normal house, A sofa by a wall, a staircase that leads to the upper floor, a bookshelf that covers nothing but apples, and a couple of algebra books which surprised the white fox.

“Woah, who, and what is that?” a southern voice rang. Frostbite looked up only to see a yellow coated mare in her late teens early 20s coming downstairs with a groggy look in her amber-colored eyes. Her red mane was quite messy, indicating she had just got up from bed and had yet to brush it. When it came to clothing, she wore only a white button shirt, which didn’t hide her cutie mark of a red, pink, and purple shield with an apple in the middle. The shirt also failed to cover her thick well-toned thighs, as well as her b-cup size breast, and white panties.

The vixen raised a brow at such rudeness, but shake it off. “Kind of rude, but my name is Frostbite, and I’m a fox. Well, arctic fox to be precise.” she replied.

“Sorry, Ah never saw a fox before. Anyway, ma name’s Applebloom!” The mare exclaimed. “And this quite big stallion right here is Big Macintosh, but we call him Big Mac.”

“Eeyep.” The stallion reply.

“Oh so he does speak.” Frostbite commented.

“Ah can talk, but Ah don’t do it a lot ma’am,” the red stallion spoke in a deep southern accent.

“Um... okay then...” the fox shrugged, feeling kind of awkward now.

“So um if ya don’t mind me asking, what are ya doing here?” Applebloom asked with her head tilted to the side.

“Oh um, to help out with the chores out of punishment,” she answered pointing her two index fingers together.

“Applebloom no need to asked our guest personal questions.” Came another southern voice from upstairs. The orange mare with a blond mane wearing her seton walked downstairs. She wore blue pajamas with light apples all around. “But if ya want to know it because she here tried to kill Twilight over a silly assumption.”

“Ya did what?” Applebloom screams staring at the white fox who taps her fingers in embarrassment.

“Well in my defense Princess Sparkle did call my lord a fraud. Not the words she used.” Frostbite lower her head in shame.

“And ya think it okay to try and assassinate the princess?!” the yellow mare yelled.

“Applebloom, ya would had done the same thing if somepony called ya boyfriend a fraud,” Applejack says only for Big Mac to raise a brow at the sudden comment.

“Ya had what now?” the eldest apple asked with a look of disapproval and a bit of anger on his face.

“Ah um got mahself a boyfriend...” Apple Bloom said shyly trying to sink back upstairs.

Big Mac said nothing, but shrugged which surprised both sisters. “Well as long he isn’t hurtin’ ya then it’s fine. Though Ah might want to meet them.”

“Meet who Macy?” asked a dark pinkish unicorn mare with a dark purple curly mane, and tail with the end tied in blue and white beads who happen to step out of the kitchen. She wore a purple bathrobe with a simple of a purple frosted cupcake. The top was slightly off, revealing parts of her cleavage. The unicorn was as big as the second eldest sibling in the chest department. She then notices Frostbite standing beside the stallion, who just waves. “Oh hello, you must be one of the foxes Princess Twilight told us about. My name is Sugar Belle, Big Mac’s wife.”

“Do all of Equestria know about us coming into this land?” asked a now confused vixen.

“Nah sugacube, just Ponyville,” Applejack answered.

“Okay then... When do we um... get started?” Frostbite asked with each of her tails swaying.

“Now hold yer apples there. Ah know yer eager ta get started, but at least let the rest of us get ready,” Applejack started with the rest of them nodding.

Before Frostbite could say anything, her ears picked up on something getting up. She then heard barking, which caused the white fox to jump up and cling to the ceiling for dear life. She looked down only to see a brown and white dog, barking up towards her while wagging her tail in excitement.

“Um... Miss Frostbite?” Sugar Belle asked with her head tilted to the side. Realizing what is going on, she spoke, “Um I think we should take Winona out.” After everyone else agreed, Big Mac, who was the only one dressed, decided it was his turn to walk Winona. With a whistle, the stallion walked out, and Winona ran over to his side. Once the dog was gone, the white vixen dropped, landing on her back.

“Ow...” she groaned and Applejack went over to her up.

“Ya alright there? Ya look spooked when ya saw Winona,” Applejack asked in a worried tone.

“I-I-I’m fine as l-l-long that d-d-d-dog isn’t around...” Frostbite shakingly stated, rubbing her rump.

“Well, Ah have breakfast ready if you want some,” Sugar Belle added walking back into the kitchen.

Frostbite was lead to the Apple family’s dining room. Inside was a round table, four chairs, and a small vase with a single flower. There were also several pictures on the left side of the wall. A few of an elderly lime green mares with a white mane who was sitting in a wooden rocking chair dressed in an outfit made in the early days of pony settlement. Sugar Belle, along with Applejack, came out with a plate of pancakes with the top covered in whip cream and garnish with brownish powder. A bowl with a spoon on it in her other hand. Sugar Belle follow suit. She held a tray with several muffins of different flavors, Hay bacon strips, a pot of coffee, and several cups in a violet aura the same as Princess Twilight. Big Mac who enter from the back, gave his wife a quick peck on the cheek.

“Sorry um we weren't expecting company this early in the morning I can quickly make you something, if you like?”

“No need,” The fox said with a smile softly. “I’m um kind of punishment and I’m sure eating was apart of the punishment.”

“Well dat’s some of the biggest bullshit Ah ever head!” Apple Bloom stated. “Ya not allow to eat?!”

“Apple Bloom watch your mouth!” Applejack warned.

“No, it’s fine. There are worse things he could have done...” Frostbite stated.

“Like what, make yah go buck naked around town and having someone ah mean fox yelling shame over and over while the town folks throw stuff at ya.” Apple Bloom imaging that her ruler was a mean dictator wanting power and only power.

“Compare to his other sentences that would be tame. As for any creature who cause trouble or did a minor crime. He most likely makes some fool live in the same pain as the victim or sent to prison.” Frostbite begins. “But the crime rate there is rather low, mostly due to the examples we demonstrated.” The fox giggle at the thought of some noble running around naked which did happen on a couple of occasions. She left out what will happen to those that commit horrible acts on the people and crown.

“Ah was right, he was a dictator only looking for power.” Apple Bloom stated. This would normally get under the white fox’s fur and skin, having some creature speaking badly of her emperor. However, Frostbite remembers what her emperor said that ponies would make assumptions.

“You’re wrong. He’s fair and kind to all of his subjects. He only gives punishment to those who deserve it.” The fox shot back. “Maybe you don’t think he’s good, because you never met him. . .Now I think about it, you weren’t at the party yesterday were you?” The arctic fox asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well no, Ah was out of town helping meh friend out in finding her calling.” Apple Bloom explained but the white vixen wasn’t convinced.

She just nodded.

“Well, either way, I’m not hungry.” The white vixen said shaking her head. “But um I would like a cup of coffee.” She said smiling.

“You sure you don’t want anything else?” The unicorn asked, only for the fox to shake her head. “Like a muffin or cereal?

“I’m sure.” She said smile. Sugar Belle only nodded and went back to get an extra cup. She came back a minute later and poured the hot liquid into a cup for the guess. Frostbite grab the cup, and once she touched it, the steam the black liquid was producing disappeared. If someone would touch it, the cup would be ice cold. The mixture of apples and cinnamon which was tasty.

“So I’ve been meaning to ask...” Frostbite begin taking a sip of her cold coffee. “...any reason you have a tattoo on your rump? Ms. Apple Bloom?” All four pair of eyes stared at the white fox, then back at Apple Bloom. Both the elder brother and sister were about to say something about having clothes on when company is here but remembered that the vixen came before Celestia rose the sun.

“Oh um sorry, we’re normally dressed when company comes over, but that ‘tattoo’ is called cutie mark,” Apple Bloom answered, only for the arctic vixen to tilt her head to the side.

“Beg your pardon? A cutie what now?”

“A cutie mark. It a mark that represents a pony’s talent.” The teenage mare got up and lifted up her shirt flashing her cotton white panties. She then pulled the panties upward revealing more of her cutie mark that was hidden away, much to her sibling's shock and horror.

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack yelled. “show some dignity to ya guest, no need to show her ya cutie mark as a demonstration.”

“Well, she asked.” Apple Bloom restorative pulling her shirt down.

“Your sister is right, it’s rude to show a guest what’s a girl is hiding underneath there clothing. And just so you know.” She placed the cup she held down and pointed to the red stallion. “There is a male here. Brother or not.” Frostbite added only for the yellow mare cheeks to turn into a crimson color. “Unless you’re a geisha.”

“Ah geish what now?” Apple Bloom asked confused.

“It’s a fancy way of saying ‘prostitute’ in my land,” Frostbite corrected herself. “And before you say anything, no that wasn’t meant as an insult. Anyway, your destiny is tied to this cutie mark?” Picking up the cup, she sipped the cold liquid contained in the cup. Hoping to diffuse the situation.

“Basically. Ponies would get it after discovering a talent. It took me a while to get it. Nearly cost mah everything ah knew and love to get it.” Apple Bloom said remembering the ordeal she and her other friends had to do and endure in order to get their cutie marks. They were fun and often get the trio in trouble.

“Hmm. Interesting. So I’m guessing everypony has one.” The white vixen took a sip of her coffee once more, her eyes looking around the room.

“Oh not every pony.” Applebloom answer. “Mah and mah friends help ponies who can’t find their talent.”

“Ok, And what are your cutie marks then if you don’t mind me asking? And no visuals. I don’t need to see another mare’s rump as lovely as Apple Blooms was. . .”The white fox blush a bit. “No homo.”

The orange mare giggle. “Ah shucks, it’s ok sugarcube, mines ah jus’ three apples,” Applejack said while eating a bowl of cereal.

“Mines is just the inside of a Big Macintosh,” Big Mac stated while munching on an apple favor muffin his wife bake for him, and the rest of the family. Applejack gave him an amused look as ever since he and Sugar Belle became an item, her brother has been speaking in longer sentences.

“Oh um mine is a cupcake with a cherry on top.” Sugar Belle added. She then notices the now empty cup the white vixen was holding. “Would you like some more?”

“Oh yes please,” she replied with her twin tails wagging. Smiling, Sugar Belle poured the warm liquid into the cup before handing it to Frostbite. Upon taking it, the steam coming from the coffee vanished. Satisfied, that it was now cold, the victim begins to drink it.

“Ah been wondering, how in the hay ya been turning coffee cold that quick?” Applejack asked raising a brow.

“Oh um, it really hard to explain, but I can um absorb the heat of molecules all around me. The ice itself is the byproduct of that heat I absorbed.” Frostbite said gingerly.

“So ya saying you can make ice on a whim?” Apple Bloom asked.

“It’s more of me controlling the water molecules around me.” Frostbite opened the palm of her. As she said a small cube of ice begin to form and float around its creator. The white fox then place the cube into the cup. “But yes I can make ice on a whim.”

“That seems. . .pretty awesome. Ah mean ya don’t need to go to the pool or anything since ya can make ya own ice!” Apple Bloom exclaimed earning a chuckle from the white fox. The possibility was endless

“Yes... but if I really want to...” She places her fingers along the rim of the cup. The warm temperatures in the small dining room suddenly dropped, but not enough to for the ponies inside to shiver. Frost begins to coat the cup she was holding, the liquid inside still frozen. “...I could turn this entire world into a frozen wasteland, making the planet uninhabitable.” The vixen smile much to the ponies shocked and surprised expression with the room slowly warming up. “But in order to do that, it requires a massive amount of energy and concentration which I haven’t achieved yet.” The vixen explained.

After the apples ate and got dressed, both Applejack, Big Mac along with Frostbite and Applebloom headed out towards the orchard. She looked around at the thousands upon thousands of apple trees. Applejack was wearing a red plaid shirt that was button up which still show cleavage, a denim skirt with an apple shape belt with black biker shorts underneath. Applebloom wore overalls with a white t-shirt under the overalls.

“So Miss Frostbite ever buck an apple tree before?” Applejack asked only for the vixen to raise a brow to the question.

“If that a pony’s way of saying have I ever had sex with a tree before, then no I never have ‘buck’ a tree before.” The response only made the yellow mare chuckle and for the orange to blushes and shakes her head.

“No nothin’ like that,” Applejack quickly answered. “We just kick the tree hard enough so that the apple falls off. Big Mac and mahself place all the baskets underneath the trees. All we have ta do is buck em off the branches and carry em ta the barn.” The icy white eyes of the fox looked over and stared at the apple trees, that were ripe and ready for picking. She then looked at the baskets that Applejack had just pointed out to her.

“And you do all of this? By yourselves? No help from anyone, like extended family or friends?” the white fox asked, finding it difficult to believe that three ponies manage to harvest all these apples in one day, especially if most, if not all were ripe.

“Ya bet yer white tails we do!” Applejack said proudly. “The Apples have been doin’ this for the past 100 years when Ponyville was founded. But mah friends come and help sometimes.”

“Hmm... alright then.” The vixen walked over to one of the trees. Moving her foot back, she then swung it forward and kicked the tree. It wiggled a few times, releasing several leaves from its branches, but not a single apple fell down. She did it again and this time along with a couple more leaves, a single apple fell out and landed in the basket. She was about to use her powers to make an ice hammer but remembers what her emperor said and put the idea of using her magic in the back of her mind.

Apple Bloom couldn’t help her curiosity when she saw the look on the vixen’s face and trotted over to her. “Everythin’ alright?” she asked.

“I’m slowly getting the hang of it.” Frostbite responded trying to sound confident. She kicked the tree again, but just like before, she couldn’t get more than one apple.

Applejack giggle watching this. “Alrighty, here’s how it’s done...” she said kicking a tree next to Frostbite. The tree rumble with apples raining down from the tree, leaving it empty. “The trick is to find the center. Once you find it, giving it a good kick and tadaa apples would be falling into the basket like water.”

Frostbite wasn’t sure to respond to how the orange mare was able to make it look so easy. She watched as Apple Bloom took her turn to kick the tree and like her older sister, apples rained down and fell into the basket. Then Big Mac who just punch the bark of the tree. Frostbite was at a loss for words. ‘I’m not a harvester fox !’ she screamed mentally, then in her frustration punched a tree, leaving a hole in it, and the rest of the apples have fallen to the ground.

“Wha-Wha-What?” she stuttered, unable to believe her luck. She then looked back only to see the apple siblings staring in shock. “Um... sorry?”

Apple Bloom backed away and went to hide behind her sister.

“Woah there... I was um...” the fox snickered, then begin to breathe in and out, trying to calm down.

“Something wrong their sugarcube?” Applejack asked in concern. Frostbite either nodded nor shook her head at the question. Instead, she looked at her hand which was shaking.

What is milord thinking? He knows I’m a Zenko. All those years of training perfecting my swordsmanship, and magic for what being treated like a field fox. Could this be my lesson? I know this is punishment, but why? Princess Sparkle did call Lord Seer a Tenko a farad.

“Um Frostbite?” Applejack called out, luckily Frostbite snapped out of it and looked at the concerned faces of the Apple sisters.


“You feeling alright there? Ya seem out of it,” Applejack asked

“Oh um... a lot on my mind, don’t worry about it,” the vixen responded with a sheepish smile.

“Say, Apple Bloom, why don’t ya go with Sugar Belle to the market and help her sell some apples.” The orange mare smile then winked. Knowing what she had planned the yellow coated mare rush back to the house where she’ll meet her sister in law. Once Apple Bloom was out of earshot, the orange mare, and red stallion just look at the white fox. “Ok spill it, what eating ya up?”

“Nothing really..” Frostbite spoke, not very convincingly.

“Dat’s a load of horse apples. What’s bothering ya?” Applejack tried again. “Come on, we ain’t gonna bite.”

“Can we drop it?”


The vixen just sighed in defeat, knowing she won’t win against stubborn.“Fine. I’m not used to labor, well... I’m...”

“Y’all were born an’ raised into nobility and supposed ta act like somepony or some-fox in yer case all high and mighty with yer fancy powers and know how to get down and dirty. And being this samurai or whatever and servant that Seer fellow means you hold the highest rank and standers.” Applejack guesses only for the arctic fox to look at the pony in surprise. “And before ya ask, somepony named Trixie acted like that.”


“She’s a unicorn who’s always boastin’ about herself while performin’ those fancy magic tricks of hers. Ya might spot her hangin’ around Starlight as they’re the best of friends,” Applejack explained. “Anyway, ya can’t act like ya high and mighty cause you got some sweet gig with the royals.”

“I kinda have to standers. For my clan, and for the throne.”

“And them standards will get ya dismiss, discharge and the foxes ya protecting will come to hate ya.” the orange mare spoke. “Ah may not know this Seer fellow, but ah kind of understand why yer here. This whole ‘punishment’ is a way ta teach ya humility, missy.”

Frostbite raised an eyebrow unsure if she liked Applejack’s choice of words. For all she knew, he could be talking down to her. ‘Then again this is something Seer Dono would do.’ she thought to herself and kept in control.

“What Ah’m say is ya can’t let ponies or in ya case foxes judge ya, nor ya can’t living them high standers creatures put you up too.” Applejack smiled at the white fox.

“Believe it or not mah sis is right. She is after all part of the elements,” Big Mac said, picking up two basket full of apples and carrying them back to the barn.

“I’ll um keep that in mind,” Frostbite assured, watching the stallion get back to work.

The arctic fox is an elite warrior that belong to a noble family. She was taught how to defend herself, control her powers, and even hunt for food if it was necessary, despite all that, being in the royal guard for over 200 years she never once work as an honest commerner. She was too embarrassed that others would see her differently but after the little speech from the apple siblings, Frostbite was no longer nervous or embarrassed about doing work akin to a Yako or earth pony. This was her emperor teaching her humility, that having too much pride is dentmentle to oneself and others as well if left unchecked.

With that weight off her shoulders and a new perspective, Frostbite started her work by punching a different tree. This time it shook, letting the juicy apples of different colors fall into the basket.

Hey I can now consider this training...’ she thought to herself while sending a foot to another tree with Applejack and Big Mac doing the same.

A few minutes later, Frostbite had gotten to her 50th tree. As with the others, the moment her paw made contact, it started to shake, but apples weren’t the only thing that came down. The vixen got quite a surprise when a cyan mare with a rainbow mane and tail came crashing out of the tree as well.

“Oh um... I’m so sorry,” the white fox said, bowing her head in shame. “I didn’t know you were up there, and...”

“RAINBOW, HOW MANY TIMES HAVE AH TOLD YA NOT TA SLEEP ON MAH TREES?!” screamed the southern mare as she ran toward the two, looking quite livid.

“Well, it not my fault the trees are comfortable. And you should know that I always take my naps after a morning workout?” Rainbow shot back. “Anyway, why is she.” Rainbow pointed to the arctic fox. ‘Here? Should she be with King Seer or something?”

“Emperor,” Frostbite corrected her. “And he has three other guards with him not to mention he knows how to take care of himself. And the reason as to why I’m here is because of um. . .well, I um...”

“She try to kill Twi over a silly assumption.” Applejack chime in which added fuel to the flames that were Dashe's temper. Rainbow then or at least tried to punch the samurai in the muzzle only to miss her target mere inches as the arctic fox just moves to the side.

“Um?” Frostbite stare at the assailant.

“You bitch!” Screamed Rainbow as he charges the vixen. She didn’t have much time to avoid the attack to the Rainbow speed and was tackled to the ground. Using her quick thinking she rolls backward, and held the Rainbow’s waist. When the two came to a stop thanks to a tree. She then created a thick layer of ice to bonding Rainbow Dash to the ground.

“Okay... what the hell is wrong with you pony?!” Frostbite screamed, getting up and dusting up any dirt that got on her white fur.

“I should be saying that to you!” the cyan pegasus shouted back. The two continued to glare at one another, as a rivalry has obviously sparked. “Trying to kill one of my friends!”

“She dare accused Lord Seer being a fraud, and this is my punishment for trying to kill her!” Frostbite shot back.

“I dare you to try and say that again you damn mutt!” Rainbow barked only for a very sharp blade made from ice flew past her face, cutting her cheek. Falling on her back, Rainbow didn’t get the chance to grab hold of her bleeding cheek, as she felt her body grow colder along with the air around them. She looked up only to see the icy white eyes of the kitsune staring down at her with both rage and an intent to kill.

“Compare me to an inbred dog again, and I’ll make sure to send your body parts to your loved one,” Frostbite threatened in a very cold tone.

“ALRIGHT, THAT’S ENOUGH OUTTA BOTH OF Y’ALL!” Before the situation got even worse, Applejack came over and shoved the two apart. Though, it didn’t stop them from glaring at one another with Frostbite gowling. “Listen Frostbite, ya have to calm down, you’re destroyin’ mah family crops,” the apple farmer said, as she began to shiver from the cold. She took a couple of breaths, trying to relax from her little outburst. “And as fer you, Rainbow, Ah think it would be best fer ya ta go.”

“WHAT?! BUT SHE...! AREN’T WE FRIENDS!? WHY ARE YOU TAKING THIS BITCH’S SIDE?!” Rainbow demanded. After hearing the word ‘bitch’, Frostbite was about to release a hail storm of ice shards on the fool but remembered what her emperor said.

“Because she did nothin’ wrong and ya jus’ up and attack her,” Applejack explained, doing all she could to prevent another outburst.

“Yeah, and she tried to attack Twilight!” Rainbow shot back, as she began to struggle against the ice that was holding her in place.

“That’s why she’s here at the barn. It’s her punishment fer nearly puttin’ her fellow foxes in a bad light.” Applejack looked over at the vixen, who now had her back turned, giving the mares a good look of her twin tail swaying from side to side. Hearing Applejack cough a couple of times, Frostbite grumbled and extended her left hand. As she does this, the ice that was pining Rainbow Dash down began to crumble.

Breathing in and out, Frostbite walked to the other side of the orchard to get away from the cyan pegasus before she did something else she’d regret.

“Hey wait!” Rainbow cried out and tried to chase after the vixen, but was stopped by a hand being placed on her shoulder.

“Let her be fer a while,” Applejack sighed and pinched the bridge between her nose. “And here ah thought there wouldn’t be much trouble this early in the morning.”

Gale blinked when she saw in front of her, was Frostbite in a black tank top with matching shorts that reached her thick thighs, kicking and punishing some random apple trees. Apples of different colors fell down into a basket below the tree.

“Um... okay, not going to ask but... looking good. You really should try and seduce the boys when you get back to the castle.” Both the dragoness snicker much to the shock of Applejack, and the pink tant on the white kitsune’s cheek.

“Woah there, when an’ where in tarnation did y’all came from?” Applejack asked, looking at the dragoness ninja who suddenly appears beside her.

“I’m a ninja, it’s kind of my thing to appear at random times. Like that pink friend of yours, uh... Pinkie Pie wasn’t it? Anyway, I ran here from this forest back there.” Gale pointed to the forest behind her with her right thumb. “Guessing she didn’t eat anything huh?” Gale asked holding up a bento box.

“Well um...” Frostbite tap her two index claws together. “I haven’t actually...”

“Dang girl won’t eat any stuff meh sister-in-law makes. She just drink coffee which she made colder than the water in winter. That and she kept saying it punishment or something.” The Apple Farmer pointed only for the white fox to smile.

“You do know it rude not to eat the food offered to you, you of all creatures know this being over 200 years old.” commented the dragoness. “And I’m pretty sure Seer Dono didn’t say anything about you not eating as punishment”

“Wait ya over what now?” Applejack asked with a raised eyebrow hearing the fox’s age.

“And it’s rude to talk about a vixen’s age!” Frostbite shot back. “And yes I’m 221 years old.”

“How in hay? Ya as young as me ten years ago, yet you're older than Granny Smith Celestia rest her soul.” Applejack commented remembering her disease grandmother The farmer despite her age look pretty young, around her late to early 20s. “Ya must be lying.”

“Nah, kitsunes have a very long lifespan.” Gale added.

“And our tails can indicate a Kitsune age, we grow one every hundred years. However, there have been cases where a kitsune had gain a tail as young as three months. It kind of like that cutie mark thing you and your sister been talking about.” Frostbite shrug.

“A cutie what now?” Gale asked, tilting her head.

“I’ll tell you later,” Frostbite answered.

“Anyway Seer Dono though you might be hungry so here.” Gale pass the bento over to the Arctic Fox, she then turned over to the Apple Farmer and said. “Oh and if you are squeamish I suggest looking away.” Gale said hoping she wouldn’t puke as butterscotch mare did.

“No promises their partner, but what’s in that box there?” the farmer asked in an understanding tone.

“Rabbit.” The white vixen said sniffing at the bento. “Roasted at that.” Much to Applejack horror, and disgusted.

“If Shy catches ya eating em critters, there will be consequences,” Applejack warned.

“Oh her, yea she kind of used ‘the stare’ on us. Beside Yajirushi it didn’t work.” The dragoness rub behind her short white hair.

“Wait Fluttershy is with ya, as we speak, and ya all resisted the stared?” Asked now a shock Applejack.

“To be fair we did seen, face, beaten, and killed much worst. Yajirushi on the other hand, not so much to be intimidated by one animal loving shy pony.” The dragoness shrug. “And if anything Lord Seer is most likely showing Fluttershy the possible future and the consequences if she dared attack us. So there’s that.”

Before Applejack question it, she smelled the sickening aroma of roasted meat invaded her nose. She quickly covered it, trying not to gag. Frostbite was about to say something, but Gale shook her head. “Well then I’ll be over there and.” The vixen ears picked up hearing a bark and something running toward her. Her face turned to the source then her face turns into pure horror as what was running towards her. A brown and white furred dog was running towards her, barking.

Growling the vixen quickly ran up an apple tree with her bento. She look down growling at the dog while she ran around the tree. She looked down only to see Gale on the floor, laughing. “THIS ISN’T FUNNY GALE!” Frostbite screamed.

“Winona!” Applejack yelled, calling her dog over to her. “Now how many times I told ya not to go scaring off guess.” She turn up to the fox up on the tree. “Ah mighty sorry about that, Winona here is usually friendly.”

“JUST KEEP THAT FEE WRITTEN MUTT AWAY FROM ME!” Frostbite only climb the tree a bit higher.

“HEY DON’T YA BE CALL MEH DOG FEE WRITTEN, SHE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A FEEs!”Applejack shot back only to be stopped by a gray scaled claw with a white fur on the whist.

“S-Sorry but... k-kitsune have... an n-natural fear and... hatred towards d-dogs...” Gale said, trying to hold back her laughter. “Sweet Bahamut this is funny.”

“Well, that explains why she clung to ma ceilin’ shakin’ like a leaf on a windy day. Not to mention when she went old cold queen when Rainbow called her a ‘mutt’. Hold on a tick, aren’t foxes dogs?” A ray of cold light was fire from the tree. It tried to hit Applejack and Winona but missed only as a grey blur whisk them a couple of feet away, leaving behind a frozen foot wall of ice.

“Not to mention calling or comparing a kitsune to a dog is one of the, if not, the highest insult you can say in front or near then. And calling a vixen a ‘bitch’ is a guaranteed death sentence.” The dragoness explain then look up at the tree. “AND AS FOR YOU, DIDN’T LORD SEER SPECIFICALLY SAY YOU ARE FORBIDDEN TO YOUR YOUR MAGIC?!”

“Oh snap!” Frostbite said, realizing just how much trouble she was in.

Gale then looked down only to see her arm covered in ice. “Oh come on?” The dragoness said pouting. “Anyway, I going back. See ya.” With that the dragoness disappeared, leaving behind a trail of white, that soon faded.

“So he’s in Equestria huh?” a feminine voice called out.

“Yes mistress,” replied a light blue female bushwoolie, bowing before her mistress. She wore a mini maid outfit. Standing in front of her was a light brownish Abyssinian cat. Her sunrise orange hair reached past her shoulders and down her back. She wore a dark red robe with lavender fuffed around the neck, sleeves, and at the end of the robe. She was sitting on the sofa reading a book titled ‘Tales from the hidden world.’ Strangely enough, the book had no author.

Next to the bushwoolie, was a gray single tail fox who wore a black kimono with a white slash. There were several scars that covered his body, but the most notable one was on his right eye. The gray fox also carry a katana that rested on his side, sheath and unused.

The slitted green cat eyes and the bright blue eyes of the gray fox looked down at the maid.

“Seems like him, to go off on random adventures to leave his duties behind, but why Equestia of all places, Katrina?” he asked.

“Hmm...” the cat known as Katrina, placed her paw under her chin, then got up and walked over to the stack of books that reasted along the thick stone gray walls and reach for a black book with golden strips on the spine. The title read References of Hexes and Curses. Flipping the pages, she looked at the text written in the book. “Knowing him, he always keeps two of the six stones with him. And with his clairvoyance and insight in the arcane arts. I doubt we can just walk in and take them. Not to mention his brother Fenrir and his sister Destiny have two stones with them as well.”

“Added his guards would be around him at all times, it won’t be easy,” the gray fox commented.

“What will you do mistress?” asked the bushwoolie. “With all due respect, Seer alone is powerful enough to best you in a magic duel without even chanting a spell. And despite being the weakest out of the three in terms of physical strength, he knows how to fight hand to hand.”

“It won’t be easy, but I have an idea, Takao you will accompany me to Equestria,” Katrina said, only for the fox to raise a brow.

“In case you haven’t noticed, I can’t draw my blade or use any weapons thanks to his curse,” Takao added.

“I know that...” the feline said squinting her eyes at him. “And whose fault was it to challenge an emperor who had lived for over a thousand years, knows basely everything, and thought that he hasn’t picked up or learned anything non-magical related?” she asked placing her hand on her hips. “Like hand-to-hand combat or swordplay?”

“Don’t remind me...” Takao growled, only to have his nose flicked.

“No growling,” Katrina said as she reaches into her sleeves, and pulled out a stone. Handing it to Takao, the fox looked down at it and saw it was gray like his fur, but it had also had a rune that glowed in a purplish light. “This is a gate stone. I set it to bring you back here when you pour a bit of mana into it.”

“I still don’t know why you insist on using me instead of that maid over there,” Takao said and this time instead of being flicked, Katrina slapped him hard across the face.

“That maid is a very special friend of mine!” the cat sorceress growled. The fox held his cheek returning the feline’s glare since her claws left three nasty scratches across his face. Without changing his expression, he licked the fresh blood that flowed from the wound. “And don’t forget that I was the one who saved your worthless hide from being forest food.”

“I apologize if I upset you,” Takao grumbled, deciding he didn’t need any more scars today.

“Good, now as I was saying, you will act as bait and lore him and his guard out. I will go and put Libidinem Concitans on the ponies he’s staying with,” Katrina spoke of her plain.

The fox nodded in agreement before a thought came to him. “But won’t Seer know we’re coming, and won’t he have plans for our arrival?” Takao stated, only for Katrina to giggle.

“You really don’t know him. . .And you’re supposed to be in the black ops unit back in your home country.” The Bushwoolie spoke.

“That was a long time ago.” The gray fox reply gowling. “I may not be able to use weapons but I’m still able to use magic.”

“And your magic won’t be enough,” Katrina sighed. “Look, we’ll go into Equestria and you’ll lure Seer and his guards out. I’ll go in, cast the curse magic on the ponies, then leave. We wait for a couple of hours, he’ll be too exhausted to fight by then. That’s when I’ll grab the stones so we can head back here.”

“Alright, let's get this over with.”

“I’ll return little one,” Katrina assured, using a much more softer and affectionate tone that was reserved for her loyal bushwoolie maid. Grabbing Takao’s hand, the two disappeared in a flash of green light.

“Do be careful mistress,” she called out.