• Published 1st Jun 2019
  • 2,369 Views, 283 Comments

Starlight Glimmer Makes Many Mistakes - MagicS

Starlight knows she's not supposed to travel back in time. But when Starlight's been drinking she tends to forget things.

  • ...

Very Important Pony

Some time after the Gala Starlight and Spike were flipping through a biography of Clover the Clever together in their room, neither of them having anything better to do. Sunset had gone from angrily asking for magic lessons to completely ignoring them while Celestia was just as busy as ever. Nothing more interesting had come up but after the chaos at the Gala Starlight was temporarily satisfied when it came to having fun anyways. It was good to have quiet, relaxing days like this too. Spike knew even while reading though that soon Starlight would eventually get bored and want to do something crazy again.

“You know Twilight played Clover the Clever in our Hearth’s Warming play once.” Spike told Starlight while they leafed through the book.

“I think she mentioned that to me once. I can picture it.” Starlight said, not taking her eyes off the book.

“And Rarity played Princess Platinum.”

“Heh, I can certainly see that too.”

Smirking after hearing that, a thought came to Starlight and she momentarily stopped reading, staring off into space as her smirk disappeared. A single deep sigh came from her body as she used her magic to close the book and set it away from the two of them.

“Er, something wrong, Starlight?” Spike asked her.

“Just thinking. Do you think we might be here long enough for Hearth’s Warming to roll around?” She asked him back.

“Kind of hope not. That would make me just as worried about Twilight as I am about us.” Spike scratched the back of his head.

Starlight nodded, staring up at the ceiling. “You know I know it might be breaking some rules and Celestia’s trust but I’m thinking we might want to break into the restricted section of the Canterlot library soon. That might be our best bet to find a spell or something that at least might help us get home.”

Spike frowned. “We could just ask Celestia first to see if she’ll let us go in...”

“Yes, but if she says no she’s going to know what we’re up to.” Starlight sighed.

Their argument would’ve continued in full force if it wasn’t for the interruption of a heavy knock on the door.

Starlight and Spike both perked up, trading a glance between them. Sunset would’ve just barged in and it couldn’t be Celestia so just who was knocking on their door?

“Come in?” Starlight said.

Immediately the door swung open and in walked a large white unicorn stallion in a very pristine tuxedo. He was a bit past middle age and his blonde mane and tail were slightly beginning to gray but it didn’t change their well kept appearance in the slightest. The stallion held up his head and nose in a dignified manner that made it all the easier for him to look down on any ponies as he walked towards Starlight.

“Aha, so this was the correct room.” The stallion stated. “You are Miss Starlight Glimmer are you not? And the dragon, Spike?” He asked as his eyes shifted between the two of them.

“Er, yes, we are. Who’s asking?” Starlight asked in return.

“I have the honor of being Lord Maximillion. And I would like to invite the two of you to a personal get together at my estate.” He told them.

“Oh!” Starlight stepped back in surprise. “Well not that I’m not flattered but why? Nopony else has come to invite us to anything.”

Spike nodded along to Starlight’s words.

Lord Maximillion smirked.

“Well that’s because none knew what to make of you. Take it from somepony who has a hoof on all the gossip of Canterlot. You’ve certainly been quite the talking point but nopony has had the courage to attempt to get in your good graces, especially if they might alienate another high-flier in the attempt.” Maximillion said. “We knew you were important guests of the Princess but nothing else, the usual gossiping hens simply couldn’t learn anything about you.”

“But you ran out of patience and wanted to beat the others to the punch now?” Spike asked him, raising an inquisitive eyebrow.

“Indeed. I would love to be the one to introduce you to the rest of the important and elite ponies of Canterlot. Truthfully the Grand Galloping Gala should’ve been the occasion for that, I had planned to introduce myself to you there, but some hooligans decided to ruin the night. I certainly hope the Princess catches whoever was responsible for that.”

Spike averted his eyes while Starlight laughed on the inside.

“Anyways the function is tonight and I’d love to have your attendance.” His horn lit up and an invitation was drawn from one of his tuxedo’s pockets. “Directions and the time are on there.”

“Well thank you.” Starlight said, grabbing the invitation. “We’ll be sure to be there.”

“I certainly hope so!” Maximillion beamed and tipped his head in farewell, heading back out the door.

As it shut, Spike turned to Starlight. “We really going?”

“Why wouldn’t we?” Starlight tilted her head at him in confusion. “It’s a party and he was kind enough to invite us after all.”

“I dunno, I’ve just heard stories from Rarity about how some of these Canterlot elites can be. And if the Gala is his idea of a fun party I can’t imagine we’ll find it very enjoyable.”

Starlight shrugged. “Maybe, but we weren’t doing anything else.”

“True.” Spike scratched his cheek. “I guess we should get our fancy clothes ready?”

“Way ahead of you Spike.” Starlight said as she pulled open the room’s wardrobe with her magic, levitating her dress and Spike’s tuxedo over to them with a big grin on her face. “We’re going to hit this party in style.”

The mansion that Lord Maximillion called home was truly immense, as far as living quarters go it was probably second only to the castle itself. Neither Spike nor Starlight could recall seeing a larger house anywhere in Canterlot. As expected it was nestled in the heart of the richest and most affluent section of the city, but even surrounded by similarly luxurious and outlandish mansions the one owned by Lord Maximillion stood out.

“This place would’ve really enraged me back when I was still evil.” Starlight casually said as she and Spike walked down the street right onward to their destination.

Maximillion’s estate was enclosed by a large stone wall with a golden gate front and center that appeared to be the only way to get inside. Currently that gate was wide open as a number of guests were pouring into it. The mansion itself was a good four-stories high and was even partially made with stone and had large round towers at every corner, giving it an almost castle like appearance.

“Do you think any of them are going to recognize us as Celestia’s guests?” Spike asked Starlight.

“Considering you’re the only dragon here I’d be shocked if they didn’t.”

There was an immaculate looking butler at the gate checking for each guest’s invitation, a simple flash of it from Starlight and he allowed them through.

Starlight and Spike were already the focus of a lot of unwanted attention even before they actually entered the mansion. Starlight had to wonder how many “gossiping hens” were among those whispering in hushed tones as they all went from the gate to the open door of the mansion. There were a number of ponies she recognized from the Gala among other places she had seen in her and Spike’s stay at Canterlot but she couldn’t name any due to her lack of familiarity.

The unicorn and dragon stepped through Maximillion’s front door and entered a large foyer, a beautiful white double staircase with golden banisters leading up to the next floor sat on the far wall, and an even more impressive chandelier hung from the ceiling. It was clear that Maximillion wanted to have the most exuberant home in Canterlot after Celestia’s own castle.

Maximillion himself stood on the landing at the top of the staircase, greeting the arriving guests, Starlight and Spike could see that behind him the house opened up into a much larger room. A second floor ballroom maybe? With a shrug the both of them walked up the stairs along with some other ponies, all waiting their turn to say hello to the host.

When Maximillion saw Starlight and Spike his eyes lit up and he pushed aside the pony he was talking to and stepped halfway down the stairs to meet Starlight and Spike, thoroughly ignoring all the other ponies who were ahead of them.

“Miss Starlight! Spike! A pleasure you could come!” He smiled a full mouth of impossibly pearly white teeth.

“The, uh, pleasure is all ours!” Starlight said uneasily, an awkward smile on her face as she peeked back and forth at the other ponies on the staircase to see if any of them were mad.

Spike as well just gave an embarrassed wave to Lord Maximillion and tried to ignore any other ponies looking their way.

“Splendid, splendid. Well come along then, I must introduce you to all of my guests.” Maximillion would likely have ran back up the stairs if it weren’t uncouth. As it was he still practically dragged Starlight and Spike back up with him. The other ponies that had come in and were waiting to greet the Lord shot some disgruntled looks at Starlight and Spike and she could already hear some unpleasant conversations developing.

And truthfully Starlight herself was annoyed at his rude and dismissive behavior to the other guests at his party, that wasn’t very polite of him.

“I have an announcement to make!” Maximillion yelled as he barged into the ballroom with Starlight and Spike right behind him. “Introducing the two esteemed guests of our very own Princess Celestia, Miss Starlight Glimmer and Spike the dragon!”

Instantly the crowd of ponies in the ballroom (and the ones left behind on the stairs and first floor) began to encroach on Starlight and Spike. Who could only put on their best fake smiles and say hello in response.

“How do you do, it’s charming to finally meet you.”

“Do you dine with the Princess every evening?”

“Are you a pair of dignitaries we don’t know about? Is that why you’re her guest?”

The various ponies asked both Starlight and Spike, the dizzying amount of questions overwhelming them as Maximillion was content to sit back and relax knowing that he had the most valuable guests anypony could have at their party today in Canterlot.

“They don’t look very special.”

The strong words cut through the murmuring crowd like a knife and silence reigned in the ballroom. Lord Maximillion groaned as the crowd parted and a young colt stalked forward. Unimpressed, his appraising eyes stared down Starlight and Spike.

“Excuse my young relative.” Maximillion apologized to Starlight and Spike. “Blueblood, you should be politer to your guests.”

Hypocrite. Starlight thought after having seen his earlier behavior. You only care because we’re your special guests.

“Wait, Prince Blueblood?” Spike asked.

“It’s good to see that even up-jumped commoners know of me.” Prince Blueblood stated arrogantly as he came to stand before Starlight and Spike, almost reaching Starlight’s height even though he looked no older than Sunset. He was handsome and elegant even at a young age, lacking a tuxedo he just wore a simple black bow-tie.

Speaking of Sunset Starlight thought that comparison fit him pretty well, he seemed just as arrogant as she did.

“I can’t imagine what reason Auntie has to keep you as guests. Pray tell what do you even do for her?” Blueblood asked, raising a single disapproving eyebrow.

Starlight was tempted to answer “Nothing” just to annoy him nut instead…

“We tutor her student, Sunset Shimmer.”

There were many shocked gasps through the crowd of ponies and even Blueblood and Maximillion were clearly surprised. It seems Sunset’s reputation was well known at least.

“You tutor Princess Celestia’s personal student?” Maximillion asked. “My, you must be quite skilled and knowledgeable in magic.”

Starlight grinned. “The Princess would only allow the best of course for her student.”

Immediately the other guests closed in around Starlight and Spike, Prince Blueblood practically getting crushed between the aggressive opportunists, and started bombarding them with questions and requests just like they had been doing before Blueblood interrupted their introduction.

“What’s it like teaching Sunset Shimmer?”

“Were you a student of the Princess once too?”

“Would you be willing to take any other jobs? I can pay handsomely.”

Starlight and Spike were getting swept over by the tidal wave of ponies interested in them. Starlight tried her best to answer them while Spike was simply squished up against her, the dragon not faring well inside the crowd. The urge to simply teleport them both out of there was rising in Starlight but luckily Maximillion finally came to their rescue.

“Now, now, stop that, stop all of that!” He said as he pushed his own way through the crowd, creating some space between them and the others. “You can all have your chances to speak with them in a more civil manner later, for now they are still my guests and shall be treated as such.”

The crowd reluctantly dissipated around them and the party began returning to normal, although Starlight and Spike were certain that most of the conversations going on were going to be about them now.

Lord Maximillion and Prince Blueblood were the only ones to remain around them for the moment. Blueblood now looking less disinterested but more annoyed than before.

“Sorry about all that.” Maximillion said to them. “But Miss Starlight, I had no idea you taught Sunset Shimmer.”

“Well the Princess is so busy with her normal work that she can’t always be there for her.” Starlight told them.

Spike shot her a dirty look. She was not telling them the whole story.

Maximillion and Blueblood looked between each other for a moment. “Would you like to come someplace more private so we can talk for a second? Blueblood would be interested in acquiring your services, it would be most prestigious for others to know he was learning from a teacher so esteemed as to be covering for the Princess.”

Starlight shrugged. “Sure, why not?” She didn’t really like either of them and had no intention of actually tutoring Blueblood but she couldn’t imagine she was missing anything with the rest of the party.

“Yeah and I’ll just stay out here and dance since I’m not a unicorn or anything.” Spike said. Starlight couldn’t tell if he was complaining or happy that he didn’t have to go off with the other two.

It ended up with Maximillion leading Starlight and Blueblood into a small parlor on the second floor. A servant followed them in and quickly left after Maximillion whispered something in their ear, whatever that was about. There was a single large velvet chair in the room and two white suede couches on the side. Blueblood of course took the chair, leaving Starlight and Maximillion to choose their own couch.

“So to put it simply I’d be willing to pay you whatever Celestia is for your services.” Maximillion started up immediately. “I’m looking over my young relative and I’d like the best for him.” He nodded at Blueblood.

Blueblood was just indifferently holding his nose in the air, acting like he wasn’t even following the conversation.

Starlight should probably be polite and come straight with them and tell them she wasn’t actually a teacher at all, despite her magical prowess.

She didn’t.

“Well I dunno, I’m used to teaching students at Sunset’s high level. Does Prince Blueblood intend to take this seriously and become as great a magician as she is?”

He didn’t.

“That’s not important to me. It’s just another thing to add to my long list of prestigious accomplishments.” Blueblood scoffed. “It would be quite the talking point for others to know I studied magic under the same unicorn Princess Celestia selected to teach her star student.”

Starlight cleared her throat and attempted to speak in as dignified a manner as possible. “Well then I’m just not sure if it’s appropriate for me to work with you. I take my job very seriously.”

“Please, surely we can come to some sort of an agreement.” Lord Maximillion attempted to broach pleasantly. By now Starlight could see the falseness in his politeness though.

“Obviously it just comes down to money doesn’t it? We’ll pay you more than what The Princess is.” Blueblood offered.

“I dunno...” Starlight struggled to keep from laughing.

Before anypony else could continue the conversation the door to the parlor opened and the same servant who was previously sent away reentered, carrying a tray with a large bottle and three glasses on it. Starlight’s eyes were immediately glued to the bottle.

“Ah, good. I sent for some refreshments while we talked. And hopefully something to soon toast our coming to an agreement.” Maximillion stood up and grabbed the bottle from the tray, holding it so Starlight could see. “Wine?”

Starlight gulped. She really shouldn’t, buuuut…


The fire raged on uncontrollably as Lord Maximillion’s gargantuan mansion was consumed. Canterlot firefighters tried their best to dampen the blaze but at most they might have been able to save the frame of Maximillion’s home. His guests stood on the grounds of his estate, some screaming, some crying, most confused and disturbed at how this could have possibly happened.

Lord Maximillion himself was crying in the middle of the road, Prince Blueblood actually affectionately patting him on the shoulder.

Meanwhile Starlight stared at the fire with a horrified look of befuddlement, her mouth open wide enough to allow an entire cake inside. Spike was far less shocked. More resigned than anything. The dragon just sighed and calmly turned to his good friend.

“Starlight, how did this happen?”

“I don’t know!”