• Member Since 12th Jul, 2016
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-GM, master of... ( Discord | Patreon )


Who is Fluttershy?

A young prodigy training to hunt the monsters that plague her world. She's wanted nothing else her entire life, and now that dream may be threatened...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

Wait, are you doing a series? Sweet.

Heroic Fluttershy?

I'm in!

A guy named Ender in a military academy. I hope this doesn't end in the extinction of a misunderstood insectile hivemind.

He tapped the chest once. It shimmered and shook with magic sparks before popping open and shut quickly. A single orb of light shot out of the chest and grew to something larger than a carriage.

I can't help but appreciate how this comes on the day after the Pokémon Direct that introduced Dynamaxing.

It feels very appropriate to have a character named Cosmere when you're probably working your way towards unifying a bunch of seemingly unrelated stories. Very Brandon Sanderson.

The pantheon raises a lot of interesting questions, from the name-portfolio mismatches to their humanoid forms to the deicide-capable king of monsters.

Excellent tale of triumph over adversity, especially given how Fluttershy tried literally every option she could think of. All glory to the Buttersmith!

In any case, we have a cog in a dying machine, a faint light of optimism in an all too familiar world, and now an epic weaponsmith who literally can't defend herself to save her life. I do look forward to seeing where you go with this series.

This looks amazing and now I want so badly to see the rest of the world.

Squee! A series :heart:

Damn, that sucks. Good to see she got past it, though!

The pony said something, pressing the knife to her neck. Still she couldn’t react.

With a sigh, the pony removed his mask, revealing it to be Ender.

"You just can't talk in these things!"

That's hilarious! You just made my day!

This was a good story!
Interesting to see a more confident Fluttershy, who still has her body lock-up.

At least becoming a blacksmith/weaponsmith will help her.

Are all of the stories connected to Amber Ashes?

All five of them are related to Amber Ashes, yes.
-GM, master of edits.


A guy named Ender in a military academy. I hope this doesn't end in the extinction of a misunderstood insectile hivemind.

For some reason I only thought of his name as ‘like an enderman’. Probably because he’s black.

The pantheon raises a lot of interesting questions, from the name-portfolio mismatches

Yeah, that seems like an odd detail to change. With Saturn it makes some sense, because the Olympian who best fits what we know of her is Mars, and Saturn being female works better, but for the others the only reason I can think of is GM just didn’t do his research, which strikes me as unusual.

that as not the main mistake.


as all of it kind did.


Left the safety if the cellars,


Fluttershy walked into Ender’s office. For a teacher at the Academy, his office has a remarkably small number of monster skulls lining the walls.

Mismatched tenses.

A tall, bearded unicorn by the name if Cosmere,


there was a pony wrapped entirely in dark, back fabric


It’s… not like than a normal pony’s brain.

I can see a few ways this might go, but I don’t know which works best.

find Ender, and tell her she accepted his offer.


All she could do is watch as the ice serpent intercepted every attack Ender tried to throw at it.


Ender gave a short little speech about how Riot proving that intellectual pursuit and a sharp mind alone can make an excellent hunter,

Should be past tense.


“I… I can’t avenge you. I am sorry.”

Years of intensive training. Top of her class. Brought low by a weakness she never knew she had.
Most Ponies in her position would have said "I wish I could be brave like you.".
Some "I can't bear this, I will throw myself at a wild monster and die as you did.".
A few, "I will learn from your example how to accept my weaknesses... the first step will be to discern in what ways you should be an example to me, and in what ways a counter example."
Most Ponies NOT in her position would have said "How could you fail us?".
She said "I'm sorry. I couldn't make this right for you."
I'm crying tears at her nobility. I know how this ends from reading another story yours, and I'm still crying.
"Beware the wrath of a patient mare."... even when that patience means taking the time to find creative solutions to dealing with set-backs.
Goddess who bestrides the line between fool and hero, this one *points* aids in avenging you.

Sidenote: While our real-life views on the afterlife are statistically likely to differ, I would humbly request to read from your keyboard a conversation between a recently deceased Fluttershy and the men (man?) who spoke the following words regarding their work on the Atomic Bomb:
"Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds." (which is quoting from Hindu mythology)
"Now we are all sons of bitches." (spoilered for moderate cussing). I think she would have words of comfort for whoever said this.

Minor correction:

But then she saw it. The Ice Serpent, lifting its head above the tree line and hissing angrily at the black stallion on the back of its head. Fluttershy gasped as the chilling reptile twisted its head, kicking Ender off with ease. She caught sight of the Reds trying their best to damage the creature, but the ice was too slick for blades to pierce, and the creature was simply too big to be affected by the arc rifle. With a swish of its tail, the ice serpent knocked both Reds off their hooves.

As I assume it is not using a limb to do so, perhaps "throwing" or even "bucking" (although that might imply the use of the trunk rather than the head) would be a superior word choice?

Her wings had locked up and she was losing altitude – not that she could do anything about that, frozen as she was. All she could do is watch as the ice serpent intercepted every attack Ender tried to throw at it.

If the gods listen at the shrine of their fallen sister for prayers (since she can not listen on her own behalf), perhaps Hephaestus/Vulcan listened and arranged this. I did not expect her to literally fall into her new role.

I have relatives who have, in the past, worked in "Hephaestus's Forge", refining the vehicles that launch "Zeus's bolts".

Heh... I just thought of a title for her: The Sword Bearer. (or The Weapon Bearer for the pedantic) A title that usually indicates a servant to a mighty warrior... she is servant to EVERY warrior, and will do so well enough to transform the title. I can't think of a better example at the moment, so I will simply say that "The Dark Knight" used to be something only medieval enthusiasts, if that, would ascribe any particular meaning to in the fictional Gotham City.

EDIT: No... I thought of a much better one. "The Armory", or perhaps "The Armory that Walks". Another title/nickname might be "The Heart of the Guild" emphasizing both her vital contribution and how important it is to defend her.

It could have been the monster cult, but there didn’t seem to be any reason why…

They would certainly have motive to ambush those who seek to learn how to slay what they venerate, so what exactly is she questioning? I'm seriously asking, although I can think of at least two possible answers.

She could move.

Ah, so not so literally falling into her role. A heroic choice IS involved, even this first time.

It was a primitive enchantment, wouldn’t last very long, and probably had numerous downsides she wasn’t aware of, but it was pretty good considering she had never actually done a full enchantment before.

Skill enough. Perhaps even fated hidden talent? I suspect not that second actually, but it is possible.

Then, remembering he was a unicorn, <SNIP>

A trope of "Chekov's Lesson" or some such I suspect... Most tropes exist because they WORK. This works.
Also, I like that her tactical mind lead her to balance the sword in such a way it would fly forward when she froze.

<SNIP> The hilt was hot enough to burn his hoof but he grunted through the pain, entering a spinning whirlwind maneuver with the sword and shield in hoof.

Conduction from laying in the fire it started, or did Fluttershy burn her hoof while running?

Ender broke out into a grin. “You have more gifts than you realize.”

It appears I was correct about "destined skill", and INcorrect when I decided it didn't quite fit.

Interesting. Of the ones I've read so far this is the second prequel story where there's an element from humanity present. Although, there's a genderswap going on there with Saturn. I wonder what this all could mean...?

Consider my expectations subverted. I was very much ready for adventure with kickass Battle Flutters. But Enchanting Weaponsmith Flutters is also cool. Wonder how she'll fit into things later.

Noticed a few typos while reading:

The monster let out a roar of rage and attacked – as all of it kind did.


Left the safety if the cellars,


It has been a tremendous blimp thing


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