• Published 21st Jun 2019
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G-Academy - RedlinRanger

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - From Dusk till Dawn

The streets were in a panic as hundreds of civilians riot over to the nearby hospital making the situation more difficult for the JSDF as they don't have enough men to keep the riots under control, G-force is still doing there best to try there best to escort the civilians safely away from the kaijus. Back In the Toshiba General Hospital Lizz was still In recovery and hasn't woken up, Yuri and Akane still were at the waiting bench until yuri spot Lizz's Mom and Father which they have gotten the word from the doctor about what happened to there daughter.

"Mister and Miss Yamane, where are you doing here, I thought you were to suppose to be evacuated"

"We gotten a called from the doctor about our daughter so we came a-..M.Miki Wait"

Miki storm in the infirmary, holding her daughter hand as she begins to cry for a bit and telling her that she is sorry and that she should never have her join at the academy as she was expected something like this was gonna to happen but she was too prideful for her child and not focusing on the danger of what might happen.

Miki then turn to look at Kojo telling him to call his sister, to tell her were not leaving Lizz

"Yeah, You're not"

Miki turn as her hand was grab as she sees her daughter awake and well, Miki gasp and begin to hug her and so do Lizz dad as the three empresses in a family hug. Lizz then notices Yuri and Akane and walk to them get a huge bear huge by Yuri as she begins to cry for her dear friend in an act that would probably give pinkie pie a challenge.

Lizz then begins to ask what had have happened and ask where is Io, Akane then begin explained to Lizz what had happened after she was unconscious. Lizz gasp as they mention the fact that kairu is here, she begins to rush out to the doorway but Akane stop her as she needs to take it easy as she still not at her full strength but Lizz doesn't care she needs to see if kairu is alright she can't wait here she needs to be with him.

Back at the harbor, Godzilla and Zilla jr were back to back as the oversize kaijus surrounds them, the carnotaurus dash those as Zilla but he was able to jump giving Godzilla a cheap shot with his fist as he hit the carnotaurus with so much focus that he manages to break the demon dinosaurs upper jaw causing the red bull dino to tumble down as it begins to screech in pain, the two other kaijus then begin to attack Godzilla but Zilla manage to give the jump on the hunchback tacling him down to the ground and biting his neck and using his atomic breath to blow the large kaiju head off.

However, Godzilla is having a little bit of trouble as otachi grip on Godzilla neck with its tail claws as Godzilla gets drag around but Zilla lead and hand to help his friend as he then jumps on top of otachi back knocking otachi down to the ground, Godzilla then got back to his feet and walk those where Zilla is at, Zilla uses his mouth to throw otachi up to the air following Godzilla unleashes his atomic breath destroying otachi.

Kairu, Io and the rest of the JSDF and G-Force were in a gasp as the two manage to do it, but before kairu can give the order, Io interrupts him as she picking up seismic activity of an unidentified large object approaching.

"Another kaiju, how big is it?"

"The unidentified kaiju is over...40 kilometers!!! "

"What, there no way, the system is just picking up an error here let me try"

Kairu begin to reboot the system to get the official seismic chart, but as the data are shown to io before it read 40 kilometers, Kairu begin to question what is going on, there is no way a kaiju of that mass could even exist it had to be something else, but before io was about to say something they begin to feel the ground to shake very rapidly, io fail on the ground but kairu pick her up carrying her as the rest of the military forces were mislead on what the hell is going on. Godzilla and Zilla jr took notice on the seismic activity as they knew that something huge is coming.

Lizz rush out to the hospital rooftop along with her friends and parents as they look out to see Godzilla and Zilla are about to face another new threat, a couple of minute late: An large ground Eruption exploded out knocking the two kaiju on the ground as well shaking a couple of nearby buildings even Lizz and the others where knock back down but were lucky that it was not a shockwave or else they would probably be knocked out of the rooftop.

Miki and Kairu help Lizz getting up and look back to see Godzilla and Zilla as a much larger kaiju reveal to the two kaiju standing, this kaiju was even bigger than Godzilla.

Godzilla begin to charge at the massive kaiju but was smack to a building by a powerful arm swing, Zilla hissed and begin to turn his direction to the creature, but the mega-kaiju turned on his heel and smashed a powerful tail swing down on Zilla's forehead! knocking him on to the ground. The monster screamed in rage as blood began to trickle down its boxy skull.

the mega-kaiju then use his head to ramn on the injured Zilla knocking him on a warehouse full of explosive causing a huge explosion, Zilla roar in pain and try to get up from the flames around him, luckily Godzilla came to the aid and manage to give a distraction to the mega-kaiju as he unleashed a couple of atomic rapid fire which had no effect on the massive beast as he begins to grasp Godzilla and begin to throw him around like a rag doll but stop as Zilla jump on top of the mega-kaiju back as Zilla manage to damage the beast eye with an atomic breath blowing parts of its face.

This just made the beast more piss off as it begins to charge up a powerful energy attack as the storm begin to get worse as the sky begins to went completely dark and massive lightning strike, the massive kaiju manage to give the jump on Godzilla and Zilla. knocking them both to the ground and begin to slam Zilla like a rag doll and thrown him out to the bay. Getting back up, Godzilla snarls, twitching his reptilian lips. Infuriated, his dorsal plates and luminescent skin illuminate with an intense red- Purple Orange.

"This is bad, that monster is just too strong for the both of them"

"Wait, mom look"

Lizz point out as they all look back to Godzilla as he begins to light up a crimson red aura, his back begin to charge up steam and bright purple beams blast out of his back, his shoulders erupted as his body begin to heat up as Godzilla body temperature was rising as the heat that was so hot that the glass around Godzilla was melting and the ground Godzilla was standing on was turning into magma as Lizz and the other realize that Godzilla is literally becoming a walking talking supervolcano.

Godzilla laid out a powerful roar so load it shocks the area causing the storm to grew worse than before. Kairu realize this is getting worse then it was requested that every one they need to get out of here as Godzilla was as critical mass and he could explode any moment, Meanwhile in Gforce headquarters there com screen show Godzilla in a crimson burning mass and the data given on this matter shown that the heat surround Godzilla caused his body to glow red and raised the temperature around him to levels lethal and rising up to exceeding 1,000 degrees Celsius. Though the Spiral Rays prove to be potent and destructive Pillars of light spring from his body, moments before discharge. Spewing a volley of seething radioactive rage, red beams encased with yellow spirals colliding against the mega kaiju and his surroundings.

One member of Monarch team had an idea to cool Godzilla body temperature given by kairu, Claire Chujo shows then what the plan is.
The higher up took notices what it is and give the green light on this and contact Takaki Aso company.

Godzilla Unleashes a Super Oscillatory Wave at the mega-kaiju knocking it out and destroying the rest of the harbor, he then fires off Red Spiro Rays that had the purple beans that cut pieces of the kaiju like it was paper, Godzilla finish off the mega-kaiju with as Godzilla swings his tail at supersonic speeds and launch a Plasma Cutter cutting his opponent in half killing it in an instant. however, Godzilla was still out of control beginning to go berserk as his body was firing purple beams all over the regions. Kairu hypothesized that Godzilla had adapted to convert excess electromagnetic energy into heat, and was effectively attacking them by raising the surrounding temperature to lethal levels. And if Godzilla continues in this states he could explode with the force of 200 megatons of TNT which would occur if Godzilla core temperature reached 1200 degrees Celsius or even higher.

When Zilla got back on solid ground he took notice at Godzilla realizing something wrong with his friend, he tried to clam his friend but Godzilla attacks him not realizing him. Zilla tried to fight back but Godzilla was litterly to strong, even more, stronger than the first battle they had. Godzilla land a powerful punch on Zilla knocking him out cold, Lizz took notice that Godzilla is going to kill him she was about to use telepathy to tried to calm down Godzilla to stop but was stop by Yuri that she nearly died when she tried to do that on the giant mantis, however Lizz mother Miki told Yuri that she strong enough to give some support on her daughter telekinesis she places a hand on Lizz shoulder which Lizz begins to grip her hand together on her chest, close her eyes and begin to use a musical chant to calm down Godzilla (Note: the Chant is Akira Ifukube - From Miki to Baby)

Godzilla snaps back and realizes what just happen After that was over with Miki fail out was out cold as she uses a lot of her powers to aid her daughter.


Back with Godzilla his was still in his crimson form which was hurting his body causing him in so much pain that it forced him to jump in the water to cool him down, which the pain grew even worse as he laid out a roar that he did not realize this was plan as a rocket fire into Godzilla filling him with the aneb mix with a Cyro gas that is used to slow Godzilla which begins to kick in as a few second in Godzilla was knock out and went back to normal.

30 Minutes later

Not long after Monarch arrives to take both Godzilla and Zilla to there monster island facility, Lizz ask Claire is Godzilla gonna be ok, she then replies that once we bring him back to monster island will give Godzilla a vaccine to clear him back to good health which Lizz sigh of relief and shaking Claire hand thanking her.

Lizz then turn to face her old boyfriend as he blushes and looking a bit unconvertible for not spending time or writing her in for a while but before he could say something lizz share a reunion hug.

"I missed you so much."

"I've missed you, too"

Kairu puts his hand on the back of Lizz' head and hugs back. The two remain embraced before the screen cuts to black.

Meanwhile, In Hokkaido, a project, involving deforestation, uncovers ancient ruins. These ruins, created by a species known as the Elias, were used to seal away a prehistoric evil: Desghidorah. Unaware of the significance of the area, site director Yuichi Goto removes the seal. Taking it home with him, the Shobijin Moll and Lora at infant island feel that the seal has been removed from the subterranean prison knowing that if there older sister and former chief Belvera. she views the humans as an ultimate destructive force. She states that she hates her younger sisters but actually cares about them and despises the human race for the damage that they caused to the Earth. Belvera believes that controlling humans for her own means is better than helping them. Due to her nature, she can't get along with the ways of the two younger sisters

which she decided to form her own rebellion and went to hiding after a long civil war but now that someone had found the seal she can now begin to strike.

"(Laughing evilly)It has begin "

End of Chapter 4

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