• Member Since 5th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Monday


Ameteur writer, light fan of many things, avid Let's Play viewer, Reluctant brony due solely to the rest of the fandom. For what it's worth I ship FluttershyxWaluigi.


This story is a sequel to Ghost Hunter Twilight

It's been several weeks since Twilight and Spike went to the outer district of Partyville. They met Pinkie, who turned out to be loud and annoying. Rainbow Dash, who was just a waste of space. Applejack, a Polish ghost Bound to the farms. And Fluttershy Pastel Gardens who... well it doesn't matter, Spike's out for blood with that one.

It got mixed up in all sorts of adventures. Like living above Oakfield's bookstore, and getting Locked-Out, and remember when Trixie showed up? Oh man, that was fun. But the world moves on, and they move on with it.

No time to get settled in though, there's a new problem on the rise. Who's running things? Where are Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo? And for the love of all things peace and quiet, where did all these clones come from?!!

Stick around, you may just find out.

Special thanks to Hyppy on discord for the cover art. It's amazing! You can contact her at goodsmellerart@gmail.com if you wish for art of your own.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 22 )

Twilight rolled her eyes, “Right, the different Twilights ‘sister’ thing,” she stepped out from behind the counter and looked around the store, Making a note to fix the hole in the floor another time. “You ever find it surreal to think we’re just characters in some book written by a sadist asshole?”

Oh, The League of Sweetie Belles is canon to this? Interesting. Should I move GHT1 from referenced to secondary side story?
Edit: Or maybe just add this to secondary or something, I just remembered that only admins can remove a story. Maybe ask him.

was a two storey bookstore situated on the at the tee junction where Makeover road met Flat street.

You only need one or the other, not both.

Um, first? First first too, for none of the other chapters have comments. First first first since I have never even had a regular first.
...by the third first in a row it just looks wrong, like that isn't how to spell it.
Anyway, given how well the original went and how this chapter is a few years old I'm surprised that no-one has commented yet. I personally was waiting for it to finish, which now it has.
Hi Kiwii! I hope you're doing alright. Welcome to Canada, from Louisiana, home of the southern ex-canadians.

We need Twilight, she’s a Hunter, she’ll know what to do.

...Didn’t they just come here from Twilight’s? That right there is some Froggy grade time management skills.
P.S. Okay, I was lying in bed, thinking about the day that now lies behind, and I thought 'Was it Panhandlershoot or Panhandlershot?' and only after finding the answer did I realize the name literally means the begger got shot. A scarily accurate name for a scary place.

the five years of farming proper where Pinkie knew she existed but never spoke to her didn’t count.

I believe that should be prior.

The pony in question has handing the dragon the entire contents of her bag.


How did somebody who couldn’t speak scam anyone, let alone to the point of taking most of their belongings from them.

This is a question, right?

He glanced passed her old lived in couch and shelf of books to the more interesting collection of sensoring equipment.

Alternatively you could do: 'His gaze passed over her old lived in couch and shelf of books and onto the more interesting collection of sensoring equipment.' Personally I like it better that way.

I must say, was expecting the clones to be smarter, about this Rainbow Dash’s equal. It seems that the threat isn't related to them being clones at all, but more of a tribble problem.

The nearby ponies weren’t ghosts acting like idiots were smiling and stared at the scene.

The nearby ponies who weren’t ghosts were acting like idiots? No, that's not right either. This sentence is definitely off, but I don’t know exactly what it's supposed to be.

Thanks, XD I figured no one liked this story, hence the lack of comments on it. Regardless, glad to have you.

So, yes GHT is canon to LoSBs but the comment Twilight made is in reference to the first GHT where the Whisperer talked meta for a bit and mentioned Twilight's 'sisters' which is just fancy speak for other Twilight's in different fanfictions.

You'll find plenty of typos, don't worry about that. XD I was never the best at editing my own work.

Hey, people are bad at time management, that's realistic, right? In any case yep, Pandhandlershot was my funny little joke stand in for Canterlot. It was a decent enough rhyme and was decently threatening, A fun time had by all.


Clones multiply and eat all the resources, imagine tribbles that left the architecture in tact.

As for the sentence, here's how I intended it to be read.

> The nearby ponies that weren’t ghosts-acting-like-idiots, were smiling and stared at the scene.

Tribbles did leave the architecture intact... Though, really I messed up in not using parasprites in this context. I have no idea why tribbles were what came to mind.

Also, if the sentence should say ‘The nearby ponies that weren’t ghosts-acting-like-idiots, were smiling and staring at the scene.’ then shouldn’t you fix it?

I don’t get alerts if you reply to my comment on the last chapter even though my comment was on the first. Which seems to be a slight but significant flaw of the site when you consider that you automatically comment on the last chapter when commenting from the story’s main page.

Thanks for the clarification, it’s been awhile since I read the first story.

When you say not to worry about typos, are you being friendly, saying it’s no big deal, or are you politely asking me to stop pointing them out because you don’t plan on going back to fix them? Because I actually kind of enjoy helping find and patch that kind of problem, but I don’t want to be a bother if you actively don’t want my help.

Oh very realistic. I had to make five trips to my bedroom before I was finally ready to shave yesterday. I will still mock them, because it’s fun.


I mean it in a light and friendly way, I don't let the typos bother me, and even if I don't plan on going back and correcting them, you're not bother me, no worries ^-^ But if you enjoy pointing out typos then all the power to you.

Are you ate least enjoying this sequel?

So far yes. It's not one of my super duper favorites or anything, but it's an entertaining diversion.
(I haven't read chapter 4 yet, but I will be continuing this, probably before the end of the month.)

Sidoe Breach, named for a failed expansion? Sounds military, but nothing else in the chapter gave me that impression, so it’s probably nothing.

I've never really got the whole tsundere thing. Personally I prefer friendly folk.

I honestly can't tell how much of everything seeming bad is because of the city, and how much is Twilight’s worldview.

I don’t know how stressful being powerful and influential must be – probably not at all –

Okay breath in, bre-:rainbowlaugh:
Alrihehehe... Okay, for real now. I don't know how it goes here, but generally being (politically) powerful and influential is quite stressful, even if you're cheating. Though I can't say I approve of them regardless.

Well, they have successfully gotten into a place the Executioner doesn't want them. Still, if they're as powerful as all that what're a couple of angry civilians gonna do about 'em?

Also, Rarity may or may not be the Executioner, but she will be important later.

The name of the place was… hard to tell based on the missing or damaged letters, but if she had to guess it was an art institute of some kind. The hell else could ‘Th_ _ut__ Re__a_k _art _’ even mean? Ignoring the clearly pointless mystery in favour of a relevant one, Twilight walked across the mostly empty parking lot of the facility towards the front door.

No no Twilight, I feel like that is information you will soon wish you had in advance.

So the clones are a problem because Dr. Frankenpony cloned himself and them his clone was subjected to testing of a probably unethical nature.
Things just refuse to look on the bright side here.


Keep in mind Sideo Breach was possibly named decades ago, there's nothing saying it didn't start as military and transition over time.

I take pride in how consistently terrible Twilight's worldview is, XD like at no point does she mention a direct desire to improve her home. She notes it'd all likely be nice, but doesn't comment further, this is due to her internalizing a borderline obsessive mistrust of everything around her, and it manifests in her either hating consequence free good things, or sabotaging herself from experiencing joy or any kind.

The world around her is good and bad, depending on preference (A lot of Sideo is actually based on the city I live in, as an example) but it's in general just a lived in world, she's the one that makes it all unbearable.


What makes you think Rarity is going to be a character?


There's a lot of evidence that St Orangeberg was once or perhaps still is thriving, and that what we see in this story is simply the result of thousands of different actions having consequences all affecting each other and leading to what we see before us.

Which is, admittedly, why GHT is my favourite world building I've ever done.


There was a unicorn in there, but she looked pretty… prissy, if Applejack had to think of a word for it. Like the mare stepped foot anywhere that wasn’t upper class or higher. Normally Applejack would have ignored it, but ponies didn’t wear clothes, it was unnatural, so the unicorn inside seemed out of place.

I'm guessing that is Rarity, and that was an awful long description if her entire role has already been completed. I could be wrong, but that's my logic.


Imma be honest, I completely forget I did that, XD.

Are you sure that 'complete' is the right setting for this?
Also, I absolutely do not promise anything, but if you're officially giving up on this series would you mind if I put it in my folder of potential story Ideas?


When I was choosing what to label the story as, 'complete' felt the most accurate out of all the options. But no, I wouldn't mind you possibly picking it up, in fact I'd genuinely appreciate it.

My only condition is that I get to consult on the world building, since it's my favourite part of this series. Thanks for enjoying it enough to want to consider doing it better yourself.

That sounds perfect! Like I said, I don't know if/when I'll get around to it, but I would absolutely like to see more in this series, and if writing it while talking to the original author is how to do that then that is something I can do.
After I get done with my current project.

Huh, I read the first story a while back, and I'm pretty sure this was out and probably even finished back then so dunno why I didn't read it then.
... I'm still not gonna read it right now, because focus and vibes, but I *am* gonna add it to my 'read later' list, which again, dunno why I didn't before.

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