• Published 1st Jul 2019
  • 2,898 Views, 122 Comments

Tela's Tales - Firefoxino

Follow Tela and her three little friends in a magical adventure through a fantastic land.

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Quest #7 Biting more than you can chew

We carefully walked through the hole in the sewer to a pitch-black tunnel. Well, pitch-black for the girls, at least. I could see this wasn't part of the sewer anymore. The floor didn't have any place for sewage, and the ceiling was taller. It looked like a carved hallway with doors spaced on both sides. Ahead of us was the cloaked man. He never looked at the doors to his side. He was keeping his gaze on the door directly ahead. That type of intense determination made the girls and I sneaking twenty feet behind him much easier. Especially with the girls on my back, so AB's armor clinking didn't give us away.

The cloaked figure reached the end of the hallway and opened the door on the far end. He rushed inside and quickly slammed it behind himself.

"Is that their hideout?" Scootaloo whispered to me.

I cracked open the door and peeked inside the bright room. The man was gone, and I could just make out a closed door on the wall ahead.

"Nope. I think we are almost- What in the hell is this stench?" It smelt of old blood and rotting wood. The stench of stale air was overpowering, like an abandoned slaughterhouse.

"It's disgusting…" I heard Sweetie say while hearing her choking back the urge to vomit.

"Right." Applebloom replied, keeping her composure. "It's worse than the cow's barn, Dagnabbit."

The room was made out of stone bricks. The walls were covered with moss and leaked unknown liquid from the nearby sewer. Another large oak door was on the opposite wall.

The floor was made out of solid stone with a thick slimy liquid covering it. "So gross…" Sweetie lamented in a low voice. "And the smell isn't helping at all."

"Get yourself together, girls. It's best if we don't use the roof to walk, it might collapse. This place looks damn ancient." They climbed down from my abdomen to search around the room for anything that even resembles something useful. Unfortunately, the room was bare, and we didn't find any secret rooms. With that option exhausted, we went to the unopened door leading us deeper inside the dungeon.

I went first, leading the way, Sweetie right behind me, Scoot right behind her, and Applebloom at the end, watching our flanks. We made our way through the torch illuminated hallway, and to our dismay, the stench of decay became worse the farther we went inside.

We finally got to the hallway and came to a large dark wooden door. "Wait." Sweetie Belle said, stopping us. "I need to do something for one second." She waved her horn around, chanting some incantation, and shimmering green crystals appeared over her body. They quickly faded from sight.

"Is that magic armor?" Scootaloo asked, curious.

"Yes, and no, it is magic, but it's more like an invisible shield." Sweetie Belle explained. "Thanks for reminding me." She said to the horn.

"Anything else we should do?" I asked. The girls shook their heads. We opened the door, and I saw a stained red carpet on the ground. Each wall had a doorway next to a tapestry. Any images on them were completely ruined by time.

"I think we should keep right." I didn't realize the torches ended in the hallway until I heard Sweetie trip and fall on the dirty carpet. "I can't see where the guy went, so it should be safe to cast some light."

"Oh, right." Sweetie said, her horn starting to glow.

We continued down the chosen hallway and ended up in a large room. From the furniture and the remains on the floor, this was an infirmary. A dying lantern poorly lit the room, and around us, we saw dozens of beds and some old IVs, with glass bottles still attached. A dried substance was still inside. The room looked abandoned, but a puddle of wet blood was visible on the ground.

"This is a dead-end. We should head back." They nodded and swiftly followed me back to the tapestry room. The second time we went to the left, and the smell became even stronger. It burned like acid in my nostrils. At the end of the hallway, we arrived at a massive bedroom.

The smell was almost impossible to ignore, and I had to suppress a gag. I looked around. The room was ripped apart, and the four-pillared bed was crushed in the middle with the wooden poles bent inward. On the left wall, there was a giant hole with a large monster moving right at us.

The beast was obscenely obese. We could see insects swarming out from its disgusting pale flesh and a brownish substance leaking from the exposed wounds. The monster was bipedal, if barely. It had the shape of a human but that's where the similarities ended. It had holes on its shoulders that spewed out vermins and other disgusting flying creatures. The monster roared at us and started its charge. Sweetie Belle lashed out with a firebolt, which was absorbed by the creature's fat, leaving it unaffected.

"Scatter! Don't let it come near you!" I shouted at them. I went to its right, taking out my halberd, ready to attack. Scootaloo fired a bolt from her crossbow, hitting the creature in the head, making it stumble and roar in pain. It started to claw away at its face to remove the bolt doing more damage to itself than the arrow would have ever done.

The creature wobbled in our direction, and the cloud of insects started to descend on us. The girls all got bit and slashed by the disgusting cloud of insects, fortunately I managed to harden my skin enough to be unaffected, the fact the it hurt them though that I wouldn't forget. The creature ran up to me and bit my shoulder, leaving a nasty wound. I pushed the monster back before its teeth could get too far in. 'I hope that doesn't get infected.' I thought, trying not to think about the fact that this abomination even touched me.

I reared my halberd back and slashed at its head, chopping it off cleanly, metaphorically speaking. The creature's body fell with a gurgle spewing more horrid fluid and insects before disappearing in a wave of fire. I sighed in relief and holstered my weapon to my back

"What was that?" Scootaloo asked.

"A Nupperibo, a devil from the underground. Someone summoned it here." Sweetie Belle explained. "Nasty creatures, there might be more of these around."

"We should be more careful if they are powerful enough to summon demons. Follow me. I'll take point." Scootaloo said, jumping in front of me, her ears perked up, ready to sense anything nearby. We returned to the crossroad room and explored the last corridor. Upon entering it, we immediately knew something changed. The stone became much more polished, and the mold got thicker. All around us, scattered on the ground at random intervals, were little blue lanterns. Those were the only lights in the dim hall.

"Look at this place…" Scootaloo said while watching the architecture of the ruins. At our sides, we could see empty alcoves, with the remnants of smashed statues.

We continued forward until Scootaloo motioned for us to stop, and we started to look around in search of whatever made her stop. I heard a deep rumbling sound coming from above us.

"RUN!" Scootaloo shouted, galloping forward out of the hallway. We followed suit just in time to see the ceiling crashing down in the corridor behind us.

"We dodged a bullet there, thanks, Scoot." I told her with my heart still pounding from the scare.

"It's not over." She said, looking forward. In front of us, we heard heavy steps coming towards us. The creature that was coming was clearly bigger than the devil we faced before. I strained my eyes and saw that this new threat seemed to be another Nupperibo, but this one was clearly mutated. It had dozens of carnivorous plants wriggling all over it, snapping at any insect that crawled out from its skin. Under the blubber, there was something wriggling, forcing the skin to stretch and rip.

"What is that?" I asked Sweetie.

"I never saw or heard of something like this one. Prepare for anything!" She warned us, retreating to a safer range. Applebloom took the front and got ready with her axe.


I took out my axe and gazed at its shiny metal. I didn't want to bring it. I didn't like hurting ponies. I would have preferred to just make potions and help my friends, but in this world, it seems like fighting is the only real way to survive. I nodded confidently, maybe to reassure myself, and got ready with my shield in front of me. Slowly I walked forward to face the horrible creature that blocked our path.

"Come on, yah freak!" I shouted, prepared to take a big hit. The creature's fleshy arms bashed against my shield, but I held it back. I heard a horrible fleshy ripping sound, and something was scratching at my shield. The devil kept bashing as I saw a gigantic insect head crawl from over my shield. It struck my helmet, and the taste of steel distracted him long enough to knock them both away. Without the shield between us, I could see the centipede was crawling from a hole it ripped in the demon's chest "This thing is horrifying." I thought.

I saw a bolt from Scoot's crossbow hit the Nupperibo right in the chest. The monster continued its attack against my shield, not noticing the bolt.

"I'll keep it busy here! Use everything you have!" I shouted at them and stood my ground.


Applebloom remained in front of the creature fearlessly, and so I seized the opportunity. I reared my whole body back and slashed at the creature's upper body, drawing a lot of blood and ripping pieces off the centipede. I then watched a bolt of pure fire hitting the creature's head right between the eyes, the bolt exploded with a show of sparks and flames, and immediately the plants near the head went aflame, burning and collapsing.

"Nice one, Sweetie!" I told her without looking back as not to get the creature out of my sight. The creature then seemed to be enraged with Sweetie and started to move towards her. Applebloom intercepted it and made it trip with her shield making it smash onto the ground with a heavy thud. The creature moaned and tried to stand up. That's when Applebloom hacked at it with her axe, and Scootaloo fired another bolt.

The axe got buried deep into its flesh, making blood ooze out of the injury while the bolt embedded itself deep into the body, injuring it further. The creature seemed to be pretty weak at this point, we then heard some bells ringing and Sweetie uttering words under her breath, and we saw nothing happening.

"Son of a bitch!" We heard her swear before looking back into her floating book. Scootaloo snickered while aiming her weapon. I then sliced it up when it tried to stand up.

I saw a bolt flying past the creature and a very flustered Scootaloo who apparently slipped onto the wet and mossy floor, missing the creature, I then heard another giggle this time from Sweetie. "I guess they can have fun while fighting devils, who knew?" Meanwhile, Applebloom's axe bounced off of it, seemingly having hit one of the centipedes inside the body, causing the attack to deal no damage.

The creature started to attack once again, the plants tried to grasp at me, but I managed to fend them off while another centipede bounced off of Applebloom's shield. I sighed in relief and got ready to hit the creature yet again. I was ready to hit when I had to retreat for a centipede busted out and almost bit me. Applebloom, fortunately, didn't have such problems and hit the creature in the neck, making it gurgle up blood and ichor. After that, the monster fell flat onto the ground, seemingly dead.

"Is it dead?" Applbeloom asked wearily.

"I fucking hope so." I replied, poking the creature to see if it was twitching or anything like that. The monster suddenly started to deflate, tons of blood and ichor came out from its body, "yuck yuck yuck!" we heard Sweetie shout trying to retreat while touching the least amount of the liquid as possible. Then six surviving centipedes crawled out of it, and without any hesitation jumped at us. I cleaved one in half immediately, Applebloom got one on her shield and then bashed it onto the ground, killing it, Scootaloo fired a bolt that impaled one to the ground while Sweetie let loose a volley of arcane missiles that killed the rest.

"That was close. What were those things anyway?" Scootaloo asked.

"I don't know, sorry, girls." Sweetie said, looking down.

"No problem, they were fairly similar to normal centipedes, if they were as big as a dwarf that is." I told them, poking the dead beast. "And this one doesn't even disappear like the other."

"The devil was also very different from the one before. Does that happen often?" Scootaloo asked yet again.

"No, this is weird. Nupperibo are not supposed to have plants on them. The insects were technically alright. They normally are much smaller, though." Mused Sweetie Belle. "Something is really wrong here."

"We will probably find more about this the deeper we go. Not like we can go back now…" I looked sadly at the completely sealed entrance. "Like before, come on."

We fell back in line and continued forward, the hall around us started slowly to become much more detailed, and this time the statues in the alcoves were present. They resembled some kind of weird alien with an extremely peculiar head. We didn't know anything about them, so we just moved on.

"I didn't think that a structure this big could remain hidden from the city itself." Applebloom said, looking around with awe.

"Careful, I hear something." We strode in the darkness following Scootaloo and trying to be as stealthy as possible. We heard a flap of wings coming from further in, we slowly walked forward while all around us we could hear, and I could see, trickles of some liquid coming down from the ceiling and splashing into puddles, the floor made wet sounds and sometimes groaned from the wear of time.

We reached what was once the hall of the hospital. Around us, there were many hallways, most of them completely submerged with rubble and impossible to traverse. There was a counter with two skeletons on our right, one sitting on a chair, and the other was sprawled on the counter. Both were wearing a plague doctor vest, ruined by time but still recognizable. All around us, there were hundreds of broken bottles and many dried puddles of some substance.

I heard in my mind some kind of gibberish, a terrible tongue that made me immediately jump to full alert. I started scanning around the room to find whatever made such an unnatural sound. "What was that?" Applebloom said, reading her shield.

"Dunno, it is very weird, though." Scootaloo continued putting her back to Applebloom's.

"Infernal, a devil or a demon is nearby." Sweetie Belle said, looking around in the dark room.

"What did it say?"

"That we are all going to die."

Suddenly the creature arrived from above us. It was a slender humanoid creature with hundreds of barbed needles covering its body. It had deep glowing eyes that, for some reason, weren't easy to track even in the dark. It immediately started to attack me, I hastily deflected a tail attack and a slash, but the last one got me good in the arm and drew blood.

"Damn it all!" I heard Scootaloo say while hearing the clacking of an arrow hitting the wall.

I indulged my rage and gathered the strength that allowed me to defeat the spider queen. With a shout of anger, I slashed the devil in the chest. Unfortunately, the cut was shallow, and the damage minimal.

"Girls, I lost my shield. It slipped up from the fetlock help!" We hear Applebloom say while she was fumbling in the darkness.

Immediately a light shone from Sweetie Belle, "There it is!" She shouted, pointing at the devil. Applebloom in the meantime managed to put the shield back on while mumbling something about making it better.

The horrible sounds came back, and the devil jumped away from me. Before it could though, I hit it with my halberd injuring it further. After that, the devil spat flames in its hand and hurled it at me, hitting me in the chest. The damage was laughable at best. "Is this all? Fucking bitch!" I shouted at it. An arrow flew from behind us and hit the devil in the chest, making it roar in pain.

"You don't like magic, do you?" Scootaloo told it.

"Eat this!" Applebloom shouted. She pointed the shielded foreleg outstretching it towards the devil, a sudden click made the shield open up in half, and a fast-approaching metallic apple hit the devil right in the face making it fall down on its back, clutching its now bleeding nose. Immediately after, we heard Sweetie Belle saying something in her arcane tongue, and immediately the wounds of the devil became even worse than they once were. Sweetie Belle hoof pumped the air, very happy with what she did.

The devil shot up on its feet and charged the girls behind me. First, it tried to hit Applebloom, puncturing her leg with its long barbed tail drawing a lot of blood and a pained scream from the filly. The devil extracted the tail, and a puddle of blood started forming under Applebloom.

"Applebloom!" Scootaloo shouted. She immediately had to avoid an attack from the devil before she could worry about her.

"Ah'm fine, don't worry!" Applebloom told her.

The devil then tried to hit Sweetie Belle, but she dodged it completely, remaining unscathed. Scootaloo then went and put some distance between her and the devil, narrowingly avoiding yet another vicious blow from it. She turned around and fired a bolt to it, this time hitting it in the shoulder.

I charged up a powerful attack with my halberd and hit the devil in the back, opening a huge gash over it, unfortunately. Yet again, the damage seemed to be only superficial. Applebloom took a flask from her bag and injected the liquid inside right on her flank. Immediately the wound started to regenerate, and in seconds it disappeared.

Sweetie Belle narrowed her eyes, and her eyes flashed purple. Suddenly the devil started clawing at its head as if in pain and shot a look of pure hatred towards her. Infuriated, the devil slashed left and right, missing almost everything apart from a hit against Sweetie's chest that opened a bloody wound on her. She cried out in pain but composed herself, quickly shooting the devil a glare.

Once again, Scootaloo shot a dart to the devil, but this time, it seemed that she hit something vital, and the devil knew it. It clutched its side, hissing in hate and pain. The devil's legs started to wobble clearly. We were doing a lot of damage. I abused its own weakness and struck it with a shout full of hate and anger to it. The cut was superficial yet again and barely registered. 'I really need a fucking magic weapon! Pezzo di ferro inutile!'

Applebloom jumped away from the devil and launched another apple at it hitting it in the side of the head, making it stumble and fall to the ground on its knees. To add more to that, Sweetie fired a volley of arcane missiles puncturing it and drawing a ton of blood from it. The devil was now out of breath and barely clinging to life. The strange words came out again, and we all looked to Sweetie.

"He says that he was paid. He had a contract. He will run away and never return if we spare him." She translated. "He says he has a wife and children, and something else I didn't catch." She narrowed her eyes. "Oh, he has a wife and some children in a cage over there, and he is offering us to eat them instead of him, uh." She translated.

"How about fuck you?" Scootaloo said, shooting a bolt right between its eyes, killing it, immediately after the body disappeared, and we all sat down to rest for a bit. "What about the cage?" Applebloom asked.

"He was lying." I told them, "I can see in the dark, there is no cage here."

"That's good. Imagine having to escort citizens out while we fight. Need some help with that wound, Sweetie?" Scoot asked her in concern.

"Nah, it's mostly fine. I'll patch it up in time."

"We can stop for some time, catch our breath, come on, I'll keep watch, rest yourself." I did as I told them. I watched the makeshift camp and stood on alert for any more devils or monsters around the hall. This time I also looked up for any more nasty surprises. Fortunately, no one arrived to kill us, and Sweetie's injury was taken care of. With that done, we continued walking deeper still into the hospital.

We passed next to an ancient sign on which unfortunately any and all writing were eroded by time, it pointed to several directions, to our right, left and back from where we came from. Every other hallway was completely blocked by rubble; thus, we had to go right and hope for the best. "I don't like it, girls. I swear I heard something else when the ceiling collapsed." Scootaloo said.

"Are you sure about it?" Applebloom asked.

"Totally, but I can't nail down what made that sound. Shit, I knew I had to study harder in Rare creatures class." She said with lightly bumping her hoof on her head.

"Don't worry, Scoot, we will surely go back, and then you can study all you like." Sweetie said reassuringly.

"Indeed, don't worry, Scoot. We will always say that you are the best ranger around." I told her with an affectionate head pat.

"Thanks, girls." She whispered with a lot of embarrassment. "Heads up, I see the light." She said immediately after pointing in front of us. Barely a hundred meters ahead of us we could make out a faint light, we moved closer and finally noticed that it was the entrance to a vast room, the light came from tens of blue lighted torches hanging around the whole room. The room seemed to have been used as a storage, for there were hundreds of broken bottles scattered on the floor and the remains of iron scaffolds. Only two of them were still up, one directly attached to the wall where the entrance was and the other at the wall directly in front of us.

We walked into the room, looking around for any kind of threat. We stopped right in the middle and were almost ready to lower our guard when a suave voice came from nowhere. It was polished and charismatic. "Oh my, what do we have here? A half spider and three little horses? How interesting." The voice said, immediately after the lights became even brighter and the room lit up completely, in the farthest part of the room there was a lone figure sitting atop a throne of statues, next to her there was a weird machine made out of flesh and teeth.

The feminine figure was for lack of a better term gorgeous, even at a distance you could see that she was truly beautiful. It wore a tight leathery sport bra and some barely useful pants, everything she wore was purposefully there to be attractive and it did a good job at that. Her beauty though didn't mean I would forgive her for what she did to us so far, there was space for only one beautiful bitch out there and that was me.

The machine next to it though was another thing altogether. Made out of flesh moaning and spitting unknown liquids while seemingly chewing, disgusting. It had a pinkish exterior with a fiery red internal organs which were somewhat visible through the skin, other than that we could see barely chewed bones and pieces of skin and other horrible things inside which were slowly made into some silvery coins.

"Who are you?" I asked her unsheathing my halberd.

"Wouldn't you like to know, little spider? My name is of no concern to lab rats," She waved her hand in the air. "Xenermoth, darling, come here and smack these fools so I can research them." She said. Immediately after a loud and frankly high pitched roar came from the ceiling, a shadow ran down the aisle behind us and stared us down, it was a four-legged creature, it's scales were black as onyx, and its eyes were a piercing acidic green, it had a pair of wings on its back and acid was dripping from its half-closed teeth filled mouth.

"Fuck me, a dragon." I said with no little fear. Dragons were extremely dangerous. "Girls, don't underestimate its size. Dragons are always dangerous!"

"Mistress said you shall be her new experiments, so be it." He said, flaring his wings outward for intimidation. Before we could even move, Scoot passed to the offensive and shot a dart straight into Xenormoth's torso dealing great damage to him if his pained look was anything to go by. Xenormoth reared up in a roar of anger, but before he could even move, Sweetie muttered arcane words which only slightly pained the dragon.

Xenormoth reared up, breathing in a lot of air and then exhaling it all in one go. A sickly mist of green came towards us, and we were left to face it. The green cloud encompassed us all. I shouted in pain for the acid eating at my flesh, Sweetie was miraculously saved by some kind of black quartz that encompassed her body, which managed to block some of the mist, yet she was badly hurt by it.

Applebloom didn't make any sound. She simply fell down on her side with an incredibly nasty burn on her neck, which burned away the fur leaving behind exposed red flesh. Scootaloo, on the other hand, rolled away from the mist, getting hit only slightly. Still, she had some severe wounds on herself. I immediately knelt down and searched into Applebloom's satchel, hoping for another vial of healing potion. Fortunately, it was there, and I immediately gave it to her. She coughed up but fortunately opened her eyes. "AJ? Is that you?" She weakly whispered.

"I'm sorry Bloom, it is my fault you got hurt. Rest now, please." I pleaded to her. She nodded her head and went back down onto the ground. I stood up immediately and felt my rage building up to unholy levels. I screamed like a banshee and slashed the dragon right in the face making two teeth fly out and giving him a deep wound. "I'll fucking kill you!"

"Wait, Tela! He is mind-controlled. It's not his fault!" Sweetie said.

"How do we make him snap out of it?" Scoot asked her.

"I-m-mistress? No! Yes?" Xenormoth started to say, confused-looking left and right.

"Hei los aan Dovah. Hein zin los vepok naal hei kos imaar naal ek! Gestin hinmaar!" Scootaloo shouted to Xenormoth, immediately his eyes darted to us, and in them, we saw a bit of recognition, then they widened as if he realized, and then they looked at the devil with a fury no mortal could withstand.

“Zu’u nox hei, Zu’u los krod fah fahdon, Zu’u fen frey krii daar zaunig.” He said bowing his head to Scootaloo.

"Might wanna repeat that I think I lost some of it, sorry not really that fluent in draconic." She said with a light blush.

"I thank you, I shall help you against this devil. She is a succubus, be very careful." He repeated this time in a language we could understand.

"Impossible! How did you free yourself, useless dragon? I really have to do everything here." She said, immediately she took flight with her wings and stopped in front of us, she swayed her hips seductively and blew a kiss towards Scoot, who promptly made a disgusted face and shot a dart into the succubus's body. The latter screamed in pain and wrenched the dart free pouring blood on the floor. "Damnable beast, you shall serve me!"

Sweetie Belle made another incantation, and a chain of lightning came forth from her hooves, hitting the succubus in the chest, making her shout in agony. Xenormoth ran and bit her in the arm with such force that he tore it away from her leaving her with only one arm and bleeding profusely from the wound. I followed his example and attacked her with my halberd. I hit her in the chest, dragging the blade over her breasts, cutting one of them open, making her cry both in rage and pain.

"I will be back, damnable mortals. I shall have my revenge!" She shouted and immediately disappeared. I remained with my guard high until a minute or so passed, then I finally sat down onto the cold floor and rested for a while. In all of this, I took Applebloom in my arms and gently put her on my abdomen, being careful of not making her injury worse.

"I'm sorry for what I've done." Xenormoth said with a downcast look.

"I understand, it wasn't your fault, but mine. I should have told them to spread out." I said, feeling tears coming up, "This is just like the circus. I failed them." I couldn't handle thinking about it anymore. I started to cry immediately after I felt two sets of hooves coming to hug me and a trembling one that touched my back.

"It's not your fault Tela. You did what you could. It's nopony's fault that we found a Succubus here. Please don't cry. You are basically our big sister." Sweetie Belle said, holding back tears.

"She is right, you know? You are the only one that ever cared so much for us here. Without you, we would be already dead." Scootaloo replied confidently. "And, thanks to you, we can study, we can learn so many cool and awesome things. Yes, the adventure is dangerous, but hey, without any danger, what's the point, right? You told us we would go home, and I believe you, so stand up and bring us there."

"S-she is right. Please, don't cry. Your hiccups make my stomach upset hehe." Applebloom weakly said with a strained laugh. That did it. I started to laugh a bit while also crying, 'Fucking teenagers, I swear.' I thought to myself. 'Get up, you idiot. They look up to you.' I dried up my tears and stood up.

"Let's." I told them, "Thank you, girls, I owe you a lot. Come on. We have to find a way out."

"Before we forget, Xenormoth, could you melt down that weird machine?" Sweetie Belle asked him.

"It will be my pleasure to destroy anything that was hers." He said with glee. He immediately breathed acid onto it, destroying it in seconds. "Come my friends, I know of a passage the succubus used to come and go to the surface. Follow me." He said, motioning us with his wing.

"Wait, you are hurt!" Scootaloo shouted.

"So are you. The faster we go to the surface, the faster we can bring you all to a hospital, one that is not abandoned at least."

“What?” I said dazed, for a second I swore I saw something, in the dark. “I-I” My vision started to go out of focus, dark spots started to creep from the edges of my vision and in no time I was completely out of it.

When I opened my eyes again I was in a different room, I looked around me and noticed that I was inside a room adjacent to the one where we fought, the girls were on the ground moaning in pain and I was covered in a gelatinous substance. I immediately reached down for them noticing that I was a lot taller than before, I decided to check later. The girls came first.

“What even happened? I have no memories of it, fuck.” I thought, if I started to have memory loss or other brain problems that would be bad. I checked on them and fortunately they didn’t have any external injury.

“You.” I heard a deep, calculating and cold voice speak up. I looked around hastily, trying to identify the source, and I found it in Sweetie Belle.

“What?” I asked surprised.

“You, spider creature. Get this body in a functioning state, a king doesn’t go around in a broken vessel.” The voice said again. Once I looked closer I noticed that Sweetie’s horn was partially red and her coat was darker.

“Get out of her, what are you? A demon, a devil?” I said grabbing her firmly. “Know this, if you hurt her in any way, there is no plane of existence you can hide in from me.” I told him, my skin started to become black and quite hard.

“You fool, I’m no demon. I am-” He started to cough, gargle and finally slumped down in my arms. Immediately after Sweetie’s head went up and she talked in her normal voice, her horn turned white again and her coat was once again pure and prisitne.

“Sorry about that, I don’t know how it happened I swear.” She said almost crying there and there.

“Oh no, no don’t worry. I’m just glad you are okay. Now please go check on the others as well, I’m no medic.” I told her and put her down.

I looked around the room again, there was basically nothing there except a desk with a drawer and a pedestal, both empty at first glance.

“You are finally awake.” Another voice said this time coming from the room adjacent.

“Why do voices keep cropping up out of nowhere?” I asked myself, this one sounded familiar though.

“It’s me, Xenormoth. Be not afraid.” He said coming into sight, he had a… weird look in his eyes.

“What happened?” I asked him, I just couldn’t figure out what happened in that room.

“You started to walk towards this wall, when asked about why you gave no answer, then out of nowhere you demolished the wall completely and entered the room, the ponies were immediately after you. Then you started to change. There was something on that pedestal although I couldn’t see it clearly.” He stopped for a bit and inhaled sharply.

“Whatever it was, it changed you, you grew a lot and even shed your skin, unfortunately it is now gone, turned to dust the instant it left your body. A mist then poured itself into the ponies and they fell unconscious now, here we are.”

I looked back to the pedestal in the center of the room, laid onto it there was a strange purplish gem, it was roughly the size of my hand and it was unnaturaly sparkling in the dark room. When I got near it it pulsed with a faint light like a heartbeat.

I did not dare touch it least it was cursed or a trap. I instead waited for Sweetie Belle to give me the clear after she checked the girls, fortunately the blast or whatever happened didn't do anything to them, they were fine but uncoscious for now.

"They will be fine..." Sweetie said, she was tired and it showed, her shoulder were slouched and walked aroundas if her legs weighed a ton. "Let me see..." She said, she started to feebly chant some words then her eyes flased green, after a minute or so she reported to me. "The gem should be safe, I couldn't see any traps or curse on it, although it is very very powerful."

I nodded to her and finally grabbed the gem, it filled me with a faint weird emotion, one I hardly even recognized. I just shrugged and put it in my backpack.

"We will wait for them, this place is more or less safe after all." I said. "Xenormoth will you keep us company?"

"Yes, I owe you this much. Let us wait."

And so we waited.

Author's Note:

Uuuuuh, not that dead after all. More like a lich yeah,

I hope you like this new chapter, let me know if you do with a comment/like or if you didn't just let me know with a comment. Have a nice day :D

Comments ( 7 )

the fact that this doesnt have a consistent naming convention for the chapters bothers me more then it should.

Me gustó mucho el nuevo episodio pensé que nunca más sacaría un episodio nuevo de esta magnífica historia que me gusta mucho espero que sigas sacando más contenido ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Dp: me imagino ala protagonista tragando la Gema como en el manga reenecarne en una araña

Sorry my dude it's how I like EM hehe XD

Augh, thats so random? What is this, 2011?

Wish it was hahaha
Anyway I love your writings man keep going :D

Thank you for your kind words.
Ps no she won't eat the gem hahaha

But seriously dude, the titles of your chapters are some of the first thing potential readers see, and upon seeing that they aren't consistent, some readers may immediately bounce off your story without giving it a shot. And I just think it would be a shame if they didn't give your story a try over something small enough to be fixed in a matter of seconds.

And thanks!

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