• Member Since 30th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 20th


Comments ( 63 )

So does Celestia practice Hamon? I mean she is the sun so it would make sense.

It would make sense

Yare Yare Daze...

Y'all think donut jo is a jojo..?

Why did you make the chapters so short? The premise makes it sound like the chapters should be longer.

Being perfectly honest, it's more comfortable for me. Having more, shorter chapters feels easier for me to do than longer chapters.

*insert generic Old Joseph shouting JoJo reference here*

So, any chance Celestia is Hamon user? She already controls the Sun so it might be redundant.

Wait a minute, if it's blows can level even the mountain Canterlot is on then shouldn't it's Destructive Power/Strength be at most 'A'?

It'll make sense next chapter.

You can’t cover a whole Jojo arc in one part!

And not the ground below him.

Hello, Murphy!

Sandbar stopped. "Useless."

Wait, so it this totally AU from the show or is there some continuity being several years after the School of Friendship?


Alternate Continuity. Applejack mentions the school being built in "Smoke and Rainbows 1," placing this between the events of the movie and the 8th season.

Never been a huge fan of JoJo but this does pique my interests.

And it fucking happened, UGH!, and everything was going so swell too.

Unless, like in JoJo canon, she's not herself and has some sort of Flesh Bud inside her. Because of the mind control she can't use her sunlight magic(Hamon) to incinerate it. Maybe, IDK.


I will verify that the only known source of Flesh Buds, Vampires, will not be appearing, so Flesh Buds won't appear in this story. Adding them would require me to change too much.


That being said, reading these comments made me change the rest of the arc, and I changed the last line of this chapter to reflect that. Sorry if the original version made you uncomfortable.

Hey your story is alright, sorry about the comment I had just read to many fictions where the hostilities were against Celestia were off the roof for no reason which is something that just makes me bitter unless there is an explanation or some sort of buildup to why we are supposed to hate/not tolerate Celestia. I still like the story so far and was gonna suck it up eventually just because the premise is still intriguing non the less.


That's fair, but I still want to change the story. I feel like the direction I'm going in now would work better for the characters than what I had before.

Oh no...does Twilight have a more passive version of [Heavens Door]

Oh my God! Abbacchio? Here in Equestria and all the other Enemy Stand Users as well are the ones from the original JoJo series? Did this become an Isekai? I have many questions.


The start of the next chapter will be another "just dialogue" section but for good reason. I'm also not sure how I'll deal with Dio yet. I've bounced a few ideas around in my mind, but none of them have stuck yet.


What happened in Ponyville happened while Twilight was en route to/speaking with Celestia, and the invisible zombie guy was a few days prior. Who caused it to happen will be revealed in the next (rather long) story arc.


Are you... counting?

cioccolata? this is bad, this is very bad.

"It's alright. He may be rude, but Cioccolata is a great surgeon. Rarity's in good hooves."

AJ’s under attack from an enemy Stand

Mmm, would Rainbow be a Stardust Crusader or Il Vento D'Oro kind of mare?


And Mista when Giorno was healing him after the Ghiaccio fight. As Narancia can attest to. But yeah. This story definitely falls more in the Jojo category than MLP.


To be frank, I always imagined that Rarity was much tougher than she looked, and, in spite of her usual drama queen personality, that she could keep a level head. On the other hand, there are other characters that will change because of the presence of Stands.

Will I need to know anything about the Jojo franchise in order to understand this story?


In regards to some of the characters that have appeared and will be appearing, yes. If you're interested in Jojo, you might want to stop reading this now and catch up. If you're not interested in Jojo, you should at least read up on some of the characters either on TVTropes or the Jojo wiki. Or you can keep reading while not understanding certain plot points. That's what my mother did with one of my earlier stories.

Pinkie being true to her Element indeed


Yeah, it's supposed to be feaking out big time. Kind of like, "Oh, god! I'm not ready for this at all! What do I do? What do I do?" That's also why it tried to keep the mirror away from Sandbar. It did not want him going up against whatever separated it from its master.

Well, seeing how RD is the Element of Loyalty, some of that might've bled through to RC

I get it! I need to make a circle with that confetti to make this tent appear! And once this tent is set up, everything inside obeys my will. Pinkie tugged on the ribbon, causing it to transform into a tailcoat for Pinkie and a dress for Skystar. And I'm going to use that to my full advantage!

So... Circus Circus?

the story's interesting so far, for me having not read a single chapter at any rate
but i'm gonna need to know now, who dies?


At this point? Characters you're not supposed to feel bad for. Going forward? You'll have to see. I'm not about to spoil that for people that want a genuine surprise.

so, none of the m6, nor any good ponies

So Funhouse seems to start off as confetti. If pinkie is able to leave a trail of confetti in a large circle she then manifests a tent. Inside the tent the laws of reality bow to her whim on a scale far greater than she can normally do, but must stick to things you’d expect to find in a funhouse.

alright, well, i gave it an honest effort
but this story's just not clicking for me
it feels like i need full knowledge of the anime beforehand to even get into this
not to mention the short length of the chapters makes it feel too fast paced

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