• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 7,941 Views, 31 Comments

Good To You - Acelit

Rarity feels the same way about Spike but doesn't want to admit it and she does something she wrong

  • ...

Chapter 1

"Wh-what do you mean I just came to give you this purple gem it reminded me of you!" screamed back the purple slender dragon, in his defense nothing was wrong.

The white mare just looked at him with wet eyes," Spike we both know why you've been like this with me do just stop the act and GET OUT, LEAVE ME ALONE!"

"Why Rarity? What did I do I thought we were friends I thought we could've been mor-" but he was cut off by a slap to his face.

"I never wanted to be your friend nor have I ever had any feelings towards you! Your a dragon for Celestia's sake!"
He stood there with bank eyes until he felt two hooves pressing a cold object to his chest. "Take this fire ruby you gave me too!"she screamed.
Spike looked into her eyes and all he saw was pain and confusion. He tried to hug her but she pushed him back with all her might,"Don't touch me Spike the dragon!"
She pushed him once more but this time she held her hooves onto his chest with something in them. It was red and shaped like a heart

"TAKE THIS WUTH YOU I DON'T NEED IT!" and with that his whole world fell apart. He slowly backed away and then turned into a full sprint out of PonyVille and into the everfree forrest.

It had been hours since Rarity yelled at Spike and she had been crying ever since. She hasn't even been outside until she heard a knocking at her door and found out Twilight had seen Spike run out of PonyVille with a painful facial expression and she knew exactly who was the cause of it.

"Wh-who is it?"

"Rarity, its me Twilight, look I know you might not want to talk to anypony right now but I just want to tell you a few things."
As Rarity opened the door she could clearly see the tired, angry and filthy Twilight standing in her doorway.

"I don't know what you told Spike all I know is that he's run off into the Forrest and I can't find him anywhere." Twilight said with the most serious tone in her voice.

"All I did was tell him to leave me alone I don't need his affection towards me."

Twilight's eyes had widened only to be brought back into her serious stare,"Really now? Because what I've seen for the past year was nothing but you two hanging around each other like you two where already dating"

"That's the problem Twilight he's going to leave when he's older and I don't want to be the one mare that brings it even harder for him to leave."

Rarity hasn't tried to stop the tears that where flowing down her cheeks the entire time Twilight and we began to talk at her door.

"Think about it, he's even a few years younger than me and that's adding more complications towards the situation and my job won't be able to put up with anypony that sees an older mare with someone that's way to young to be with he-"

Twilight interrupted Rarity with a slap to her face.

"Is that what you really WANT not NEED? If you opened your eyes just a little but more you can see that no pony cares if you and Spike are together. I bet that everypony already thinks that you two are. And two years isn't a huge number! Spike only did things to impress you and all you did was throw him out like he was a piece of trash. Rarity I hope your happy with whomever is the RIGHT STALLION for you because I can garuntee that Spike probably won't come back to a place where he isn't loved by a certain somepony."

With that Twilight walked away from Rarity at the door crying and thinking about how right Twilight had been once again.

"Spike......" is all she had said before she ran off to find him.


Rarity had came to a small clearing in the forest wondering where Spike might have run off to.
'Maybe if he still has the ruby u can find him with my magic' she thought as she concentrated on her horn and looked for a single gem in the area.

"There we go he might be over here" Rarity had ran to the area where she thought Spike might have been.

She was correct she had kind him but she over heard what he had been saying and decided to listen instead of apologizing right away.

"I can't believe it, she meet wanted to even be my friend? This makes no sense. Everything I did and everyone I tried to prove was wrong was right the entire time I was just wasting my time.

Rarity could only shed tears as she continued to hear everything he said.

"I loved her and cared for her but-butRAAAAGH" Spike had shot his flame into the sky and then threw the fire ruby into a small cave.

Rarity had seen him throw the ruby,"So...it's over....."

She walked back home alone.


It had been a six months since Spike ran away and he still hasn't come back. Rarity had talked to her friends about what happened and they all agreed that Spike needed to come back when he's ready. Even Twilight agreed.

Rarity had decided to try again and go find Spike and maybe try to fix the problem they had so he may come home. She had used the same spell to find his ruby.

She finally had a lead and followed it up to a waterfall.

"It has to be here somewhere" Rarity said as she looked around the ground."OUCH!" Rarity looked down and looked straight at the gem she had stepped on. she picked up the gem and realized that it had been the one Spike wanted to give to her.

"Spike?" she called out but no response. "Spike where are you?" she kept on calling but still no response.

Rarity had given up and walked back home but she didn't take a chance to look I to the waterfall where she would have seen a purple dragon standing in the waterfall watching her as she failed in her search for it.


Rarity sat in front of her vanity mirror just looking out the open window thinking about how right Twilight had been all along and how she ruined things between her and Spike.

"I should have never pushed you away like that." she said to no one in particular.

There was a knocking at her door,not just any knocking it was the way Spike had always knocked when he came to visit her. She ran as fast as she possibly could down to her door only to find what looked like four claw marks on the ground almost as if the animal that had made them ran off. She closed her door and made her way to her room. Rarity had only walked into her room and saw a purple tail sliding its way outside her window.

"Spike?!..." she ran to her window and yelled,"Spike if that's you please come back...Twilight misses you, everypony misses you......I miss you," she had stopped yelling,"I didn't mean any of the things I said." But no response came back to her only the sound of late night crickets.

Spike had hid under Rarity's window holding the purple gem she had taken and heard everything she said. A small tear trickled down his cheek and he decided to leave something behind for one of his friends to see.

As morning came along Twilight was trotting back home until she saw scratches in the dirt in front of her window.

"SEE YOU IN 5 DAYS -S"it had said

"No, he can't be....I have to tell everypony about this!" and Twilight ran off to spread the good news about Spike.


Five days seemed to go by really fast for not only Spike but the rest of Ponyville as well. He would get a 'Welcome back Spike' from everyone he knew until he reached the library.


"Come in." Twilight's muffled shout came through the door. Spike took a deep breath and slowly entered his old home.

"Twili-OOF!" he was cut off by a tackle hug from Twilight.

"SPIKE!" she cried," I thought you would never come back." He could tell she missed him even more than he expected.

"Twilight I'm sorry," he said as he hugged her back,"it was just something I had to do, I promise I'll never do it again."

She had held onto him for a little bit more until she finally let go."Good because Pinkie is expecting you at AppleJack's barn later on."

Spike laughed," I'll make sure not to disappoint her then." he said as he picked himself then Twilight."Does she want us there now?"

"In a little bit but first there's somepony you should see and I bet she's still at her boutique." Twilight said as she pushed Spike out the door.

"Wa-wait I can't see her now I have to-"

"Spike if you don't see Rarity now and talk to her I'll personally make sure you sleep on a bundle of apples tonight."

"Fine, just make sure Pinky hasn't started without me yet." he groaned.

"She wouldn't dare." Twilight said as she watched Spike walk away.'To think all this time we spent together and now you walk on all fours....you really have grown up Spike.' Twilight thought to herself as a tear rolled down her cheek.


As Spike walked up to the boutique he saw that the sign read closed and he could hear Rarity's muffled cries inside. He quickly ran through the door and up to the door of her room.

"Rarity are you ok?"

"SPIKE!" she screamed," d-don't come in!"

But is was all to late as he opened the door he saw that her white coat had scratches and dirt all over. Her mane had looked like she had rolled in dry grass and twigs.

Spike imediatly thought one thing.

She's hurt.

He ran straight towards her and Rarity just stood looking at him with complete shock until he reached her she had put her hooves on his chest and looked down.

Spike felt this feeling before, but the last time he did Rarity was angry at him.This time she was crying and when he looked down at his chest was that same colored gem.

The fire ruby he had thrown down a cave a long time ago.She had gone to go get it for this day.

"S-Spike I'm s-so s-sorry," she could barely manage to say as her tears hit the ground."I shouldn't have said anything like that to somepony who only wanted to love me and now I don't wan-" Spike had put a clawed hand over her mouth.

"I know, and I've already forgiven you when I took back the purple gem."

"Spike I-" she had been interrupted again but this time by a pair of soft scaly lips on her own. She deepened the kiss and fell back onto her bed.

They separated to take in a few breaths and look into eachothers eyes. Rarity had not tears of sadness but joy in her eyes and she kissed Spike again. She didn't want to have that moment to end.


"Rarity I think we're late for the party."Spike said as he heard Rarity's shower turn off.

"Oh my, that we are we must hurry if we want to make it!"She hurried over to her mirror to fix herself up.

Before she applied makeup she was stopped my a scaly claw,"Don't put any on and keep your hair down you look perfect the way you are." She blushed at his comment and agreed.

"Well should we at least head off to AppleJack's?"

Spike had missed her one more time, "Now we can." and Rarity leaned on Spike the entire way to the barn, even when they walked in together.

Authors Notes:WOO ALL OF THIS WAS DONE THROUGH MY IPOD! Well this is my first fanfic so go ahead and tell me all the mistakes I've made. I don't know if I'll make more it depends if I'm inspired again or not. But anyways, this fic was based on a smaller fic and picture I saw on DeviantArt. The author's name is
IceFlower365 and the name of the drawing is Sparity Good To You WIP. Give credit to that person!!!!

Comments ( 30 )

I'll go with my gut and give this a shot.

Because I fucking love Sparity.

Hmm, well it is easy to see that this is your first fanfic, but the plot is a good one. Just practice and I'm sure you'll have many great stories in the future!

PS: First follower! I'll be looking out for your future fanfictions.

It... it's like he said "Punctuation is for chumps!" My mind can't really put that stuff in for me so I read it exactly like it's written. it kinda hurts...

1078613 So what you you mean is?Becuase I actually did try as best I could typing on an iPhone keyboard so something like this doesn't come up.
1078352 Why thank you I'll try to make more if possible
1078403 thank you that actually means a lot to me

since this was on an Ipod, I could see why there are a couple mistakes here and there, but a great story. The only way how it would be better if it had a few more chapters in it, but that's my opinion. :pinkiehappy: :yay: :twilightsmile: :rainbowdetermined2: :ajsmug: :raritywink: :moustache: I hope you become well known on this site.:scootangel:

This is based of the humanized picture of Spike and Rarity where Spike returms years after she chased him of, hmm. Will read.

You still need to capitalize and properly use grammar.

Okay, lets start the list shall we.

You kept switchign tenses from past to present. This is a gaint no, no. You have an outrageously high number of run-on sentances. Repetiton issues sprinkled through out. Descriptons either weren't there or were lacking. You had lots of typos in the forms of misspelled words or words that were clearely supposed to be other words. And more or less, you just ponyfied the orginal story instead of expanding on it.

It needs a lot of work. It's not horrible or beyond saving, but it needs work.

Sparity is best.

I feel if it was a bit longer it would hold more drama and be even awesomer but it's still really cool

Could use a prereader for spelling and grammer errors but I don't mind to much.

1082691 well if I ever make another sparity, most likely what I'll mainly write about, would you mind per reading it for me?

1083254 I'll be honest I am the worse pre reader. I had to retake english but I think Path of cloud will help. He is a bit busy with his own storys but he knows about groups that pre read stories. I could help as long as it is about ideas I have bad spelling and grammer, but ideas I have to many. I would love to help in anyway I can but checking spelling and grammer I am close to useless.

1078323 ummm... who DOESN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1341232 the bastards that write RariJack? o_o

1342530 :twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2:
ugh..... seriously.

RariJack no but I think I prefer applesoarin more

1344525 1344361

My hatred of RariJack is because of the setup in MLP, I literally see Spike and Rarity as being an official pairing deeply in love. While I can ship Spike with others easily, probably because he's a male and my first, true MLP fanfic was a Spilight, shipping Rarity with anybody but Spike makes me physically sick. I've actually puked at RariJack fics and pictures because I also prefer AppleDash... so yeah. I have kind of a deep loathing of RariJack.

1344580 i love spilight, and rarispike, i loathe rarijack. but my favorite shipping is twidash.
you know any good spilight fics?

1344595 Well, Our Last Goodbye was my gateway fanfic and my favourite romance story of all time. Another one (for the first lil' bit) is Warming Up by Proteus-82. Another is "The Dragon in Twilight," and ANOTHER one is "The Twilight's of our Hearts."


I actually don't like TwiDash mostly because I don't understand where the flying hell it came from. :I

1344619 thanks, and think about it, they are opposites, and they can get together. it shows that love is strong. twidash is just extremely heartwarming for me. hey, have you read 'curse of the werepony' yet? awesome rarispike...

I really enjoy re-reading "That deep, romantic chasm" and "Fire Spores" is an excellent heartwarming story to read it also gets your adrenaline running as well I recommend those two if you want to read something

1344641 Yes. I've read a lot of Sparity fics.

1344676 I've heard of Fire Spores, probably read it, but haven't heard of the first one. Have you read, "Like Fine Wine" or "On Pins and Needles?"

1344853 I'll recommend it it's really good in my point if view.
Actually everything I read is mainly sparity do yea If you see a story about them I probably read it

1344580 You know, I am going to write a RariJack just for you! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh::rainbowwild:

1583621 i'll break your kneecaps

1583746 Oh come on, where is your sense of humor? I SO have to write one, just for you! It will be the best troll fic EVER! LOLLOL!:trollestia:

1583754 You'd initiate my Terminator instincts. (#ยค_o)

1583762 Okay, in all seriousness, this is going to be my next project. It will be a one shot, and it will be dedicated to you. I will call it "The Apple in the Rough" Not a bad title, for it being made up on the fly. :ajsmug::raritystarry:

1583777 I've actually heard that title to three RariJack fics (all of them killed me). Try something more like, "Shimmering Apple" or something to represent a shiny, sparkly apple (to represent Rarity's shiny nature and Applejack's... fruity nature).

1583787 Okay, I take back it being a troll fic. I will do my very best to make it at least not vomit inducing for you. I mean that. When I write this, it will be a serious attempt to bring the two together in a realistic fashion. Good title by the way.


An Apple in the Rough


Shimmering Apple


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