• Published 19th Aug 2019
  • 10,890 Views, 502 Comments

Spits Fire - CommanderApplejack

Ever wonder how Spitfire got her name and what secrets she hides?

  • ...

Cutie Mark

2 Decades earlier

"It's not fair," Spitfire huffed to no one in particular as she sat at the edge of the playground. In the middle of the playground, a large group of fillies and colts were huddled around one of their schoolmates. "Why does he have to get his cutie mark first..."

"Hey Spitfire!" the small pegasus looked over her shoulder at the approaching colt, she immediately brightened a bit as she recognised him.

"Hi Crescent!" Spitfire called back as he skidded to a halt in front of her.

"Hey what's going on over there?" Crescent asked as he pointed at the large group of fillies and colts.

"That stupid noble colt got his cutie mark," Spitfire grumbled, looking down at her own empty flank.

"Oh come on, Spits, you'll get your cutie mark soon too and that colt isn't too bad." Crescent defended, giving Spitfire a friendly nudge on her shoulder. The school bell rang soon after and the entire mass of children pushed its way inside and into their appropriate classes. Most of the day was fairly uneventful, just boring classes to keep her busy as Spitfire dreamed about what her cutiemark might be.

I hope it's one for flying, that would be so cool... Dreaming away about what kind of practice she'd do next Spitfire rubbed a few sore spots she'd gotten from crashes while doing that flight training. Nothing she couldn't handle of course, she'd always been tougher than everypony else around.

The day went by in a flash and by the early afternoon they ran out of the school she'd meet up with Crescent at the local park. She'd quickly dropped off her school items and ran off to the park, more ponies having had that idea on that particular day. "Over here, Spitfire!"

Running up to Crescent it was Spitfire's turn to come to a skidding halt. "You ready?"

"Yep! I even took some weights to practice my levitation while you go flying again!" He exclaimed, showing his backpack that had individual weights in it.

"Cool! Today we'll get out cutie marks for sure!" Spitfire smiled, jumping into the air and hovering there. "I can just feel it!"

"Well, let's get started!" Crescent exclaimed, starting to levitate the lightest weight up and down. Spitfire took that time to fly higher up into the sky. Spitfire ascended nearly straight up, showing off her remarkable wing strength for her age, coming to a hover a considerable height above the park's trees.

Hmm... maybe to warm up I should do a few loopings and corkscrews. Going into a dive, Spitfire picked up some tremendous speed, levelling out well before she'd get close to the ground and performed a corkscrew. "Whooooo yeah!"

Wind tore at her mane, forcing it backwards, as she made quick turns and twists in the air above the field. Crescent would shout the occasional encouragement at Spitfire as she soared by, getting more daring each passing and pushing herself closer to her edge. Now for another looping!

Spitfire adjusted her wings to perform the stunt but about three-quarters of the way through she figured out that she'd terribly misjudged how much height she needed. Oh ponyfeathers.

She desperately beat her wings to slow down from her nearly vertical descent though she could already see that she wasn't going to slow down in time.

"Oof!" Still going at a fairly significant speed Spitfire slammed into the ground, tumbling along as she rapidly bled off speed.

"Spitfire!" The filly shook her head to get rid of the disorientation from the crash as Crescent ran towards her.

"I'm good!" She called back to her friend, moving her aching legs around to see if there was more significant damage than the bruises that were going to form for sure.

"Wait what? There's no way you didn't break anything!" Cresent exclaimed as he helped Spitfire back on her hooves. A few other ponies were watching the pair in equal astonishment as they too had seen the crash.

"It wasn't that bad of a crash" Spitfire nonchalantly said, brushing some grass from her hair and flapping her wings to get stuff out of there too.

"You bounced off the ground!"

"I did?" Spitfire replied to the astonished shout, looking back to the place where she'd landed. "Didn't feel that bad."

"You... you... madpony!" He shouted but couldn't really stay angry, barking out an infectious laugh made the two of them roll over out of mirth.

"Soo... mind if I try again?"

The sun was reaching down to the horizon by the time the two little fillies were heading back home for dinner, cutting through the upper district where all the suburb's mansions were located to cut down the time needed to get home. Spitfire, even with her aching wings, could have flown back home relatively quickly but always stuck with Crescent who was ground-bound. As they passed one of the small roads running between mansions Spitfire came to a halt, seeing something move in the shadows down the road.

"What's wrong?" Crescent asked, seeing that his friend wasn't following her. Spitfire peered deeper in, her exceptional eyesight seeing two unicorn colts sitting there in the shadows and smoking something.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" Spitfire called out, walking towards them. Crescent followed her down the street as she went to confront the two of them. Both the colts immediately levitated the cigarettes from their mouths and hid them until they saw it wasn't an adult that was coming towards them.

"What is it to you, pegasus?" one of them snapped towards her, making Spitfire halt. She opened her mouth but no words came out, the two colts both taking a drag from their cigarettes.

"Spitfire come on, Let's just go home," Crescent urged, getting very uncomfortable.

"Wait, you're that noble's kid," Spitfire recognised him finally from school. "What was your name again?"

"Buzz off you two, this is none of your business," The other unicorn said, giving Crescent a push as Spitfire's friend was the closer of the two to him.

"Hey!... Oof," Crescent called out as he fell onto his haunches, Spitfire who wasn't having any of it and gave the colt a shove back, sending him back a significant way as she put her back into the push.

"Stay away from my-" Spitfire barely saw the aura encased object flying towards her, the bottle smashing down on the back of her head. Now she'd had that one serious crash in the afternoon but the one hit knocked her down, her head also hitting the ground hard after the object had struck home.

It was as if a furnace had lit inside her chest, a feeling of rage she hadn't ever felt before overwhelming her. Her sight suddenly became very sharp and the deep growl she let out was a sound a filly like her should not have been able to make.

"What the b-"

A roar interrupted the unicorn who'd struck her, a yellow blur tackled him to the ground. Spitfire's hot breath washing over his face. His friend got up and wanted to approach but was very convincingly halted by a plume of fire coming forth from Spitfire's mouth.

"S-Spitfire?" The pegasus' head snapped back towards the one who'd called her name, her expression still a mean snarl as her mind was still a haze. Crescent looked at her with utter dread, the fear on his face piercing even Spitfire's clouded mind and burning into her memory...


The sound of breaking glass rang out as Spitfire was hit on the head for a second time and a liquid spilt over her, a foul odour coming from the stuff. The colt she'd been holding down got out of her grip and ran, calling out to the other two unicorns present.

"She's a demon from Tartarus! Run!" He called out, his buddy also pulling Crescent along to run off. Spitfire watched them go, the headache made it hard to think but with the anger dissipating a cold dread fell over her.

I'm not a demon, am I?

Then she remembered clearly what she'd done.

I breathed fire... FIRE!

She tried it again, a plume of flame shooting out again. Spitfire was completely in shock, no pegasus should be able to do this... There was something terribly wrong with her.

Her breathing had sped up significantly as she tried to find an answer to all the questions going through her mind panic taking over her reasoning as she shot up into the sky. Spitfire could see the look of sheer terror in Crescent's face as she'd looked back at him constantly going through her mind.

I'm not a monster... I am not a monster... Am I a monster?

Spitfire almost crashed through the back door of her house, physically flying up the stairs and into the bathroom to wash off the liquid that had covered her... the stream of water also masking her crying.

“Everything okay, sweetheart?” her mother called out from the other end of the door, having heard her daughter storm by her.

"Yeah, I'm okay! Just really dirty!" Spitfire called out, her voice surprisingly steady for the distress she was in. Stormy remained silent for a bit before calling out to her daughter again.

"Alright, but make it quick. Dinner's almost ready," she said, silence beside the sound of flowing water returned and Spitfire assumed she'd gone back to check up on the food. The little filly continued her crying until no more tears would come out of her face. Eventually, no more of the stinking liquid was present in her coat as she'd doused herself with soap.

Wait... no... NO! Nononononono this can't be real!

Panic gripped Spitfire once again as she was scrubbing her flank, a cutiemark in the form of a plume of fire emblazoned on her flank. She had to put her hooves over her mouth to stop the scream from escaping it. Shutting off the shower immediately, Spitfire got out and started drying herself.

Mom will see! I.. I... Bathrobe!

Opening the cupboard that held dry towels and a set of bathrobes for both her and her mother and wrapped it around her, tying it in place tightly.

It's just a bad dream... just a bad dream... you'll go eat, sleep and by tomorrow it'll be gone...

She knew that wouldn't be true.

Having dried herself sufficiently, Spitfire went down to the dinner table where her food was already served for her. Not that she was very hungry but she forced down the food not to be too suspicious.

"Are you alright, Sweetie?" Stormy asked as she noticed her daughter not being all well.

"I... crashed," Spitfire said, not really lying but only increasing her mother's concern.

"You're hurt? Do you want me to take a look?"

Spitfire quickly shook her head. "Just my pride..." the filly lied, though it seemed like her mom believed her.

"I'm sure you'll get it right next time, sweetie," she smiled comfortingly. "You seem tired, I'll clean the table so you can go to bed early."

She yawned. "Thanks, mom."

Spitfire had barely been able to sleep all night, the fear on Crescent's face haunting her every time she closed her eyes. Calm down Spitfire, we'll talk it out at school... She twisted and turned inside her bed right up to the point where her alarm went off in the morning. Her mom had already gone out for work, leaving Spitfire to make her own lunch and to lock up as she went to school.

It'll all be okay... Calm down, it'll be fine... Spitfire didn't dare look at the cutie mark on her flanks as she tried to calm herself.

The school became visible near the end of the street, Spitfire's anxiety growing as she came closer to the building. More fillies and colts were walking towards the school, the few of them that were from her class she evaded like the plague. As she arrived at the gate to the playground Spitfire halted, freezing in place as she spotted Crescent further in with the two colts from the previous day standing next to him.

One of the two had spotted her the moment she'd come to a halt at the playground's gate, getting the attention of the other two colts to her presence. The same look of cold horror she'd seen from Crescent the previous day returned to his face.

Every bit of resolve to try and talk Spitfire had shattered right then and there, the pegasus turning on the spot and flying off back home at high speed. Oh Celestia, I am a monster!

As she got there she dropped herself onto the couch and started crying. The mental exhaustion of the previous day and the actual exhaustion of trying to stay awake catching up with her quickly as her eyes closed and fell into a tumultuous sleep...


The filly jumped from the couch with a scream, breathing heavily as she saw her mom standing over her. The sun's rays were nearly gone as the ball of fire had almost sunk below the horizon.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Stormy pulled her daughter close as Spitfire burst out crying again.

"W-Why am I-I a monster, m-mom?" She sniffed through her cries.

"A monster?" Stormy questioned as she tried pulling Spitfire closer but the filly pushed herself away with her remarkable strength.

"I breathed fire, mom! Fire!" Spitfire shouted. "What kind of pony can do that?!"

Stormy opened her mouth to reply but held back what she wanted to say. She wrapped her wings around her daughter and attempted to pull her close again, this time Spitfire didn't resist. "You're right, you're not a normal filly. I think I always knew that but didn't want to admit it."

"W-what?" Spitfire stammered, not really expecting her mom to do anything other than comfort her.

"It's time that I told you about your dad."

Author's Note:

I'm probably going to re-arrange this chapter into the middle of the previous one after finishing the story to improve the flow of it since it was necessary context.

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