• Published 17th Aug 2019
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Light and Darkness - FandomPlays1234

When two gods come face to face, the war between light and darkness and good and evil begins

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Chapter 1: Spirts and Puppets

Dark clouds covered the skies over the new world as multiple spirits hovered around aimlessly. Equestria, now a desolate land with no sign of life, is filled with spirits of the living creatures awaiting for the one who will free them from Galeem's control. As the spirits wandered around the new world, Kirby suddenly came crashing down on his warp star and landed face first on the ground. He slowly got to his feet and inspected his surroundings. The only thing he could see was desolate land. Although he knew that, there was no way Galeem would just let a single living creature escape. He was about to start walking when something caught his eye. He turned around as a flash of light appeared behind hi From the light, a small ball of light shot out and fell somewhere near where Kirby was. Eventually a loud boom echoed throughout the area indicating that the orb of light had crashed. Curious, Kirby ran in the direction of the noise.

Starlight groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. She sat up and placed one hoof to her head.

"Ouch," she moaned. She looked up and looked around her surroundings. She had landed in a big canyon with nothing but desolate land as far as the eye could see. "Where am I?" she asked. That's when she remembered the attack on the Crystal , Twilight's death, and Cadence's sacrifice. Her eyes began to water. "Why Cadence?" she whimpered. She sat for a while before she wiped her tears. She got to her feet and climbed out of the crater. She couldn't stay here, she had to find someone who could help, if anyone was alive that is. "Hopefully I can find someone who can help me," she mumbled to herself. That's when something caught her eye. She looked in one direction to see something glowing. Curiously, she walked in the direction of the light. As she got closer, she saw a small rainbow light hovering around from left to right. "What is that?" Starlight asked herself. As she got closer she could see something in the light. It wasn't but, she could only see part of it's body. It had a small face and two big ears with pink and white fur. A small pink and white stripped bow was on it's right ear and a bow on it's chest. With sparkling blue eyes. "What is that?" Starlight mumbled.

"Ah, who're you, please don't hurt me," a distant voice spoke up. Starlight looked around but saw nobody Was in the area where she was.

"Who said that?" asked Starlight.

"Right here," said the voice. she looked next to her and behind her. "No over here," said the voice. It wasn't until then that she realized the voice was coming from in front of her. She turned back to the small glowing light and approached it.

"Did you just talk?" asked Starlight.

"Well yeah," answered the small glowing light. "I asked who you are didn't I?" repeated the light.

"Well yeah, I'm Starlight," she said introducing herself. "And you?" asked Starlight.

"I'm Sylveon, or at least I was until Galeem attacked," said the light.

"Galeem?" asked Starlight.

"The so called Lord of Light," answered Sylveon. "He just showed up one day and decided to destroy this world, because of this there was a certain group of individuals who rebelled Galeem," explained Sylveon.

"What happened to them?" asked Starlight.

"It was because of them that Galeem attacked and ended up taking the lives of every living thing in this world," answered Sylveon. "They were devoured by the light while those who weren't part of that group lost their physical bodies and became spirits like me," added Sylveon. "Yeah I'm a spirit," said Sylveon.

"What about those who DIDN'T turn into spirits?" asked Starlight.

"Galeem has other plans for those guys," said Sylveon. "Hey I know maybe you can help us,"

"Me, how?" asked Starlight.

"Well clearly you're the only one that survived Galeem's attack," said Sylveon. "As of now almost all of the spirits in this world are under Galeem's control, you can help free them," said Sylveon.

"And how do I do that?" asked Starlight.

"Um I don't know," answered Sylveon.

"You don't know?" asked Starlight.

"Hey I don't know what Galeem is planning to do with us ok?" said Sylveon. "I'm sure you'll figure it out in due time," said Sylveon.

"Well I don't know," said Starlight.

"Please you're the only one I can count on," said Sylveon.

"Alright, alright you win," said Starlight.

"Really?" asked Sylveon.

"Yeah," said Starlight.

"Great thanks, I'll be joining then," said Sylveon. She hovered over to Starlight with a happy smile on her face.

"Alright so I have to find a place to rest," said Starlight.

"Alright then let's go," said Sylveon. Starlight turned around and was about to start walking when she noticed that something was behind her. She screamed and jumped.

"Mother of Celestia that scared me," gasped Starlight. She looked at the creature. It was a small pink ball with large red feet and small stubby hands. It looked back at them with it's blue eyes. "Um can I help you?" asked Starlight. The creature didn't say anything but stared at her in confusion. "Um hello?" asked Starlight.

"Hey aren't you Kirby?" Sylveon suddenly asked. Starlight looked at her in confusion.

"Who?" asked Starlight. But it was apparent that was it's name due to the excited giggles that came from it. Starlight looked back at it and saw a smile on it's face. It was jumping up and down with joy repeating it's name.

"Kirby, Kirby!" the creature repeated happily. Starlight looked at it in confusion when she realized something. She suddenly had the terrifying feeling that they were being watched. She looked around the area but saw nobody.

"Hmm?" "Starlight what's wrong?" asked Sylveon.

"I have this feeling that we're being watched," answered Starlight. That's when she saw it. She looked at the canyon cliffs behind Kirby and saw the silhouette of a figure standing on top of the canyon. Kirby noticed that Starlight wasn't paying attention to him and turned around. It was apparent that the figure noticed them staring and jumped off. He got to the bottom of the canyon and began approaching them. She couldn't see the figure at first, but as it got closer she was able to make out the figure's features. The figure was wearing a white shirt and black overalls and black hat. On the center of it's hat was a black M. The figure had a large mustache on their face and was glaring at them with glowing red eyes. "Who?" asked Starlight.

"Poyo?" asked Kirby. Suddenly the figure lunged at them and attempted to punch them, but Starlight grabbed Kirby and jumped to the side.

"Hey whats the big deal!?" Starlight asked. The figure glared at them as he held up his fists.

"Wait Starlight look behind him," said Sylveon. Starlight turned her attention behind the figure and saw another glowing light the same one as Sylveon.

"Another spirit!?" Starlight gasped.

"Poyo," Kirby said. Starlight noticed that Kirby looked worried. It appeared he recognized this guy.

"Destroy," a distant voice said. Starlight turned towards the spirit. She looked closely to see a strange green creature with two arms and glowing red eyes similar to the attacker. He lunged at them again and attempted to grab them. Starlight picked up Kirby and quickly teleported out of the way.

"Starlight looks like we have no choice but to fight him," said Sylveon.

"What are you crazy!?" Starlight yelped.

"It's the only way, don't worry I've got your back," said Sylveon. Starlight was hesitant but she knew that Sylveon was right. Whoever their attacker was, he clearly wanted them dead. She had to fight to survive.

"Alright fine," said Starlight. She faced the figure and got into battle stance.

"Let's hope this goes well," said Sylveon. She hovered behind Starlight and began sending her energy to her in streams of light. Starlight's eyes widened as she felt a new surge of power coursing through her body. The figure ran at at her and attempted to grab her again, but this time Starlight evaded the attack and kicked him sending him flying back. Starlight closed her eyes and focused as she felt the power of her magic grow stronger. She opened her eyes and hurled the large ball of magic causing an explosion that knocked the figure backwards.

"Whoa," said Starlight. "I didn't know I could do that," The figure got to his feet and glared at them. "Bring it on," said Starlight. She immediately regretted her choice of words.

"Mario, Metal Shift," said the voice.

"Mario?" Starlight asked. She soon realized that was the name of her attacker due to the sudden change of his appearance. The figure's body suddenly became shiny and grey like metal.

"I take back what I said," whimpered Starlight. Mario once again ran at Starlight. She raised her her hoof to protect herself, but she later noticed a red orb surrounding her as Mario attempted to land a punch on her. Mario's punch was blocked by the red orb and Starlight quickly rolled over to the left behind Mario where she blasted him with another ball of magic. But instead Mario didn't flinch. Starlight yelped as Mario grabbed her and began hitting her with his face. He then threw her to the left. Starlight slid on the ground to stop herself from going any further. "What the hay?" Starlight asked.

"What?" asked Sylveon.

"I never knew I could fight like that," said Starlight.

"This IS typical Smash Bros. style," said Sylveon.

"I'm sorry what kind of style?" asked Starlight.

"Heads up!" Sylveon yelled. Starlight looked up to see Mario coming down on her with another punch. Starlight yelped as she quickly rolled off to the side. Mario glared at her with his evil red eyes. She noticed that Mario was metal anymore. "Now's your chance take him out!" said Sylveon. Starlight closed her eyes and began charging up a powerful magic attack as Mario ran towards her.

"Alright Mario eat this!" Starlight exclaimed as she hurled the blast at Mario. Mario tried to defend himself, but by then it was already too late. He slid to stop but was struck by the blast. Mario had a pained expression on his face before his body exploded in a burst of light. Starlight breathed heavily exhausted from the battle,"Did I do it?"

"I think so," said Sylveon. Suddenly a rock statue of Mario dropped onto the ground in front of them as the spirit controlling him hovered in front of them.

"Ouch," said the spirit.

"Looks like we freed the spirit," said Sylveon.

"Sorry if we hurt you, but you just attacked us out of nowhere," said Starlight.

"Wait I did what?" asked the spirit.

"You just attacked us," repeated Starlight.

"Oh crap," said the spirit.

"Don't worry about it, you look like you're back to normal," said Sylveon.

"Ah man, you're going to forgive me like that are you, well I thank you," said the spirit. "I'm Smoky Progg by the way," said the Spirit. Starlight introduced herself along with Sylveon and Kirby. "Well it's nice meeting you all," he said.

"Same," said Sylveon. That's when Starlight noticed the Mario statue that the spirit had been controlling suddenly cracked and shattered into a pile of dust.

"What was that?" asked Sylveon.

"Ok I should probably explain," said Smoky Progg. "You see when Galeem took the life of every living thing in this world, he took the bodies of those who opposed him and created evil puppets to which he forced spirits like us to control the puppets,"

"So like doppelgangers?" asked Starlight.

"Exactly, and the only way you can free these spirits is by spirit battles like the one you had now," said Smoky Progg.

"Guess you were right," said Starlight looking at Sylveon.

"Once you free a spirit, they'll most likely join you so when the time comes, they'll help you out on the field," added Smoky Progg.

"Is that what you're going to do?" asked Sylveon.

"Of course, I want to repay Starlight for freeing me," said Smoky Progg.

"Well then I suppose we should start looking for other spirits to free," said Starlight.

"Yes of course," said Smoky Progg.

"But first we need to find a place where we can rest," said Starlight.

"Whatever you say," said Smoky Progg. The spirit hovered over to Starlight and the group begin searching for a resting place. Spirits robbed of their physical body, evil puppets of those who opposed Galeem, this new world was going to be filled with excitement. One that Starlight wasn't prepared for.

Author's Note:

Chapter 1 complete. Wow great job Starlight. She successfully completed her first Spirit battle against the puppet Mario. And now with Sylveon and Smoky Progg by her side she has two spirits to support her in battle. And now Kirby also joined her. But things are only going to get crazier from here on out. Let's hope that Starlight's ready. Also one thing I should mention, Sylveon was NOT a spirit that could be found in the game. I only made her a spirit so that Starlight could have a spirit to support her during the first battle.

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