• Published 17th Aug 2019
  • 992 Views, 135 Comments

Trixie Searches For Magic - MagicS

The Great and Powerful Trixie is the greatest magician in the world and she will go anywhere and overcome anything to show it!

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Right at the edge of the mountains to the northwest of East Glade, where one would go if they wanted to head back to Griffonstone, stood Coil’s laboratory. It was actually a lot bigger than Trixie had expected it to be after seeing what the other buildings in East Glade looked like. This lab was sizable compared even to a lot of buildings Trixie had seen in larger towns of Equestria. It had a long rectangular body in back with a gable roof and then a half sphere jutting out of the front who’s roof went up into a high cone. The combination gave it a weird and uneven look but Trixie didn’t really care about that kind of stuff. In fact she could really understand something being made to stick out for the sake of sticking out, a showmare like her knew the importance of grabbing attention. The paint job was a bit more standard though, white walls with a verdant green for the roof, it almost blended right into the mountainside even with their relative lack of vegetation.

The reason Trixie was at this lab in the first place and not pulling her wagon into the middle of town just yet this morning was because Coil had waylaid her just as she woke up and was coming out of the shack she had shared with Daylight Gleam last night. He must’ve really been interested in showing the new amazing hero his laboratory. Obviously he saw Trixie’s greatness and knew she deserved the tour as soon as possible.

I’d expect nothing less from ponies who have only just for the first time been exposed to my magnificence. Trixie thought to herself. Finally I’m getting the respect I deserve.

So now the blue unicorn walked around the lab of the other blue unicorn looking around at every bubbling beaker and numerous vials containing all sorts of random chemicals and substances. Even just in the front spherical part of the building Coil’s lab was overflowing with everything a cliché scientist and inventor would have stuffed in their laboratory. Desks were covered in zoos of glass tubes and bottles that were a part of any number of experiments the glasses wearing unicorn was working on and the floor was littered with crumpled up pieces of paper and blueprints to things Trixie was completely lost on.

“You’re pretty busy in here.” Trixie said as she poked a glass beaker full of some bright orange liquid.

“It is my passion after all.” Coil happily stated as he walked alongside her. “Er, could you also not do that? A lot of these chemicals are quite volatile and flammable.”

“Uh huh.” Trixie half-listened and turned her head to some diagram on the wall that was filled with so much math and equations it made her head spin just looking at it. She coughed. “Ehem, The Great and Powerful Trixie must admit that even she is not a math wizard.”

Coil gave a hearty laugh. “Nothing wrong with that at all, for most of my life I struggled with the practical application of magic. And you wouldn’t believe how many experiments of mine blew up in my face as a teenager. But I chose to keep chugging along and eventually I became a professor at a prestigious Canterlot University.”

Trixie almost had decided to share with the unicorn her own series of failures before remembering that she was supposed to be the ultimate hero right now. His story was one she could relate with but to the ponies of this village she must act like failure was a foreign concept to her. The Great and Powerful Trixie must be as perfect to her new idolizers as she is in her own head!

“Well Trixie can certainly appreciate your determination.” She said to Coil. “And she is glad that there’s another pony from Equestria here to talk with.”

“Thank you, it’s an honor to be able to speak with you and show you around my laboratory as well.” Coil said, guiding her around some kind of electrical device where two tall prongs had a current of fizzling yellow electricity constantly running up and down between them.

As with everything else in here Trixie had no idea what it might be for. But she wore a plastered and detached smile on her face as she took it all in, trying to give the suggestion that she was pleasantly enjoying what Coil had to say and show to her. Naturally though what he was saying was pretty much just going in one ear and out the other with her and she had to keep shaking her head to stop herself from aimlessly wandering off every time something new caught her eye.

What did keep getting her notice (since it was impossible to avoid) was the huge iron door that blocked off this section of the lab from the large rectangular section in back. It looked like it slid open but there were two big bars foisted up on the door to keep it from moving.

“So Coil, what’s back there?” Trixie had to ask after staring at the door for a while and completely ignoring the other thing Coil was trying to show her.

“Hm?” He followed her gaze. “Oh, right. That’s my auxiliary lab. I’m sorry but I have a number of special experiments and some dangerous machinery back there so I can’t really show you it. I made the magic bombs that we used as landmines to try and stop the Nuckelavee in there. But enough of that, have you been to Canterlot lately? What’s the current big thing in the worlds of science and magical innovation?”

I don’t know, ask Twilight. Trixie blankly stared ahead at him. “Hm, well… I usually don’t find myself in Canterlot that much. After all as a traveling hero I’m needed elsewhere. Princess Celestia takes great care of Canterlot without me.”

“Right, right.” Coil nodded along. “Obviously you’re busy in more destitute places like the one the two of us find ourselves in right now!” He cheerfully smiled.

Well he technically wasn’t wrong about her usually being in more out of the way places. It’s just the why that he was mistaken about.

“You know if you’re about done showing me around, Trixie has to go get her wagon and bring it into the village. She wanted to get ready for this afternoon.” She told him.

“Get ready? What do you mean?” He asked as he placed a foamy beaker down on the nearest table.

Trixie grinned and flourished her cape. “You said that these inventions and experiments were your passion? Well The Great and Powerful Trixie also has quite the passion. Not only is she a traveling hero of peerless accomplishment but she is also a traveling stage magician who leaves every pony and creature that sees her shows in a state of awe and wonderment!”

She paused for effect, standing on her hindlegs while holding her forelegs out in a grandiose display.

“I see… so you put on magic shows?” Coil tilted his head in puzzlement.

“Precisely!” Trixie lowered herself.

“And you want to put one on for this village then?”

“Precisely again! The Great and Powerful Trixie thinks they deserve to see her at her most glorious, especially since they missed her conquering of the terrible Nuck-a-la-vee.” She tried saying it as best she could.

“Well I think that’s a splendid idea actually.” Coil said. “The villagers could certainly use all the levity they can get, and a fun show like that may help win over any that might still be averse to you. If there even are any left after hearing you saved their lives.”

“Trixie agrees. And she is a performer at heart. She simply must put on a show wherever she goes!” Trixie exclaimed.

“If I might suggest something?” Coil interrupted. Trixie blinked and looked slightly annoyed but allowed him to continue. “I would make sure to use a lot of fireworks during your show. As Vector and Gizzard made apparent the ponies that have lived in East Glade their whole lives have never seen anything like them. They’ll be a hit for sure.”

Trixie rubbed her chin with a hoof. “Hmm, I believe you may have a point there. I’ve often used fireworks as attention-grabbers anyways.” She grinned again and reached into her robe to pull out a smoke bomb. “Huzzah! Trixie has decided that this will be a show for the ages! Farewell, Coil! I shall see you again in the town’s square!”

She threw the smoke bomb onto the ground where it exploded, making Coil cough and wheeze as it filled up the room. His horn lit up with an orange glow to make the cloud dissipate and when he looked around Trixie was gone and the front door was swinging in the breeze. He walked over to it and looked outside to see the showmare galloping off in the direction of her wagon.

“Please do not throw anymore smoke bombs in here!” The bespectacled unicorn yelled after her.

The Great and Powerful Trixie pulled her wagon into town where all the ponies, griffons, and merponies that saw her looked on in wonder and puzzlement. The children were just as enraptured, Trixie always was good at getting kids on her side, and they began following her along as she walked her way right back into the middle of town where that well and bell stood.

Unlike the first time she had come here there were already plenty of villagers out and about and they all gave her a wide berth as she lugged her wagon into the center of them all. The adults were more or less happy to see her if not confused as to what she was doing but Trixie said nothing to start with. She would set up and make her wagon and “stage” good and ready before announcing just what it was she was doing here in the middle of East Glade.

“Great and Powerful Trixie, what are you doing?”

Trixie looked down beside her to see the three sons of the mayor walking along with her. She flashed them a sparkling grin. “It’s a surprise.”

“Ohhh.” All three said at once and then ran back through the crowd. Trixie could see them excitedly talking and whispering in the ears of all the other young ones in the square.

The blue unicorn began to unload several things from her wagon in preparation for the show. The only downside was that right now she didn’t have a stage to set up on, she’d simply have to perform on the ground in front of the wagon. Naturally Trixie preferred to be on a raised platform that others had to look up at. Being eye-level took away that extra little bit of show magic. And she couldn’t exactly do her tricks on top of her wagon’s roof either.

“Causing quite the scene here, you know?” Gizzard’s voice said from behind Trixie.

She pulled out and set down a box of fireworks before responding. “Trixie is well aware of all the attention she gets. She’s simply that kind of pony.” She looked back to see that Vector was also standing there with Gizzard, the look on his face one of excitement no different from the children of the village. “Is something wrong?”

“Actually I’m just looking forward to whatever surprise you’ve got up your sleeve.” Vector smiled at her.

“A deck of cards, but that’s not important.” Trixie said, yanking a large blue and purple curtain out of her wagon that she could put up as a backdrop. “I guess you heard from the kids?”

The earth pony nodded while Gizzard continued to look over her things.

“Well-” Trixie continued. “I’ll tell you the same thing I told Coil earlier, since this show is more for the ones who didn’t see me arrive. In addition to being the greatest hero of Equestria I am also the greatest magician of Equestria and my true calling is putting on magic shows.”

Vector gasped. “So you’re going to give East Glade a show?”

“That’s right.” She replied. “A show you’ll all never forget!”

“When will you be ready?” Vector asked. The earth pony actually giving a small hop in anticipation, causing Gizzard to look at him as if he lost his marbles.

“Oh, just in a little bit. I’ve performed so many of these shows I could get set up blindfolded.” She said. “Hm, that wouldn’t be a half-bad trick either.”

Trixie was right that it wouldn’t take much longer, but by that time already it seemed like the whole town had heard about or seen what was going on and was now gathering in front of her wagon. The mayor’s sons had spread the word to every child in the village and now a throng of the young ones sat front and center before the large curtain Trixie had thrown up, eagerly awaiting whatever she was going to do. Vector and Gizzard were patiently waiting for her but most of the other adults were still muttering amongst themselves, some clearly concerned with what this “hero” was up to.

So naturally Trixie started things with a bang to get the attention of everyone in the village.

Another huge smoke bomb went off right in front of her curtain, but this smoke was mixed with a sparkling powder to give the smoke an extra shine and glimmering effect. It glittered all over as the crowd looked on in amazement, the children were excitedly asking for more already while the adults were now fully glued to the show and all of their little conversations had come to a halt.

As the smoke settled a shadowy figure could be seen standing in front of the curtain.

“Thank you for coming! And now prepare to be stunned by The Great and Powerful… Trrrrixie!” She yelled and blasted away the last vestiges of smoke with her magic, revealing herself in all her glory.

The children cheered for her while even a lot of the adults smiled and clapped along. This was truly what Trixie lived for.

Unfortunately without an assistant (or manticore) Trixie couldn’t do a number of her favorite and more impressive tricks and she wasn’t sure if she should do anything like bringing up a member from the audience and stuffing them in a trunk either. The villagers might not appreciate that. But Trixie was still Trixie and she had more than a deck of cards up her sleeve and a rabbit in her hat. She knew every magic trick in the book and then some.

The blue unicorn showed off her best card and rope tricks, she made objects disappear and reappear at will and even changed the color of her own mane, showing a level of “magic” unlike anything the villagers had seen before. She pulled off her hat and revealed a bouquet of flowers inside that themselves contained a string of rainbow scarves tied together in a seemingly impossible length. The showpony then jumped inside a trunk on her own and wrapped it in chains with her magic from the inside while levitating a bunch of swords over it. When the trunk was clearly impossible to break free from Trixie stabbed the swords inside it while all the people watching gasped in horror and fear.

Only for Trixie to come walking out from behind the curtain, safe and sound. A simple teleportation trick but a very fun and showy one. The cheers from the crowd proved how much they loved it.

Now if only I had Starlight here to saw in half… Trixie couldn’t help but think of how she could make the show even better.

As her parlor tricks and sleight of hoof continued she happily watched the crowd’s reaction to everything she did. She saw Daylight Gleam and Coil both in the audience too and even the uptight white unicorn looked like she was enjoying herself. But as she scanned over the others there was one pony who didn’t seem to be liking the show. He was an earth pony with a violet coat and short brown mane wearing a long gray robe that covered his entire body. For some reason he was just frowning in disapproval at Trixie.

But she wasn’t the type to let one upset audience member throw her off. Since in the past she was well used to entire upset audiences. And the showoff unicorn continued her tricks as if nothing bothered her.

I believe next time I’ll have plenty of willing volunteers here for my tricks. Trixie thought as she dropped herself upside down into a tank of water while wrapped in a straight jacket. “Racing” against time to figure a way out of it before she drowned.

The show continued on until Trixie had near exhausted her extensive list of one pony tricks and devices. She didn’t want to overwhelm the audience and she most certainly didn’t want to keep going until they got bored or used to her pattern so she was going to wrap things up soon. There were only so many times a pony could escape from certain death before it got stale. So she decided to end things the same way she began them. With a bang.

“Now feast your eyes on this!” She yelled, her horn imperceptibly glowing and lighting the fuses of a row of fireworks hidden behind her curtain and wagon.

A dozen fireworks shot into the air, although they weren’t as impressive as they would have been if it was night they were still more than enough to awe creatures who had never seen them before. They exploded in fiery displays of starbursts, hearts, flowers, and one gigantic one in the shape of Trixie’s own face. Because of course she would use one like that.

The denizens of East Glade sat in stupefied wonder as the fireworks went off. Even the normally rambunctious children were silent as the last embers fizzled out.

And as the grand finale ended the crowd cheered in applause. The Great and Powerful Trixie basking in the appreciation and excitement her show had brought them. Oh yes, she could get used to being here.

Trixie had finished cleaning up later and was now thinking if she should just leave her wagon here or take it back outside the town. It was kind of in the way a little bit here but she didn’t really want to keep bringing it back and forth every time she wanted to put on a show. Maybe next time she could just have them come out to her? Daylight Gleam was here chatting with her too.

“That was quite a show you put on. I’m actually impressed.”

“Oh? Did you doubt The Great and Powerful Trixie?” Trixie raised a disapproving eyebrow at her.

“Yeah if I’m being honest.” Daylight nodded.

Trixie snorted. “Pshaw. Well now you have seen just an inkling of how great I truly am.

“Well I did really enjoy the show, it was a lot of fun.” Daylight shrugged. “I’m still not sure about you all the way though.”

“Then Trixie will just have to prove herself to you. I’ve already won over the rest of the creatures living here.” She smirked in self-satisfaction.

Daylight was about to respond when the crunching of hooves on ground made her turn her head, Trixie following along with her. The white unicorn immediately frowned at the one who was approaching and Trixie was also somewhat apprehensive as she saw the violet earth pony from earlier walking towards her, although now he was wearing a friendly smile on his face.

“Go away, Wool Dye. No one wants to hear more of your crazy preaching.” Daylight said to the pony.

“Now, now, you don’t speak for our newcomer.” Wool Dye said, that smile not leaving his face. It actually made Trixie a bit uneasy knowing he had been glowering at her through her whole show. “Hello, Miss Trixie. I have traveled from my home village to spread the word of true happiness and harmony to others.”

Trixie tilted her head in confusion while Daylight Gleam rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“This is the cultist we mentioned yesterday.” Daylight said. “Just ignore him. He says he preaches “equality” and “harmony” but he wants everyone to ignore their special talents and abilities. He says in his village unicorns don’t use magic, pegasi don’t fly, and everyone keeps their Cutie Marks covered at all times and willfully go against their calling.”

“It’s the only way to make everyone truly equal and happy.” Wool Dye narrowed his eyes at the interrupting Daylight before facing Trixie with a kind and open expression. “Which is why I wanted to speak to you in particular. Your dress, your way of speaking, that show you put on, it screams individuality and ego. You’re just the type of pony who needs to learn about equality the most. Without it you’ll never be truly happy and you’ll keep bringing sadness to all those who watch your shows and despair about how they can’t do what you do!”

“Excuse Trixie?” Trixie wrinkled her nose at the weirdo. “Trixie brings nothing but joy to those who watch her shows! Barring the few instances where she’s been ran out of towns. But it was clear today that everyone watching loved her! And I, being as Great and Powerful as I am, would never give up how special I am. To deprive the world of my greatness would be an unparalleled crime!”

“I don’t totally agree with that but I think she’s more right than you.” Daylight glared at Wool Dye.

Wool Dye’s smile dropped off his face for good this time. “You all have no idea what sad and empty lives you’re living. I and my village are trying to bring you onto the right path.” He pulled a book with an equal sign on the cover out from his robe and held it in front of their faces. “Hear the Word of Glimmer and be freed.”

“No thanks.” Trixie scoffed. “Trixie hears plenty of words of Glimmer from her best friend.” She pushed his hoof away and strolled over to the tongue of the wagon and hitched herself up. “The Great and Powerful Trixie shall now be returning her wagon to where she landed. You’re welcome to come join me, Daylight.” She smiled at the other unicorn before turning to Wool Dye and frowning. “Er, you can stay here.”

“Thanks, Trixie.” Daylight smirked at Wool Dye. “And sorry about that, looks like you’ll have to go fishing for like-minded nutjobs elsewhere.”

“Tch.” Wool Dye clicked his tongue. “I’ve tried to help East Glade but none of you have appreciated my efforts. Try not to regret it when you wake up one day lost and confused about your purpose in life but I’m not around anymore!”

Trixie couldn’t help but laugh at the absurd pony. “Fat chance of that happening.”

Beyond the village, past the ravine, past the farms on the other side, into the foothills of the mountains to the east of East Glade that themselves were the last bastion of land before the hundred foot cliff that overlooked the Grand Ocean, two griffons lay hunkered down peeking over the edge of a hill. One had a pair of binoculars in his talons and was watching the village of East Glade. The other held a bronze spiral horn to his ear glowing with magical runes and pointed the open end at the village to listen for anything drifting up from there.

Both griffons were ragged and dirty. But more than just that they were disfigured with mere stumps where their wings should be. The binoculars holder had his head nearly bare of feathers and the rest seemingly about to fall out while the other was thin and sickly looking.

“What was that?” The one with the binoculars said as he lowered them, continuing to look at the village with a flabbergasted expression on his face. “Who was that unicorn? What were those things she fired into the sky? I’ve never seen anything like them.”

“I didn’t hear much.” The listener said, taking the horn away from his ear. “She’s some kind of traveling hero and magician. She must have just made it to East Glade.”

“I don’t like it.” The watcher shook his head. “That magic was crazy, how’d she keep escaping from those traps and summoning those endless scarves?”

The listener also shook his head. “Don’t know. She must have immense magical power. I’ve never seen an East Glade unicorn capable of anything like that… and those things in the sky, I think I heard them say they were “fireworks”. That hero has control over fire itself or something.”

“It’s scary.” The watcher gulped. “Goliath is going to be mad...”

“Yeah.” The listener nodded. “We need to get back to camp and tell him right away.”