• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2014
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Lofty Withers


Lyra keeps finging.  Whatever that is. Bonbon just wants sleep.  Love shouldn't be this hard.


Thanks to my pre-readers Lingo and Fillyfoolish, to Sockpuppet for feedback on titles and descriptions, and to JackRipper for asking me what my jumbled slang meant. The strangest things inspire me.

Content Warning: serious discussion about mental health.

Art by Mundschenk85 cc-by-nc-3.0.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

Love ain't easy, but it is fuzzy. :heart:

I must admit I didn't really get what happened here. With a basic google search I saw that finging was some weird sexual act? I don't know if that was what you were referring to here so I'm confused.

Pones with mental illnesses make me sad. However, pones helping friends with mental illnesses makes me happy. So there's a mixed bag of feelings here. From what I understand here, Lyra believes she has or used to have fingers and meds help keep it under control. That's a pretty dark take on what is ultimately a harmless meme.

It gave me the feels, that's all I need out of a story really.

Edit: I was mistaken, google is a dumbass. As am I. This is just cute.

That was a sweet story.

I like this story I can definitely relate to Lyra having a mental illness myself and skipping my medication at times because of how drowsy it makes me feel but if I don't take it I get beyond angry with everyone.

It feels sometimes like we're barely past medieval theories of disease. The side-effects of modern medication are wretched, but I have great hope for the future because science and technology are advancing rapidly.

Its more that its a lot of trial and error and nothing ever works quite right, plus we have medications that are too addictive for the public's own good. Its getting better but bespoked technological solutions aren't really forthcoming for biological and neurological problems.

I remain hopeful. We already have insulin pumps with real time blood sugar monitoring and dosage adjustment, but yeah—treatments for neurological conditions tend to lag. I'm looking forward to the next 10-40 years. Well have more options, better and cheaper tests, and less trial and error.

Comment posted by Vanquish Peralium deleted Sep 18th, 2019

I know what you mean I'm hoping one day we'll have medication's that are side effect free I have dystonia and drowsiness from my pills and I have to take benztropine or something before I drive or my eyes will start rolling up and I can't look straight.

Lyra and Bonbon are one of my favorite parings and I would love to see how the appointment and canterlot goes.

I'm sketching out the day. The core scenes are set, but it needs some supporting scenes to carry the story. I have ideas, but some incubation time will let me find the right angle.

Looking forward to reading it. :twilightsmile:

Okay, this was basically brilliant. I mean my mental illnesses are quite mild, but even then, this spoke to me. You had her feeling her art was suffering while on her pills. I was once prescribed mood stabilizers (mainly because he was an idiot who wouldn't listen to the words I was saying) and my biggest fear was that it would impair my ability to write. So I didn't take them. I tried seeing that doctor again, after asking for a second opinion, he dropped me as a patient.

Then there's Lyra adjusting her medication on her own. More recently, my medication for other things wasn't working as well as I would like. One day I accidentally doubled the dose. That day it worked really well so I kept doing it. Should've probably went to my doctor immediately at that stage.

But anyway, I understand exactly where she's coming from. Thank you, you brilliant piece of work, you.

I would be careful double dosing it could have long term side effects depending on the strength off your pills. Because when I first got prescribed antipsychotic medication one wasn't doing enough so I decided to take three didn't bother to read the milligram label my eye sight is bad now I got permanent eye dystonia when I cannot look straight it comes and goes. Now I can't get behind the wheel unless I take benztropine which stops nasty side effects.

You have a review.

Thanks :twilightsmile:. Nothing strikes fear into my heart quite like such words as "You have a review." But it's okay. This is okay. I can be strong. I can take criticism.


Okay. I can work with this. I still live.

This story was surprising in the depth it went to, way beyond what I would naturally expect from the length and description. Lyra’s neurotics and behaviors were startlingly familiar too. Overall, this story was a very easy upvote.

But with all that aside, I hated the way that this gripped me, that the plight of Lyra and the discussion was something cut out of everyday routine for me. Even when medication roulettes are one of the most terrible things that I’ve dealt with in disabilities and never found the ability to articulate to others who aren’t already impacted by them. When I caught sight of the spoiler, I was intrigued and guessed that with the description I’d be reading about Lyra getting a feel-good speech on a rainy sort of day. What I actually read was a far deeper story depicting one of the things that I have hated most about my life for as long as I have been taking medications (so, over a decade) and can cut deeper than some of the actual (and possible) side effects. It’s something that I have hated so much I slept on how I was going to comment on this story for about a week, just because I knew that I would likely have to tone down just how much this touched upon one of my most hated experiences while still being a story I enjoyed.

It is only recently that I’ve been lucky enough to find a guy who is my Bonbon too. Definitely going to pass this on to him.

An underrated piece, and though you no longer write here, A fucking plus is what I gotta say.

I'm glad you've found your Bonbon.

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