• Published 4th Nov 2019
  • 10,485 Views, 648 Comments

Little Changes - tom117z

When a Rainbow Dash from another world crash lands near the Badlands Hive, Princess Twilight Sparkle, daughter of Queen Chrysalis, works to find a way to send her home.

  • ...

6 - More Questions, Less Answers

Rainbow Dash groaned uncomfortably as consciousness slowly came back to her. She wasn’t entirely sure when she had fallen asleep, but she sure as heck was not ready to be up yet. Sadly, her mind had other ideas, and sleep became all but impossible. Huffing in disappointment, she pried her face off of the pillow it had been stuffed in and looked around.

Her drowsiness immediately disappeared at the sight of the room she was in. She was resting on a remarkably fancy four-poster bed in a long room made up of dark bricks and chitinous growths. A series of bookcases lined the left and right walls, each one stuffed to the point of overflowing with tomes of all shapes and sizes. In the centre of the room was a low-resting round table surrounded by some plush cushions and a lavish sofa. An end table sat next to the bed, nothing on its surface. There was also a desk that had been loaded up with writing supplies and parchment. In general, all anything anypony could ever want or need to be a giant book nerd.

It all came flooding back. Rainbow Dash quickly leapt down from the bed and looked around, her heart beginning to beat faster in her chest. The changelings, the ‘hive,’ and that one that had dared to take the name Twilight for herself. Rainbow took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. The last thing she remembered was being escorted through the halls by ‘Twilight’ and a contingent of armoured drones. They had told her they were taking her to the Princess’ room.

‘So, is this her room?’ Rainbow thought to herself before making her way up to one of the shelves and scanning the titles. Some of them were in a language she couldn’t make heads or tails of, but most were in common ponish. And all of them were carefully organized in a very familiar pattern. Rainbow would know. She had helped with this sorting method at least six or seven hundred times since moving to Ponyville.

A lump formed in her throat, one which proved hard to push down. How had the changelings figured this out? And why would they even need to? As far as she knew, up until recently, Chrysalis was in total control of what her drones were and were not allowed to know. It was part of how she had managed to maintain such total authority for so long. And it hadn’t been nearly long enough for the changelings to start reforming their society to such a degree. They were supposed to be locked in some kind of internalized power struggle. A war of succession or something.

So then, what was all of this?

The door at the far end of the room suddenly opened with a loud creak, making Rainbow all but jump out of her skin. She spun to face the new arrival, ready to defend herself at a moment’s notice.

The adrenaline died away when she saw a familiar lavender unicorn stepping inside.

“H-hi…” Twilight began nervously, seemingly unable to make full eye contact with Rainbow Dash. “So… How are you feeling? Between the crash and stress, all of my avenues of study and research indicates that it would lead anypony to having a- GAHP!”

Rainbow had tuned out the other mare’s scientific mumbo jumbo and instead elected to launch herself across the room and yank her into a tight hug, ignoring the sharp bout of pain it brought into her injured wing. She buried her face into Twilight’s shoulder, shuddering uncontrollably with relief. “Twi…” she whispered after a moment, her grip tightening. “You’re here…”

“Yes, I’m here…” Twilight said, patting Rainbow’s mane somewhat awkwardly.

When had Rainbow Dash ever been this clingy? Like, ever?

Twilight coughed awkwardly, trying in vain to pry the emotional pegasus off of her. She instead opted for a simple sigh and toleration, especially given her strange amount of…

...Of love energy? That was a question for much later.

“So… you remember me, then?” she said, pushing down a blush forming on her cheeks.

Rainbow suddenly tensed at that question. Her eyes, which had been closed, snapped open with dread. Slowly, she looked down at Twilight’s sides, and her relief was replaced with fear in an instant at what she found. Or rather, what was missing.

She abruptly yanked herself out of the embrace and backed away, her ears folding back. She cringed and had to force herself not to gag as a very unpleasant memory of a Chrysalis assuming Twilight’s shape in Canterlot entered her mind.

Twilight’s ears folded in resignation. “I guess not…”

Rainbow scowled and jabbed a hoof at Twilight’s sides. “You missed the wings,” she said simply. “Kind of a dead give away.”

Twilight blinked. “Wings? I can make myself a pegasus if it makes you more comfortable, but I’m not sure why…?”

Rainbow snorted and backed away another few paces. “You know what? Nevermind,” she dismissed, deciding it would be better if her enemy didn’t know what had happened to the real Twilight. It would make it easier for her to tell who the fakes were. “Now, what do you want with me?”

Twilight shrunk down, hurt written clearly on her face.

“I just wanted to make you more comfortable after earlier. I thought since this was the form you knew when we met it might make things easier, but… I guess I was wrong.”

In a flash of swirling green flame, the visage of the unicorn was wiped away and replaced once more with the royal changeling that the rainbow maned pony had awakened to find earlier. One thing that didn’t change with her features, however, was the saddened look in her eyes.

Neither did her general body shape, now that Rainbow got a calmer glance at it. Maybe slightly taller at most. Nor did the cutie mark on her flank, the stripe in her mane, and the colour of those eerily Chrysalis-like eyes of her’s.

Rainbow bristled at the sight, but was quick to reign herself in. Last time she’d lashed out hadn’t ended well, as she recalled. Slowly, she drew herself up to her full height and met the changeling’s gaze directly. “Obviously. I don’t like being lied to,” she said simply. “Especially not where Twilight’s concerned.”

“And here I thought Applejack was the Element of Honesty,” she tried to joke, but any humour quickly disintegrated under the pegasus’ hateful gaze. “Ahem, what I mean to say, I just don’t understand why you think I’m lying to you. I mean, I have some theories, but they’re so outlandish and unusual that the variables dictate that there might be some other explanation, but if they prove false then whatever is left must be the truth which I have calculated to be-”

Rainbow held up a hoof and narrowed her eyes, and the words died in Twilight’s throat. Inwardly, Rainbow couldn’t help but chuckle to herself. She knew that little trick of her Mum’s would come in handy someday. She didn’t let it show outwardly, though, and set her hoof back down. “Well, you’ve got the rambling down, at least,” she admitted slowly.

“That’s a cheap trick…” Twilight complained. “And Celestia’s. How the heck did you know it?”

Rainbow blinked in confusion. “Uuh… because she taught it to me when I was like, fourteen?” she pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

Twilight frowned, yet more evidence and pieces rolling into place. Evil cheap stare and hoof raising or not, more variables and calculations ran through Twilight’s mind as she tilted her head to give ‘Rainbow Dash’ a curious look. It wasn’t possible, was it? The magic required would be immense, and Starswirl was long gone. Never mind the lack of any magic mirrors in the hive…

Her train of thought, and any comment from Rainbow on it, was interrupted when the door opened again. In came a small and heavily familiar purple dragonling, one who seemed to, for some reason, be wearing a pink apron with a heart on it while holding a tray containing some coffee.

“Got it, as requested! Yes, I’m amazing, I know,” Spike bragged as he casually strolled in and placed the tray down onto the table as Rainbow watched on in bewilderment. “Hey RD, heard you had an epic landing! What’s with the scar?”

Rainbow leaned back, entirely unsure of what to make of this sudden development. “Uh… hi,” she said awkwardly before quickly regaining her composure and glaring at Twilight. “And you say I have the dirty tricks?”

Spike gave her an odd look, then glancing questioningly at Twilight. “Uh… what’s with her? Did she hit her head super hard?”

“I’m currently trying to figure that out,” Twilight answered. “She might think you’re a changeling.”

Spike snorted. “Nah, you guys have too many holes. Me? I’m a fire breathing dragon through and through!”

He tried to demonstrate the point by pulling a pose and showing off his muscles. Or, as it turned out, his lack of them.

Twilight gave him a deadpan look. “Uh-huh. Nice pose, Bulk Biceps.”

Rainbow looked back and forth between the two for a moment before getting a bright idea. Without looking, she reached over the nearest bookcase, plucked a random book from the shelf, and chucked it at ‘Spike’s’ head. “Think fast!” she called out as it went flying.


Not having the time or speed time to think, the dragon was entirely blindsided by the heavy tome straight to the side of his head. He immediately fell onto his behind, looking immensely displeased at this development.

“Owch! What the hay, Rainbow? Is this about that time I singed your tail? I told you, not my fault, you and Pinkie shouldn’t have pranked me with that sneezing powder!”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “You done complaining? If you’re really Spike, then do the thing only Spike can do,” she said simply.

“Sheesh, weird Rainbow is mean,” Spike muttered, picking up the book and taking a deep breath. “Fine, check this out!”

Twilight widened her eyes. “Spike, don’t!”

Too late. With a torrent of green flames, the book was reduced to dust. That dust swirled in place for a moment before wooshing off and out of the room towards its destination, before dissipating entirely.

Rainbow’s other eyebrow flew up to join its twin in the north. “Uh… okay, but, why didn’t you just send it to me?” she asked sceptically while patting a hoof on the chest. “I mean, I’m right here.”

Spike gave her a strange look. “Huh? Why would I do that? I never formed a Dragonfire connection with you.”

Rainbow went quiet for a second. “...The heck’s that? Spike can send letters to basically anypony, as long as he happens to know them,” she said before shaking her head. “Meh, whatever. Worth a shot.”

“My theory seems to be getting stronger,” Twilight said hesitantly. “A dragonfire connection is required between a dragon and a-”

Twilight’s lecture was, once again, interrupted. This time by another swirling mass of dragon flame from Spike’s mouth, which proceeded to materialise the same tome from before.

Which then dropped back onto Spike’s head with an almost vindictive intent.

“Gah! Come on!” Spike complained crossly. “Why me?”

“You’re not the one who can’t seem to finish educating anypony…” Twilight mumbled in irritation. “But there’s a note with it. I don’t think it’s going to be happy.”

“Ugh, it’s not,” Spike noted as he took the note and read it aloud. “Dear Spike. Please stop sending random things and dropping them on my head during Day Court, it’s getting old. Most sincerely, Princess Celestia.”

“WHAT!?” Rainbow suddenly yelped before shooting over and snatching the note right out of Spike’s claws, despite his protest. Her eyes scanned the page over several times, hunting for any and all differences between this and the horn writing she knew.

There were none. This was unquestionably her mother’s horn writing. It had all of the elegant curves and twirls that were customary, and even the slight jaggedness that she deliberately added when she was annoyed with the recipient. Rainbow would know. She’d gotten a few such notices in her more… rambunctious years in Canterlot.

“See? We are who we say we are,” Spike said smugly. “Dragon all the way! Now, what’s with the scar?”

Rainbow’s attention was drawn away from the note by that question. Slowly, she lowered it and turned to face the drake with an unreadable expression. She lifted her hoof to look at the car and cringed at the memory of its acquisition. “...If you don’t remember that, then you’re not Spike. Not mine, at least,” she mumbled before closing her eyes. “Queen Chrysalis gave it to me in the Crystal Empire. And a few other scars, too…”

“WHAT!?” now it was Twilight’s turn to exclaim. “No. That’s just wrong and stupid and illogical. She would never do anything like that! Not to you, anyway. Never mind the fact that you’ve been in Ponyville all this time with little to no contact from changelings and… Your injury looks weeks old at the very least.”

Rainbow’s sombre expression hardened, a fire burning at the base of her skull. She slammed her scarred hoof back down onto the ground and bared her teeth. “You weren’t there!” she snapped angrily. “Don’t even try to tell me what that monster would and would not do! I remember who gave me this clear as day! I remember what she did to me, to my friends, to my family!”

“I remember the Crystal Empire’s return very well, the hive could have lost a lot defending that place if we hadn’t gotten the Crystal Heart back and vanquished Sombra. And she wasn’t even there! She would have liked to have been, but wasn’t. So there!”

Rainbow snarled deep in her throat. “As I recall it, the hive was the one on the offensive. And Chrysalis was there! I fought her! I almost died! And her favourite drone KILLED MY BEST FRIEND!” she all but screamed before screwing her eyes shut and taking a series of deep, shaking breaths to try and calm herself down.

Twilight took a step back at her anger, her empathic senses, even if they were more dulled towards any emotion beyond love, almost felt like they were about to overload with the sheer hatred and guilt mixing in an unholy way within the pegasus.

And the thought of the Queen of the Badlands Hive, her mother, doing something to an innocent pony.

“But who…?”

Before Twilight could ask, Spike just shook his head.

“Yeah, she hit her head really hard if that’s how she thinks the Sombra thing went down. The ‘lings were there to protect you, Twilight, not hurt anypony.”

“SHUT UP!” Rainbow shouted at that, her eyes snapping open and her pupils dilating. “JUST SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU!”

Silence fell over the room in the wake of her outburst. Rainbow was visibly shaking, now, her breath heavy and uneven. A small choking sound came from the bottom of her voice before she wiped the back of a hoof over her face. “Let me go,” she said plainly between her quivering breaths. “Just… Just let me go home.”

Twilight bit her lip. Maybe now she could finally get some words in without interruption. Things just didn’t add up for a bit of head trauma-inducing selective amnesia and confusion. The physical evidence, the way Rainbow presented details with absolute certainty…

She might be wrong. Maybe there was a more logical explanation. Like time travel! That was always a mess! Or maybe she had just taken a strong knock, or…!

But no. Her injury and hairstyle. Her reaction to changelings. That vision. The fact that she was so sure that Rainbow should be in Ponyville right now...

And she probably was.

There was just one thing she had to ask to be sure, to eliminate those last few threads allowing her mind to cling to the other explanations. She had to be certain.

“Rainbow…” Twilight asked slowly. “Before you arrived at the hive… How exactly did you come to crash? You never explained. You should.”

Rainbow took another deep breath, her head hanging low from the sudden weight pressing down on her mind. “...I… I was up in the clouds,” she began numbly. “I was with T-Twilight. The real Twilight. We were watching some sort of storm going on up in space. She went to bed, I stayed up, fell asleep on the cloud. Next thing I knew, the storm came down and swallowed me up, and then I crashed… and then I woke up here.”

Twilight nodded along with Rainbow’s explanation, glad that she was finally calm enough to give a clear and concise tale as to how she came to be at the hive. She hadn’t exactly been cooperative the last time she asked.

And, if all was as it seemed on paper, it confirmed her most hesitant theory.

“Rainbow, you’re right. I’m not your Twilight.”

Rainbow glared at her. “No kidding. Tell me something I don’t know.”

“But I am Twilight Sparkle. Just another one.”


“Yeah, huh?” Spike parroted.

The changeling took in a deep breath. “See, the scope of reality is far bigger than you may yet realize! There are so many branching paths, certainties and uncertainties that the variables are quite literally infinite!”

To go along with her explanation, her horn lit up as various books and scrolls from the shelves started to dance through the air and display various paragraphs, research notes, graphs and other bits of random jargon that neither of her audience really grasped.

“Some theorists say that the multiverse is like an endless ocean with even more endless bubbles, each one being its own, self-contained world. Others say that it’s like a tree with so many branches and sub-branches and sub-branches of sub-branches, and each one has its own cosmic alignment and outcomes, some the same and some different, which must mean that somewhere in this cosmic tree or pond or however you want to imagine it, there must be a universe with a set of variables that created circumstances with a point-three or maybe a point-two difference in that cosmic alignment that meant-”

“You fell from your world into ours. You know, like the mirror universe in Power Ponies,” Spike concluded quickly. “Where everyone is the opposite!”

Twilight glared at her assistant. “Hey, I said that!”

“Yes. In a Twilighting way, but yes.”

Rainbow stood still for a few seconds, her brain doing some pretty impressive mental gymnastics to properly catch up with whatever all of that was. She blinked a few times before shaking her head.

“Huh. You actually almost sounded like Twi for a second,” she mumbled nostalgically before her expression hardened. “But you do realize that all of that went right over my head, right? I’m gonna need something a bit more tangible than ‘the egghead said so’ before I believe you. As far as I care, my friends and family are probably wondering where in Tartarus I am, and I need to get back to them. So if you’d let me go before you cause a diplomatic incident, that would be lovely.

Twilight bit her lip. “Rainbow, you can’t go home. I don’t know how to send you there. This isn’t your Equestria, there’s another you probably hanging out at Sugarcube Corner or doing Wonderbolt reservist stuff right about now. My Rainbow, who very much knows what I am.”

Rainbow paused, her head leaning back a little bit at the reminder of her long-discarded desire to join the Wonderbolts. She sighed and shook her head. “Ya got proof or not?” she asked simply.

Twilight sighed in a strange mix of relief and annoyance. “There are ways. We will have to sort this out one way or another, so we may end up showing you the proof. But before we can do that, I should probably inform my mother of all of this. And she’ll want to hear it from you. Just remember that, whatever you’ve seen at home, things aren’t the same here. And I am your friend. Just not the one you know. You’re safe here.”

Rainbow grunted. “You’re my friend, but not the one I know? Yeah, sure, that makes sense,” she shook off before shaking her head back and forth to wake herself up from her prior lethargy. As much as she hated to admit it to herself, she wasn’t in a position to offer up any further resistance. She still had no idea where she was or the full extent of her situation. Until she had a proper window to make good on her escape, she was at their mercy. “Guess I haven't really got much of a choice but to play along, though, have I?”

“Not really,” Spike quipped.

“Of course you have a choice,” Twilight amended, flicking the drake with her tail. “Just not many good ones.”

Rainbow sagged in place. “Right. Go figure,” she grumbled before clearing her throat and standing upright. “Okay, fine, whatever. Let’s go see this ‘Mum’ of yours. Can’t be any worse than the real Twilight’s. Stupid foal photos...”

“Ugh, I know right!” Twilight complained earnestly. “Both of them are the worst at it. Big bad ‘Queen of the Hive’ sharing foal stories with my pony parents…”

Rainbow paused, one eyebrow flying up. “Queen of the Hive?” she echoed quietly. “When did you get a new one?”

“She questions that but not ‘pony parents’?” Spike asked in a deadpan.

“Hush,” Twilight chided. “Later, Rainbow. We can continue this talk in the throne room. Come on.”

Rainbow’s spine tingled with an unpleasant chill, and an uneasy feeling began to develop in her gut. This changeling was hiding something from her, wasn’t she? That was the impression she was getting, at least. Slowly, adrenaline began to seep into her veins as the trio left for the throne room, leaving her ready to leap to the defence at a moment’s notice. As they did, Rainbow stopped to do a final cursory examination of the changeling. There was no way this was on the money, right? It was all some weird, elaborate and entirely desperate trick. Alternate universes? Please.

... But that had been her mother’s hoof writing.

And then Rainbow frowned during her examination, taking in one feature she had missed while focusing on the similarities and differences to her Twilight. The real Twilight. Because there couldn’t be two. There just couldn’t!

But putting that aside… What was with the scar that she was scratching?

Putting that question aside with plenty of others, Rainbow moved into the hall behind the changelings and Spike, particularly trying not to think about how convincing the latter was. As they went, at some point Rainbow realized that the dark equine had started to talk again.

“-aybe it was a mana explosion of significant strength, or a new spell in your world. In ours? But who could do that?” she questioned. “Discord? Another Changeling Queen? Some other factor we don’t yet know about? I should ask about the other Queens, the information in my collection has to have some issues with being up to date. She might know something?”

Spike shrugged. “Beats me. In Power Ponies it was a teleportation accident caused by Masked Matterhorn while fighting with the Mane-iac. I loved that issue.”

“So did Shiny,” Twilight recalled. “But I’m less interested in fictional applications than I am in the real ones. Starswirl mastered the art of peering into other worlds, could somepony be trying to replicate it? Maybe I should write to Sunset, she could do some tinkering on her end of the link. Or maybe I should run some tests in the Crystal Empire on our side…?”

Rainbow had zero idea about any of their random chatter’s meaning. This was all just too weird and messed up beyond any recognition.

“Or maybe something has gone wrong on the cosmic scale? Now that has implications I don’t even want to-”

Twilight yelped as the ground gave a small lurch, the others freezing in place at the brief rumbling sound around them. And it was brief, lasting but a couple of seconds.

Twilight groaned. “If nature will let me keep my train of thought for one moment!”

“I imagine fate doesn’t have much interest in granting that request,” another voice suddenly said from the hallway to their left, a voice that sent ice into Rainbow’s veins. “Considering how wearily often you seem to be at the core of every disaster that comes around, my child.”

Rainbow looked to the side, her eyes going wide at the sight of a terrifyingly familiar Changeling Queen approaching them regally from down the hall. The scar on her cheek was gone, as was the impressive collection of dents and burns she had accumulated last time Rainbow had seen her.

But it was her, no doubt about it. The arrogant posture, the self-assured smirk on her face, the spider silk mane. The demonic eyes that haunted Rainbow Dash’s nightmares when Luna wasn’t around to quell them.

Queen Chrysalis, the cause of so much of her pain, stood before her.

And she was free.