• Member Since 15th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen 17 minutes ago


“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” - Patrick Rothfuss


The Memory Stone has been destroyed just in time and everyone's memories restored. At least those stolen within the last three days.

In the aftermath, Wallflower confesses to Sunset that some of what wasn't recovered was Sunset's previous memories of Wallflower - and the relationship they had together.

Reviewed by Nailah with an 8/10!

Reviewed by PresentPerfect with a rating of Recommended for Shippers!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

aww. this is adorable

I was gonna say you should add to this the Sunset contest... and then got to the author's note.
It's nice reading it end happy, or at least hopeful, and I'm digging the whole idea, it makes sense given what we've seen of the Memory Stone, and especially why Wallflower decided to target Sunset over anyone else.

"You said it," commented Wallflower, who had been sitting next to her the entire time.

This part got a laugh out of me!

Oh god, I adore this. It's so short and sweet and perfectly in line with Wallflower as a character. She just wants to love and be loved. She's such a pure and perfect and precious angel who needs to be loved and cherished, and that's what she gets here, and it's GREAT.

I’m a really big fan of Sunflower. I wish there was more of it.

:rainbowkiss: So cute...

I still prefer Sci-Twi for Sunset shipping, but Wallflower has similar "inadvisably applied magic user" vibes. And erasing a relationship when it went wrong is entirely within her MO while she had the Stone. The happy ending was an absolute delight, and the friendships we see Wallflower develop at the end of "Forgotten Friendship" means she won't suffer the same codependency that tore them apart last time.

Not everyone gets a second chance. I get the sense that Wallflower's going to make the most of hers.

Author Interviewer

It could have been an ending if Wallflower had accepted that she needed to work on fixing herself before trying another relationship. But I'm still impressed with how well that backstory fits into everything. :)

this makes SOOOOOOOOOO much sense

Yup, this was a sweet little fic. Nice one.

write more SunFlower OR ELSE

I still can't get over how believable this was. This has got to be one of the best jobs at Wallflower characterization I have come across on the site, and what a shame that I have only come across it now! Came expecting a short, simple story about confessing feelings and got something far more valuable and in-depth. I feel as though every paragraph in this story was expertly crafted and words well chosen as both girls remained very much in character. While I agree with what Present Perfect said above, too, it's also always nice to see Miss "I have plants" get some love :)

Fifteen out of ten happy Wallflowers. Well done, and thank you for writing.

It all fits perfectly. Headcanon accepted.

The sight of the girl cringing away banked some of Sunset's anger. Not all by a long shot, but enough to regain her composure. Still, she pulled her hand back to gather herself. "Maybe you should start from the beginning." And then things were silent for just long enough to let Sunset's anger start to rise again.

What the hell she angry for? It’s not like she remembers.

"Just before spring, your band was going to play a show at the Botanical Gardens. You were supposed to go ahead and finalize things. And... you asked me to go with you. That was our first date."

So sunset asked her out first?

Also, are you planning a sequel?


Also, are you planning a sequel?

There is, in fact, a sequel in development right now. Considerably longer.

I must write more SunFlower under threat of Scampy.

So Sunset sat on the curb outside Canterlot High School and let out a long, deep sigh. It was good to be alone.

"You said it," commented Wallflower, who had been sitting next to her the entire time.

I laughed.

Sunset's response was understandable. "GAH!" The surprised flailing might have been rubbing it in, however.

Wallflower wilted. "I guess things haven't changed that much after all."

Then I stopped laughing. Great juxtaposition here, without making it feel like mood whiplash.

Y'know, the first time I saw Forgotten Friendship (not too long after it came out), I thought Wallflower seemed like she could have had a crush on Sunset. Maybe that fueled the underlying drive to ruin things for her, along with popular-girl jealousy. I think this is the first story I've seen that presupposes they had a relationship prior to the events of the special, though. I'd say you pulled it off rather nicely. Felt like a very real post-FF aftermath conversation between the two of them. Plus, it's always nice to see Wallflower start on a potential path towards accepting happiness and connection with others. Nice work. :twilightsmile:

You seem to have gone through quite a few tries at that contest - I'm glad you didn't restrict yourself to sharing just one.

So Wallflower continued uninterrupted. "That's why I joined the yearbook committee. We did it together, so we could spend more time with each other. Those were nicer times, though."

this makes so much more sense, doesn't it? nothing else about wallflower's personality or interests really scream "yearbook committee", so there was probably some other reason. okay i am definitely stealing this.

"After midterms things broke apart but you and I kept studying. You helped me with math, and I helped you with biology."

Both girls instantly blushed.

wallflower is so dang smooth

"So I decided to destroy the rest! That maybe if I took away your other friends I could start over and have you to myself!"

which is why wallflower being into sunset always made sense, why else would she Care just so much about sunset noticing her? the stated reason of everyone forgiving her always seemed really weak!

"Look, Wallflower. I'm still really peeved about what you did. But I can tell how much it's hurting you. I understand making mistakes out of anger that you regret. And, well."

with anyone else, this quick resolution would be very jarring, but with sunset it actually makes sense. as i like pointing out, both of the load-bearing eqg characters deliberately tried to destroy the world and everyone quickly became very cool with it, so wallflower really doesn't stand out here. besides, what's a little nonconsensual memory erasure between OTPs?

The story didn't want to be an Ending.

these pesky little stories really do have minds of their own sometimes, don't they?

This was an unexpected take on a romance between these two that I hadn’t expected could be pulled off within such a short word count. Nice work!

Honestly when I first watched the special, this is literally exactly what it seemed like happened, it was just mostly subtext. Wallflower seemed less like a bullied victim and more like a jealous ex girlfriend or at the very least someone with a crush.

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