• Published 16th Apr 2021
  • 315 Views, 5 Comments

8 Realms of Magic - AzuraKeres

A world with 9 interconnected realms, 8 arbiters are chosen by the Cosmic Tree that connects them. They must unite to find harmony and prevent the coming of a prophecized tragedy.

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EP 1: Where Destiny Lies|CH 15

Star flickered her eyes open in her bedroom. The sun had risen upon the Realm of Light and infringed its sunrays into her small chamber of darkness.

She let out a groan and hopped off her bed. She stretched her hooves and gave a long yawn.

She immediately wanted to go back to bed.

Star’s long travel back from the forest left her fatigued. At the time she safely arrived in her bedroom, Star knew she likely slept for at least two hours.

But if she didn’t get up, Star knew her mother would make it so.

As Star grumbled to herself, she felt a sudden weight land on her back. She gaped on her backside and noted Ratty lounged atop her.

“I’m not a bed, you know,” Star remarked. She squinted at her drowsy brother.

“You had me play adventurer all night,” Ratty countered with a single eye open and then shut. “You owe me this.”

Ratty then wrapped himself like a kitten and fell back into his slumber. His soft breaths reminded Star of a sleeping newborn foal.

Star struggled through her morning rituals without dropping Ratty. She relied on a single hoof and her magic brushed her teeth, rinsed her face, and fixed her frazzled mane into twin tails.

After persevering through an unnecessarily tricky morning, Star entered the living room. She floated Ratty’s body atop a cushion of a couch. She smiled at Ratty’s sleeping form, kicking his feet about.

Star gave her brother a kiss on the forehead. “Thanks for sticking by me,” she whispered.

She planned to descend into the kitchen on the first floor. However, Star stopped when she noticed her mother standing on the balcony.

Lune Hild appeared to gaze longingly at the city. She appeared deep in thought.

Star recalled her mother’s expressions last night and frowned. She then took a breath and entered the balcony. “Hey, mom,” Star greeted. “You doing alright?”

Hild did not meet her daughter’s gaze. Her eyes fixed upon the bright city before them. “You’re not one to ask about my well-being,” Hild said. “Normally it is I who asks the questions.”

“Yeah, well…” Star began, but lost her vigor. She anxiously brushed her hoof on the floor. “Look, about yesterday–”

“I apologize,” Hild said. “It was never my intention to compare you to Princess Dawn. You might think because of my occupation I would hold royalty precedence above else. But that’s not true. No matter what, you and Ratty are the ones I hold most dear.”

Star felt a sudden warmth soothe through her body. It was so intoxicating that she nearly forgot to breathe. “Mom,” Star spoke. “Can you tell me why you became a valkyrie?”

Hild finally looked upon her daughter. Her face curved, confused. “That’s a rather random question to ask? Haven’t I already told you this story?”

“You did,” Star admitted. “But I just want to hear it again…”

Hild sighed. “I was a few years younger than you when a war sparked between the ponies of Eklaria and the Vanir. Because Sollothus served as the uniter of the eight realms, we were the first to respond to ponies’ aid. Queen Bertha’s mother had issued her valkyries to serve as reinforcement against the Vanir. Imagine everyone’s surprise when Queen Bertha enlisted herself to serve their cause.”

“You and Bertha were close friends. I can’t imagine you sitting idly when she jumped headfirst into danger.”

“I used to hate how selfless Queen Bertha could be. In all my life, I have yet to meet anyone as compassionate as her. She was vocal of her anger about the war and spoke often of intervening to establish peace. It should’ve dawned on all of us she was true to her words. And so, I joined the valkyries to aid her.”

“Grandpa and grandma weren’t ecstatic about that idea, weren’t they? They told me that they had long retired from their political duties and wanted to move the family into a more peaceful life.”

“I could never be satisfied with the cozy life they had set for me,” Hild said. “I knew that there was something more for me in the world. And when my best friend endangered herself on the battlefield, I knew I couldn’t stay silent anymore.”

“And so, you snuck from home and enlisted yourself in valkyries behind their back.” Star grinned at her mother. Hild averted her gaze from Star and tugged on her beret. “I never would have expected you for the rebellious type.”

“That wasn’t my proudest moment,” Hild admitted, furrowing at her daughter’s amusement. “And neither am I proud that seems the most relevant to you.”

“Everything about you is relevant to me,” Star remarked. “You went against the wishes of others for what you felt was right. That decision made a big difference for everyone across the realms. But there’s something about that I want to ask.”

“And that is?”

“What was that feeling that compelled you to go through with it? Did that make everything clear to you? Did it tell you everything you needed to know about yourself?”

Her mother chuckled. “Star, no creature ever knows their destiny until it happens. For me, it was disgust of war and my desire to protect those important to me. I can still remember the despair and hatred that erupted in Realm of Seas. Seeing all the horror motivated me to protect the light in everyone by ensuring the success of Queen Bertha’s goal.”

“Protecting the light, everyone,” Star repeated. She stared at the hardwood floor. A frown donned on her face. “Mom, I’m sorry I’ve been a brat. I’m sure you never imagined a daughter like me under your legacy.”

“Hush.” Hild surprised her daughter with a hug. She brushed Star’s mane gently and spoke in a soft voice, “I have never asked you to follow in my hoof steps nor to become anything grand. All I ever wanted is for you to be happy. Live out the life you desire, and I will be there to support you through the thick and thin. Do you think you can do that for me?”

Star hadn’t realized her face was drenched with tears. She chuckled. “You must not realize how selfish of a mare I can be.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I know. I raised you after all.”

“We got everything, right?” Star asked Ratty as he hopped off from her back. The two approached the chalice-like Cosmic root within the wet cave.

“Of course,” Ratty said. “Food, bits, some runes, and sweet, sweet nuts.”

“There better be more than just nuts,” Star warned, eyeing at her elder brother. “I’m not as crazy for nuts like you and mom.”

Ratty shrugged. “More for me then.”

Star joined Ratty before the Cosmic root. She watched her brother dig a hole under the root, revealing a starry space down below.

When Ratty climbed out of the hole, Star asked, “Is that it?”

“Yup,” Ratty confirmed. “Once we go through here, we’ll be out of Sollothus and out into the Cosmic Network. We can go to any realm you like from there.”

Star stared at the starry space below. She could feel her heartbeat hastening. Maybe a bit of nervousness swelled in her, but there was definitely a greater amount of excitement.

“So,” Ratty said. “Are you sure about this?”

“Despite how frustrating this place can be, I still love it,” Star said. “I have my friends and family that could give me all the flair I want. But there is still more about myself that I need to learn. And the only way I will find those answers is by going out into the world. I have to seek my destiny.”

Ratty patted his sister and gave a grin. “Well then, let’s not keep the world then.”

Star nodded and then took a breath. She knew once she dropped into this hole, there was no coming back. She would step into new territories and would see all it has to offer.

The time of her taking all those small steps is over. Instead, she’ll take big ones, starting by jumping in the hole seeing all the magic and wonder of the realms. All eight realms of magic.