• Member Since 17th May, 2019
  • offline last seen 23 hours ago


I'm Leaf. (Fledgling) Author Extraordinaire. Everyone loves me.



Chrysalis is sick of Twilight always getting in the way of her plans. So sick of it, in fact, that she's willing to do anything in her power to stop Twilight from stopping her. She'll even go so far as to fall in love with her greatest foe.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 205 )

That was really quite nice.

I rather enjoyed this.

I want to see just how far Chrysalis is willing to go to make Twilight fall in love with her. And I want to see just how far Twilight is willing to go to actually give Chrysalis a chance. Will there be a sequel to this?

A sequel is definitely possible, there's a lot left to explore here. Idk how soon I might do it but I'd say I'm more likely than not to write a followup eventually

This was really nice :twilightsmile:

This jumped forward a bit quickly but it was definitely pleasant.

Twilight, "No no, I hate you! And yet... I find you strangely attractive."

Chrysalis, "Of course you do! Alicorn Princesses are often attracted to memes and insane ranting, and I have BOTH and you KNOW it!"

(voice imitations of crashing sounds) "It's me, Rainbow Dork! I'm here to save my marefriend!" "No, it's Applejerk! I'M a-fixin' ta be-ya saving my-yuh marefriend!" "Buck you, I'm Pinkie-Pink! I'M here to eat all the sugar!" "I am Rarity von Snooticorn, and I'm here to seduce a young dragon with my wiles!" "Uhm… I'm Yellow One... I'm here to... be useless."

"NYAH HA HA HA!! You are too late! Time to die! PWISH!! CRASH!! KA-POW!! HA HA HA HA!! And now Princess, at last we are alone..."

Twilight and Chrysalis struggle, "No no!" "Yes!" "No!" "Oh... oh, your thorax is so big..."

Cozy Glow bursts in, "Queen Chrysalis!"

"AHHHH!!! Knock before you come in!"

Cozy, "Sorry your Buggyness! We've just located stupid Twilight and her stupid friends!"

"Good! … Wait.. did you see anything?"

"No! I didn't see you playing with your dark magical tree clone of Twilight again!"



Excellent reference, I love Spaceballs.

By the time Chrysalis and Twilight are firmly in love, the griffons are on the warpath. There's a non-aggression pact with the dragons, Thorax's changelings have already been wiped out, and the yaks have retreated into the Crystal Empire for shelter. Equestria needs a Warrior Queen to keep them safe, and Twilight knows just the bug for the job.

This was great, I'd honestly love to see where this goes!

9836438 Every now and then my brain makes these weird connections and then things happen... :pinkiecrazy:


And then Twilight casually shoved Chrysalis off the cliff with the hoof she had wrapped around her shoulder. Chrysalis plummeted into the same mine where she had trapped Twilight before. Her surprise momentarily caused her to forget how to fly.

“Twilight! Why?!” Chrysalis yelled, not believing she hadn’t sensed Twilight’s intent.

“Payback! It’s something I learned from you!” Twilight yelled back, smiling.

Tears welled up in Chrysalis’ eyes as she fell. “I’m so proud of her,” she thought, looking for a place to land.

Chrysalis should probably be questioning why twilight thought it would be a great idea to take a date in general to the place where her sister in law was trapped without food for a month. Ehh, I'm sure it'll be fine; Twilight is an absolute paragon of mental stability and good decision making after all.

We don't need a sequel, we just need more chapters.


why twilight thought it would be a great idea to take a date in general to the place where her sister in law was trapped without food for a month

Well, Twilight wants Chrysalis to realize what she did. The apparent way that reformation happens in this show is for creatures to realize what they did, and show remorse. For that, she has to actually see what she did.

That sounds lovely. You've created a great beginning here with many possible directions to go.

Very cute and well done. Just enough detail to be believable, but simple enough that the rapid pace didn't make it seem rushed. I could totally see an epilog of chrysalis tearfully putting on her wedding dress and looking at herself in a mirror with joy. Then the truth hits her and she it's suddenly very mad about how happy she is. But obviously still going to do it.

There are way too few Crylight stories. This one is as short as it is good.

Here on Earth, we call that “breathing”. :trollestia:

This is very well written, I just think the pacing a tad rushed. But overall, it was really nice!

9837851 I respire through multiple pores located on my grangeplexus… :pinkiecrazy:

This is good, and I really think you should continue it...

Is it strange that this plan of Chrysalis's makes perfect sense to me? It takes advantage of Twilight's best aspects, and if it fails Chrysalis won't be any worse off.

Milkshake? Must been vanilla
Heard changeling like strawberry.
Tastes like love


I totally, 100% approve of this.

Nice story, but it's such a big open end since the story feels like it barely began. Maybe this is the type of story that's destined to be open-ended, but I also see it could be a nice start for a series where the two gradually get to know each other and both change. Chrysalis learns to appreciate pony ideals and Twilight some of what it means to be a changeling or some-such :)

Love it, definitely could use more chapter like a few have previously stated.

“I have no idea how big Rarity’s house is.”

Eh, it's as big as her ego.

What a nebulous promise. What constitutes 'good' in this case? Obviously Twilight can't act against an enemy of Equestria without breaking the promise, but don't her royal duties qualify as 'good'? Isn't following laws 'good'? 'Evil' is a better defined term; Chrysalis can't act as an enemy of Equestria (or probably anyone else) without breaking the promise, nor can she do smaller scale things like steal candy from babies or break laws in general. And then there's obvious things where Twilight wouldn't hesitate to value acting over keeping the promise, like if she's the only one able to stop a baby carriage rolling towards a cliff or something. Chrysalis's end of the bargain seems a lot easier to keep than Twilight's, from a technical perspective (definition of terms) and from a character perspective. Like, I could totally see Chrysalis taking advantage of said ill-definition to argue that by paying for her lunch, Twilight is committing a good deed. This promise is not going to last until marriage — which, by the way, is a crazy milestone to set as the goal for this promise. This is possibly not even a full 24 hours after Chrysalis's proposal (what time of day is this conversation taking place?), and they're already making promises involving marriage.

It continues! WooHoo! :pinkiehappy:

Dude, they're cartoon horses. It aint that deep. A promise isn't a legal contract, it's a statement of intent. Good means good.

So... you have no intention of using the obvious problems for story purposes? :rainbowhuh: I was actually looking forward to seeing how those things resolved, but I guess if nobody's ever going to question anything...

This story is going to have some sort of conflict, right? It's a traditional good-guy dating a traditional bad-guy, things can't go perfectly. Eventually, something's got to come up that isn't quickly resolved with a level-headed conversation. That would just be boring.

Of course there's gonna be conflict, it's just not gonna come from pedantic squabbling over the definition of "good." I have no desire to write a relationship wherein the conflict is driven by one party being disinterested in making the relationship actually work, and nitpicking things for loopholes and semantic missteps is emblematic of someone who hasn't put forth the basic level of trust and respect needed for a relationship to work.

Right. I'm sorry that my comment got on your nerves.

Calling it right now: in some future chapter these two will in fact have to resort to Plan B and hilarity will of course ensue. :derpytongue2:

In the meantime, I look forward to seeing an unrepentantly snarky and still-kinda-villainous Chrysalis steadfastly refuse to take the easy route of just turning all glittery and colorful (complete with obligatory friendship song) the way we know she always could because changeling, while at the same time genuinely trying to win over a Twilight Sparkle who for all the inevitable embarrassment and facehoofing can still give as good as she gets. <grabs popcorn> I have a feeling this is gonna be good. :raritywink:

I know this story is as unlikely as Pinkie turning into Sombra, but it's one of the most fun reading a story I've had I a while.

This fic is stupidly adorably and I fucking love it.

This is great, looking forward to seeing where this all goes.

Aww, this is just delightful.

It was massive, wide enough to hide Celestia

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang :rainbowlaugh:

I'm glad this will continue! Many antics will sure be had.

Well, this is certainly interesting. Now to wait for the next chapter and munch on pop... corn.

Drat... I need more popcorn.

That twist at the end. Oh boy...

"Tactical Nuke Incoming!!!"

With the lighthearted feel this story has, it would be perfect if Celestia just trolled them.

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