• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 16 hours ago

Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


"Fluttershy has tail extensions!" And thus was revealed a secret that Fluttershy hoped would never come out.

There's nothing wrong with having a short tail. Looks aren't everything. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Fluttershy knows every cliché, every truth, every comfort statement; it doesn't help what she sees in the mirror when the extensions are removed.

So how to deal with the fact that ugliness – however cruel its judgement – is also in the eye of the beholder? An eye, more to the point, that has difficulty looking away, no matter what the beholder wants or needs to see?

Perhaps, in the end, it needs another set of eyes to do the beholding…

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 24 )

Before I read this, I must know: Why would people dislike the fact that Fluttershy has tail extensions?


I wasn't aware people did. Sorry, I assume you're talking about the fandom, here?

I think Nova’s trying to ask why ponies would have an issue with Fluttershy using tail extensions. Granted, the answer to that question is in the story itself, but they apparently hadn’t read it yet when they’d commented, so there’s that.

But does Fluttershy use the extensions when she plays buckball? :fluttershyouch:


Well, if you want to know that before reading, then see the spoilers below:

They don't. Mostly, outside the fashion community. The fic focuses on the inner conflict Fluttershy has over how she sees her natural tail versus her artificial one. There are a couple of minor segments where it's implied she received some light stigma and teasing long before the article came out, but it's mostly presented in such a way that it could easily be in Fluttershy's own imagination. In any case, it's not the focus.

I hope that answers the question.


I assume yes. Unlike real-world horses, though, MLP pony tails can be prehensile. Presumably that's taken into account by pony manufacturers of artificial tail extensions. It wasn't an aspect I focused on in the fic, to be honest.

This story is way the hell better than the number of views would indicate. It feels like walking a mile in the horseshoes of that delightfully deep Season Two Fluttershy. Also, well done for managing to reconcile Rarity the Whiny Drama Queen with Rarity the Lady of Confident Maturity. So many writers are only able to deliver one or the other.


I wonder why the view count is so low, at that. Best guesses at the moment are the cover image seeming irrelevant to the summary, or the short summary itself. Unfortunately, without some kind of feedback, I have no clue. :applejackunsure:

I always like revisiting Fluttershy! And getting into the mindset of certain characters is part of what makes writing so fascinating for me. Thanks in particular for the Rarity compliment! She's such a multi-faceted character, and it's a pleasure to draw those different aspects out.

Thanks again for the comment! Ever glad to receive some feedback from readers. :scootangel:

Tweaked the final few paragraphs a bit. I wasn't sure if the final point was made quite clear enough as is, so I've tried to clarify it somewhat.

You’re just like Applejack at times, always being polite and gentle in your words like a true lady.

How exactly is that like Applejack? :raritywink:

“How does the sky turn orange at sunset? I don’t know!”

:twilightangry2: "Rayneigh scattering!"
:duck: "Yes, thank you, Twilight. We are having a moment here."

In any case, fascinating exploration of self-image and the one critic you can never be rid of. And of the fans who stick by you no matter where you go. Thank you for a great read.

This was beautiful. :heart: I'm not sure what else to say. I don't dare to say too much, because I have the feeling dissecting too much what this story is would destroy the beauty of it and the beautiful feeling it leaves me with. So I just say it's beautiful. :heart:
This story is almost pure dialogue, and I'm sure a lot will find that boring, but that is the strength of it and what makes it so beautiful. You delve into Fluttershy's mind so much when reading this story. I now understand completely how she feels about her short tail. Because this story made me feel what she feels. And it did something else for me. Now I know how it feels to Fluttershy to observe a forest. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and after reading this, I know exactly how forests feel to Fluttershy. This story actually made me see forests through Fluttershy's eyes. And what I see is so beautiful that I can't put it into words. I want to go into a forest right now, to look at one with Fluttershy's eyes.
I never would have thought this is possible, to feel exactly the same as Fluttershy. But you made me feel that.
The Wizard of Words was at work again. The longer one reads through this story, the more captivating it becomes. Only you can put readers into the minds of ponies like that. You have more than earned this favourite. :heart:

Oh... :fluttercry:

Why do I feel so bad now?

A really great in-depth dive into Fluttershy and Rarity's characters.

This really makes you think. Lovely way to portray both Rarity and Fluttershy.. I really felt for Flutters here, and considering she isn't even close to my favorite, that is quite a feat. Well done!

Ooh, hello... Goodness me, I wasn't expecting to come back to this kind of reception. Fics usually fizzle out after a couple of days post-publication.


Hey, thanks! You always know what to say in a comment. :scootangel:

Re: the AJ comparison, I was thinking more the times when Applejack has to ask someone something that might hurt their feelings, so she squirms trying to do it. Could have phrased that part better, now you mention it...

Rayneigh scattering. :trollestia: Heh, I gotta remember that one.


:twilightblush: Well, I consider myself more a "sorcerer's apprentice" than a "wizard" - don't quite have the full genre range and technical mastery to be top of the game - but I appreciate the sentiment.

That said, this effect you describe was exactly what I was trying to do. It never ceases to amaze me what the natural world has to offer, and Fluttershy is the superb spokespony for that view. The monarch butterfly in particular was inspired by a David Attenborough documentary I saw which featured them prominently, pretty much as described here (crowded all on the trees, erupting into brief storms if disturbed). Plus I'm always fascinated by psychology, so getting into the mindset of someone like her, and her experiences in such moments, is what I aspire to.


Hm, not sure what you mean here? Sorry, only it strikes me as a touch enigmatic from where I'm standing.


Thank you very much. :twilightsmile: It's always a pleasure to receive comments like this one.


This really makes you think.

Now that's a golden comment when it starts off with those words. :ajsmug: Heh, OK, my smugness aside, I am delighted to see you got so much out of this fic. It's a goal of mine to write fics that aren't only enjoyable, but at least somewhat thoughtful if not thought-provoking. And beauty is a major topic in philosophy, rich with possibilities...

Anyway, I'm rambling. Thank you for such a wonderful compliment, especially re: my favourite pegasus. :yay:


After watching the latest episode, and simultaneously last Cutie Mark Crusaders episode, could you also write a story like that for them? Either for them as a group or for one of them? I understand all three of them very well, but if I can exactly view things as they do, like through their eyes, is something I'm not sure about. I feel more like I know their minds well because I studied them from the distance, but not like I am in their minds. So it would be fantastic to have a story that conveys exactly how they feel and view the world.


Hm, don't know about the specifics of the request i.e. making it this type of story. It's not something I can just do with a snap of my fingers.

That said: looking back, I'm surprised at how rarely I've tackled those three in my writing. Apple Bloom's social anxieties and family commitments, Sweetie Belle's complicated relationship with Rarity, Scootaloo's desire for love and respect despite her supposed "weaknesses"... Actually, the more I think about it, the more surprised I am that I overlooked these three.

So no firm promises or anything, but now I'm looking into the matter, I think it's safe to say there'll be something for 'em sooner or later. That's about as certain as I can get at the moment, though. There's a ton of stuff I'm trying to get around to, in the meantime.


Hm, don't know about the specifics of the request i.e. making it this type of story.

Well, I wouldn't want to give you any specifics, to be honest. Just seeing what you come up with if you write a story like the one for Fluttershy here, for them. I know them well and could give you a lot of specifics, but I wouldn't want to influence you in the creative process of diving into their minds. I fear that could skew the result.
I'm happy I've steered your thoughts in that direction, though. I'll be waiting and see what comes. :scootangel:

I'm glad I finally read this story. It provides a very effective look into Fluttershy and Rarity's characters.


Then it looks like I did what I set out to do. :scootangel: I'd love to take some lessons from this project and apply them to more character pieces as well, so it's good to know I'm doing things right so far. Thanks for the comment. :twilightsmile:

I didn't know what to expect when I headed into this fic, but I'm glad I did! The characterization of both main characters is masterfully on point. Even if I'm contractually obliged as a birder to point out that titmice nest in tree holes rather than on branches. :twilightsheepish:


Honour the contract, by all means. I should've known myself, since my house did play host to a nest of titmice a few years back - an old hole in the wall for some kind of device (long since removed by that point), if I remember right. I suppose I could go back and modify that part of the text...?

And, of course, what a wonderful compliment! Thank you for commenting on my story. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :scootangel:

EDIT: I have now made the correction. Hole in the trunk it is.


Glad to hear it! :scootangel: Thanks for leaving a comment. It's good to see people enjoying my work. :twilightsmile:

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