• Member Since 8th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago



This story is a sequel to Tales from the Second Age of Magic

It should have been so simple. Beat the bad guy, fall in love, get married, go home, live life. But nothing is ever so easy.
For Static Thunder, former human and now Knight of Equestria, life is perfect. She's getting married to the mare of her dreams, her friends and family are safe and happy, and Equestria is at peace once more. Sure, there's the usual pre-wedding jitters to contend with, but surely a wedding in Canterlot can happen without a major interruption this time, right?
Too bad for Static and her friends, but something is coming, and they aren't on the guest list.
The Storm Empire is coming.

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 38 )

“Now all of Equestria will know you're here.” Vigil said, in a quiet, weak, and defiant voice.


Sorry that it took so long to find this sequel.

Not a problem, Spark. Hope you Enjoy!

I can tell, if you write more ;P

I'm finally caught up on this reading. I like where it's going. :rainbowdetermined2:

Hopefully I'll have the next one up before christmas, so you can keep going. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by VeganSpyro97 deleted Dec 27th, 2019

Okay, so I didn't get it up before Christmas....sorry.

Static Thunder: "Okay, UNICORNS!! Before their troops deploy, pay attention to this spell, LEARN IT, AND USE IT ON THEIR BLIMPS!! :flutterrage:"

Of Men and Insects. Because it's a true sequel to the original.


I hope Static was shaking in rage not fear!

If you're talking about the bit I think you are, Static is realizing that Tempest is shaking.


Oh, I totally misinterpreted that line, my bad!

Well, I'm just hoping it is a simple case of misinterpretation and not a case of me failing to make it clear.....


Oh no, after rereading it, it was definitely clear. It was just me being a scatterbrain after seeing Static's name and completely forgetting that it was Tempest's line of dialogue

No worries. Pretty sure we all do that sometimes! :twilightsmile:

How many stories will be in this series?

At the moment, I'm planning on a quadrilogy, since this is technically book 3.

....You honestly don't know what that's from? :rainbowderp:

Allow me to enlighten you.....:pinkiehappy:

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6S7Vc79DoE4 --------> This link is now dead..... :applecry:


Well this is certainly going to be interesting to see how this all turns out. The CMC are sure going to be pushing klugetown's shoddily built infrastructure to the limits!

Well, the good news is, they don’t have to worry about Gaul finding and using the CMC as hostages. :rainbowlaugh::facehoof:

He'd be begging for the mane six to take them back before the day was out.

Eh, Mulan... gotta love the references.

Nuuuuu! When will this update!?

Love the fic, great chapter.

But if Tempest is on their side here, then who's going to sing "Open Up Your Eyes" to Twilight when she finally gets captured? :twilightoops:

Total and honest truth? I wasn't intending to have anyone sing it at all. The whole point of that song was to info-dump her "tragic" backstory so that we'd feel sorry for her.
But I've already explained her backstory in Tales from the Second Age of Magic, not to mention had her drop details in this story. My audience already knows my version of her past. They know she was bullied, harassed and even beaten for years before she even ran away from home- then is tricked by the storm king and goes on to receive and spread even more pain and suffering against her will, all from a single mistake- which is far more tragic than the movie version. Ya know, the version that's basically Starlight Glimmer and the Piece of Shi- sorry, the Pony of Shadows, all over again.
To have the song as it is in the movie, even altering the context to make it fit in my story, is pretty much pointless. Especially if I do as I intend to. So, Open Up Your Eyes most likely won't even get a mention beyond maybe a reference.
Also....I don't like the song that much. It's performed well, don't get me wrong, I actually really like Emily Blunts singing voice- I love her in Mary Poppins Returns!- but as a song/info dump, the content is just kinda boring. It's a desparate attempt to make you feel sorry for a villain who has done nothing but be despicable for the previous two acts of the movie, much like Starlight and Stygian's reveal of their own backstories in the show. Also....the stretched out "eeeeyes" grates after a while.

I get what you're saying. And TBH, I've never been a fan of musicals, per se, with the ridiculous singing of somebody's dialogue. Musical (instrumental) montages are okay, if you want to compress time, but needlessly singing a conversation or whatever else they're trying to communicate--this only drags the film out to waste time that could've gone into better writing/directing/acting/dialogue/action/etc.
But there are certainly valid comparisons to make between these two examples. Capper's is also a pointless info dump, but Tempest's was done much better due to the emotional investment Emily Blunt put into her song and the expressions that TS was having reacting to her. Taye Diggs' singing just didn't do anything for me other than make me cringe for watching it. His normal speaking dialogue and interaction in the Market Scene was excellent and had sold me on him being the clever smooth-talking felinoid pickpocket conman (with a conscience) long before the stupid musical crap started. There was no emotional investment to be presented in his song and no additional info about him that needed to be presented that wasn't already given back in the Market area. It was just--well--the typical vomit that your average Hollywood musicals are known for.:facehoof:

I found it more enjoyable, and I'm not certain it even IS an info dump, but, to each their own, I guess.

True, to each their own. Don’t get me wrong, I love the story, just not this bit of it. Keep up the great work! :twilightsmile:

Just realised that we never established Statics cutie mark. Or Rose's for that matter.

I finally caught up and while I can't wait for an update it would be best to wait for a properly written chapter so here I will wait

“Yeah.” Capper turned back to the city, so his guilty frown was hidden from Static’s eyes. “I hope so.” He said forlornly.

Sounds like Capper might get the opportunity to be there to see it happen, too--although a few delays might happen before reaching that day....

Early first draft:

And always, there was a pony, a mare, standing amid the carnage, with a hoof outstretched, and soundless words on her lips. “You can change this.” Nothing more. Just those words. And those words turned embers into an inferno.
It only got worse when Pinkie broke out the bag of marshmellows...:pinkiecrazy:

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