• Published 22nd Oct 2020
  • 2,915 Views, 65 Comments

Realms of Magic: The Realm of the Gryphons - TheEighthDayofNight

An elf, Kathranis Shadowsong, is transported to the realm of Equus by wild magic. This story follows his explorations of the different races and civilizations a new world has to offer.

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Chapter 20

As soon as they were in the castle grounds again, Kathranis began to march toward the training grounds. Though it was likely she had moved on, it was the last place he had been with Aquila before she escorted him to his meeting with the king, and had he been in her position, he would have returned to the spot. If nothing else, somebody might know where she had gone.

His hunch was proven right as a joyful cry welcomed his stalking form into the training grounds. A shadow passed over his body, then Aquila was before him, a smile shining on her beak.

“Back so soon Shadowsong? Eager to get your butt kicked by a princess maybe?”

Despite himself, Kathranis couldn’t help but feel his sour mood lift, and he smiled weakly back.

“It does not take long to observe, Princess, and in truth, I just wanted to speak with you before I went to see your father.”

Aquila’s eyes twinkled, matching her grin.

“So that’s a yes then?”

Kathranis sighed.

“I should speak with the king first before doing any sort of dueling, Princess. Apologies, but if I may-.”

Aquila groaned and threw her head back.

“Back and forth, back and forth, endless talking! Shadowsong, you are going to duel me now or so help me I will take you flying again.”

A small part of him almost wanted to test her, because while flying with the gryphoness was terrifying, it did mean he would be wrapped in her strong, fluffy arms.

Kathranis blushed and struggled not to scratch at his forehead as he stuttered and sputtered, trying to think of something to say. Aquila rolled her eyes, and he blinked as she seized his arm and pulled him deeper into the training grounds. He felt he looked quite bewildered as she led him past dozens of gryphons. Most of them stopped in their training as she dragged him further on, and while most of the reactions were of shock, Kathranis could have sworn he saw the flash of coins changing hands in the afternoon sunlight, matched only by the bright smiles of the winners.

He soon found himself on one end of a small arena, and Aquila skipped toward the opposite end, where both Deyenidal and Dranidal were waiting. Kathranis looked out beyond the ropes marking the edges of the arena and found a small crowd, including all of his elves, who were, much like the gryphons, exchanging bets. Loud chatter mixed with a few cheers, finally jostling him from his stupor. A small black form wove through the crowd, eventually trotting into the open area of their arena. The cat made directly for Kathranis, his tail lashing in the air as he approached.

‘Are you sure this is a good idea?’ Secil asked, hopping up onto the small table where Kathranis imagined most people prepared their weapons and armor. He carried everything, however, and had no need to prepare. Even his cloak, heavy though it was, served a purpose in combat, and so remained around his shoulders.

Kathranis continued to look across the arena where Aquila was arming herself. Dranidal was whispering something while putting steel armor over the gryphoness’ wings, while Deyenidal sat smiling, likely humming as she sharpened Aquila’s sword.

‘What do you mean?’ Kathranis thought back to his familiar. ‘Duels are common, and this is clearly just a friendly bout, not some death match.’

Win or lose, this won’t look good for you,’ Secil thought, settling down on the table. ‘You win, you embarrass the princess or worse, some spy who has it out for you takes a full measure of how good a fighter you are. Lose, you embarrass yourself and maybe lessen the “legendary” rumors currently keeping everyone fed and sheltered.’

‘The life debt still meets those means,’ Kathranis thought. His eyes flicked to the side as Valan flapped into the air above the crowd, quickly flying to his side of the arena. ‘But I see your point. I will try to make it a draw, merely give a small showing to feed the rumor mill a touch more.’

Secil’s eyes smiled with delight and he rested his head on his paws.

Good cub. That’s what I wanted to be sure of.’

“Shadowsong, you shouldn’t do this,” Valan said as he touched down. “Some will take it as a sign.”

“A sign of what?” Kathranis asked. “It’s mere sparring. If it weren’t a princess, we wouldn’t even draw attention.”

Valan fidgeted nervously, looking over his shoulder toward where Zefuris stood. The white-feathered gryphon scowled, staring directly at the pair with his arms crossed across his broad chest. Valan gulped as he stared at the elder gryphon, then looked back to Kathranis.

“Very technically,” Valan said in a low tone. “A public duel is the first sign of-”

“Quite playing gossip with my brother Shadowsong!” Aquila called across the arena. “No amount of talking is going to stop me from kicking your butt!”

Kathranis rolled his eyes and smiled at Valan.

“See? There are no signs here my friend. If anything, your sister is likely just trying to get my measure so she can try to manipulate me more. It’s all in good spirit.”

The gryphon looked like he wanted to say more, but Kathranis gave him a wink and strode forward, moving to meet Aquila, who was already waiting in the center of the arena with her guards. The gryphoness looked fantastic in full armor, even wore a shining helmet that seemed only to enhance her appearance. The facial slits framed her face beautifully, and her emerald eyes seemed to glow in the shade the helmet provided. A longsword rested easily in one of her hands, and a small buckler rested mid-way up her non-dominate forearm. Dranidal gave Kathranis a slight nod as he stopped a step away from Aquila, but he had eyes only for his opponent, feeling his face flush slightly as his hands gripped the hilts of his swords nervously. She smiled back, her eyes shining as Dranidal spoke to the crowd.

“This is a sporting duel between the challenger, Princess Aquila of Stonetalon Peak-” Kathranis’ eyes flicked to the side as a roar of cheers rang out, including from some of his kin “-and the defender, Kathranis Shadowsong of the Elves!” His eyes narrowed as Riven let out a particularly loud boo, but his smile returned as Huron gave the larger elf’s head a shove. “This is a fight to surrender and holds no penalties for the loser.”

Her voice dropped, and she caught Kathranis’ eyes, waving Aquila and Deyenidal away. As they moved a few steps back, she spoke.

“My Lady already knows the rules, and though I expect you are familiar with duels like these, I shall repeat them regardless. Avoid fatal or crippling injuries, and those intended strictly to cause pain. Guards are watching from the sidelines who will beat you to a pulp if you go out of your way to harm Princess Aquila.” Her gaze hardened. “They will only do so after my sister and I are finished with you. Fight clean, Blademaster.”

Kathranis’ eyebrow raised.

“I should be insulted that you think so low of me.”

The gryphoness’ gaze didn’t change.

“It is a threat I would deliver to the king if I thought it necessary. Princess Aquila is my ward and will be so ‘till my dying day. There is nothing in this world I would not protect her from.” Her gaze finally softened. “And I do apologize Master Shadowsong. I don’t believe you would harm my Lady, and in fact I believe that very soon you and I will be much in the same in protecting her.”

Kathranis’ eyes drifted to Aquila, who was still staring at him, even as Deyenidal whispered what was likely combat advice into her ear. Their eyes met, and again the heat in his cheeks rose. His heart hurt slightly as he thought of the words he would soon have to ask her, hurt in fear of what the answer would be. Oh how perfect this new world could be…

“If only she’d have me…” he mumbled, the words slipping out as his thought finished.

His cheeks immediately blushed deeper and he stopped staring at the gryphoness, instead looking to the ground at Dranidal’s feet. He prayed she hadn’t heard him, that his slip up had been imaginary, but a glance up found the gryphoness smiling gently at him. His eyes flicked down again and he thumbed the hilts of his swords.

“Anything else I should know?” he asked, trying to make sure his voice didn’t shake.

“Keep yourself protected, fight well,” she said, all hint of threat absent from her voice. “Aquila is well trained and can handle herself, don’t underestimate her, or you’ll look a fool.”

She nodded toward Valan.

“Retreat ten paces, I will call the duel to start.”

Kathranis gave her a nod, then straightened and stared straight ahead as he walked back, trying not to imagine whispers abounding from the crowd. He took a few calming breathes, then turned, keeping an even expression on his face as Deyenidal gave Aquila a pat on the back, then backed away. The duelists met each other’s eyes again, each watching the other carefully as Dranidal moved to the side of the arena.

“If the fighters are ready?” Dranidal asked, looking to Kathranis first, then Aquila. Both nodded. Dranidal’s wings flared and she flapped back, landing on a small bench overlooking the arena.

“Then begin.”

Kathranis stepped to the side as a slash came flying through the air toward his chest. Aquila barreled by, seemingly surprised that he had chosen to avoid her blistering attack rather than meet it head on. He turned, keeping one foot firmly planted in place as she halted her momentum with a flap. She landed on her feet, then with another flap, launched herself at him again, sword leading. Kathranis again stepped aside, keeping his swords sheathed and his foot planted as she missed once more, the blade of her sword cutting close, but not near enough to cause him any worry.

Aquila landed and turned again, flaring her wings and taking a deep breath before approaching him slowly on foot. Kathranis smile and he began to circle, causing her to move likewise. Her eyes looked him up and down as they circled one another.

“You’re fast,” she said. “Guess you’re already better than humans.”

“Not better, just different,” Kathranis corrected. “I am no better than a human than you a butterfly. We each have our strengths, for example, you are better at missing than I am.”

His light barb was met by a round of laughter and jeers from the crowd, and a huff from Aquila. She flapped her wings, sending dust into the air. Kathranis squinted, his taunting grin not fading. Aquila grinned back.

“Sharp tongue Shadowsong, but I’m the only one fighting here. You’re just dancing. Do I need to get you a dress?”

“I’m afraid you’d look better in such than I, Princess,” Kathranis replied.

As he noticed her cheeks redden, he stepped forward, his fingers tightening on his swords as he prepared to draw. Aquila moved first, however, jabbing twice at his chest before slashing at his throat. Kathranis dipped left, then right, finally ducking under the slash. With each move he stepped closer, and as he rose from his duck, he reversed his grip on his scimitar hilt, yanking it up to slam into the gryphoness’ chin. Her beak clacked and she stumbled back, but Kathranis let her go, not pressing the attack, instead deciding to re-sheathe the blade and straighten back into place.

“Quit going for the kill!” Deyenidal bellowed from Aquila’ sideline. “Make him draw those fucking swords or I’ll throttle you, hatchling!”

Aquila rubbed her chin, glaring over Kathranis’ shoulder at her coach.

“You told me to be aggressive and own the fight! It’s not my fault he’s thinner than a snake!”

“I said own the fight, not swing for his head! Fast attacks, from all angles! Take to the air and-”

Kathranis cleared his throat, interrupting Deyenidal’s ranting. The large gryphoness met his eyes with a furious glare that he met with a smile and a tilt of his head.

“I think the best learning experience for Princess Aquila would be one where she does the planning, yes?”

“Thank you!” Dranidal shouted.

Kathranis blinked and looked toward the lithe gryphoness, along with what he assumed was the entire crowd. Her feathers puffed up slightly, and she looked away, coughing into her hand. Kathranis snorted and looked back to Deyenidal, who was staring hard at the ground. Though she looked like she wanted to protest, Deyenidal simply crossed her arms and looked away with a huff.

“Whatever.” To Aquila she shouted; “You should still attack from the top! He hasn’t got any wings! That’s an advantage!”

“Fine!” Aquila snapped.

She immediately took flight with a flap of her wings, soaring high into the eye. Kathranis closed one eye and squinted up, following her shadow in the sunlight. She seemed to be going very high, and he had to lean back to continue tracking her. Then, in a barely visible change of direction, she was plunging at the ground. It took her only a precious few seconds to descend, the tight spiral that she speeding her a long cracking with energy. At the last second, she changed direction, landing on her feet just behind him. With another wing flap her direction shifted again and she flipped, her sword carving a high arc at his back. Kathranis kept easy track of the blade, again stepping forward to avoid it, only to grunt as a shield slammed into his nose. The punch was followed by a jab from her sword, which Kathranis slapped aside, lashing out with his right leg. His foot grazed feathers as Aquila danced backward, giving him a moment to recover, much like had given her.

Kathranis gave the gryphoness a nod of gratitude as he gingery touched his nose with his thumb, making sure it wasn’t broken. Though it was now sore, nothing seemed out of place, aside from the steady stream of blood flowing forth. Kathranis pressed hard on the lesser offending nostril, then blew, sending a spray of blood from his nose. It did halt the bleeding, however, and Kathranis cleared the other side as well before looking to Aquila with a grin.

“Let’s actually fight now, shall we?”

Aquila grinned back and dropped into a combat stance, her tail lashing back and forth.


Kathranis drew his swords slowly, then held them low for a moment. The pair stared at each other for a long moment, then both leapt forward. Kathranis batted aside a stroke aimed for his chest and responded with a slash at Aquila’s shield arm. She easily blocked the attack with her buckler, trying again to strike at his chest. Kathranis dipped to her right and used the flat of his blade to slap her sword hand. She let out a hiss that let him know the blow stung, but she kept her hold on the blade, slashing this time for his belly. Kathranis stepped back, deflecting a sword jab and dodging another attempted shield punch. As the gryphoness prepared to launch another jab, Kathranis surged forward, slapping aside her sword arm with one sword and sent a stab toward her neck with the other. He made sure to not fully send the attack, and he winced as Aquila over-reacted, turning her head to protect her throat. The result was the blade biting into her cheek, drawing a plainly visible cut, even with the shadow of the helmet.

Kathranis immediately withdrew, going so far as to sheathe a sword as he tilted his head, trying to see how bad the bleeding was. A call came from Dranidal, however, and the gryphoness’ flaring wings drew his eyes.

“First blood to Blademaster Shadowsong!” Dranidal called. “Healer to the fore.”

Aquila huffed and ripped off her helmet as a unicorn rose from the front of the crowd and trotted into the arena. The orange mare, a stocky sort, tutted and touched at the wound with her hands, even as Aquila rolled her eyes.

“It’s just a scratch!” she complained as the unicorn’s horn began to glow in amber light. “And Shadowsong barely even did anything! I turned into it more than he hit me!”

Kathranis couldn’t help but feel slightly conflicted about the comment. He felt simultaneously glad she thought it was nothing, as well as slightly offended that Aquila thought it was her mistake, not his carefully directed sword stroke that had wounded her. He brushed the later feeling away, replacing it with worry as Dranidal responded.

“Princess, I can either give him first blood or the attack he was going for, which would end the match. Are you saying you’d like to surrender?”

“Never!” Aquila and Deyenidal cried.

The larger gryphoness flapped up to her sister as the unicorn continued to heal Aquila’s cut.

“This is a load of wolf shit!” Deyenidal spat. “First blood should have been when she broke his nose, not some little parchment cut he got lucky with!”

“First blood is first cut, as per the standard-”

“Wolf shift!” Deyenidal screeched. “If I have to come up there-”

“Get back on your side, or I’ll throw you out of the match again,” Dranidal snapped. “I swear, you make a scene every time!”

The two set to bickering, and Kathranis noticed the flashing of silver changing hands amongst the gryphons in the crowd. He looked nervously to Aquila, who met his eyes. As soon as the cut was finished closing, Aquila thanked the unicorn and shooed her away, then stalked toward him. Kathranis sheathed his other sword as she approached, but didn’t break their gaze as she stopped barely inches away from him.

“That won’t happen again,” she growled, pressing her forehead against hers.

He searched her eyes for any sign of play, but found a great deal of what he was sure was fury. Kathranis swallowed dryly, wondering briefly if he had just blown all goodwill with one swing of his sword.

“A-apologies Aquila, I didn’t mean to…”

He winced as a hurt look entered her eyes, but it was quickly chased with confusion, then understanding. Her beak curled into a small, almost invisible smile.

“Shadowsong, this is the part where you throw another one of those cute little jabs of yours. Part of a gryphon duel is the showmanship.” She chuckled and she nodded toward where Deyenidal and Dranidal were squawking at one another. “Though it’s hard to beat that kind of show.” Her eyes twinkled. “But go ahead and try. You’re already much better at this than most gryphons I’ve fought, and I want to see this get good.”

“R-right,” Kathranis stuttered. “Then, um, next time, try to… dodge… better?”

Aquila blinked at him, then chuckled. Her hands seized his armor and she yanked him close, her breath hot in his ear.

“You’re adorable Shadowsong. I love that.”

She then shoved him back a few steps, a savage glare returning to her beak. She turned away with a growl and a lashing tail that left him standing more than a little confused. She… She couldn’t possibly… His heart, however, couldn’t let the notion slide. She’d said love. That was a very particular word, and while friends could love, he held out a hope that she meant more, especially as she looked back over her shoulder and winked at him. Kathranis found his throat dry as he stared after the gryphoness, even as Valan trotted up behind him, offering a skin of water.

“What did she say?” Valan asked. “She didn’t go too far did she?”

Kathranis shook his head, still staring after the gryphoness as he held the water skin, idly taking a small drink to wet his tongue. The air was warmer now, and he could feel a few beads of sweat on his back.

“She… she said she’d repay me in kind for cutting her,” he lied, not wishing to tell Aquila’s younger brother her words and potentially reveal his rapidly developing feelings.

Valan frowned at his answer, casting a glance across the arena before looking back to the elf.

“I can take your place in the duel if you’d like Shadowsong. It’s well within your rights as my debt holder if you think this duel is beneath you.”

Kathranis handed the water skin back to the gryphon.

“It’s in good sport Valan, and I’d look a coward if I opened a cut on the princess’s face and then had you fight for me.” He flashed a grin. “Besides, we haven’t even truly begun fighting yet.”

Valan still looked nervous, but Kathranis could feel the energy in the air again, could feel Aquila’s eyes on him. He met the gryphoness’s gaze and winked, and she grinned in reply, putting her helmet back on. Valan watched the look pass between the two, then stepped back with a sigh. Kathranis drew his scimitars and walked forward slowly. Aquila brandished her sword and did the same. As they drew closer to one another, their steps quickened until they were both running. Aquila reached their meeting point a second quicker, and she swung her sword, the blade leaping across at his chest. Kathranis saw the slash coming and decided to follow Aquila’s advice, playing into his prideful, showman side. He tucked his blades across his chest and hopped in a roll over the attack, landing neatly on his knees behind the gryphoness and slashing in an ‘x’ at her back. The gryphoness pivoted on her heel and her shield dipped just in time to catch the attack, his enchanted scimitars leaving thin marks in the paint. Kathranis still smiled as he looked up at the gryphoness, and she matched his expression, grinning back.

Aquila spun, lashing out with her wings. Kathranis avoided by rolling backward, then popping to his feet, batting aside a quick pair of jabs that poked at him just as he left the roll. Aquila followed as he stepped backward, so Kathranis decided to plant one foot, then dipped to the left of another jab aimed at his chest. One of Aquila’s wings attempted to block his escape of her assault, but it was too slow, and he managed to slip away, lashing out with a scimitar as he did so. Aquila turned, and the attack scored her sword arm, managing to cut through one of the straps of her arm guard, as well as drawing another line of blood.

Kathranis skipped backward as he heard a loud groan from Deyenidal, as well as another call from Dranidal.

“Second blood to Master Shadowsong!”

Kathranis straightened and looked her way, waiting for her to call for a healer. He faintly noticed a smile on the gryphoness’s beak, then he was dodging a sword. Kathranis leaned back from the blade first, then dipped beneath it. The third stroke he batted aside, but he couldn’t counter as Aquila’s shield speared between them, very nearly slamming into his chin. Aquila growled as she spun in a circle, the blades on her wings cutting the air between them as Kathranis again backed away. He took a breath, launching an attack with his left hand to pin her shield while his right locked down her sword. Aquila responded by lashing out with her head, again striking his nose. Kathranis grunted and stepped back, turning as the gryphoness made to follow. He shoved forward with his shoulder and pushed her away, then lashed out with his right blade, keeping the left one close to repel her next attack. Aquila slapped aside the right sword, then held for a moment, her eyes flicking up and down for a few precious seconds.

Then she was on the attack again.

Kathranis remained on the defensive, occasionally poking at Aquila’s defenses, but primarily just blocking, and dodging. The gryphoness was all aggression, and he could see why. Even on the smaller end for her species, she was strong. Were he a lesser swordsman, unable to turn away the force of her hits, he imagined his arms would ache. Coupled with near lightning speed that only the enchantments in his tattoos were helping him keep up with, she was truly a force to be reckoned with. It made him almost fear what other, more experienced gryphons could do. He parried a strike aimed at his chest, then another aimed for his throat. Aquila’s sword poked at his cheek, then his chest, then his throat again, and Kathranis frowned. All of the attacks were coming in high, and a second later, he realized way. Glancing down found Aquila’s tail wrapping slowly around his calf. He smiled. Just as it tightened and she prepared to yank him off his feet, he took a step back and performed the manuver first. He pulled as hard as he could with the tail wrapped leg, and the gryphoness stumbled as the yank caused her to yelp and threw her off balance. Kathranis turned his right scimitar so that the blade was safely hidden behind his arm, then clotheslined Aquila as she stumbled toward him.

The gryphoness went down with a grunt that was echoed with a sharp gasp from the crowd, and she landed flat on her back. The tail around his leg fell away, and more groans and worried mutters sounded from the crowd as she lay still, staring at the sky as she caught her breath. Kathranis moved away, sheathing his blades as he did so, giving her plenty of time to recover. As moved back toward his side, an eye over his shoulder. The gryphoness slowly sat up and rubbed at her jaw, glaring at him. A flash of worry hit his mind, and he couldn’t but ask;

“Are you alright? I hope I didn’t break anything.”

Aquila snorted.

“Not for lack of trying.”

Kathranis chuckled and spread his hands.

“I was told not hold back, Princess. That means using the library of tricks I’ve picked up over the decades.”

He tried not to flinch as her first attempt to push herself to her feet resulted in her falling back on her rump. Giving her more time to recover, Kathranis looked into the crowd. He found his brother, who seemed to understand his unspoken askance. The elder elf drew his longsword and tossed it through the air. Kathranis caught the blade by its hilt. Giving the longer, straighter sword a few practice swings, he looked to Valan, who was watching him with a touch of awe.

“I actually learned that trick,” he nodded toward Aquila, “from the orc you fought, Galdug. He used to fight Yuan-ti, a snake-like people. They liked using their tails, and so adapted. Before he started to hate me, he taught me that move.”

“That doesn’t explain how you got so good at it,” Aquila said, finally getting to her feet just as Deyenidal ran up. The gryphoness rolled her shoulders, then cracked her neck back and forth before brandishing her sword.

Kathranis took a fencing pose opposite her, still grinning as he kept his sword tip pointed to the ground.

“It’s all practice, Princess,” He glanced back at Valan. “Practice every day, without fail. Practice, practice, practice.”

Aquila flapped her wings and took a deep breath as she again stood off against him. Kathranis waited with a patient smile, savoring the cool mountain breeze, even as it caused a stray lock of hair to flap like a flag on a windy day.

Kathranis walked slowly forward, and Aquila remained in place, seemingly content to let him be on the offense for a spell. He stood a swords-length away from the gryphoness, then offered a bow. She snorted, her cheeks blushed as he glanced up. Kathranis smiled and straightened, then he attacked. He varied his pattern, moving between jabs and slashes as easily as drawing breath, keeping one hand tucked behind his back. Aquila easily picked off the initial attacks, responding with a few jabs from her wings, which Kathranis avoided with similar ease. Seeing his attacks were going nowhere, Kathranis picked up the pace, aiming lower to force the gryphoness to move more. As even this strategy saw no yield, he drew a dagger from his boot, occasionally throwing small feints to cause her to second guess what she should block, and what she should merely ignore.

Kathranis slipped beneath a counter attack aimed to drive him backward, and instead did the opposite, pressing forward with his knife aimed toward Aquila’s throat. As he moved, he caught a twinkle in the gryphoness’s eyes, and he knew instantly that he’d been had. Her shield slammed into his face again, and he couldn’t help but drop Huron’s sword. She pushed forward, trying to shove him onto his back, but with his now free hand, Kathranis managed to catch himself in a partial hand stand. He spun his feet in the air to try and correct his momentum so that he’d land on them, but Aquila kicked out the hand supporting him and he fell with a grunt.

Kathranis threw the dagger up in a last ditch effort to drive the gryphoness away, and judging by the sudden sunshine in his eyes, he felt the effort worked. He rolled backward and to his feet, drawing both scimitars a second too slow. Aquila’s sword bit into his left arm near the shoulder, drawing a hiss from the elf as he used his right sword to slap the offending blade away. He immediately lashed out with the left, stopping it just short as Aquila froze in her advance, the blade hanging dangerously near to her throat. Kathranis took the moment to catch his breath, with Aquila meeting his eyes with a surprised look.

Kathranis took one last deep breath, then let the sword drop.

“Shall we continue?” he said, his lips flickering into a smile.

Tension slumped from Aquila’s shoulders, and she matched his smile. Her sword didn’t raise, however. Instead, she nodded to his left arm, and Kathranis looked, surprised to find a steady stream of blood pattering to the ground, threatening to stain his boots. Dranidal let out a call for a healer, and the same orange unicorn that treated Aquila trotted forth, clicking her tongue as she gently spread the wound with her thumbs.

“This will take a few minutes to fully heal,” she said loudly, looking toward Dranidal. “Princess Aquila caught a thin piece between the armor, the cut is deep.”

“Finally,” Aquila sighed. “I thought I was never going to do anything but bruise your nose.” She moved closer, looking over the pony’s shoulder as her horn set alight, slowly closing the wound. “It isn’t too deep though, is it?”

The pony frowned.

“Ah will not say. It’ll color the duel.”

“I’ll hold back less,” Kathranis said. “You can be honest. I was wounded because I underestimated Princess Aquila’s tenacity. I rarely make mistakes twice.”

He hissed as the gryphoness slugged his good shoulder, sending him a mild glare.

“I know Dranidal told you not to hold back, you even said it yourself,” she growled. “Now fight me all the way Shadowsong, or I will make you look like an idiot.”

Kathranis snorted.

“Princess, I am a bladesinger, and I’m afraid that does not lend itself to talent in duels. Still-” He looked to the pony “-tell us how bad the wound is. I may not be able to fight completely freely, but I can do much more to prevent another such blow.”

The pony chewed on her lip for a moment, then shrugged, glancing at Aquila.

“It near bit to the bone. This human here is a skinny thing, and don’t have much muscle to cut through. Ya managed to do it just right Princess. Little harder and it’d take more’n a little magic to heal.”

Aquila clicked her tongue, then smiled at Kathranis.

“Well, at least it shows I’m not nearly as incapable as Deyenidal thinks I am.”

Kathranis could see her fishing for comfort, and decided to offer a slight compliment to ease the worry he could see hidden in her eyes.

“I have no doubts you are quite the warrior when fully let loose, Princess.”

“Flattery does you plenty of good with me, Shadowsong,” Aquila purred. “Especially given that’s my first real hit on you.”

“My nose begs to differ.”

Aquila looked like she wanted to say something, even went so far as to begin leaning in, but she evidently thought better of it, merely smiling and mumbling;

“In a moment perhaps.”

She stepped away, sending Kathranis one last wink before skipping over to Deyenidal, who stood waiting with a roll of bandages in her talons. She bandaged the cut on Aquila’s sword arm and whispered in her ear, with Aquila whispering back, her gaze finally breaking from Kathranis. For his part, Kathranis had to simply stand in place, waiting as the unicorn did her good work. He heard excited chatter from the crowd, with his elves animatedly talking to the gryphons around them, no doubt exchanging stories of their own exploits. Kathranis sent a mental message to Secil, and the cat slipped into the arena, clamping his jaws around the hilt of Huron’s sword before dragging it back to the elf. Kathranis chuckled as the elder elf scowled at the blade, chuckled even more when Secil settled in his lap as soon as he took the sword. He swore he could hear loud purring as Huron tried to subtly get the cat to move, but Secil had found his chose seat, and settled right in, flopping down in the middle of Huron’s crossed legs.

“Done,” the pony said, drawing Kathranis’ eyes. He looked to his arm to find it completely healed, not leaving so much as a scar. He smiled and touched the area.

“Thank you, healer. Your work is fast and impeccable.”

The pony smiled and nodded.

“Thank you kindly Master Shadowsong, always nice to get a bit of thanks.” She chuckled. “Sure beats healing the warts on cows.” She patted his arm. “You’re good to fight, make sure to win. That salt-licker Winter Snow bet against you, and the moon be damned if I lose to him again.”

Kathranis jumped as she slapped his rump, then trotted toward the side. He did his best not to rub the spot, instead looking across the arena toward Aquila. As he drew his scimitars, he had a feeling that this would be the last phase of the duel. Perhaps it was the chill breeze sending shivers down his spine, or perhaps it was the setting afternoon sun, still causing him to sweat. After a brief moment of pondering, Kathranis realized that it was something entirely different; it was the look in Aquila’s eyes. She wanted the duel over, wanted… something else. There was certainly intention in her gaze, and he felt no reason to delay it any longer.

Kathranis was the one to run into an attack this time. He used both swords to bat aside Aquila’s lashing out with his right foot as soon as her blade was pointed down. She grunted as he kicked her midsection, but she didn’t curl into the blow, instead powering through to shove him back with her shield. Her sword escaped his, and she swiped at his neck. Kathranis tilted his head to avoid the strike, slashing at her sword arm with his right blade, then cutting toward her belly with his left. Aquila sucked in her stomach to avoid the attack, and used her armored wing to block the other.

Kathranis didn’t let up the pressure. He felt a touch of song rising in his chest, but did his best to hold back. It wasn’t the proper place for battlesong, especially given how dangerous could be for anyone he called opponent. He did hum though, and that helped him fall into a smooth attack pace that the gryphoness, with all her speed, couldn’t hope to match. One blade came across and was picked off, but the other slid past Aquila’s defenses, scratching the side of her chest just beneath her armpit. Kathranis spun about and flipped his grip on his scimitar. The blade ran parrallel to his spine, and it allowed Aquila’s blade to simply graze across it while he attacked with the other, cutting the straps of the armor on her thigh.

Kathranis then stomped on one of Aquila’s armored feet, startling her more than harming her, and as her wings drew back to flap, he pressed forward, running his scimitar blade across the straps of her shield. The enchanted steel cut easily through the leather, and the heavy thing dropped away, unbalancing the gryphoness. She stumbled back, lashing out with her blade in a sloppy attempt to drive him away. Kathranis caught the arm and smacked her fingers with the flat of his blade, forcing her to release it. A punch from her shield arm gave him the perfect opportunity, and time slowed for the elf his as mouth opened, threatening to let his song loose.

In a smooth move, Kathranis sheathed both of his scimitars, then grabbed the punching arm. He noticed Aquila’s eyes widen as he used her momentum to flip her over his shoulder. As soon as she hit the ground, Kathranis was on top of her, straddling her chest wide enough to pin her wings with his knees. Kathranis grabbed the dagger from his other boot and gently rested it against her throat with a smile.

“Yield Princess,” Kathranis said. “I’ve won.”

Secil groaned in his mind.

‘What happened to the draw cub?’

“Oh yeah?” Aquila challenged, her smile just as wide, if not wider.

‘She fought well, but she would have been insulted had I intentionally thrown,’ Kathranis thought in reply to his familiar. ‘She wanted to see me fight, I have delivered. If you could see her grin, you’d unders-’

Kathranis was startled at first, a sentiment echoed by the watching crowd as the air filled with gasps, and even cries of what he imagined was alarm. He melted quickly however, the grip on his dagger loosening as Aquila grabbed his armor to pull him deeper into the kiss. Kathranis couldn’t help but savor the lip-like softness of her beak, couldn’t help but love how warm, how ferocious the kiss was.

‘Gods,’ he thought. ‘Is this what Huron’s been up to all those years?’

He knew this was different though, even as the thought passed through his mind. This wasn’t some cheap beer-house fling, this was real, true, and beautiful, lo-

With a yank on his air, Aquila flipped their positions and pinned his arms. A knife, his knife, pressed against his throat, and she crowed in the air.

“Now who’s the winner?”

Kathranis stared at her in disbelief, and… pain. Unimaginable pain. Cheers and groans filled the air as Dranidal called the match in Aquila’s favor. Aquila stood, offering him her hand. Though the warmth in his heart felt crushed, Kathranis accepted it, mumbling a word of thanks as she pulled him to his feet. Aquila passed him his dagger, then as he moved to step away, she yanked him into a hug, her breath hot in his ear.

“I’ll give you another one later for being a good sport Shadowsong,” she whispered. She giggled, then added; “or maybe I’ll give you another one just because I like you.”

She nipped his ear lightly before pulling away, leaving Kathranis confused and rocking in place. The gryphoness winked at him a strutted away, waggling her hips for a few steps before flapping forward and into the arms of Deyenidal. Not wanting to look a fool, Kathranis sheathed his dagger away, looking idly about for the other one as his thoughts struggled to process.

A shadow fell over him, and Kathranis looked up to find Zefuris holding the hilt of the blade, a dark scowl on his face. His brown eyes attempted to stare into Kathranis’ soul for a long few seconds, then he flipped the dagger, offering the hilt.

“We will go to the throne room, now.”

The growl was an order, not an invitation, but Kathranis didn’t have the energy left to contest it, merely sighed and nodded, sheathing the second knife. He heard footsteps behind him, glanced back to find Valan fast approaching, but Zefuris’ glare switched to him, fixing him in place.


Valan flinched under the force of the word, but it brought a smile to Kathranis’ face when the gryphon still had enough courage to look to him for actual permission not to attend. Kathranis gave the gryphon a nod.

“Could you work with Aquila to arrange that tutor for me? I have a feeling I’ll need one sooner, rather than later.”

Valan nodded, his eyes flicking to Zefuris for a second before taking to the air, flapping toward the crowd that had gathered around his sister. Zefuris watched him go, then looked to Kathranis, the same scowl still present on his beak.

“Follow. Say nothing until we meet with the king.”

He then strode toward the castle, and with only the slightest of hesitation to glance toward Aquila, Kathranis followed with a sigh.