• Published 12th Nov 2019
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The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Link's Awakening. - Ganondorf8

The legend continues as Sunset Shimmer explores the mysterious Koholint Island.

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Chapter 28: A Sword Like No Other.

Author's Note:

Disclaimer: I do not own anything regarding the Legend of Zelda, the Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and My Little Pony: Equestria Girls. These are the properties of Nintendo and Hasbro respectively.

Well... She was going to get it eventually.

Cast of characters appearing in this chapter:

Sunset Shimmer: Link
Princess Twilight Sparkle: Fairy Partner
Grogar: Dethl
Adagio Dazzle: Great Fairy
Ember: Owner of the Trendy Game Shop
Discord: Ulrira
Zecora: Dampé

The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Link's Awakening.
By Ganondorf8.
March 20, 2021.
Chapter 28: A Sword Like No Other.

The princesses had certainly given me a lot to think about considering all three decided to show up and offer me advice upon completing the Eagle's Tower. As there was so much of it to take in all at once, I chose to focus on what each one said so as to not feel too overwhelmed. Some of what they said wasn't all that bad since I had clearly faced far worse, but other things were pretty dire and required my utmost attention. I wasn't surprised by all this if I had to be honest as the final hurdle in a video game was meant to be challenging. Besides, I should've been used to this given previous adventures.

Princess Celestia didn't get to say much but what she did say had to do with something that would occur in the final dungeon. I needed to find something that could melt ice which she called the burning flame. Cryptic clues always was her favourite thing to rely on whenever I needed help with something... Back then, it was a rare occurrence for me to ask for her help given what my past was like. These days, I have Princess Twilight to help me with that. She also mentioned one of them would appear at the end of the final dungeon and would be one both Her Highness and I had a common connection with.

By that admission, the obvious choice had to be Celestia herself. Then again, both Princess Luna and Princess Cadance had their connections to us. Speaking of Luna, she was the one who arguably had the most information regarding the final dungeon. She said something about besting those I had already faced. Since I knew that Nightmares when defeated couldn't return unless it was a clone as seen when I saw what Zecora had to offer, the only option left was... Oh no!

I had enough problems fighting the likes of the Hinox and the Dodongo Snakes from the previous dungeons, but to fight those and quite possibly the rest? I hadn't even set foot in the final dungeon and already I was dreading what it was going to be like. Then there was what Princess Twilight said about such monsters being able to re-spawn much like how the regular monsters operated. It didn't happen in the Eagle's Tower but if it did in this last dungeon, I hoped my fighting abilities were up to snuff otherwise I was as good as dead. On another note with Luna, she brought up the Secret Seashells.

To get the ultimate weapon as Adagio mentioned, I needed at least twenty Secret Seashells despite my plea for wanting to be at fifteen. I had eighteen on me so I needed to find at least two more out there. Going to the final dungeon right now was tempting but having a stronger weapon beforehand would improve my chances of survival. Finally, Princess Cadance gave me the clue as to the location of the final dungeon. Unfortunately, she couldn't give me the location which did limit my options, but she said that the Ocarina and its music would lead.

Lead? Lead me to where? I wished she could've said some kind of location so as to give me a place to check out. Then again, perhaps it wasn't as confusing as I made it out to be. I had explored much of Koholint Island with the exception of the west side of the Tal Tal Mountains. If the final dungeon was in that direction, it had to be guarded pretty well not to mention hidden as why else have it over there? Also, there were those flames which required the Mirror Shield in order to overcome them. Without that shield... Such a thought made me uneasy.

Finally, there was Starlight Glimmer and what she said about wanting to go to the mountains. Sure, there was nothing wrong with doing that... Unless you were oblivious to the fact that such a place had monsters everywhere. My heart wanted me to help her out first before doing anything else, but without knowing where she had gone exactly, I could end up getting in way over my head or worse. Oh yes! Princess Cadance said I needed Discord. He had always guided me to where I needed to go and hopefully this trend would continue.

"You've been thinking for quite some time, Sunset." Princess Twilight said.

"Huh? What?" I responded upon realizing that I zoned out.

"I'm sure I know what's on your mind."

"Do you now?"

Princess Twilight took a deep breath before answering. "You've been thinking about what each of the princesses have told you about the final dungeon, where you stand on certain collectible items, and needing Discord's help in order to find out where this dungeon is. Also, you've been worried about Starlight since she did say she was going to the mountains and you happen to be going through them yourself. Did I miss out on anything or was I pretty accurate in my assessment?"

I had no idea how she always did it but Her Highness had me dead to rights on everything. "Yeah... I have been thinking about all that."

Nodding, Princess Twilight floated out in front of me. "The way I see it, you need to handle all this one step at a time or it'll just bog you down. For starters, Starlight is most likely okay. From what I've seen on this adventure, certain events don't occur until you either complete a dungeon or encounter said event. Until you encounter her, nothing bad will happen so you don't need to focus on her until the time comes. Now, in terms of reaching the final dungeon, contacting Discord is a good idea as he hasn't been wrong about things before."

"How do you think he knows so much?"

"Who? Discord?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Your guess is as good as mine."

That made me frown. "Not the answer I was expecting from you."

Princess Twilight shrugged. "Suffice to say, he is going to be very helpful in determining where the dungeon is. Now, I'm certain you figured out that you need to explore the western most area of the Tal Tal Mountains as it's the only part of the map you haven't seen yet." It was like she could read my mind or something which made me feel inadequate but I wasn't about to complain since I had other things on my mind. "But, I know what's important right now, and that's getting the ultimate weapon."

Okay, I changed my mind on the complaining. "Okay! How do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Not to me it isn't."

Sighing, Princess Twilight then blushed afterwards. "I've known you for a long time, Sunset, to the point where I can tell what your reactions will be. Princess Luna said that the final dungeon would feature those you have defeated before and it was pretty obvious that she meant all those monsters who guarded dungeon items or impeded your progress. Having a very powerful weapon can make short work of such monsters."

"It would be in my best interest to collect a couple more Secret Seashells, right?" I asked. Princess Twilight nodded in response and I raised my hands. "Yeah... It would be great having such a weapon since I have been talking about it here and there for a while now and have been collecting those shells. It's just that since we're almost at the end, going out of my way to complete sidequests would merely be prolonging things." I had nothing against them personally as it granted me rewards upon completing them, but I felt more compelled towards finishing things. "Do I sound stupid?"

Princess Twilight shook her head. "Not at all! You have certain priorities you want to see fulfilled and right now your current one is completing this adventure. I get that, I really do, and it makes you more remarkable. However, sometimes, going out of the way to do something can make what comes later much easier. Surely you remember doing something like this in the last adventure? Actually, more like several things."

Once again, Her Highness got me to think about a previous journey. There were those masks, getting a stronger sword, getting larger wallets, and a few other things which I couldn't exactly recall. All that involved going off the beaten path which did take time, but in the end it proved invaluable since it enabled me to progress more easily. "Okay, you've twisted my arm. It wouldn't really hurt for me to get that ultimate weapon."

"You really want it don't you?"

I nodded profusely. "Am I that obvious?"

"Yes and it's a good thing."

The only drawback when it came to finding the Secret Seashells I needed was where they were going to be located. As I said, I had eighteen of them so there were eighteen places I could no longer search. In addition, I had no idea how many there were in total. Adagio never did mention how many there were but then again, it was a question I never asked so the fault there was clearly mine. It also depended on which two she would suggest since she had a penchant for wanting to give me hints based on her own whims.

Taking out the ocarina, I gazed at it and thought about what Princess Cadance said about music again. One of the three songs would lead me to the final dungeon. Manbo's Mambo was most likely not it as it was a song with utility as opposed to helping me progress. That left the other two which neither had really been used. Between them both, I felt the song I learned from Autumn Blaze (Both Mamu and Manbo were her so the former in this case), the Frog Song of Soul was necessary but until I knew for certain from Discord, I was merely guessing and at this stage, a guess could prove risky.

Playing Manbo's Mambo, I focused on the warp panel that was next to the Seashell Mansion. Before warping, there was something I just remembered. In order to get to the western most area of the Tal Tal Mountains, it required heading west from the Eagle's Tower. Upon going back up there, I needed to do some slight backtracking as the warp panel in question was located in front of a cave and not the tower itself. Oh well. At least it wasn't too bad otherwise I'd be completely unhappy about it.

Disappearing and then reappearing moments later at my intended destination, I entered the Seashell Mansion before any of the Moblins knew I was there. Upon standing on the platform that determined how many shells I had, the green bar began filling up before stopping just slightly short of the top. I felt discouraged upon seeing that but it would only strengthen my resolve towards getting that weapon. Adagio Dazzle then appeared before me, her gentle smile reminding me just how different this version was compared to the original.

"Welcome back, child." Adagio said warmly. "I see that you have managed to find more Secret Seashells."

"It's all thanks to that sensor you gave me."

Adagio then flicked her flowing gown as a sign of being truly happy before her wings began flapping quickly. "Yes, the Seashell Sensor has proven itself to be very helpful to you in finding them. I was wise to have given it to you much sooner than expected. Normally, you would have needed to come here with twenty shells but upon seeing your honesty, I couldn't help but bend the rules in your favour. However, know that I cannot do so again and so the proper requirement is needed in order to obtain the ultimate weapon."

"How many seashells do I need?"

"There are fifty Secret Seashells hidden across this island." Adagio answered. Fifty!? Was she serious!? She had to be considering she was the Great Fairy and all! And here I was with a pitiful eighteen. "You need not find them all for that is a task most would find insurmountable but collecting many should be what you strive to achieve. You need only four more in order to obtain that which I have promised. In truth, I'd have asked for about forty but time is against you. The dark forces are growing ever stronger and must be defeated now before they consume everything."

"So I need twenty-two in total?"

"A strange number for you it seems."

"Can I make it twenty-four?"

I thought that would confuse Adagio but instead she smiled. "Very well, child." No doubt Princess Twilight was thinking I had no idea how to haggle but I figured why not truly earn this weapon instead of it being handed over. Adagio then began using her magic in order to give me hints on where six shells were located across Koholint Island. "At this point of your journey, you have the means to reach any and all places. As such, what I shall share with you will not be deemed an impossibility. The only thing that can stop you is self-doubt."

"What hints can you give me?"

"There are four Secret Seashells in Mabe Village." Adagio answered. Princess Twilight nodded and said she would make a note of these in case I forgot. "One can be found inside of a place where you first began trading things around to obtain a special piece of glass. The other two can be acquired by doing some fishing. Fish not for the regular kind but rather the more unique ones instead. I see another one located where you can take part in specialized dungeons designed for a true warrior. If you ask the one who creates such challenges about a shell, she will give you the appropriate task in return."

I wasn't liking these choices so far. "Any other ones besides these six?"

Adagio smiled. "I can give you some flexibility. The first hint I gave you can also be applied for a second one located in the same place. I can see another one hiding in a tree near where you found your first instrument. Perhaps some speed can help in getting it to appear. Another shell can be found on a small island to the right of where the third instrument was once held but requires swimming." She then paused which made me think she weakening from using too much power. "Many shells can be found by digging though I cannot give you the exact locations."

"Is that all you can see?"

"She shook her head. "I can see one more Secret Seashell. However, it is located in a place that you have not yet reached. It can be found to the right of where you are destined to find the final instrument."

Okay, that was one I couldn't access for the time being which made me wonder why she even brought it up to begin with. As for the locations of the other shells, this is what I figured out based on her hints. Two were found at a fishing pond in Mabe Village. I knew about it but never paid a visit as I didn't think going fishing was important but apparently there now was a reason to try it. The Trendy Game also had two shells which served as prizes for playing. Hopefully, Ember would be in a good mood as I hadn't visited and played her game in practically forever at that point.

Lastly, Zecora had one which was perhaps the one thing I wasn't very keen on regarding Adagio's hints. It wasn't Zecora herself I had an issue with but rather her custom dungeons and the concept behind them. When I lasted saw her, she only had knowledge of the first two dungeons I had seen on my adventure. Now, she had knowledge of eight which included everything I saw in each one. Just thinking about going through an even more complex customization made me shiver.

"Okay, I think my friend here can remember all of that."

"Would you prefer to just bring me twenty-two?"

"I do want to earn this weapon you know."

That made Adagio laugh which I didn't expect this version of her was capable of. "You have more than proven yourself worthy, child. The way I see it, you are trying to place a huge burden upon yourself which is something you don't need. After all, you still have a great challenge coming that shall truly test your skills to their utmost limit. Such a resolve is strong but misguided so allow me to provide a proposal? Continue collecting Secret Seashells as before, but if I determine you have collected enough, I shall use the Seashell Sensor to contact you and ask that you come here."

Before I agreed to anything, I couldn't help but hear what she said about the final dungeon. "What do you know about the final dungeon?"

"Most of what I know you shall discover on your own."

"Is there anything you can tell me?"

"Fire is the key to defeating fire."

That made no sense at all! Since when could fire defeat itself? I tried asking her if she could rephrase that but she refused saying she couldn't explain further apart from saying her words would ring true once I saw it for myself. She was a lot like Princess Celestia what with using cryptic clues to explain something. Knowing I couldn't win, I decided to drop the subject. I hoped she had told me something of great importance otherwise I could get roasted... No pun intended there.

As for her proposal, it turned out it wasn't even one. She said that she would know when I had gotten enough Secret Seashells to earn the ultimate weapon. In that sense, she should've just given it to me when I collected fifteen of them rather than make me go after twenty. It felt like she was turning my own ideals against me. Why call it a proposal when it was in fact a command that she issued because she felt like it? Sighing, I realized it was unwise to argue with her. As a Great Fairy, she possessed powers that put my own to shame. Who knew what could happen if I got her angry.

"Fine!" I said after caving in. "I'll do as you say."

Adagio smiled. "I knew you would see things my way, child."

Not from where I was standing but again, I didn't want to push my luck. "Guess I'll be seeing you later on."

"You have what it takes to fulfill your destiny." Adagio said as she started to disappear. "Remember that you can never be defeated so long as you stay true to yourself. Never allow the evil of this island to consume you." As she disappeared entirely, it looked like she was trying to say something else but had gone before she could. Whatever it was, I wasn't going to be hearing it any time soon.

I then turned to Princess Twilight. "What did you make from all of that?"

"You have a lot of places you can go in order to obtain the remaining Secret Seashells." Princess Twilight answered. "I do agree that Adagio was being unfair with how she worded her information about fire defeating fire. In addition, it feels like she is just stringing you along when it comes to collecting those shells. But, her power is very real and the ultimate weapon she has promised is no lie."

"How do you know that?"

Princess Twilight pointed at her wings and then her overall body. "I'm a fairy in this world, Sunset. I have a connection to the Great Fairy so I know Adagio is honest. I guess you could say she is testing you to determine how worthy you are of wielding this weapon. Most who acquire power end up becoming corrupted by it."

"I'm not one of those people."

"I know that and you know that, but Adagio wants to know that for herself."

"So what should I do?"

"Collect those Secret Seashells until she says you are worthy." Princess Twilight answered. She then changed the subject towards where I needed to go. "Since I know you're not fond of going back to see Zecora, you might as well go back to Mabe Village and pick up the four seashells there. You can even spend the night by staying in Starlight and Sunburst's place rather than sleeping outside."

"It's a plan then."



"I'm sure you know what has happened, my master."

"Yes... We sensed it the moment the final blow was struck."

"The Grim Creeper proved to be useless in the end just as you said she would."

"Not only was she defeated but the Evil Eagle as well. "We, Dethl, are most displeased by these recent turn of events!"

"It was her temperament that got her destroyed by the Outsider."

Grogar nodded. "Had she been more calm and reserved, she would have had a small chance." He then sighed knowing his words didn't matter at that point. "Even had she remained calm and focused on the task at hand, fate was clearly against her. Time and again, we have underestimated the Outsider. We believed she would fall from the start and now she has but one instrument remaining. You... You are the only remaining Nightmare who serves us faithfully."

Hot Head nodded slowly. "Yes... I had a feeling that she was going to be coming after it. All this time, I believed she wasn't even going to make it past the likes of Moldorm given she looked so weak, but here we are with her on the doorsteps of the final dungeon. Had you been better served by stronger Nightmares, we wouldn't be in this position and your dominion wouldn't be threatened."

"Power is not the source of her strength."

"Then what is?"

"She believes in herself and follows the path of justice." Grogar answered. It seemed he was pained in saying such words but he knew them to be true. "While she has used some power to overcome the Nightmares, it is small compared to what she has dwelling inside of her." He then turned to Hot Head who had been listening the entire time before giving him a sinister smile. "Hot Head... Despite our previous thoughts about you and how we believed you were against us, we realized our fault belonged to us."


Grogar waved his hand. "You are the strongest Nightmare next to us... And the most loyal. That loyalty never wavered even for an instant. To you, our servant, you have been given the strongest of blessings." He then started speaking sadly again which would confuse anyone as he looked like he was experiencing a few mood swings. "However, we can see what the future holds... You shall succumb to the same fate which has defeated the other Nightmares."

That made Hot Head shocked. "What!?"

"Unless you can defy destiny, the Outsider will destroy you."

Hot Head began burning with anger which Grogar had to cover his eyes from. "Master! I shall do everything in my power to finish off the Outsider for good! Even if it means sacrificing myself in the process. You made me your servant and I shall fulfill my obligation to you! Should I perish, know that I gave it everything! Unlike the others, I am not doing this to curry favour with you. I do this because the sleeper cannot be allowed to waken otherwise we all fade away forever."

"Our world must remain no matter the cost."

That's when Hot Head had a thought. "Should I fall to the Outsider, what will you do, master?"

"We shall wait for her here!"

"You intend to fight her?"

Grogar nodded. "In order to awaken the Wind Fish, the Outsider must use the Eight Instruments of the Sirens upon its egg in order to open it. While most creatures believe the egg to be nothing more than a landmark, we know that is in fact its prison where it has remained asleep ever since we appeared. Within is a maze where unless you know the solution, you will wander about for eternity until you succumb from madness. Upon getting through the maze, there is nothing but darkness, our sanctum. Once the Outsider reaches us... Nothing she has can save her from the fate which awaits."

"Does she know the solution to the maze?"

Grogar was initially silent but then lowered his head and looked slightly pale. "She... She is aware of where she needs to go and what to use in order to know the solution. The information was given to her by one of the Spirit Princesses who have been guiding her from the very beginning." He looked at Hot Head and shook his head. "Once she has acquired the final instrument, she will go and discover how to reach this sanctum. Until she has all eight, such knowledge is useless to her."

"Then I must stop her."

"Destiny is against you."

"I don't care, master!"

"You know that failure is your own destruction, yes?"

Hot Head nodded. "I know the price I must pay for failing, my master! Like I said, I am willing to pay such a price should the Outsider defeat me. But... I am going to defy destiny and ensure she dies! This is my promise!"


Leaving the Seashell Mansion, I played Manbo's Mambo again and focused on the warp panel located just outside of Mabe Village. Warping away and then reappearing moments later, a thought then crossed my mind. I could call Discord right away and ask him what he knew about the final dungeon. Sure, I wasn't going there right away but it couldn't hurt to ask him now in case I forgot about it later. Then again, getting those Secret Seashells was important and I could call him after being finished with Ember. I hoped she wasn't upset over how I hadn't come by and given her my rupees.

Heading left, I picked up a boulder and tossed it aside before entering Mabe Village proper. Nothing had changed since my last visit which made me feel uneasy. After all, I had revived the Flying Rooster yet no one seemed to have batted an eye. Not only that, Starlight had left the village to go to the Tal Tal Mountains. You'd think people would be running around trying to figure out what was going on, but instead it was peaceful as it had always been since those Moblins came by and kidnapped Bow-Wow earlier in my adventure. Maybe it was best if I didn't understand them.

Choosing to go to the telephone booth, I walked towards it and was expecting something to happen, but there was nothing. I then rubbed my head. Yeah... I really need to stop being so paranoid just because things had changed since being here last. I just had to accept that it was how this video game world liked changing things to make sure nothing remained the same as that would be boring. It showed progression as a natural occurrence rather than being forced. Entering the telephone booth and picking up the receiver, I waited for Discord to pick up on the other end.


"D'oh ho ho! This is Ulrira speaking once again!" Discord said on the other end.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

That caught Discord by surprise. "You want to ask me a question? Sure, I can answer one for you. I mean, I was expecting you to ask me something as you usually do whenever you call me, but you usually say something else first before getting to it. I guess I'm just used to you doing things a certain way but pay me no mind."

"Um... My question?"

"Oh yes! Of course!"

"I'm looking for a dungeon."

I wasn't expecting him to understand what I meant but once again he proved me wrong. "I have seen many strange things on this island during my life time, but the strangest sight has to be Turtle Rock located in the western most part of the Tal Tal Mountains. You might not believe me but the entrance to this place is being blocked by something most unusual that definitely stands out. I've forgotten what that something is but maybe I'll remember it one day."

My reaction to that was mixed. On the one hand, I now had a name for this dungeon... Turtle Rock. On the other, how could he have forgotten such an important detail? Was he beginning to suffer from memory loss due to his age? Or perhaps it was the world's intention for me to not know straight away. I chose to ignore the latter as I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable. Instead, I figured he would know the exactly route to get there. "Do you know how I can get to this Turtle Rock? It's very important."

"You would need to head west past the Flame Cave."

"Flame Cave?"

"It's a cave that's known for spewing flames." Discord laughed in response to my question though I wasn't trying to make it funny. I knew about this cave some time ago in that I needed to use the Mirror Shield in order to get past it but now I knew it was essential. "Unless you can bounce back the flames, you'll become sizzled like a sausage." He laughed again though this time he wasn't wrong. Luckily, I wouldn't have a problem. "Once you've gotten past the Flame Cave, there's still a ways to go before reaching Turtle Rock."

"I'm sure I can manage."

That's when he changed the subject to Secret Seashells which caught me by surprise. "By the way, are your enemies getting too strong for you? I've heard that you've been taking quite a beating as of late."

"How did you know?" I asked in utter shock.

"I have my ways of finding out." Discord answered. Unless he had been spying on me or somehow had access to his chaotic magic, he had simply made a lucky guess which was very close to home for me. "Anyway, if they are, then you better collect all those Secret Seashells. I'm not sure what will happen when you get enough of them but hopefully it will be a rewarding experience that also makes you stronger. On a different note, I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you more about Turtle Rock. It's so strange that I can't seem to remember what was blocking it."

"Do you think you'll remember?"

"I will eventually, d'oh ho ho!" I hoped that he would as he was the only one who knew the answer. "You can figure things out from here so I'll let you get to it. Just believe in yourself and do your best."


Putting the phone back on the receiver, I had mixed feelings regarding what Discord had told me. Again, I was upset that he couldn't remember what this Turtle Rock looked like though I was starting to get an idea myself. The name was a dead giveaway but that only explained the exterior of the dungeon. The interior was an entirely different beast and one that was beyond his understanding. At least he remembered where I had to go so my conversation wasn't a total loss. Now I just needed to complete all these small errands so I could focus on what he told me.

Leaving the telephone booth, I walked to the right and entered the Trendy Game shop. Right away, I could see one of the Secret Seashells I needed. If I remembered how this game worked, it required having a lot of dexterity and quite a bit of money though maybe I could get lucky and succeed on my first attempt. Knowing me, it was going to take several tries at the bare minimum. Good thing money wasn't an issue as it often had been because of having a lot on my person. Looking around, I couldn't see Ember which made me think she was either out or doing something in the back room.

My question was answered when she came out of the back room. "Huh? Well, well, well... Look who decided to come here for the first time in forever!" Ember said upon seeing me and making her way over to the counter. "Business around here has been pretty bad what with you not coming here and instead spending your money over at the Item Shop. Yeah, I know you've been buying stuff there and making the owner a small fortune in the process."

"It's just that the Item Shop has more value for me."

That made Ember upset. "No one seems to appreciate the kind of business I have to offer."

"Well... Your game can be pretty challenging."

"What!?" Ember slammed both hands down on the counter. "Are you kidding me!? What about that girl, Marin, who you brought with you the last time you came here? She was able to succeed on her very first attempt despite not knowing what she was supposed to be doing. And yes, I've gotten over how she hooked me instead of a prize! Calling my game challenging is an insult. Sure, I don't want people to win that easily but I take pride knowing I provide such wonderful entertainment for the people of this village."

I never knew she was so touchy. "Anyway... I came here in order to win something."

"Did you now?" I could tell she was being sarcastic with me. "And what pray tell do you aim on winning?"

I pointed to the Secret Seashell. "I need to win that seashell you have. In fact, I need to win both shells. I know they're not the most important prizes you have on display but I really need them for something very important."

Looking at the seashell, Ember then looked back at me with a surprised look on her face. "Seriously? You want to win a seashell? I found it on the beach some time ago and decided it would make for a cool gift for someone who's trying this out for the first time." She was finding it hard to believe that among all her prizes, what interested me more than any other was an ordinary seashell, or rather ordinary to the likes of her. "I was expecting you wanting to win one of these custom dungeon pieces since you look like an adventurer. A seashell? Forgive me but are you completely nuts?"

"I'll pay you money."

"On second thought..."

Saying it like that made me feel pretty sleazy but it was the only way I could get her to take me seriously. After all, this wasn't my first time dealing with someone like her. "Since I want to win both seashells, how about I pay you twice as much for the entry fee? In return, you will give me both seashells if I grab the one already on display. It's a win-win for you as you get more rupees from me."

"That's true." Ember said though she was clearly having second thoughts. "Then again, you could win on your first attempt and all I get are just forty rupees. I know those seashells aren't worth much but it's the principle of the thing." She then began thinking about my idea and for a moment, I thought she wasn't going to go along with it, but to my surprise, she conceded and nodded. "Okay, you've got a deal! That will be forty rupees per entry but only for the seashell. It will be twenty rupees for anything else."

With her hand stretched out as if to say that she wanted her money straight away, I reached for my wallet, took it out, and removed forty rupees from it before handing them over. She then asked if I needed a reminder on how this game worked and I said yes. She rolled her eyes knowing I would need another explanation but chose not to make a big deal out of it. After going through the rules, she said I could take as much time as necessary in order to get my prize. The Secret Seashell in question was located in the middle stuck in-between a purple rupee and a custom dungeon piece.

Operating the crane, it slowly moved over towards the target before I lowered it in order to secure the shell. My luck with this game was never that good and once again it showed once I began to lift it up. I felt dejected as the shell dropped and landed with a soft thud. As the crane then moved back to its original position, I could see Ember gloating out of the corner of my eye knowing I had failed. Asking me for another forty rupees, I reached into my wallet, took them out, and tossed them her way where she caught them. Trying again using the same strategy, I got the crane to snag the shell and it began to lift up only to drop again.

This was going to be one of those days. Paying another forty rupees, I tried the same strategy a third time (There actually wasn't much of one considering how basic this game was) only to fail again. Paying Ember yet again, I decided a different method was needed... Closing my eyes and hoping for a miracle. Moving the crane along without looking, I allowed it to drop and secure a prize, and when it had grabbed on, it lifted up and moved along before being dropped on the small conveyor belt where I opened my eyes... And discovered that instead of a seashell, it was the custom dungeon piece.

Ember decided to let me have that prize despite the stipulation and asked me for another forty rupees. I had no idea how many I had left considering I did spend 300 rupees when I encountered Autumn Blaze. Paying her and trying for the fifth time, the result was the same as the first three attempts which made me think this game was rigged to ensure only certain prizes were winnable. No... I couldn't think of it like that. Ember said she didn't want this to be easy so to call it rigged would be like stabbing a knife through her heart. It was probably just me being unlucky.

After paying for the sixth time, I went back to the first method and to my shock, the crane was able to pull up the seashell and drag it over to the conveyor belt before dropping it down where it stopped right next to that custom dungeon piece I won a few minutes ago. Really? After all those attempts where it dropped, I finally succeeded!? Looking up at the crane itself, it was pretty worn out as though no one had bothered to get either a replacement or get it fixed. Ember really ought to get on that just in case someone accuses her of having a rigged game.

Speaking of Ember, she congratulated me. "How about that? It took you six attempts but you managed to get that seashell you wanted. Was it worth paying me 240 rupees? Maybe, but it's not my business to pry into the inner thoughts of a customer. As for me, I can use those rupees and have the crane fixed. I've been meaning to get on that but you know how expensive things can get."

I didn't want to respond to that so instead I inquired about my full prize. "What about my second seashell?"

"Oh right!" Ember quickly walked into the back room and the sounds of items being thrown about could be heard. If Rarity were here with me, she'd have been appalled at hearing such a racket. After a couple of minutes, Ember came back out and held another Secret Seashell. I could tell that it was the real thing as the Seashell Sensor made a sound. "Huh? What was that?" I responded by saying it was just a timer I had to help me know what time it was which was enough for her to my relief. "Okay, but make sure you don't have it too loud. I've got sensitive ears."

I knew that wasn't the truth but she didn't need to know my business as she herself stated. "That gives me twenty seashells in my collection!" While I did have enough to get the ultimate weapon from Adagio, I said that I wanted a challenge and would bring twenty-four of them instead.

"Really?" Ember asked sarcastically. "You have a collection of seashells?"

"Is that a problem?"

"Nah! Everyone has their own weird hobbies."

I frowned but made sure she didn't see it. I then changed the subject. "Now that I've also won one of these custom dungeon pieces, what do I do with it?" I picked it up and could see there was a picture of a room which came from a dungeon though I couldn't tell from which one.

"You know of Dampé, right?" Ember asked. I nodded and she smiled. "Good! Now we're getting somewhere. She lives on her own at the base of the Tal Tal Mountains..." She then realized that was information I already knew about so she skipped to the more important information. "Anyway, that custom dungeon piece can let someone add a new room to the dungeon of their creation. Why anyone would want to make a custom dungeon is beyond me but apparently she says there are enthusiasts who love this stuff."

"And you think I'm one of them?"

"Don't know and don't care."

"Okay then."

Ember then sighed and went back over to the counter. "Guess this means you won't be coming here anymore after this. I suppose it can't be helped. I got plenty of rupees from this deal you made with me so thanks for that. As for that custom dungeon piece, feel free to take it with you. I don't need it taking up space around here." She sighed again. "I've still got another four of those pieces in the back. Yeah... You can see how happy I am about it. At this rate, I'd be lucky to get rid of at least one let alone all of them."

Waving her head to indicate that she was finished with me, I took my leave with both Secret Seashells and the custom dungeon piece. Upon getting back outside, I took another look at the piece and was surprised at what it featured. I recognized the room from the Eagle's Tower. I shuddered considering I had only recently completed that dungeon so getting one of its rooms as a prize just made me feel unhappy. Getting this thing to Zecora would be my only means of getting rid of it as carrying it around would just remind me of how much the tower left me infuriated to no end.

Again, it wasn't Zecora who I had an issue with. It was the fact that her custom dungeons would have me go through just about anything the dungeons of this island had to offer. In my own humble opinion, there were certain challenges I never wanted to see again and yet I'd have to just to get a single Secret Seashell. Was it worth going to so much for one shell when I could find one somewhere else? No it wasn't! But, given Adagio was pretty adamant about the custom dungeons (Otherwise she wouldn't have mentioned it), I guessed it was better to just get it over with.

But... To be on the safe side, I decided to find those two seashells that were hidden next to dungeon entrances. How I never knew either of these locations for seashells existed was beyond me, yet was another reminder of my poor lack of exploring off the beaten path. Informing Princes Twilight about what I planned on doing, she nodded though cautioned me about visiting Zecora as even she knew it was necessary. As a fairy, she knew Adagio wanted me to go through another custom dungeon. And here I thought the Great Fairy was meant to be kind.

Using the Pegasus Boots in order to move about quicker, I dashed west until I crashed into the library before heading south. I could've talked to one of the children but I wasn't entirely certain they would have anything new for me. Leaving the village and then heading right via dashing, I plowed through some Octoroks until I crashed yet again (Good thing no damage occurs otherwise dashing about would be just painful) into a tree before going back the other way and then south until I reached another tree which was on its own. The sensor made its sound indicating that I had found the right tree.

"So how do I go about revealing a Secret Seashell from this tree?" I asked as I scratched my head.

"When we were here such a long time ago, you didn't have the necessary item." Princess Twilight answered.

"And what item would that be?"

"The Pegasus Boots."

I was genuinely surprised by that. "Really? I didn't think I would need to use those. I was thinking more along the lines of using the shovel and digging in front of the tree or maybe defeating a monster hiding amongst the leaves." Then a thought hit me like a lightning bolt. "Hold on a second here! Twilight? You knew about items hiding in trees?"

Princess Twilight nodded. "I figured it out long ago when I saw some apples hanging on trees throughout the island." Of course it had to be apples. What else would've tipped her off about something like that? "Dashing into a tree using the Pegasus Boots can reveal all kinds of secrets. Sometimes you can end up getting attacked by a bee and other times you'll get nothing but when you do get a reward, you just feel good about it. Oh, and the tree remains completely unharmed in case you're worried about hurting them. They are much stronger than they look."

"Are these secrets that obvious?"

"Sometimes but mostly you just have to hope you found something."

I then dashed into the tree in question and a Secret Seashell popped out from the top of it before landing on the ground. Picking it up, I now had twenty-one which was more than enough for the ultimate weapon but again, I said I would bring Adagio twenty-four. "I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut and not brag about doing this or doing that. It's a bad habit which I'm certain I got from Rainbow Dash."

That made Princess Twilight laugh. "She always did love showing off and it often got her into trouble."

"Guess she rubbed off on me pretty well."

"Yes." Princess Twilight nodded. She then brought up the other dungeon where a Secret Seashell was located near its entrance. "The other shell Adagio mentioned is one that was hidden on a small island in the water next to the Key Cavern under a single bush. You didn't have flippers with you at the time you went through that dungeon so you can go there one and pick the shell up. You will need to do some walking however."

I thought about what Her Highness just said and I understood her meaning. The Key Cavern was located in an area that was near a few warp panel locations, but the layout of the land meant I couldn't get there by simply walking along in a straight line. I had to go the long way around. It wasn't as bad as it sounded especially since I could speed up the process by using the Pegasus Boots. Where would I be without such wonderful boots in my possession (I wasn't going to kiss them or anything)? Taking out the ocarina once again, I played Manbo's Mambo and focused on the panel just east of Mabe Village.

In a matter of moments, I disappeared and then reappeared at my desired location. Princess Twilight then asked me how I planned on reaching the Key Cavern, and I told her that the best way would be going past Pothole Field. Was it the shortest route? I didn't know but it was the one I was familiar with. Using the Pegasus Boots, I dashed south whilst avoiding some monsters who were located on the other side of a row of trees before crashing into another wall. You'd think there would be brakes but I supposed it would ruin the experience for those who loved being reckless.

Heading south past the entrance to the Key Cavern, I soon reached Pothole Field which was where I encountered Tempest Shadow. I thought about dropping in for a visit to see if she would say anything new but I had this feeling she would just repeat her talk about congratulating me for finding those Golden Leaves which happened earlier during this adventure. A shame really as I thought some characters could give me new conversations and not old ones. I sighed and continued dashing along before hitting a tree and then heading up north and past the field.

Turning west, I was back at the pool of water to the right of the Key Cavern. "So what am I looking for around here?"

"Something that looks out of the ordinary."

I looked around and saw a single bush located on a small island. "Yeah... I think I know where to look." Jumping into the water, I swam across until I reached the island and climbed out before cutting the bush down just as the Seashell Sensor began making its usual sound. The Secret Seashell was located underneath where the bush had which gave me twenty-two upon picking it up. "That was a little too easy though if not for Adagio, I'd have probably forgotten all about it."

"You have to wonder how you could've found these without any help."

"Trial and error I'd wager."

Nodding, Princess Twilight agreed. "That's one of the advantages of finding things on your own without being told what to look for. You get that sense of accomplishment not to mention having both success and failure in searching about."

"Nothing wrong with a little help you know." I said as I winked.

Princess Twilight blushed. "I do what I can to ensure you're ultimately successful." She then changed the subject to the custom dungeons. "I know you don't like the idea of going through one of Zecora's dungeon challenges given how Turtle Rock is waiting for you to discover it but think about it like this. You can get in some additional experience which can help you in turn prepare for what awaits you in the final dungeon."

"You always know how to see the positives in everything."

"It's one of my responsibilities as the new ruler of Equestria."

"I just can't justify in going through a random dungeon just to get a single Secret Seashell."

"Yes... I can understand your feelings on the matter."

I then sighed. "Since the Seashell Sensor isn't reacting to let me know that Adagio wants me to return to the Seashell Mansion, it means I have no choice but to visit Zecora." While Her Highness was right about how I could get some extra experience in preparation for Turtle Rock, a part of me wasn't very keen on the idea simply because I'd be going from one to the next in a short time span. Granted. this had been the case with a few other dungeons so my point had been deemed moot. Maybe if there was an additional reward or better yet some information, then it'd be more interesting for me.

Playing Manbo's Mambo once again (I wondered if the rest of the Rainbooms would like to play a cover of this song?), I focused on the warp panel that was located next to Zecora's home at the base of the Tal Tal Mountains. Like before, a bright light engulfed me as I disappeared and then reappeared at my desired location moments later. Looking up at the sky, the sun was beginning to get close to settling down for the night. This meant I'd need to sleep at he place once I was finished with her custom dungeon. At least I'd be sleeping with a roof over my head which was how I always slept.

Walking up to and entering, I could see that nothing has changed since the last time I was here. I doubted anyone else aside from me had been here which made me feel guilty knowing she hadn't been doing much of anything as far as I could tell. Upon noticing me enter, Zecora approached me and began speaking... And I hadn't forgotten about she liked speaking with rhymes whenever possible. "You've come back to visit me in my home. For quite a while I've been here all alone. Even though it has been some time, you being here makes me mighty fine."

That wasn't an exact rhyme but I wasn't going to hold it against her. "I think you know why I'm here."

Zecora nodded. "You want to try your hand at another of my custom dungeons. I knew you had the desire for adventure. Judging from the way you look, you've had many experiences written down in the journey that can be deemed as your book. Because of this, new rooms have been added to the custom dungeon catalog. Instead of being limited to only two dungeons, you now have access to almost everything."

"I also have this." I said as I showed her the custom dungeon piece I won from the Trendy Game.

"This is a piece I do not have in my collection." Zecora said. Handing it over to her, she added it to the other pieces she had before turning back to face me. "With this additional piece, you can now add a new chamber. So... What kind of challenge do you seek? Do you want a challenge aimed at one who is strong, or one who is weak?"

Was that an insult to my abilities? I hoped not otherwise doing this really wasn't worth it. "I would like to take on one of your dungeons, but I need to ask you for a specific one on account of needing a certain reward."

"What reward do you have in mind?"

"Do you have a Secret Seashell?"

Turning around and walking over to a stack of objects I couldn't quite see clearly, Zecora began combing through them until she spotted something and took it out. Walking back over to me, she presented the seashell in question which prompted the Seashell Sensor to make a sound. "This seashell lacks colour which makes it look dour, but deep down I can sense that it possesses great power. You need this?" I nodded and she did so as well. "Normally, you would need to complete three challenges in order to obtain this seashell, but something tells me you are in quite a hurry."

"I'm sorry for asking this of you."

"Do not apologize for I shall allow you the chance to earn this seashell."


"However, you must complete a specific challenge." Zecora answered as she placed the seashell to one side. "I must ask this of you because to allow you to choose whatever you want will simply just not do. Upon finishing this task will reward you with your shell, and another reward as a bonus which is simply swell. 'Fill Up Your Hearts' is what I call this challenge and it shall become clear once you've seen its shape. It's not the largest of dungeons but it's not small either. You should find this one to be simple enough especially when you begin adding the rooms you want to use."

"It sounds romantic." I said in a sheepish manner.

"Now... Feel free to arrange the rooms in whatever order you wish."

Walking up to where I could arrange the pieces, I was surprised to see that there were a total of sixteen rooms which formed the shape of a heart. Huh... Now the name of her challenge makes sense and it's also pretty cute. After looking it over for a few minutes, I had an idea as to how I wanted to put this together. For starters, the entrance room had to be at the bottom as anywhere else would make it look weird. Apart from Turtle Rock, I could use every other dungeon barring some rooms which Zecora didn't have in her collection. Looking at what I had on hand, I began choosing my pieces.

First was the Nightmare. Looking at each one, there were some I didn't want to fight again because of how difficult they were or because of emotional turmoil. I also needed to choose one that could be fought in an actual room so that eliminated two of them right away. Eventually, I chose Slime Eye as I believed it would be an easy challenge though a part of me did consider going with Facade because of how unique it was (Not Moldorm as I already did that rematch the first time around). Placing Slime Eye's panel in the top right corner of the 'heart', I just now needed to connect the dots.

Grabbing some rooms at random, I placed them in the slots where they could be positioned. At first, it looked like I was creating some kind of monstrosity what with how many dungeons I was using, but it soon began coming together until I had finished, believing I had made it the best I could. There were six treasure chests, a single locked door, no staircases, and a few other things which were difficult to determine as to what they were. There were no strong monsters and only a few puzzles on account of wanting to get through this challenge without using up my Magic Medicine.

I then called out to Zecora. "I'm ready to go through with this challenge."

Walking up to me, she took a look at what I had designed. "Now this is certainly something to see, your creation filled with so much energy. Like before, all you need to do is make it to the end and defeat your foe. Succeed and you can take your reward and then go." Again, she wasn't rhyming correctly but I could understand what she was saying. "Anything within the chests are free to take but be careful not to make a mistake."

"Any other special conditions that need to be applied?"

"You're good to go."

"That's good."

"Take all the time you need and good luck with performing this deed."

A bright flash of light then blinded me and moments later, I was inside the dungeon I had created. Unlike before where I had two sets of dungeon rooms, I had eight which meant anything could happen. If my calculations were correct, it shouldn't take too long to complete this thing. Then again, luck wasn't exactly on good terms with me so time couldn't be trusted. The opening room ended up being taken from the Angler's Tunnel, an unusual choice but it was one I felt had some kind of appeal which would make this experience better overall.

Entering the next room, there were three doors and all of them were locked. I didn't recognize which room this was taken from, but I did recognize the Green Zols jumping around. Attacking and defeating each one with my sword opened up the doors leaving me to choose which direction to go. At the very least, a Dungeon Map was provided so it wasn't like I was going around blind. Choosing to head to the right, the next room came from Tail Cave or maybe Catfish's Maw. Some rooms pretty much blended together thus making it difficult to know which room came from what dungeon.

In any case, there were two Keese and two regular Stalfos. If I remembered, these ones had no special abilities unlike the others that did. Walking forward with my shield raised, they sprung to life before jumping backwards in order to avoid my sword. I kept moving forward forcing them to continue jumping back until they got caught in the corner where I struck both with one sword swing each. The Keese took advantage as each one managed to hit but I swung around and struck both with one hit. I couldn't underestimate any monsters as they had surprises that could, well... Surprise me.

This caused a chest to materialize which caught me by surprise. I didn't think I had placed one in this room but apparently I did. Opening it up, I took out a small key which was the only one I would find in this creation of mine. I intended for it to be that way as multiple keys would force me to backtrack. Taking out a bomb since the northern wall was cracked, I tossed it where it landed and exploded revealing the way forward. Walking through the cracked section, I entered a room from the Colour Dungeon. There were four orbs, two blue and two red, with two being on either side of the room.

It didn't take a genius to figure out the solution here. I hit the blue one to my left which changed it to red and the two red ones to blue. Then, I struck the blue orb on the top right which turned the remaining ones red. I thought this had solved things but since nothing happened, I knew I had made a mistake. Hitting the orbs by going back and forth, I eventually got them all blue which made another chest materialize. Opening the chest, it contained a red rupee. Considering how much I gave Ember, this was a good means of gaining back what I spent.

Heading to the room on my right, I entered a very familiar room. How familiar? I recognized it as the first tile room I encountered in the Face Shrine. The tiles on the ground began rising up and flung themselves at me. At least two hit me in the chest before I raised my shield in order to protect myself. "Okay, what I was thinking choosing a room like this? I mean, it had no monsters which is something I want to have as little interaction with as possible."

"Maybe you forgot about the tiles?"

"Yeah... That sounds like something I'd do."

Princess Twilight looked like she was about to nod before she shook her head. "No, don't blame yourself, Sunset. This was just an honest mistake you made. Besides, you're not taking any damage thanks to your shield so this is more like a brief respite before you need to continue dealing with whatever challenging rooms there are."

"Thanks for making me feel better."

"What are friends for?"

"Be honest..." I began. "Is doing this for a Secret Seashell worth it?"

Shrugging, Her Highness had a bit of trouble coming up with an answer. "Well... I suppose it can be considering you could've easily gotten one from somewhere else, but Adagio mentioned this place for a reason. She wanted you to go through another custom dungeon so you might as well see this through to the end. Zecora also promised another reward so you do have another incentive aside from the shell."

"I wished this had been a smaller dungeon."

"Not much can be done about that."

After a couple of minutes deflecting tiles, the last one came at me and shattered upon hitting my shield. This unlocked both doors though no chest appeared which was slightly disappointing but I supposed not all puzzles had rewards upon solving them. Heading north, I entered a room that featured a single chest. There was a door to my left I could walk through yet something felt off about this. Why just the one chest? I wasn't about to complain as it was better than dealing with monsters but still, it just felt off. Opening the chest, I took out a blue rupee. Not the most exciting thing to get but it was better than nothing.

Walking left and entering the next room, I recognized this one as being from the Tail Cave. Aside from an unusually shaped hole, the only other things around were two Stalfos that hadn't noticed me just yet. Both exits were open but perhaps it was a good idea to defeat both monsters just in case they dropped something useful. Taking out the Roc's Feather, I jumped over the hole before putting it away to focus on the Stalfos. Both jumped backwards in order to keep away from me so I continued making them jump back until I had gotten them trapped in a corner.

Attacking both and defeating them with little effort, I could only go west as the way north was blocked by the Nightmare Door. Unfortunately, I needed to open up the remaining chests in order to acquire the Nightmare Key under the condition of the custom dungeons. Heading west, I entered a room that had two torches yet everything was dark. Princess Twilight remembered seeing this room in the Bottle Grotto which was when I remembered seeing it there. It was one of those rare instances of needing Magic Powder for something.

Taking out my Magic Powder, I had no idea how much I had left, but I knew had enough for this room. I used some on the Spark that was moving around the room, defeating it but it didn't drop anything which was fine though it would've been appreciated. That's when my eyes noticed the locked door. That meant the torches didn't need to be lit so why did I choose this room if the puzzle would ultimately be ignored? I answered my own question by thinking I needed to check what rooms were what in future. Using the small key, I unlocked the door and entered another familiar room.

It was the room from the Eagle's Tower which blocked me initially when I first started going through it. Unlike the original version, all the tiles were down so I had easy progression this time around. Out of four directions, north sounded good for me, so I walked in that direction and entered another dark room which I didn't even recognize. There was another chest along with a Hardhat Beetle guarding it with both situated on the other side of an awkwardly shaped hole. Jumping over using the Roc's Feather, the Hardhat Beetle bumped into me in an attempt at pushing me into the hole.

Since I couldn't defeat it, I attacked it with my sword and pushed it back as far as I could before opening up the chest and taking out another blue rupee. "Thirty rupees so far... I was hoping for a bigger payout than that." Jumping back over the hole, I sighed again before going back to the previous room. "It's not even enough to get back the amount I had to pay Ember in order to try and win those two Secret Seashells."

"Think of these small rupee amounts as a small taste of what you can usually win."

"Yeah, I suppose so." I said as I scratched my head. "Still, I've seen way better rupee payments in the proper dungeons themselves. I know I don't need anymore rupees but it would be nice to be rewarded accordingly."

"When you put it that, you do make a point."

"Let's make one thing clear." I said as I coughed slightly. "I'm not doing this in order to become rich. Earning rupees is a necessity which allows me to acquire items that can only be bought using them. Unless they are absolutely essential in needing something to progress, I won't go out of my way to collect them unless they are directly on my path. At the same time, I like getting rewarded with highly valuable rupees because it feels like I earned them especially after going through so many challenges."

"Such a compelling argument."

"You agree with me?"

Princess Twilight nodded. "You want a lot of rupees because you need them in order to make the journey easier. Yes... I can respect such a choice. If you had been one of those snobbish ponies from Canterlot, I'd have been way less forgiving and more critical."

"Canterlot ponies always were full of themselves."

"It comes with the territory."

Heading through the western door, I entered another room from Eagle's Tower. In fact, it was the second-to-last room I saw before fighting Cozy Glow and the Evil Eagle. Raising my shield on account of seeing a Beamos, it fired its laser which got bounced back (Thank you Mirror Shield) and shut it down. At this point, it was becoming harder to focus on getting through this challenge because I had seen all of this before. In fact, I wanted to simply give up and leave but I knew Adagio wanted me to complete this challenge. I honestly felt sorry for anyone who wanted to go through and complete every last challenge Zecora had.

Ignoring the two Peahats, I moved as soon as the two Blade Traps collided with one another and began moving back to their original positions. Heading south, the next room was a dead end though there were three Red Zols bouncing about aimlessly. Attacking them all which caused them to split into two pieces, I attacked those, destroying them, only to get hit by magic courtesy of a Wizzrobe. Waiting for it to reappear, I took out the Bow and fired an arrow, damaging it. It then disappeared and reappeared moments later in the same spot, and after firing more magic which I avoided, I fired a second arrow which defeated it.

A chest then materialized and upon opening it, I took out a purple rupee. Now that's more like it! Fifty rupees is nothing to sneeze at and it did involve me needing to defeat a more stronger monster than usual. Taking out the map which had been provided, I could see there was only one more chest remaining. Once I got the Nightmare Key, I could complete this challenge and never do anything like it again. I also saw that not all rooms needed exploring. While I had a strong notion of making sure every last room had been checked, an exception could be made this one time.

Going back to the previous room, I was hit by the laser of the Beamos because it had re-spawned. Brushing it off, I ignored everything else and entered the next room but not before getting hit again by another laser. That settled it! Those two other rooms were being ignored! There was nothing in them that warranted me to check them out! Continuing on to the right and then heading south, I entered the final room I needed to explore, and it was another one from the Face Shrine. In fact, it was the room where I needed to use the first small key I found.

At least this was a more simplistic room compared to what I had been through. Picking up both elephant statues and tossing them against the wall, a chest materialized upon destroying both. Opening it up, I took out the Nightmare Key which was a huge sigh of relief. All that remained was defeating the Slime Eye again. I did recall what I had to do in order to defeat it so hopefully this would be wrapped up in a couple of minutes. If I remembered from my previous experience, I wouldn't get any kind of dialogue from the Nightmare as it was a clone of the original

Walking north and then walking to the right, I ignored the two Stalfos despite them jumping away from me and used the Nightmare Key to unlock the door. "How long did it take me to get through this? I'm not trying to brag or anything but I think I got through rather quickly."

"I'd say you got through in about fifteen minutes."

"I was expecting you to say thirty or forty at the bare minimum."

That made Princess Twilight laugh. "I know what rooms you used in order to create this dungeon, Sunset. You wanted few challenges because of the desire to get through this quickly though you ended up adding in some tough situations without realizing it."

I blushed in embarrassment. "I just wanted an easy time considering Turtle Rock is going to be a nightmare."

"There are no 'easy times' in dungeons."

"So I noticed."

"You actually gained a different kind of experience here." I had no idea what Princess Twilight meant but before I could ask her, she explained her meaning. "Normally, it's a good idea to take things slowly when exploring around a dungeon. By trying to blaze through it, you might miss out on something important. Or, you don't get to appreciate the complexity of how such a place had been constructed. Okay, that last one is more for my own benefit! Hey, I can't help but be fascinated by such brilliant architecture."

Of course Her Highness was interested in the architecture. "Is it because of the research potential?"

"That and seeing if I can make connections to other things I've seen."

I rolled my eyes. "You have some pretty interesting hobbies you know, Twilight." I then looked away because of wanting to laugh myself but not let her see it. "Maybe in future you can take some pictures or maybe be allowed to take a piece of stone or something from the dungeon as a souvenir?" I stopped right there in case I was sounding more like a jerk rather than having a bit of innocent fun. "On a serious note, I think it's cool wanting to know who built such places, why they were built, understanding it from an architectural perspective, etc."

"We all have our interests." Princess Twilight then gave me a weird look. "Oh, and thanks for not wandering into jerk territory regarding my hobbies." She went back to her normal look after that which made me relieved as the previous one was just plain creepy. "Since you already know how to defeat the Slime Eye, you don't need me to give you any advice."

"By the way... How come I haven't seen any hearts?" Her Highness was taken aback by this sudden question and asked me to clarify which I did. "Despite what Zecora called this challenge, no hearts have shown up anywhere. Was the name misleading or did I just not search hard enough?"

"I think it has more to do with the fact that you had to work within a heart shape."

"I thought that was a cute touch."

Nodding, Princess Twilight addressed my question. "Just because the dungeon is shaped like something doesn't mean you'll find that very thing inside of it. It's not my best answer but I hope you understood the meaning."

Nodding, I entered the room where I hopped slightly in order to switch over to the Pegasus Boots. Remembering how this battle went before, I dashed into the back wall before getting some slight knockback. This caused the Slime Eel to drop down from the ceiling and land on the ground with a loud squish. It honestly felt weird seeing it again after so long but I had to remember that it was merely a replica. As I gazed upon it, I began thinking about how if I had chosen the red tunic, I could easily take it down in a couple of minutes. But, I wanted defense so this could take a while.

Before it had a chance to do anything, I began attacking the eye and it started to split into two pieces. Choosing to hit the eye on the left, I continued attacking it which in turn continued to split the two halves until it had reached its limit. Going around to the front, I charged forward only for some part of its body ending up hitting me in the stomach. While I took minimal damage, I couldn't tell which part hit me. I dashed into it again and kept it up until both halves separated from each other. Both pieces began bouncing around until one jumped upwards towards the ceiling.

Focusing on the other one, I failed to notice the shadow of the first one and it landed right on top of me, knocking me to the ground. Getting back up, the second one then jumped up to the ceiling and I made sure to keep track of its shadow. It followed me around for a few seconds before dropping down but I avoided it by dashing away just in time. Attacking the first one with my sword repeatedly, it reeled back before jumping in order to get away. Attacking the other one as many times as I could, I was knocked down by the first Slime Eel and landed on my stomach.

Again, I took minimal damage which showed how weak of a Nightmare it really was. Why Grogar chose such a thing to guard an instrument was beyond me but if I were to take a guess, it might have had to do with the surprise factor. No one would expect something like this waiting for them. After getting back up, the second Slime Eel then jumped upwards leaving the first one open for attack. Hitting it repeatedly, it then disappeared in a puff of smoke. Sheesh! I knew it was weak but not that weak! I now felt embarrassed over how much I struggled when I fought against the original one.

Quickly checking to see where the second one was, I avoided it just as it dropped down to the ground. Attacking the eye repeatedly, it eventually stopped moving and began exploding numerous times before disappearing completely in a final explosion. That was much easier than before but then I was more experienced than I was back then. I also had more health and had higher defence. What awaited me in Turtle Rock, however, was going to be much harder especially since it was the final Nightmare before Grogar. Since there was no instrument to collect, the room suddenly glowed in a bright light.

Upon returning to Zecora's place, she congratulated me on my success. "It looked like things were getting pretty rough, but you prevailed which shows you're tough. I was on the edge of my seat especially when you fought that final monster so thanks for putting on an impressive display."

"I had a much easier time defeating the Slime Eel than I did before." I said.

"That's because you're stronger now than you were before."

"And I knew what to do."

"Since you completed this challenge, you are now entitled to the prize which I promised you." Zecora then handed over the Secret Seashell which gave me twenty-three though it was one less than what I promised I'd bring to Adagio. There were plenty of them still hiding across the island so it shouldn't take long for me to find one. "Though you have your reasons for wanting a mere seashell, such a reward seems unfair for one such as you."

"I think you said something about a second reward?"

Zecora nodded as she clapped her hands together. "That's right! I did make such a promise. You performed this challenge very well, so hopefully you'll see this prize as swell." She reached into her collection and took out a Piece of Heart which she then handed over to me. "There is no doubt in my mind that you're pretty good at creating some rather interesting dungeon designs. Even though I can't force you to stay, I hope you'll come back here again one day."

"How many challenges do you have altogether?"

"I have many kinds with some having special conditions designed to make them extra special."

Gah! Just thinking about having additional obstacles along with what was already in the dungeon wasn't to my liking, but I had no doubt that others out there would like these twists especially if the rewards were truly something. A part of me began feeling bad since I wouldn't be seeing Zecora again but changing things back to normal had to be my priority. If this was an actual video game and not what Ganondorf made it out to be (Yes, I know that didn't make a lick of sense), I'd maybe be more inclined towards having a more open mind about going through the rest of her challenges.

Leaving Zecora's place, the Seashell Sensor began making a different noise which I instantly heard. "I think this must be Adagio telling me to come back to the Seashell Mansion. But, I'm still missing one seashell."

"Maybe she thinks you have enough?" Princess Twilight asked as she shrugged.

"But I promised twenty-four!"

"I think it's best to go and see her."

I sighed knowing it wasn't wise to incur the wrath of a Great Fairy. "I just feel bad knowing that I said I'd bring her twenty-four secret seashells and instead I'm bringing one less than the amount which I promised. I feel like I'm someone you can't rely on."

"Adagio wouldn't summon you if she thought you weren't worthy."

Hearing Her Highness say it like that made me shudder. The thought of Adagio summoning anyone was something I'd rather not see happen any time soon. In another time and place, she along with the rest of the Dazzlings could've become friends with me, Princess Twilight, and the rest of our friends. However, their grudges against not just us but Equestria itself were deeply rooted and couldn't be overcome with just a simple song or friendship lesson. It would need a miracle and those were hard to come by.

As I took out the ocarina, I wondered if the three villains could ever be reformed. Depending on how much hatred existed within their hearts, it might very well be impossible for them to change. Only time would tell for certain. Playing Manbo's Mambo, I focused on the warp panel located next to the Seashell Mansion, and was soon whisked away. Moments later, I arrived at my destination and avoided the Moblins before entering the mansion. Knowing this would be my last time coming here, I was hoping I had enough to get what would prove invaluable.

Covering my eyes upon seeing a bright light, Adagio appeared before me once more. "I have been waiting for you to come here, child." She then pointed at the Seashell Sensor and it made the same weird sound from before which made her smile. "I see you understood that you were being called here. No doubt that there are questions you have as to why I needed you here when you have yet to acquire the required number of Secret Seashells and so I shall answer them."

"If you can give me some time then I'll quickly find one more."

Raising her hand, Adagio shook her head. "You need not collect anymore seashells. You were determined to go to great lengths to collect the number you promised me even if it meant doing something you were uncomfortable with. Most would not go out of their way in such a manner and yet you did."

"I know I sound selfish but this ultimate weapon you've been talking about was something I desperately needed."

"And yet you have managed well thus far without it." Her expression then changed to a more serious one. "However, the evil forces that await you in your final challenge possess terrifying power that eclipses even my own. Having a regular weapon will not suffice and so you need something more in order to overcome them. The ultimate weapon was given such a name so you would strive for it knowing it would be difficult. In truth, it's merely an upgrade but one which can give you an edge especially when you are full of life."

"What kind of upgrade?"

"I need your sword for just a moment."

I was taken aback by this. "My sword?"

Adagio nodded. "Please hand your sword over to me, child. I shall give it my strongest blessing and you will be amazed at what shall happen. I know you have some doubts but know that you need not be afraid."

It was as though she knew that I was bothered by the fact that the real Adagio was nothing like this but couldn't quite place it. I felt incredibly guilty because it wasn't her fault that she got dragged into this along with everyone else who were brought here. Even though she would never help me due to the unfortunate circumstances known as reality, I needed to have faith in Adagio because she had faith in me. "Okay, I'll give you my sword."

Handing it over to her, Adagio then levitated it above her hands. "Now watch as I bless this sword. It will become much stronger than ever before which will make your quest easier." She then closed her eyes and began uttering words that were incomprehensible though both Princess Twilight and I could sense a powerful magic at work. My sword then began glowing as it became imbued with an incredible power as she continued with her blessing. She then uttered a final word before everything flashed in a bright light. Once my vision had returned, I could see that my sword had changed.

"It changed colour!"

"Before, your sword had a metal blade and a steel handle, a common thing amongst such a weapon." Adagio said as my sword dropped down into her hands. "Now, thanks to my blessing, the handle is made of the purest silver and the blade of the purest gold. Do not think that I've merely made your weapon more beautiful in appearance. With this upgrade, you can now inflict twice as much damage. Also, when at full health, a beam can be fired from the blade's tip. This sword beam can be useful for fighting at a distance and even has the same effect as though you were attacking up close."

My jaw dropped. "You did all that for me?"

Smiling, Adagio nodded. "I cannot make your sword any stronger so know that you now have a weapon capable of overcoming all that stands in your way." She then handed it back to me and I could immediately feel its newfound power coursing through my body. She pointed at the blue tunic I had chosen upon completing the Colour Dungeon. "You should know that if you were to wear the red tunic in combination with your newly strengthened sword, you can inflict four times as much damage. You need not go and change tunics just to gain even more power, but instead think of it as an option."

"I think I'll stick with the defence."

"You can continue searching for Secret Seashells but they are no longer necessary."

"How can I thank you?"

Adagio closed her eyes as she shook her head. "You fight the evil creatures that have infested this island and defeated most of the Nightmares. You are a true heroine for wanting to fight for the right cause and not for personal glory. This is thanks enough for me. Now... You must face your most difficult challenge which shall determine the fates of so many including yourself. If you are injured, feel free to stop by a fairy fountain and I shall ease your wounds."

With that, she disappeared leaving me holding my new sword. I then swung it around in order to get a feel for it and to my surprise, it was much lighter than it was before. I had to hand it to her when it came to how strong she made it. I needed to use this new power wisely otherwise I could easily become corrupted. The ability to use what she called the sword beam was a new one as I never had that on any previous sword, and while the restriction of needing to be at full health was unfortunate, I could understand it was necessary. In case, some experimentation was needed.

Leaving the Seashell Manion, I began to think about my next move. "Do I have everything I need to proceed to Turtle Rock and survive whatever it contains?"

Princess Twilight nodded. "Unless you want to look for more Pieces of Heart or perhaps get in some more experience with Zecora's custom dungeons, I think you're as ready as you'll ever be to face whatever this final dungeon possesses."

"At least I only have to go through the one cave to get back to the Eagle's Tower before heading west."

"About that..."


"There is no path connecting between the tower and the western part of the mountains." Princess Twilight said. She was right! There was no bridge or anything which meant I needed to find another way to get over there. "In fact, you can't even backtrack as there is that one section which required the Flying Rooster and he's not with you now. You need to go to a different warp panel and enter the mountains from the south and then make your way back up to the Hen House before you can start heading west. Oh, and spending the night there is a must since you forgot to do so at Zecora's.

I slapped my forehead upon realizing that I left Zecora without asking if I could spend the night there. I guessed I was too caught up in the moment and ended up forgetting about it. The sun would set in about thirty minutes so I needed to get to the Hen House as soon as possible otherwise I'd be in way over my head. Suddenly, an image of Starlight appeared in my mind. She was still out there somewhere in the mountains and I needed to find her and make sure she was okay before something bad happened.

To Be Continued.

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