• Published 25th Apr 2021
  • 1,745 Views, 71 Comments

Colt Detective - DanishDash

The story of a young colt wanting to become a great detective. After his dad's murder, his uncle Time Turner comes and brings him to Ponyville. Depressed and lost he soon finds himself in the company of three annoying fillies and a world of mystery!

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Chapter 5: The First Case


Clue Chaser stood rooted to the ground, not sure if he had honestly heard the filly in front of him right. Diamond Tiara had gone missing, either lost or taken, no ransom note, no clues at all. As far as Clue Chaser knew, the police had made little headway, and ponies all over Ponyville were looking for her. While some whispered about it, nopony had said the word “crime” out loud.

So now here was Diamond Tiara's best friend, perhaps only friend, looking Clue Chaser in the eyes, asking him to find her?

"You want to hire me?" Clue Chaser asked, almost slowly, as if he could not believe what he had just heard.

Silver Spoon nodded. "Yes, you're a detective, aren't you?"

His cheeks burned a little. "Yeah, but-"

"Then I want to hire you to find my friend." Silver interrupted, looking more determined than he had ever seen. Clearly she was worried for her friend, Chaser had no doubt about that.

"Silver, I understand you're worried for Diamond, but I'm sure the polic-"

"No!" she interrupted again, almost yelling this time. "You don't understand, Chaser! Diamond Tiara is my best friend, and I want her safe!"

Chaser was honestly taken aback. He knew Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon as two spoiled brats, nothing more. To see Silver be so honest with him, so obviously worried and on the verge of tears, was a little surreal.

"If you don't want to help me then just say so, but don't pretend you understand what I am feeling."

The two stood in silence for a few moments, then Chaser nodded. "Alright, I'll try, but I can't promise you anything." Despite his words, Silver seemed to light up a bit. "Okay, I need you to tell me everything you know. When did you last see her?"

"Friday after school."

"And what do you remember about that day? How did she seem to you?"

"She seemed fine, her usual self." The answer came instantly like reading from a script; Chaser suspected that the police had already asked her that several times.

"Are you sure about that? There was nothing unusual in the way she behaved or anything?"

Silver shook her head. "No, it was just a normal Friday." Chaser frowned, trying to think of any other question that might give him a hint to where to start.

"Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon often spend time together. Did they not spend time after school?"

Chaser's frown deepened as he heard the voice of his hero Phillip Finder in his head. The voice would often come to him when he was in deep thought, so it no longer surprised him. Chaser knew that logically, Phillip was just his imagination, likely just part of his subconscious. Even so, that didn't account for when he could see the stallion, almost as his own mind projected him into reality.

Chaser didn't answer the voice, he never did when other ponies were around. However he did not need to, Phillip had a point, and it was worth looking into. "You last saw her Friday after school, right?" Silver nodded. "Do you mean you guys didn't spend time together afterwards?" Silver nodded again. "Why not?"

Silver Spoon shrugged. "She had to do something, and.." She paused. "Well, every week there is at least one day she can't hang out, but this was actually the second time she couldn't hang out."

"Did she go home?"

Silver shook her head. "No, because I went home right after, and my mansion is on the way. If she went home, we would have walked together."

Chaser nodded thoughtfully. "So if she wasn't going home, do you think she could have met with her parents?" Chaser already knew it wasn't likely, but it was good to get Silver's impression.

She thought about it for a few moments, then shook her head. "No, I don't think so. Her dad usually doesn't come home until dinner time, and her mom usually stays at home, she does not really go out without her dad."

"So what do you think Diamond Tiara had to do?"

Silver frowned. "You know, she actually lied to me."

"Lied? What do you mean?"

"Well, she said she had something to do at home, but she didn't go home." Silver frowned more. "I didn't think about it because I thought it was none of my business, but…well, I don't know, maybe I just misunderstood what she meant."

That was certainly possible, but Chaser knew that if anypony knew when Diamond was lying, it would be Silver Spoon. "Do you think she could have met with somepony?"

"I don't know, I really don't."

Chaser nodded, letting out a sigh. "Right, well.."

"She was vanishing at least one time a week? Maybe going to a doctor?"

"Is Diamond Tiara sick?"

Silver Spoon looked puzzled. "Sick? What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you know if she gets treated for anything?"

Again Silver Spoon paused, searching her memory, but still shook her head. "No, I don't think so."

"Would she tell you if she was getting treatment from something?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I think so."

Chaser let out a sigh, and nodded. "Right, okay. Thank you, Silver Spoon. I'll snoop around and see what I can find, but I can't promise you anything."

"As long as you try." Silver started with a surprisingly firm tone. She moved towards the school house again, but stopped just as she had passed Chaser. "And thank you.." She added almost in a whisper, trotting a bit faster now.

Chaser watched her go back, taking a moment to let everything fall into place. Silver Spoon had just hired him to find Diamond Tiara, so what he needed to do now was to follow the clues, which were almost non-existent. She'd given him something to go on, but really he had no idea if it would lead anywhere.

"Could be she was meeting with somepony," said Phillip Finder as he appeared by a tree, leaning against it casually, looking at Chaser almost like an older brother would look at his younger sibling. "A friend?"

Chaser thought about it, then shook his head. "If it was a friend, then why not just tell Silver Spoon?"

"Could be it was somepony she didn't want Silver Spoon to know about."

"Good point, but why though? Why would she hide that friendship?"

"If it is a friend," Phillip reminded him.

Chaser let out a sigh and nodded. "Right. We don't know if it is connected."

"So we should go through the process of elimination. See if the tip holds any value. If it does not, we discard it."

"Yes, but the only ones I could imagine would have any information about it would be her parents." Chaser explained, starting to trot back and forth. "And I don't think they will take kindly to some colt showing up and playing detective. At the very least they won't be in the mood to answer any of my questions. Besides, if her parents do know about that meeting, I'm pretty sure the police would already know."

"Then we should find out."

"Easier said than done," Chaser snorted.

"Well, you have the rest of the school day to figure it out."

The rest of the day proceeded as normal, however Diamond Tiara's disappearance dominated the topic of the playground. Scootaloo tried to put a positive spin on it, but it was clear that she did not believe any of her own scenarios. She suggested things such as Diamond Tiara had run away to a friend, or some family member. Maybe something had made her sad, and she was hiding somewhere, however that made as much sense as the first idea.

If the police were involved, then it had to be a serious matter, and no matter the issues the fillies had between them, none of them wished anything bad to happen to Diamond Tiara.

Clue Chaser did not partake in the discussions, and the others were too focused on the conversation that they didn't notice. That is to say, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle didn't notice. After the last lesson concluded, all the foals were packing their stuff and making their way out. As Chaser did so, he felt a hoof tap his shoulder. "Chaser?"

He looked back, and spotted Apple Bloom looking back at him with a concerned look. "Are you alright? Ya haven't said much all day."

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine, sorry."

She shook her head. "It's okay. Is it whatever Silver Spoon wanted to talk to you about?"

Chaser eyed her carefully, not sure if he should involve her in this or not. Then again, he could easily imagine Apple Bloom getting more worried if he didn't say anything. "She wants me to find Diamond Tiara."

Funny enough, she didn't look surprised. She just asked. "So what are you going to do?"

"Well," Chaser started, then stopped. "Well…uhm..." That was the problem indeed, he wasn't sure where to start. "I’m going to have to start from scratch, see if I can find some clues.” He stopped, scratching the back of his head as his mind raced. “Silver Spoon said there is at least one day a week Diamond can’t hang out after school.”

“What does that mean?” Apple Bloom asked, tilting her head to the side.

“I can’t be sure of what she was actually doing, Silver Spoon didn’t know either. However, if it is once a week, it does fit if she has an appointment of some kind.”

“Like with a doctor.”

Chaser smiled, and sent her a small nod. “Exactly! Only Silver Spoon says she knows Diamond Tiara wasn’t sick. Of course, that doesn't mean it couldn’t have been a doctor’s appointment.” He started to tap his hoof on the ground, thinking about what Silver Spoon had told him. “She also told me that this week was different.”

“Different how?” Apple Bloom asked, sounding more and more spellbound as Chaser told her what Silver had told him.

“Well, Diamond Tiara would be unavailable at least once a week, however last week there were actually two days she was unavailable.”

Apple Bloom frowned. “Is that good?”

“Depends how you look at it,” Chaser shrugged. “It is a break in her pattern, and it could be something, but it might not lead to anything. Silver Spoon told me Diamond Tiara lied; she told Silver Spoon was going home, but Silver’s house is in the same direction as Diamond Tiara’s.”

Chaser closed his eyes, focusing his mind, trying to figure out where to start. He spoke slowly and clearly, as if thinking about each word, like a key would reveal itself if he just did it the right way. “She was breaking her pattern, lied to her best friend, and probably did not tell her parents, but that is speculation.” He let out a sigh, paused for a few seconds, then continued. “She was going somewhere, and it is likely her parents were not involved. So, the obvious answer would be to look for wherever she was going, and I can only do that if I have an idea why she lied to Silver Spoon.”

Both of them went silent. Chaser tried to come up with a reason that fit, but what could he figure out the police wouldn’t? If Diamond didn’t go home, then there was a possibility she was meeting her parents, and just misspoke. Then again, it could be a hasty and clumsy lie, trying to mask her break in pattern, or maybe she was so nervous about whatever she was doing she tripped up in her lie?

“Well, if she didn’t tell her friend, and if she didn’t tell her parents.” Apple Bloom suddenly said, making Chaser look up at her. “Then maybe she wrote it down in her diary?”

Chaser frowned. “Her diary? You think she has one?”

Apple Bloom sent Chaser a look he couldn’t quite interperate, but he had the distinct feeling he had asked a really stupid quasion. “Most fillies do, and I will bet my bow somepony like Diamond Tiara has one!” She grinned.

“A diary,” Chaser repeated to himself, then he grinned. “You’re right, Apple Bloom! If Diamond Tiara has a diary, then it is likely she wrote down something of use! Maybe not exactly what she needed to do, but maybe something that can lead us on the right track!” He turned around, and started trotting down one of the roads. “Come on, we have no time to lose!”

Apple Bloom followed, a bewildered look on her face. “Wait, we?”

Clue Chaser smirked. “Of course, you figured out a potential clue, it is only right you are to come with me to investigate!”

She had never seen Clue Chaser this animated before, well, not counting the time she and her friends got their coats covered in honey and he got really angry. He seemed so much more excited.

“Quickly, Apple Bloom!” He called back, “The hunt is on!” She followed the colt down the road, unsure what this would lead them to.

They arrived at Diamond Tiara’s family home soon after. Apple Bloom had never actually been by her house before, and neither had Clue Chaser. However it was pretty easy to figure out where it was, thanks to the presence of the group of police ponies near the mansion.

As the two got closer, Chaser took them closer to the fence, and large bushes covered up the fence. He sighed, “just as expected. There are police all over the place.”

“So what are you planning to do?” Asked Apple Bloom. “I don’t think they will just let you trot in there and look for Diamond Tiara’s Diary.” Chaser sent her a coltish smirk, one that made her blush, and feel her heart flutter a bit.

“Well, I could try to sneak past them,” he said, looking towards the entrance. “But that will probably end with me being seen and thrown out. Or worse, they will take me with them and inform my uncle.”

“So then what?”

“I’m no Daring Do, but if I’ve learned anything from her it is that you never waste ponies' perception of you.” He smirked a little, then took off his hat and gave it to Apple Bloom. “Watch my hat, I’ll signal you when I get in.”


Before she had a chance to ask what he was about to do, Chaser hurried towards some of the officers standing near the entrance. He thought back to Daring Do and Phillip Finder’s first case together. It was chapter five, when Phillip took Daring to the August Gallery. Had used the perception of a couple visiting the gallery, something normal that you would expect.

This was no gallery, nor could he copy the exact plan Daring had. However, perception was everything, he just needed to use the common perception of a foal.

“Mister! Mister!” Clue Chaser said, running up to one of the officers, moving a little back and forth. “Can I please use the restroom?”
Meanwhile, watching from the bushes was Apple Bloom, her eyes wide and her mouth agape. The Clue Chaser she had come to know was calm, mature, and calculating. The colt standing in front of the confused officer was whiny, childish, and lacking any amount of cool Chaser had.

The officer looked bewildered, looking around as if expecting to see somepony with him. “Uhm,” he mumbled half panicked, then looked down at Chaser. “Can’t you go into one of the bushes?”

Chaser shook his head. “Nu-uh, my mom says you should not use nature as a toilet!”

“I, well, you see, you can’t.” Clearly he wasn’t expecting to deal with a foal, and this particular problem.

“Is everything okay here?” a mare asked. Both the officer and Chaser looked towards the entrance to the mansion to see the police mare from Sugarcube Corner and School.

“Oh, sorry Sergeant Dawn. It’s this colt, he wants to use the bathroom. I told him to use the bushes but h-”

“Nature is not a toilet, Constable!” she said, surprising not only the officer, but Chaser too. She looked at him with a friendly smile. “Hi there, I’m Sergeant Lucky Dawn. Follow me, and stay close. There is some important police work going on, so please be quick and quiet, okay?” Chaser nodded emphatically. “Good colt, follow me.”

Chaser shot a glance in Apple Bloom’s direction. He couldn't see her, but he didn’t doubt that she was there.

Soon enough he was inside, his eyes widening at the size of the entry hall alone. It was big enough to house his and dad’s old apartment, and there would still be enough room to go for a run. There weren't many around, some officers trotting into a room, then one going outside, not really much Chaser needed to worry about.

She took him towards a large door, and Chaser could hear voices coming from the other side. He tried to focus his hearing, but Lucky Dawn chose this moment to seperate. “Alright, I have to take care of a few things,” she said in a hushed voice. “The bathroom is just down the hall and to the left, can you find it by yourself?”

Chaser looked back at her, and gave her a shy nod back. “I’ll try...” he mumbled, keeping up the persona of a shy, nervous colt.

“Alright. Remember to head straight out when you’re done, and remember to wash your hooves, okay?” He nodded again, and she sent him one final smile before opening the door and heading inside.

At the moment Lucky Dawn left his sight, Chaser’s whole demeanor changed. He was no longer twitching and shaking, but straightened up his posture, and looked around with a critical eye for detail.

He doubted there would be any clues down here, but his prize was much bigger anyway. Diamond Tiara’s room, that was his destination, and her diary was the prize. With any luck, the police had not confiscated it. Then again, if they had and they didn’t find anything of note, then this might be a waste of time.

'No, stay focused. I don’t know anything yet, the police might have missed something.' Chaser thought to himself, shaking his head as if to remind himself to stay on track. He looked around the entry hall, and found the large staircase leading to the floor above.

It was likely their bedrooms were upstairs, while he did not know for sure, the odds were in his favor. If anypony stopped him, he could always say he was looking for the bathroom. He followed the long decorated hallway, opening doors to find Diamond Tiara’s bedroom. On the fifth try he struck gold.

Quickly slipping into the room and closing the door behind him, Chaser stepped further in and took a look around. Just like with the entry hall, Chaser was in awe of the size of the bedroom. When he lived in Manehattan, he had one small room while his dad slept in the living room. When he moved to Ponyville he had thought the room his uncle had given him was huge, but this room was simply massive in comparison

There was a huge dollhouse in the corner, bigger than a dog house. There were some posters neatly lined up along the wall, and some other looking expensive toys. Everything looked expensive, and if Chaser was being honest with himself, he couldn’t help but feel a little contempt. It was no wonder Diamond Tiara felt superior to everypony else: her home, her room, her toys, everything screamed that she was a spoiled filly.

Then Chaser reminded himself that Diamond Tiara was just a filly, and right now she was lost. If he could find her it was his duty to do so.

First things first, he needed to make sure Apple Bloom was nearby. He doubted he had enough time to read Diamond's diary up here, and he couldn’t just walk out with it. Luckily, Diamond Tiara’s window faced the fence he and Apple Bloom had been hiding behind.

Trotting up to the window, he opened it and stuck his head out to look for her. Didn’t take him long to spot her back legs and some of her back. He couldn’t yell, that would attract too much attention, but he had to try something.

“Pssst, Apple Bloom!” he called in a mix of whisper and yelling. “Apple Bloom, up here!” He tried and he tried, but she didn’t move a muscle.

After a few tries, he gave up, trotted back inside as he let out a frustrated sigh. “Horse apples..” he mumbled as he looked around for a solution. He spotted Diamond Tiara’s desk, and moved over to find some paper, and a crystal glass filled with writing tools. It only took him a few seconds to find what he needed.

Bullies back home used to do it in the hallways, and while he much rather wanted to use a straw, he would attempt to do this with some paper instead. First he took one of the pencils from the glass, bit off the small eraser at the end. Then Chaser tightly rolled up the paper, making sure it was a clean and tight tunnel, not too big, and not too narrow.

He took the eraser tip, then placed it into the makeshift straw. “I hope this works,” Chaser mumbled to himself as he made his way back to the window. Sticking his head out again, he placed the paper straw near his lips, aimed, and blew.


The filly jumped, looked back, then around, and then finally spotted Clue Chaser waving at her. Looking around, she quickly moved along the bushes until she could look directly up Chaser with a small scowl. “You hit my flank!” she hissed, trying her best to keep her voice down.

Clue Chaser smirked a little. “Sorry,” he replied sheepishly. “Aimed for your thigh.”

“Same thing!”

“Okay, I’m sorry. Listen, I found Diamond Tiara’s room. When I find the diary I’m gonna toss it down to you, okay?”

Apple Bloom looked alarmed. “What? You mean we are stealing it??”

“Borrowing it,” Chaser corrected. “And it is for the right reasons, we are trying to find her, remember?”

“Yeah, but…” She hesitated, then looked around. “Just hurry up, I don’t want anypony to get the wrong idea.”

“Will do,” Chaser promised, smiling.

Going back in, he faced the room, looking around with fresh and alert eyes. “Now, if I was a filly, where would I hide my diary?” Chaser mumbled, and made his way to the first and most obvious place, the bookshelf.

While he doubted it would actually be sitting with her other books, he would rather be safe than sorry. It would suck if he searched the entire room, only to find it hanging out with the rest of her books. However, after checking each book, he could officially rule the bookshelf out.

And so the search began. Clue Chaser divided the room up into four sections, searching each section carefully. He inspected her bed, checking under her sheets, pillow, even under the bed. He searched her desk, drawers, potential hiding spots like behind a shelf, under her mattress, her dollhouse, and even behind some of the larger pictures hanging on the wall.

Each and everyone of the places he looked yielded no results..
Chaser stepped into the center of the room, rubbing his chin with his hoof. “This is harder than I expected. Maybe the police already found and took it?” He mumbled to himself, or so he thought.

"Or maybe you just haven't found the right place to look yet," the voice of Philip Finder interjected.

Chaser tensed up, for a moment thinking somepony had entered. Then he relaxed, sighed, and turned to his imaginary mentor. He was standing near the bed, tipping his hat to him. Chaser sighed, still not sure if seeing an apparition of his hero was a good thing or not. “Or maybe,” he said in a challenging tone. “Maybe she never had one to begin with.”

"A filly like Diamond Tiara not having a diary? It’s possible, but can you really rule it out?"

“Of course I can’t, but so far I’ve seen no trace of it.”

"Yes, you have."

Chaser frowned and looked back at his imaginary Phillip Finder. “What?”

"If Diamond Tiara has a diary, then naturally she wants it close by."

Chaser chuckled. “You’re reaching, speculating.”

"I’m just stating my observations, or should I say ours?" Chaser bit his lip, but didn’t respond. "So, if she wants it close by, where could it be?"

“The bed,” Chaser answered almost immediately. “But I have already checked the bed.”

"If she wanted to hide it, it wouldn’t be that easy," Phillip responded, then moved a few steps back.

Chaser eyed him, then eyed the bed. If it wasn’t hidden in the bed, then perhaps under it? But he had already looked there…

Sighing, he moved under the bed once again, checking every he could think of. He was just about to give up when he saw something strange.

One of the floorboards had what looked like run down sides, and it didn’t fit nice and neatly like the rest. It was like it had been taken off the floor several times. Scooting closer, Chaser reached over and removed the board carefully. It came off easily, and below was a small space, perfect for hiding something.

His heart was pounding as he reached in, and pulled out a book. “Yes!” he exclaimed, about to get out when he suddenly heard hoof steps outside in the hallway. He froze, listened intently, but thankfully the door didn’t open. When the sound faded he quickly got out. “I found it, Philip, I found..” Chaser paused. Phillip Finder was gone again.

He shook his head, deciding he didn’t have time to wonder about his imaginary friend. Instead he hurried to the window, and looked down at Apple Bloom. “Hey, I found it.” He said, holding onto the book.

Apple Bloom smiled, but it didn’t last. “Good, then let’s get out of here.” Chaser nodded, then held out the book. Apple Bloom gave him a confident nod, sat back, and held up her forehooves. Very gently, Chaser tossed the book down to Apple Bloom. “Got it!” She exclaimed with a relieved sigh following. “Now hurry on out of there.”

Chaser nodded. “I’ll be right there,” he said, closing the window again. “Let’s just hope this was worth it…”

Quickly Chaser made his way out of Diamond Tiara’s room, trying to mix silence and speed as he moved down the stairway. Once he got all the way down, he noticed the large doors to the next room were slightly open, and he could hear voices. Chaser paused, knowing he should keep moving, and not risk standing around.

However his curiosity got the better of him, and he carefully moved closer to the door, his ears turned against the opening by the door. He could hear a deep and rough voice speaking, and when he got close enough to peek through the slight opening, he could see the police pony from Sugarcube Corner, the only Sergeant Lucky Dawn had been with. He really stood out, with his dark coat, and black mustache.

Two adults sat on a large couch, who Chaser could only assume was Diamond Tiara’s parents. The police pony stood in front of them, looking both firm, and sympathetic. “I understand this is not easy for you..” He soothed, “but please believe we are doing everything in our power to find your daughter.”

“Well so far your efforts seem to have yielded little result, Chief-Inspector.” The mare said in almost what Chaser would call a snarl. That was definitely Diamond's mother, no doubt about that.

The stallion sitting beside her, placed his hoof on hers, but looked at the Chief-Inspector. “We know you are doing your best, forgive my wife, it has been a trying three days. Please continue, Chief-Inspector Stone Heart.”

Stone Heart gave a nod. “In most cases of kidnapping, the perpetrator is either a family member, or somepony the victim knows. Kidnappers are usually driven by financial gain, extremism, or emotional disturbance.” Stone Heart paused, letting the information sink in for a few seconds before he continued. “In this case we haven't heard anything about a ransom, though it can still happen. I doubt it has anything to do with extremism, which leaves emotional disturbance. If you will just humor me for a moment, sir. Do you have any enemies?”

“Enemies?” Diamond Tiara’s father repeated.

Stone Heart nodded. “Yes, enemies. Somepony who has a grudge against you, or seeks to hurt you in some way? I’m asking because if this is not about money, then it could be about hurting you.”

Filthy Rich frowned, narrowing his eyes as if searching his mind for anything. “I don’t..” He hesitated, shaking his head. “I don’t know for sure, I doubt anypony holds such a grudge against me that they would hurt my little girl.”

“But?” Stone Heart pressed.

“Well,” Filthy Rich let out a sigh. “Some years ago, my partner and I were involved in an industrial accident. It was terrible, some died, and even more were injured. There was an investigation, and it found that the one responsible was my partner, due to negligence on the new set of safety regulations.”

“I see.. I think I remember that.”

“However there was no conclusive evidence, but of course we got a massive fine, rightfully so. After that I forced him out of the company.. He didn’t take it very well, as you might imagine. His reputation was ruined after that, I don’t think he ever managed to make another business work.”

“I see,” Stone Heart mumbled, nodding to himself. “Tell me the details, what exactly was the nature of the accident, and what happened.” Chaser pressed himself closer to the door, careful not to open, but at the same time eager to listen in.

“What are you doing?” a voice suddenly said from behind.

Chaser nearly let out a startled yelp as he turned around, coming face to face with Sergeant Dawn. “Uhm, well, I..”

“Did you find the bathroom?” she asked, her tone no less friendly, but there was a firm side to it now. Chaser couldn't think of anything else to do than nod, his heart pumping faster and harder. “That’s good,” Sergeant Dawn said, guiding him towards the front door. “Then you better head on home, okay?”

Chaser nodded again, and Sergeant Dawn sent him a more warm smile, escorting him out of the mansion. Chaser didn’t protest, and obediently followed the Sergeant outside. There they said their goodbyes, and despite his desire for learning more, he knew it wasn’t a good idea to push his luck.

Instead he quickly made his way past the other officers guarding the premises, and moved towards the bushes. Apple Bloom stood and waited for him, looking nervous, as if afraid the police would come after them at any moment now.

“There you are,” Apple Bloom said, letting out a sigh of relief. “What took you so long?”

“Sorry,” replied Chaser as he put his saddlebags back on and followed Apple Bloom back up the road. “I overheard the police talking to Diamond’s dad. The police suspect that Diamond Tiara was kidnapped because of a revenge motive.”

“Revenge on Diamond Tiara?” Apple Bloom asked, looking over her shoulder.

“No, her father,” said Chaser. “Apparently something happened years ago, some accident that was caused by his former partner. He was disgraced, and forced out of her dad’s company.”

Apple Bloom nodded. “So they’ve got him, then?”

Chaser shrugged. “Well it is a good motive, but it doesn't hurt if we snoop around for a bit. If you give me the diary, I can study it, see if I can find some mention of this meeting Diamond went to.”

Apple Bloom frowned at him and pulled the diary away from him slightly. “I…I don't think you should read it.”

“What?!” Chaser´s eyes went wide. “What do you mean? After all the trouble we went through to get it?”

Apple Bloom made a face Chaser´s couldn't quite interpret. “I want to find Diamond Tiara too, but a diary is the most private thing to a filly.” Chaser was about to protest, but Apple Bloom held up a hoof, cutting him off. “For a colt to read it is even worse, I want to respect it as much as I can. So I think I should read it.”

“You would read it? Isn't that just as bad?” he asked, but Apple Bloom shook her head.

“Don´t get me wrong, nopony should be reading this. Though if somepony has to, it should be somepony who can understand and respect the privacy of the diary.”

Chaser resisted the urge to groan, but he managed to keep it in. “Alright then, but do you know what you are looking after?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Eeyup, if Diamond Tiara was seeing somepony regularly.”

“Mhm, that being a doctor, or somepony else, anyone we can investigate. Try and see if she mentions some meetings leading up to the day of her disappearance.” He paused, thinking about whatever else she should look for. “Come to think of it, it might be best if you read it. You know Diamond Tiara best, you know what sticks out more than me.”

“Right,” agreed Apple Bloom, smiling a little. “I won't let you down.”

Chaser looked at her for a moment, then smiled back. “Well, when you say that, I know it is true.”

“That is something you might as well learn about me and my family. We never lie, and our promises are as good as gold.”

“Alright then,” Chaser chuckled, sending her a small smile and nod her way. “I trust you.” Looking up at the sky, he let out a small sigh. “We better get back home, or our families will worry themselves to sleep.”

Apple Bloom puffed out a breath. “Tell me about it. Applejack is so tense now, I’m worried she might lock me up in my room!” Chaser was sure she was joking, but Apple Bloom seemed serious. When he raised an eyebrow, she smirked and shook her head. “She’s just a bit overprotective…”

“With everything that is going on, I don’t think she is alone in that worry.”

“I guess so...”

“Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow, Apple Bloom.” Chaser said, turning away from her. “Thanks for the help today.”

Apple Bloom smiled. “No problem, see you tomorrow, Clue Chaser!” With a final wave, the two foals split up, each heading back to their homes.

Apple Bloom returned to the familiar dirt road that would take her back to the family farm, a road she had walked many times before. While the sun was still up, and the sky still blue, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous. Her mind went over the events of the last few days, the police, Diamond Tiara’s disappearance.

It was all so unreal...

She couldn’t help but wonder if Diamond would be the only one who went missing. If it was, then what if the kidnapper was still out there? What had he done to Diamond Tiara?

Suddenly she felt more alone and vulnerable, being out on this road all alone. Granted, she had moved up and down it many times without a care in the world, and it wasn’t far from anything. Still, with her mind thinking about everything that had happened, she suddenly felt afraid for the first time in ages.

“Get it together...” she mumbled to herself, mentally chiding herself for acting like some five-year-old filly afraid of the monster under her bed. Even though she thought that, she couldn’t help but to look over her shoulder once in a while, making sure nopony was watching her.

Soon enough Apple Bloom returned to Sweet Apple Acres, and her heart seemed to relax just by the mere sight of the old farm. She could see Big Mac working on a birdhouse near his little workshop, and she could smell a freshly baked pie, likely made by her granny.

“Well howdy there, AB. How was school today?” asked Applejack, coming up one of the paths leading out of the orchard. She smiled at her, but Apple Bloom knew her older sister well enough to spot when she was nervous or tense.

She didn’t want to worry her, and she definitely didn’t want to tell them about what had happened today. While it was for a good reason, her and Clue Chaser had essentially broken into a home and stolen something.

“It was fine,” replied Apple Bloom. “A police officer was there to talk to us about Diamond Tiara.”

“I know,” Applejack nodded. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine, but Diamond Tiara is still out there, sis.” Apple Bloom let out a sigh. “She must be so scared and alone.”

“Don't you worry none,” said her sister. “Everypony is looking for her, and the police will get to the bottom of this. Everything will be fine.” Even though she said that, Apple Bloom noticed the tension in her smile increase.

Instead of asking about it, Apple Bloom just nodded, smiling back at her. “I hope so.” she said, then turned towards the farmhouse. “I’m gonna do some homework before dinner.” It wasn’t an outright lie, Apple Bloom knew such a thing would get her sister’s attention right away.

“You do that, sugarcube. I’ll give ya a holler when dinner’s ready.”

Without wasting any time, Apple Bloom hurried into the house, and up the stairs. Clue Chaser counted on her, but more important, so did Diamond Tiara. If somepony really had ponynapped her, then Apple Bloom would do her best to save her. No matter their former issues, nopony deserved to be hurt by some stranger!

She made it to her room, closed the door, and for a moment considered locking it. “Probably best I don’t…Applejack will probably get more worried if I do lock it.”

Moving to her little desk, she pulled out the diary and placed it in front of her. She stared at it for a few seconds in silence, her conscience warring with her.

But there was no reason to trot around the hot porridge. She just hoped this would help in some way.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the diary up, and found the last entry.


Clue Chaser was standing at the entrance of the school, waiting to spot Apple Bloom. He hadn’t been able to relax all night, he had gotten home and gone over the facts of the case again and again, but with no new data it was impossible to make any progress in the case!

Finally he had just decided to work on the project he and Apple Bloom had been assigned. Nothing to it, he just asked Ditzy and his uncle for some information on Apple Bloom’s family, and made an easy framework they could build on later.

It wasn’t really challenging, but at least it gave him something to do, and it kept him somewhat relaxed until he could fall asleep.

“You look tense, dude. What’s up with you today?” said a boyish voice from behind him. Chaser didn’t need to look to know it was Scootaloo coming up to him.

“Nothing, I’m just waiting for Apple Bloom,” he replied.

“You two are all close lately,” Scootaloo said, and Chaser could practically sense the teasing smirk spreading on her face. Still he didn’t look, he could not focus on her. “Worried your marefriend won’t sit with you at lunch today?”

“Marefriend?!” Sweetie Belle cried. “Clue Chaser, I didn’t know you’ve been dating Apple Bloom.”

“We aren’t dating,” replied Chaser, finally turning around to face them. “We just have some things to work on today.”

Scootaloo chuckled. “Sure you do,” she smirked, wiggling her eyebrows.

Clue Chaser puffed out a breath. “How far have you and Sweetie Belle gotten on your project?”

Scootaloo snorted, waving off his comment with a dismissive hoof. “We are working on a title.”

“And a subject.” Sweetie Belle added, sending Scootaloo an annoyed look.

“Pssh, subject smugjeck, we have plenty of time.”

“That’s what you always say to every assignment, Scootaloo. I don’t want to get a big fat F on it thanks to you.”

“Hey!” Scootaloo looked at Sweetie Belle. “I’m not getting Fs on every assignment!”


The two continued their argument, while Clue Chaser turned around just in time to see Apple Bloom making her way down the path towards the school. She wasn’t alone, beside her trotted an orange mare.

Ignoring his bickering friends, Chaser made his way up to the small entry leading up to the school. Apple Bloom smiled as she saw him come to greet her. “Mornin’, Clue Chaser.”

“Morning, Apple Bloom.” Replied Chaser, glancing at her before looking at the mare.

Apple Bloom glanced at her sister. “This here is the new friend I was telling you about, Clue Chaser.”

Applejack looked at Chaser with a big friendly smile. “Ah, so you’re Clue Chaser. Apple Bloom has been talking about you a lot, it’s good to finally meet ya. I’m Applejack, Apple Bloom’s older sister. ”

“Good to meet you too, I’m Clue Chaser, but ponies just call me Chaser.”

Applejack chuckled. “I hope Apple Bloom and her friends haven't been dragging you into too much trouble? They can be wilder than a rattlesnake that got hit by lightning.”

Chaser couldn’t help but smile. “They are good friends, and I’m doing my best to keep them out of trouble.”

“Well that’s good. Apple Bloom told me what happened with those stolen bits. Glad you could sort it all out.”

“I’m just happy to help.”

The bell in the school house tower rang to signal the students that the first lesson of the day was about to begin. Applejack looked at the two foals and nodded towards the school house. “You two better be off, don’t want to be late.” She smiled at Chaser. “Nice meeting you, Chaser.”

“You too, Ms. Applejack.” The two turned, and headed towards the school house. Once sure that nopony could hear, Chaser leaned closer to Apple Bloom. “Anything?” he asked in almost a whisper.

“I’ll tell you after the first lesson,” she whispered back. “But yeah, you could say that.”

The first lesson progressed as it did every morning, however Chaser only listened with half an ear. He couldn’t focus on something trivial, his mind wouldn’t allow it. It wasn’t just a question about the diary and what Apple Bloom had learned. It was also a question about how to proceed after it.

”If the diary does say something like she was meeting with somepony, then we should take it to the police. Be stupid of me to keep it to myself.” Even so, it was going to be hard to explain how he and Apple Bloom had gotten to it. Not that it mattered.

Of course there was the possibility there wasn’t going to be anything of use, which would leave him to find a way to put it back, or explain how he’d gotten his hooves on it. That would be a fun conversation to have with the police.

As Clue Chaser sat and thought about his options, he started to notice that Silver Spoon wasn’t in class. ”That’s strange, maybe the police wanted to talk to her again? Maybe Ms. Cheerilee knows something..”

As soon as the first lesson of the day ended, Chaser stood up, and headed straight for his teacher. She noticed him approaching, and met him with a warm smile. “Is something the matter, Clue Chaser?”

Chaser shook his head. “No, I was just wondering where Silver Spoon was?”

“Oh, well she has a dentist appointment today, so she won’t be joining us. Did you need her for something?”

Curse his luck! Having her help could prove invaluable. “No, not really. I guess I can swing by her place later.”

Cheerilee frowned. “I’m sorry, Clue Chaser, but Silver Spoon is in Canterlot. She has an uncle who is a dentist there, I think they’ve decided to make a trip of it.”

He let out a disappointed sigh. “Alright, thanks anyway.” Chaser replied, deciding to move on to the main point of today. He found Apple Bloom waiting for him just outside the school house.

“Everything alright?”

Chaser nodded. “It’s nothing. What about you, did you learn anything?”

“Yes, but we should take this elsewhere.” She glanced around, and then nodded towards one of the large trees by the fence. The two foals made their way to it, standing in the shade, and away from any risks of anypony overhearing. “I read the diary like you asked, and there was something that stood out.”

“What?” Chaser asked, feeling as if he was about to burst.

“Diamond Tiara fights a lot with her mom.” Apple Bloom looked down. “Apparently it’s nothing new. She talks a lot about her mom pushing her a lot, and that she doesn't like the pressure.”

Chaser frowned. “Oh.. Well, did she write anything about meeting with somepony regularly?”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “No, sorry. I went over the weeks, but it says nothing about her meeting with anypony. The last entry she had written she had a big fight with her mom, but she doesn't give any details. It almost looks like she was cut off.”

“Cut off?”

“Yeah, like if she was interrupted writing,” Apple Bloom nodded.

Chaser let out a thoughtful hum, closing his eyes. Apple Bloom tilted her head to the side in a questioning manner. “What is it?”

Chaser opened his eyes again. “Well, 90% of kidnapping and abductions are done by family members, and 60% of those are mares, mothers.”

Apple Bloom let out an almost inaudible gasp. “You think Diamond Tiara’s mother could be responsible?”

“I’m not thinking anything yet, but it is a possibility. However, I don’t have any evidence to support that theory. Did the diary ever say if Diamond Tiara was afraid of her mother? Or that her mother was abusive in some way?”

“In what way…?” Apple Bloom asked, sounding scared to even ask the question.

Chaser had to admit, it wasn’t a pleasant thought to imagine Diamond Tiara getting abused by her mother. Then again, nothing about this case was pleasant. “Did she ever write about her mother hitting her, for example? Or punishing her?”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “No, nothing like that.”

“Fiddlesticks..” Silence hung between the two for a little while, both trying to think of something to do. Finally Chaser let out a frustrated groan and kicked a small pebble on the ground. “If only we could talk with Silver Spoon, maybe we could find out something new. Maybe she would know if she was afraid of her mother, or anything.”

Another moment of silence, then Apple Bloom asked him. “So what do we do now?”

Chaser let out a sigh. “I don’t know, honestly.” He scratched his head, closing his eyes tightly as he tried to go over their options.

“The police are probably already looking into the revenge motive, but we can do a little research ourselves.” Chaser finally said, not really expecting it to yield anything useful, but more information could never hurt. “I say we go to the library after school, see if we can find something in the old newspapers about the accident Mr. Rich talked about.”

Apple Bloom nodded, feeling the same frustration as Clue Chaser. “Okay...”

The two turned around, and headed towards the rest of the playground, trying to enjoy the rest of the recess before class continued. However before they could reach their friends, a voice called out to him.

“Clue Chaser.” He knew that voice, and he turned around to find his therapist, Dr. Nettlekiss, standing in the doorway to the school. “I was hoping to bump into you before leaving.”

“Who’s that?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Uhm, she is a doctor. She helps me deal with, uhm, stuff,” Clue Chaser answered, not really wanting to talk about the fact he was going to therapy. Quickly he changed the focus to Nettlekiss instead. “What are you doing here, Doctor?”

The mare trotted closer to them both, smiling warmly. “I just came to inform Ms. Cheerilee I will be busy most of the week, so I can’t do much work as the school counselor this week.”

“I didn’t know you were the school counselor,” Chaser admitted.

Nettlekiss chuckled. “Well, the school isn’t that big, so it is on a voluntary basis. Really, Ms. Cheerilee handles most of the day-to-day stuff, so it would be a waste of money to have me on full time. Not that it matters, I’m happy to help when she needs it.”

“I see…well, what did you need from me?”

“Oh right, well, I just wanted to let you know that I will sadly have to move our appointment today.” Chaser had completely forgotten he had an afternoon appointment with her. He had been so focused on the case that it had totally slipped his mind. “I’m really sorry, Chaser. We will meet at the usual time on Friday, but some family stuff has come up so I have had to move a lot around.”

Chaser nodded. “Oh, that’s alright.” Really it gave him the perfect excuse. “I guess I’ll see you Friday then. It was nice to meet you, Apple Bloom, right?”

“Eeyup,” Apple Bloom smiled.

Nettlekiss chuckled. “I figured. I’ll be seeing you around, Clue Chaser. Both of you have a nice day.”

“Yeah, see you Friday,” Chaser replied, watching her leave. He was just about to turn around and head the other way, when a thought suddenly crossed his mind. He turned around again, looking towards Nettlekiss. “Wait, excuse me!”

Nettlekiss stopped, and looked over at the young colt. “Yes?”

Chaser trotted closer to her, with Apple Bloom only a step behind him. “I was just wondering, if somepony in class has some troubles, do you talk to them?”

“Well, yes, if Ms. Cheerilee thinks it proper, or if the parents refer them to me.” She nodded. “Why?”

“So have you by any chance talked to Diamond Tiara?”

Nettlekiss frowned. “Chaser, I can’t tell you that. It isn’t a concern of yours if I have or haven’t. That would be a private matter between me and Diamond Tiara.”

Chaser nodded. “So you have talked to her. Was she sad about her home life? Have you talked to the police? What about the possibility of her mother being involved?”

“Chaser!” Nettlekiss exclaimed, looking appalled. “Young colt, this is something serious the police should take care of. You should focus on school and spending time with your friends. For the sake of giving peace of mind, no, I have not talked to Diamond Tiara, she is not a patient, and yes, I have talked to the police.”

Chaser frowned, his ears lowering. “I see…”

Nettlekiss sighed, placing a caring hoof on his shoulder. “I know you want to help, Clue Chaser, but this is not a game. It is a police matter, and you should stay well away from it. Do you understand?”

Chaser sighed, not looking at her. “Do you understand?” she repeated, putting a bit more firmness into her tone.

Chaser still didn’t look up at her, but he did give the smallest of nods. “Yes.”

“Good..” She smiled a little. “We can talk more about this on Friday, but until then I want you to be careful, and stick to your friends. Now you should probably head inside, recess should be over soon.”


“See you later, Clue Chaser.”

And with that, Dr. Nettlekiss left. Apple Bloom stood there in silence, looking at what she thought was a dejected Clue Chaser. “Are you okay, Chaser?” she said in a gentle tone.

Chaser turned around, nodding, his look of dejection gone. “Hm? Oh, yes, yes, don’t worry about me. Come, we better go inside, then after school we can head to the library.”

He started to head towards the school house, with a perplexed Apple Bloom following him. “What about Dr. Nettlekiss?”

“Hm? Oh that, I just needed to know if she had talked to Diamond Tiara or not,” Chaser replied, shrugging.

“So you tricked her?”

“Only a little, and I don’t like it, but at least we know she didn’t talk to her. I doubt she would have talked to Cheerilee, but it is a possibility of course.” Chaser explained, looking over at Apple Bloom. “However, maybe it would be best if you didn’t continue the case with me.”

The two came to a stop, and Apple Bloom frowned deeply. “What do you mean?”
Chaser stopped as well, looking at his friend. “She had a point back there, this isn’t a game. This is pretty serious, and maybe it would be better if you didn’t get more involved. This case could lead to some dark places.”

To his surprise, Apple Bloom didn’t whine, beg, or even showed signs of sadness. Instead she fixed him with a stern glare, and poked him in the chest with her hoof. “Now you listen here, mister. You didn’t read Diamond Tiara’s diary, I did. I know now how lonely she must be, and I know she needs our help. I’m just as involved as you, and I’m going to help you find her.”

Chaser didn’t speak, he only stood there with his mouth half open in shock. He simply nodded in understanding, and she smirked in return. “Good! Now, we should get back to class, right?”

With that, Apple Bloom trotted past him, leaving a speechless Chaser behind. After a few seconds, he smirked, following his friend back into class.

It wasn’t hard to convince Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle that he and Apple Bloom were going to finish their project today, and therefore couldn’t hang out. Chaser also pointed out that they had barely started their project, and the days were not endless. That had been enough for Sweetie Belle to drag a pouty Scootaloo off to finally finish their assignment.

It left Clue Chaser and Apple Bloom with time to work, and it meant they could head to the library without the fear of being disturbed. As much as Chaser and Apple Bloom liked their friends, they didn’t want them to get dragged into this mess. Better for them to finish this alone.

They made their way to Golden Oaks Library, a place both foals had visited several times. Despite it being a library, it was also the home of Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s personal student. So since it was both a library and a home, the two foals stopped at the door and knocked.

Only a few seconds later, the door opened, and a small purple dragon looked at them. “Oh hi, Apple Bloom and Clue Chaser. I didn’t know you two knew each other.”

Apple Bloom grinned. “Howdy, Spike!”

“We go to the same class, Spike.” Clue Chaser chuckled. “Can we come in?”

“Oh I knew that, but it didn’t mean you two hang out together.” He smiled back, then stepped aside. “Sure you can, Twilight is napping up in her room.”

The two foals trotted inside, passing the small dragon before he closed the door behind them. Apple Bloom glanced up the stairs. “Napping?”

Spike nodded. “She was visiting Canterlot yesterday, and she got home really late. The train was delayed or something.” He shrugged. “Anyway, is there something I can do to help?”

Chaser nodded, turning to him. “I hope so. We wanted to take a look at some old newspapers from some years ago.”

A look of puzzlement crossed the young dragon’s face. “Uhm, alright. Can you be a bit more specific?” he asked.

“We don’t really have a year.” Chaser admitted.

“Or date.” Apple Bloom added.

“But we know it has something to do with a big railway accident at least ten years ago.”

Spike scratched the back of his head, searching his memory about such an accident. “Well…I’ll try, but don’t hold your breath.” He moved towards a hole in the back of the main reading room. A staircase was leading to the basement below, and the little dragon soon vanished as he descended

Once out of sight, Apple Bloom turned to Chaser. “What are we looking for?”

Chaser let out a sigh, moving to one of the chairs. “I’m not sure,” he admitted. “I don’t have a lot to go on. Either she really has run away, in which case we need to talk to Silver Spoon again. Or she has been kidnapped, in which case we have nothing to go on but this.” He noted, gesturing towards all the library. “Since we can’t talk to Silver Spoon before she returns from Canterlot, we might as well read up on some history. If nothing else, we might learn something new that can point us in some direction.”

Frowning, Apple Bloom trotted closer and sat down on the chair across from him. “So this is just..?”

“Just me throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks.” Chaser sighed, clearly not satisfied with his own performance. “In truth there is not much we can do but hope. If we do stumble upon something, we’ll be lucky, and I don’t like to rely on luck. It shouldn’t come down to that.”

“But, if we do find some clue that can help Diamond Tiara, does it really matter how we got it?” Apple Bloom asked, tilting her to the side, trying to get Chaser to look her in the eyes.

Clue Chaser smiled a little, glancing at her. “I guess not.. If nothing else, we can at least widen the net. Hopefully we will find something.” He sat up straighter, looking at her with a genuine grateful smile.

They sat in silence and waited for a bit. The main reading room of the library was very pleasant, and almost like always there weren't any other ponies around. It was allowed to read in here, but most ponies borrowed books and took them home to read instead. Clue Chaser had done both, but he could see why most considered this Twilight’s home, and not a public library.

Suddenly footsteps could be heard from the staircase, and up came the little purple dragon with a selection of small tubes. Apple Bloom squinted her eyes, as if doing so would make it clear what the little dragon was carrying.

She pointed with her hoof. “What’s that?”

“Film. Twilight told me that most newspapers are kept on film so as not to take up too much space,” the dragon explained, coming up to their table, and placed the small tubes on it. “I never actually had to find them before.”

“They’re really small, how do we read them?” the filly asked, moving a hoof over, and slid one of the tubes closer to inspect it.

Spike smirked, and turned toward a small cupboard. The two foals watched as Spike went over and opened the doors, revealing a strange machine. It was big, the size of a small boulder, square, and with some large buttons. Clue Chaser smiled, knowing what it was, or could at very least guess its purpose.

Spike smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head with his claw. “You mind helping me carry it? It’s kinda heavy.”

The two foals quickly got up from their seats. With the three of them working together, they managed to carry the film reader to the table without any accidents. Once they set it up, Spike went over the tubes containing the film, and the years and dates.

“I don’t know what year or date you’re looking for, so this is the best I could do. Sorry.”

Clue Chaser shook his head. “No, it’s alright. Sorry we couldn’t get you something more specific.”

Spike smiled. “Well, let me know if you need help with something.”

“We will, thanks, Spike!” Apple Bloom replied as the little dragon made his way across the reading room and into another room. Looking back at Chaser, then at the film reader, Apple Bloom asked. “So where do we begin?”

Clue Chaser shrugged, taking one of the small tubes and moving it into the machine. “Let’s try going as far back as we can. This one is from eleven years ago.” The screen lit up, and after turning one of the buttons, the first page was shown in great detail.

Apple Bloom frowned. “This looks like it’s going to take a while..”

“Hopefully we will get lucky and we won’t have to go through them all.” Chaser responded, and started to move from page to page, from newspaper to newspaper. It did take a long time, even though they were two, and sometimes three whenever Spike had a moment to spare.

It was a boring task, and at times Clue Chaser had a mind to throw the machine out the window. They had to take small breaks periodically. Well, Apple Bloom had to force Chaser to do so seeing how desperate he was growing. They would never last long, and it was clear Chaser didn’t relax one bit.

The hours seemed to fly by faster, and it wasn’t too long before afternoon turned into early evening. Apple Bloom could only imagine how nervous her family must be if she delayed much longer. She turned to Chaser, seeing his eyes still scanning the page on the screen.

“Chaser, maybe we shou-”

“I got it!” he exclaimed, making the filly jump in surprise. “I found it!” The colt blinked a few times, rubbing his hoof over them as if trying to wake them up.

Apple Bloom scooted closer and took a look, and there it was. A large picture of a wrecked train, partially on fire, and with emergency services tending to the crash site, and helping the wounded passengers. It looked horrible, and Apple Bloom had to look away when some of the more graphic pictures came by.

They went over the article, and the following ones, going over the accident, the investigation, and the inquiry. So far it seemed just as Filthy Rich had said to the police. Negligence on the part of his partner resulted in the accident, but no specific laws were broken, due to progress they had made on the train. Legally they were free of liability, but the regulations had not taken into account the development of trains, and the ways they might be built. So while Filthy Rich’s partner was responsible, he could not be put behind bars. It had all ended with a massive fine, and a large compensation package for the victims, and the victims families.

Chaser looked over the pictures of the inquiry, the wreck, read the list of names of deceased and the survivors. It was horrible, and it left a bitter taste in his mouth. Looking over the pictures of the survivors throughout the inquiry, Chaser found only despair and anger. A stallion holding a sniffling mare, a mare holding a picture of her daughter and husband, a foal in bandages along with his father.

Finally Chaser leaned back in his seat, letting out a long and tired sigh..

There was silence for a few good long moments, then he leaned forward again, rubbing the side of head as he spoke. “I don’t know what to make of this.”

Apple Bloom frowned. “What?”

Chaser gestured to the screen. “This, I don’t know if this will help us, I can’t see how. Sure, if it is a kidnapping, the one with the biggest motive is Mr. Filthy’s Rich’s business partner, having been forced out of his position. The victims too, but their revenge would be directed at the partner, not Filthy Rich.” He let out a frustrated groan. “I don’t know what to do now, Apple Bloom.”

After a few moments, Apple Bloom looked at her friend with a small smile. “Well, you could come over for dinner?”

Chaser looked at her, confusion on full display across his face. “What?”

Apple Bloom looked away again. “Well, it's not like we are going to think of anything while feeling tired and defeated. Plus, it’s getting late, and our families are probably worried. So how about some food? My granny always makes too much, I’m sure they will fix you up a plate, if you come over.”

Chaser hesitated, biting his lower lip as he thought about the offer. “Mmm, I don’t know, what about this?” He asked, gesturing to the screen.

“I want to find Diamond Tiara too,” Apple Bloom reminded him. “But we won’t help her by being exhausted.”

He let out a third sigh, and after a few seconds, he nodded. “Yeah, alright. We just have to swing by my place to let them know.”

“Okay!” Apple Bloom smiled, getting up from her seat.

Chaser started to get up himself, about to turn off the microfilm reader when his eyes glanced at something on the screen that made him stop. His whole body paused, as his eyes narrowed.

“Wait…” he mumbled, mostly to himself.

“What?” Apple Bloom asked, pausing herself.

Chaser didn’t answer, he simply used one of the buttons to zoom in on one of the pictures. One of the survivors looked familiar. He felt his heart start pumping faster, his eyes going wider as he examined the survivor in every detail.

“The mane is different…” he mumbled to himself. “But that could be easily changed…” With a quick turn of a button, Chaser turned to the page with the list of survivors and dead. After only a second or two, Chaser gasped, quickly going back to the picture. “No…it can’t be...” He stood up from his seat, his mind racing as he heard the voice of the chief-inspector, his voice echoing in his mind.

‘In most cases of kidnapping, the perpetrator is either a family member, or somepony the victim knows. Kidnappers are usually driven by financial gain, extremism, or emotional disturbance. In this case we haven't heard anything about a ransom. I doubt it has anything to do with extremism, which leaves emotional disturbance.’

He remembered what Apple Bloom had told him earlier today.

‘Diamond Tiara fights a lot with her mom. Apparently it’s nothing new. She talks a lot about her mom pushing her a lot, and that she doesn't like the pressure.’

Then he remembered what Silver Spoon had told him when he asked when she had seen Diamond Tiara.

’Friday after school.’

’Well, every week there is at least one day she can't hang out, but this was actually the second time she couldn't hang out.’

Chaser backed away from the screen, almost as if he had touched a burning stove. Apple Bloom flinched in surprise. “Chaser, what’s wrong?”

“We need to go right now.” he simply said, moving towards the door with Apple Bloom following behind him.

“What’s going on?” she demanded, but Clue Chaser was already out the door. She quickly followed him, almost running as he led her down several streets. “Chaser!”

“I think I know who kidnapped Diamond Tiara,” he finally said, not taking a moment to slow down or even look at her. “I hope I’m wrong, but we need to find out tonight, or something horrible will happen.”

“I don’t understand!”

Chaser stopped quite suddenly, almost making Apple Bloom bump into him. They stood in front of a large house, it seemed almost to loom over them as its shadow covered them. Chaser turned to her. “Listen to me, I’m going to distract them while you search for Diamond Tiara.”

The two foals moved up the path towards the door, and before Apple Bloom could stop him, he had already knocked. “Chaser, what do you mean? Distract who?”

There was a sudden sound behind the door, followed by a few hoodsteps. With a click and a turn of the doorknob, the door opened. “Clue Chaser? Apple Bloom? What a surprise, what are you doing out so late?”

It was Doctor Nettlekiss.

Apple Bloom looked at Chaser, trying her best not to look shocked or nervous. Looking over at Chaser, he looked serious, but kept his tone casual.

“Sorry for coming so late, I just hoped we could talk a bit?”

The mare gave him a patient smile. “Chaser, I thought I told you I can’t today. Isn’t it something we can handle on Friday?”

Chaser smiled, scratching the back of his head. “Well, it will be quick, and truth be told, Apple Bloom needs to borrow the bathroom too, so..well...”

Dr. Nettle seemed to give it some thought, then shrugged and stood aside. “Very well, but I don’t have much time, Chaser. Only a short conversation, if you promise it’s important.”

“It is,” Chaser insisted as they walked in.

“The bathroom is just down the hallway, dear,” Nettlekiss told Apple Bloom.

“Okay..” She nodded rather timidly, glancing at Chaser who gave her a small nod.

“Shall we go upstairs?” Nettlekiss asked, to which Chaser nodded, and followed the mare up some stairs, leaving Apple Bloom alone.

Looking around, Apple Bloom felt her heart sink. “Oh dear...”

Chaser followed Dr. Nettle upstairs to the therapy room he had become so familiar with over the last few weeks. With the sun going down, and the red light of the evening sun streaming in from the windows almost gave a sinister glow to the otherwise peaceful room.

“So,” Nettlekiss said, trotting towards the desk. “How can I help you, Clue Chaser?”

Despite his outward appearance of calm, Chaser could feel his heart beating away with fear? No, anticipation. “I wanted to ask you a few questions.” he said, trotting over to the couch he usually sat on.

“Oh?” Nettlekiss murmured, hardly sounding surprised.”About what?”

“Did Diamond Tiara ever come to you in secret to talk about her mother? Or general problems? More specifically, did you talk to her last Friday?”

There was a moment of silence, then a small sigh. “Chaser, please have a seat.”

Her voice was calm, even gentle. He didn’t know what to make of it, but he didn’t think he was in danger, or at least, there was nothing that worried him outright. So he did as she asked, and sat down at his usual spot.

She turned around, carrying a tea cup, and placed it on the table. “Here you go.” Chaser eyed the tea cup suspiciously. Nettlekiss let out a small giggled. “It isn’t poisoned, Clue Chaser.”

He looked up at her, his heart starting to beat just a little faster. “You were expecting me?”

She favored him with a small smile. “Of course I did. I don’t know how you did it, but when you asked me earlier today, I knew it probably wouldn’t be too long before you came around.” She trotted back to the desk, and got herself a cup of tea.

“So you kidnapped Diamond Tiara when she came to visit you last Friday.” Chaser stated, and Nettlekiss didn’t bother to deny it.

Instead she trotted back, sat down on the couch, took a sip of her tea and nodded.”She arrived before you did, so I had to hurry,” she replied, and smiled when she saw Chaser's shocked expression.

“She was the unexpected visitor you had come over last time.”

Nettlekiss shrugged. “Unexpected? No, not really. Although the timing wasn’t so good, I had an appointment with you after all, and I couldn't let you know she was an unofficial patient of mine.”

Her calm unnerved Chaser, it was like she knew exactly what was going to happen today. “Have you killed Diamond Tiara?”

For a moment, her eyes flickered with something Chaser could only interpret as anger, or annoyance.She didn’t look at him, she kept her eyes on her tea. “No, she’s alive and as well as can be expected under the circumstances.” Chaser was just about to ask something else, when she looked up at him with an almost sad smile. “Tell me, Chaser. How did you come to find out about me?”

Chaser hesitated, he wasn’t sure how much he should reveal, but then again, the cat was out of the bag no. There could be no harm in coming clean. “Silver Spoon asked me to look into Diamond’s disappearance, and I found out she could not hang out at least once a week. From there I went to Diamond’s home, and found her diary.”

Nettlekiss raised an eyebrow. “You stole her diary?”

“Borrowed, anyway, I wanted a better understanding of Diamond Tiara, and see if she wrote down something about her weekly vanishing act.” He explained, and Nettlekiss nodded, gesturing for him to continue. “She didn’t write anything about you, although I did learn she had problems with her mother.”

“Ah, that’s why you asked me about it this morning.”

Chaser nodded. “When I was at her home, I overheard a conversation between the police and Diamond Tiara’s father. I learned of a possible revenge motive, and they suspected Mr. Rich’s former business partner.”

Again, there was this flicker of anger behind Nettlekiss’ eyes, but she kept her cool.

“So when I got nothing from you, I decided to go to the library and search some old newspapers in order to figure out what had happened.”

Nettlekiss let out a sigh. “I see, and you saw me?”

“Not at first, you’ve changed since then.” That got a small hollow chuckle out of the mare. “What tipped me off was the locket, you held onto it in the picture I saw. There was a list of deceased and survivors. Your name came up as one of the deceased.”

There was a moment of silence, Chaser unsure if he should continue or not. Nettlekiss, or whatever her real name was, didn’t even look at him. “I…” He said, starting to feel the tense mood for the first time. “I figured given your age, and the picture of you in the paper, holding the photo of your husband and daughter...”

Nettlekiss took a sip of her tea, then sat the cup down. “Very good, Clue Chaser.” She smiled, looking at him with eyes that seemed to shimmer in the light. “You’ll make a good detective someday, because you’re right.” She let out a long tired sigh, and suddenly she seemed a lot older than before. As if she didn’t have enough strength to hide anymore.

“My husband was the engineer of that train, so naturally our daughter and I were invited to ride the train on its first trip. It was a whole different class of train, and it should have been built with new safety regulations in mind.”

“Only they didn’t,” Chaser replied. “Mr. Rich’s partner used the current ones.”

She nodded, smiling bitterly. “It was to save money.. So going up the mountain, the train could not handle the weight, the turns, or the speed, or the brakes…so it was just a question of when it broke, and we found ourselves moving backwards, flying off the rails and down the side.” She looked at him, a tea in her eye. “I lost everything that day, Chaser.”

He frowned, looking at her now, he couldn’t recognize the happy and sweet mare he had talked to for these past few weeks. She looked older, exhausted, and sad. He couldn't help but feel bad for her.

“I’m sorry...”

She nodded, looking down at her tea again. “Thank you, it means a lot...”

As she took another sip, Chaser asked his final question. “Why did you take her?”

Nettlekiss looked at him, eyebrow raised. “You don’t know?”

“Well,” replied Chaser, almost feeling like a student being questioned by a teacher. “Revenge is the only motive I can figure out, but I don’t understand why. Diamond Tiara had nothing to do with it, and her father wasn’t involved.”

Nettlekiss snorted, her expression became one of disgust. “Of course he had. His partner was a designer, so yes he should have known. Filthy Rich however, he was the business pony, he cared about profit. Who do you think wanted to save money?”

She was getting agitated, the sadness in her eyes suddenly gone and replaced with the anger that had flickered before. “The inquiry didn’t find him to be responsible.”

“Don’t be naive, Chaser. You’re just a foal, so you wouldn’t understand. The world isn’t black and white,” she told him, almost scornfully. “Of course they wouldn’t blame him, they were paid off.”

“Do you have proof of that?”

She stood up so fast Clue Chaser almost jumped to his hooves. The tea cup fell down, spilling its remaining contents out on the wooden floor. “My husband and daughter’s bodies are the only proof I need!” She moved around the table, coming closer to Chaser, who quickly got up and backed away. “The designer getting fired, and the company getting a fine, a slap on the hooves, that isn’t justice!”

Clue Chaser backed away, and she kept coming. “They couldn’t do anything else, the law was only-”

“Don’t lecture me, Chaser!” She yelled, making Chaser flinch. “You weren’t even born, you don’t know how the world works! Was it justice when the police ignored the death of your father? Ruling it as a suicide?”

Chaser’s eyes widened, his heart sank, and he felt himself getting pressed against the wall. “I... I...”

Nettlekiss sighed, looking down at the colt. “You’re smart, Chaser, but you don’t know everything. What did you even expect would happen here?”

“W-what do you mean…?”

“What did you expect would happen once you confronted me, hm? Did you think you would outsmart me into confessing while Apple Bloom looked for Diamond Tiara?” When Chaser didn’t answer, she shook her head, looking disappointed. “I have spent enough sessions to know you pretty well by now.. If I were to guess, you haven't even called the police, you rushed here thinking you would get the big breakthrough and solve the case by yourself.”

“No, that isn’t...”

The words died in throat, his mind racing, his heart pounding in his chest. What had he been thinking? Well, that was the problem, he didn’t think, he just rushed into the manticore’s den without a proper plan. He didn’t even stop to consider what to do. Worst of all, he had rushed here with Apple Bloom following right behind him. How could he have been so reckless?!

He looked into her eyes, resigning himself to whatever fate she had in store for him, at least for now. “Don’t hurt Apple Bloom…”

Nettlekiss shook her head again. “Chaser...” She sounded almost gentle again, however there was this impatient sternness to it, almost like a mother being disappointed in her foal. “I never intended to hurt you, and I don’t intend to hurt Apple Bloom.”

“Then why-”

She held up a hoof. “I have my own plans, and I would rather not involve you or your friend. So if you don’t make a fuss, you can wait with Apple Bloom in the basement until the police arrive in the morning, it will all be over by then.”

Apple Bloom shuddered, she couldn’t believe this was actually happening. As soon as Chaser vanished up the stairs, she had sprung into action, her heart pounding as she did so. She didn’t know how much time Chaser could buy her, so she moved as quickly as she could.

He seemed so sure about this, Apple Bloom couldn’t do much else than to trust him. If he was wrong, they would be in deep trouble, Apple Bloom didn’t want to imagine it…

She spent the next few minutes going from room to room, checking everywhere Diamond Tiara might be held, but so far there was no sight of her. At times she would stop to listen, trying to hear what might be going on upstairs, but all she could hear was muffled voices. She couldn’t grasp the exact words, so she decided everything was going according to Chaser’s plan, and so she continued her search.

About six, maybe ten minutes had passed when she finished with the main rooms and came to a stop in front of the last door. “Please be here...” Apple Bloom mumbled, hearing something upstairs falling to the floor. She reached up to the door knob, half expecting it to be locked, but to her luck, it wasn’t.

She turned and opened the door, and instead of facing a room, she was faced with a staircase leading down into near total darkness. The cellar, she figured. She glanced towards the stairs Chaser and Dr. Nettlekiss had used, then backed down towards the cellar. She didn’t want to become trapped down there, but if Diamond Tiara really was down there, she wanted to get her out.

As carefully as she could, as well as as fast, she moved down the stairs with a mix of speed and silence. At first her eyes could only see the utter darkness, but as they got used to it, she started to see more of the room. It felt dusty and dry, and it was clear by the smell that the windows hadn’t been open for a long time. As for the windows, they were at the top of the far side of one of the walls. Very small, and boarded over, recently too, judging by the wood.

Apple Bloom looked around, glancing over her shoulder once in a while. “Diamond Tiara, are you down here?” she whispered. “Tiara?” She was just about to inspect the room, when a sudden movement made her gasp so loudly she almost shouted.

“A-Apple Bloom?” a timid voice spoke.

Out of a corner, a small filly appeared. She limped out of the shadows, her mane a mess, her eyes bloodshot, as if she had been crying. Their eyes met, both in a brief state of disbelief. Only a second later, Diamond Tiara’s eyes welled up with tears, and Apple Bloom was quick to rush to her.

“Is it really you?” Diamond cried, feeling her hooves wrap around her as soon as she was close enough.

“Yes, it’s me. I promise everything will be okay.” Apple Bloom said, feeling Diamond wrap her hooves tightly around her.

Apple Bloom couldn't help it, she felt tears well up in her eyes too. They had never been on good terms, never really exchanged any friendly greetings. However as Apple Bloom held Diamond Tiara in her hooves, she could imagine the long days she must have spent down here. Alone, afraid of what was going to happen to her.

“How did you find me?”

Apple Bloom let go, smiling as she wiped away some tears. “Clue Chaser found you, it's a long story.”

“Clue Chaser?” she asked in disbelief.

“Yes, but it's a long story, and we don’t have time. Come on, the door is open, we need to leave before Nettlekiss comes down.” Apple Bloom explained, talking faster than she normally did as she felt a mix of urgency, fearn and excitement.

“I can’t,” Diamond Tiara whimpered, holding up her chained hoof.

Apple Bloom let out a made up curse-word, quickly looked around. “Alright, I’ll fix this.” she said, although mostly to herself.

“Apple Bloom…” a third voice suddenly said, and the two fillies froze. By the stairs stood Clue Chaser, and he wasn’t alone. Right behind the colt, towering over him like a shadow stood Nettlekiss, giving the filled a stern look. “I’m sorry..” Said Clue Chaser. “I tried my best.”

Nettle pushed Clue Chaser towards Apple Bloom, and the two foals almost collided. “I don’t want to hurt the two of you, but if you’ll make this difficult, I won’t hesitate.” Apple Bloom’s eyes widened as she saw the blade in her hoof. “Diamond,” the mare said, looking over at the cowering filly. “It’s time for us to go.”

Diamond Tiara whimpered again, drawing back from the mare. Nettle was just about to approach when Chaser moved in front of the mare. “What are you planning to do to her?” He demanded, glaring at her.

“That’s none of your concern, Clue Chaser. Now move, or you will get hurt.” Her voice was calm, yet full of held back anger.

Chaser’s ears fell back, as he tried to resist the urge to do as she said, and remain safe. “I won’t let you hurt her.”

A low amused chuckle escaped from Nettle’s lips. “I have to admire your courage, Clue Chaser, but this isn’t like in your detective stories. You’re alone, you’re just a foal, and no one is coming to help you. Not before tomorrow anyway, at which point it will all be over, for me...” She eyed Diamond Tiara. “And for her.”

“You’re wrong!” Apple Bloom suddenly said, carefully moving closer to Chaser and Diamond Tiara. “The police are coming.”

Clue Chaser eyed his friend. Was she bluffing? Nettle thought the same thing, because she let out a snort. “Nice try, Apple Bloom, but I know Chaser didn’t call them before you rushed over here.”

Apple Bloom nodded. “That’s true, he didn’t, but I did.”

There was utter silence for a second or two. Nettle looked at her in shock. “You did what? When?!”

“I did it right after you went upstairs,” Apple Bloom admitted, trying not to sound afraid.

“You’re lying!” Nettle hissed, which made Apple Bloom glare back at her.

“We don’t lie in my family!”

She looked at her in a mix of disbelief and anger. Suddenly the mare was in a rush, something she hadn’t been expecting. She turned back towards Chaser, lifting up the knife in a threatening manner. “Move, Chaser, I won’t tell you again!”

“No!” Chaser insisted. “I won’t let you take her!”

“Do you want to get hurt?!” she was almost screaming, taking a step forward. “I don’t want to hurt you, Clue Chaser, but if you stand in my way..”

The threat was obvious, and Chaser could feel his legs shake a bit. His heart was beating so fast he thought it was going to burst out of his chest. Still he didn’t move away, he couldn’t. Then suddenly Apple Bloom came to his side, trying to remain stern, but her voice was shaky.

“Please don’t do this,” she said.

There was a sound from outside, shadows passing the windows, and voices talking. The police were here, but no one dared yell out for help. Not with Nettle holding a knife to them. She looked at them, desperation burning in her eyes.

“Move, I have to do this!”

She lunged forward, a desperate attempt to push past the two foals to get to Diamond Tiara. “NO!” Yelled Clue Chaser, pushing into Nettle, Apple Bloom did the same. The move must have come as a surprise for Nettle, as she was pushed back, almost losing her balance.

Clue Chaser yelped, feeling a sharp pain on his hoof. “Chaser!” gasped Apple Bloom. “You’re bleeding!”

Chaser glanced down and noticed the cut. It wasn’t deep, although he did bleed. He couldn’t look at it, but he also didn’t care. They had bigger problems. Nettlekiss growled, looking both desperate and angry, a combination that rarely ended well.

“You don’t want to do this!” declared Clue Chaser, making the mare pause.

“It is right! My little filly died because her father wanted to save money! I lost my husband, and everything!” she screamed, pointing the knife at Diamond Tiara.

“This won’t bring her back!” said Apple Bloom, frowning. “Diamond Tiara had nothing to do wi-”

“I’m sorry…” came a timid voice from behind Apple Bloom and Clue Chaser. They all looked behind them, and saw Diamond Tiara on her hooves, trotting forward, past Clue Chaser. The chain did not allow her to go much further, but she was as close to Nettle as she could. “I’m sorry for what happened to you…it isn’t fair.”

Nettle seemed just as surprised as Chaser and Apple Bloom. “No it isn’t...” Nettle simply said, seeming to try to hold on to her bitterness. “My daughter was my everything..” Her voice was starting to shake, her growling seeming to become sobs. “She was so beautiful and happy…”

Diamond Tiara nodded, tears appearing in her eyes. “She must have been pretty nice if she had a mother like you.” She said, wiping some tears away. “I wish I had a mother like you. My mother never listens to me, she just expects me to be like her.. Sometimes I wonder if it would have been better if I wasn’t even born at all..”

“Don’t say that..” Nettle sighed, her knife lowering. Tears started to run down her cheeks, the sobs becoming louder. “I…I…” Diamond Tiara tried to move forward as much as she could, but the chain kept her from approaching even farther. Instead, she sat down, and opened her forehooves.

The mare looked with shock, seeing the little filly smile at her, inviting her for an embrace. It broke her, the knife dropped to the floor, and Nettle followed soon after, crying uncontrollably. Chaser pushed the knife out of her reach, just in case, and then watched as Diamond Tiara leaned down, and hugged Nettle.

“I’m.. I’m so sorry!” Nettle cried, hiding her face in Diamond’s coat, hugging her back with a sort of desperation neither Chaser or Apple Bloom had seen before. Diamond Tiara didn’t pull away, she simply stroked Nettle’s mane, letting her cry.

It seemed the danger was over, and Diamond Tiara was safe.

Everything went by so fast after that. Apple Bloom had left the cellar to get the police, who were all waiting to storm the house, or negotiate. They had heard the screams of Nettle, and assumed it was a hostage situation.

It must have come as a great relief when Apple Bloom came out, and told them everypony was fine. It felt bittersweet when the police stormed the house and cuffed Nettle, who was seemingly too tired to fight back.

Everything was a bit of a blur after that. The police helped the kids outside, asked them all sorts of questions, doing their best to make the foals feel safe while tending to their wounds. Clue Chaser told the police everything, even the part about stealing the diary, something they were not too happy about.

There was a break in the conversation, and the three foals were left with a nurse. Chaser looked at Diamond Tiara, who was watching as Nettle was being led into a police carriage. He frowned. “I’m sorry for what happened to you..”

She shook her head. “I feel more sorry for her,” she replied, simply looking down on the ground. They sat silently, each of them trying to come to terms with what had just happened. Finally after maybe about a minute, Diamond Tiara looked at Clue Chaser and Apple Bloom. “Thank you for saving me.”

Chaser chuckled. “I think you were the one saving us in the end.” He then looked at Apple Bloom. “And if you hadn’t called the police..” He shook his head. “I’m sorry I rushed us into this.”

Apple Bloom shook her head, nudging him with a hoof. “It’s okay, let’s say you owe me one then.”

“It’s a deal,” he said, leaning back, letting out a tired sigh. He felt exhausted, his adrenaline had gone down, and he wanted nothing more than to sleep. Then he winced, feeling his cut on his hoof. “Ah, horse apples..”

The fillies giggled, but looked at his cut with concern. “Are you alright?” Asked Apple Bloom.

“Yeah, it’s fine, it isn’t deep or anything.”

“Thank you for protecting me,” Diamond Tiara almost whispered.

“Don’t mention it.. I couldn’t do anything e-”


Apple Bloom let out a small, almost inaudible gasp as Chaser felt the lips of Diamond Tiara on his cheek. He blushed, unsure what to do or say. Diamond Tiara sat back, blushing as well. “Uhm, well..” She mumbled. “It’s a reward for, you know, saving me..”

Chaser looked at her, unable to speak. “I.. Uhm..”

“Tiara!” a stallion called.

She looked up, a big smile spreading across her face and tears of joy welling up in her eyes. “DADDY!” she cried out, getting up and ran to her father.

Chaser and Apple Bloom watched as Diamond Tiara ran to her parents, and the three embraced. After all that had happened, Chaser was happy to see Diamond Tiara’s mother also getting emotional, hugging her daughter tightly.

He looked at Apple Bloom, who smiled as well. “I’m glad it all worked out.” She said, running her hoof over her mane. “I never knew how hard Diamond Tiara had it, I always thought she was just a big meanie.”

Chaser nodded. “I know how you feel.. I always thought you girls were just all annoying, but then I got to know you, and I found out you were only kind of annoying.” Apple Bloom punched his shoulder. “Ow!” The two shared a laugh, which lasted a few seconds until their families arrived.

“Apple Bloom!”

“Clue Chaser!”

Both foals were pulled into big hugs, and examinations. Questions upon question, upon questions not to mention a stern talking to. Neither their families or the police were happy with the fact they had put themselves in danger.

However, none of them could deny the fact they had found Diamond Tiara, and quite possibly saved her life.


The evening continued with a visit to the hospital, a meal, and a stern talking to. By the next day, everyone in Ponyville knew what had happened. The local newspaper printed the story, and Chief-Inspector Stone Heart talked to both Chaser and Apple Bloom before school.

He was impressed by their courage, but also let them know what they did was not only dangerous, but reckless, and they had been very lucky. Diamond Tiara was safe, and so were they, that was all that mattered in the end. Both of them could count on a reward for their actions.

Although that didn’t mean they escaped punishment…

The whole class treated both Clue Chaser and Apple Bloom as heroes. Ms. Cheerilee had of course also made sure to mention never to do something so reckless again, but otherwise she allowed them both to feel good about saving a classmate. Chaser had to admit, it felt pretty good, even though there had to be a lot of lessons learned from this case. Still, he had helped save a life, and he allowed himself to feel good about that.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were of course also in awe of their accomplishment, although Scootaloo was a little disappointed that they had not been included in the case. Still they were both impressed, and asked a ton of questions.

When school ended however, it was time to head straight home and begin their punishment..

“That is just so unfair!” exclaimed Scootaloo. “You saved Diamond Tiara and you are still going to be punished?”

Clue Chaser shrugged. “Well, we aren’t being punished for saving her.”

Apple Bloom nodded. “It’s not so bad, we’ll be able to hang out again next week.”

“Maybe, but still, grounded for a week? It just doesn't seem right,” Sweetie Belle commented.

Chaser smirked. “I think we got off pretty easily. It’s only a few days after all, and Diamond Tiara is safe.”

“Speaking of,” Scootaloo smirked. “Is it true that she kissed you?”

Chaser blushed, looking away in embarrassment. “Well, she was just overcome by emotions…” he mumbled, not sure what else to say. He had never had a filly kiss him before, it was still a strange feeling he was coming to terms with.

Apple Bloom let out what could only be interpreted as an almost annoyed snort. “She was just happy to be saved, and it was just a peck on the cheek!” She argued, her face a little red.

“Well, why didn’t she kiss you then?” Sweetie Belle asked, and Scaootaloo burst out laughing, making both Chaser and Apple Bloom blush even more.

When her laughter died down enough, Scootaloo wiped away a tear from her intense laughing. “Oh.. Well, Chaser saved you too, and you didn’t kiss him, Apple Bloom.”

“Okay, stop it.” Chaser said, looking at Scootaloo. “It was very emotional, and a lot happened. It was just one small peck.” He turned his head to look at Apple Bloom. “Isn’t that right, Apple Bloo-Mmfh?!”


“Oh my...”

Author's Note:

It has been a long wait, but the newest and longest chapter is finally here!

Special Thanks To:

Inspiration/Creator of Phillip Finder:
PonyJosiah13 is the writer of the story that played a huge part in inspiring this story. Be sure to check out Ponyville Noire: Tails of Two Private Eyes, it's an amazing read, and that is just one of many of his nail-biting detective stories! The one I posted features Phillip Finder's first meeting with Daring Do! :rainbowwild:

Comments ( 8 )

It's really sad to see a mare who lost everything wanted to get revenge. It's so bittersweet to the case.

i would have never expected that you would write such a length but it was very good! love the pics too!

No offense but I noticed you tended to make 2 punctuations as the chapter progressed, like here

Good..” She smiled a little. “We can talk more about this on Friday, but until then I want you to be careful, and stick to your friends. Now you should probably head inside, recess should be over soon.”


Glad to see another chapter. Wonder how these events will unfold in the romance tag of this story, first DT giving him a peck on the check probably with more meaning then thought and AB accidentally kissing him full on.

Can’t wait for the next chapter!

:rainbowderp: lucky colt getting the kisses from the cute fillies :rainbowlaugh: watch him get more of it from other fillies and mares? :raritywink:

Dude this was a good first case chapter. It really helped the colt to grow as a detective with Applebloom being his assistant. I do feel terribly for Nettle… she lost everything and really it took Diamond to be open to her about her mother to really save her from a much more terrible fate. I do hope she gets the help and Diamond tries to get her father to lesson the punishment and visit her to help her heal. That would be a really nice good ending for Nettle :fluttercry:

One thing I’m surprise of is that Twilight never woke up to go down stairs to see what the kids were up to. If she had I would guess she probably could had gotten involved which might had ruin the chapter we have gotten.

Nettle already founding out about what Chase was doing was a interesting twist and a good one. Hopefully Chase starts to show he is more than a colt. He is very strong colt.

Love the artwork wish we had a little more. Can’t wait for the next case.

Damn.. it's so sad to see a nice mare go bad.. Losing your daughter and hubby can change someone.. it's tough to see.. Also. Love the peck on the cheek Diamond gave Clue.. Hope this means she will be nice from now on. Also. The accidental kiss was amazing. Love it.

Excellent chapter man. This was like a episode of Detective Conan. I can hear the music pieces in my head as the chapter played out

The therapist, that's an interesting twist.

Hope this gets continued soon it's really good!

The cover and description makes me think more of the old movie Cloak and Dagger from 1984 than it does Case Closed. To be more specific it's make me think of the movie with elements from Case Closed added in.

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