• Member Since 24th Jun, 2019
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The FraudulentBrit

Amateur author with a passion for character driven stories


This story is a sequel to Spitfire and Old Silver

Old Silver has been through a lot. Now, he takes his crew on a new voyage to Ornithia to deliver weather supplies to the government. Though he is on his first official voyage as captain, Silver has confidence things will sail smoothly.
Angel Wings, a former Wonderbolts recruit, now joins her new colt-friend as the new weather officer. As she adjusts to her new life of adventure, she learns more about Silver as well as his friends, not to mention a little about herself.

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 35 )

I'm so excited about your new story. I can't wait to see new charecters and experience what's in store for silver and his crew.

Hello everyone. Just wanted to tease that the next chapter will give Angel Wings some development.

Let me guess: Ornithia is mostly populated by a race of bird people.

Yeah. From what I’ve found it’s where Celeano is from

I'm guessing arrow bolt name is based off mr. Arrow from treasure island.

That was a perfect way to introduce celano and her crew. I hope we see them further in the story.

Happy you liked the chapter. Celaeno was kinda difficult to write for since she only has the movie, a chapter book, and a comic for reference.

Still, I like how the charecters interacted with each other. Plus showing a little bit of a checkered past with one of silvers crew members.

Hello everyone. The next chapter is taking longer than I expected so I will make it up by revealing two spoilers.....
1: We’ll learn Nelson’s full name
2: There is a quick reference to the road to El Dorado.

Happy you liked it. Fun fact: the reason Nelson lost his hoof is because his namesake, Admiral Horatio Nelson, actually did lose his right arm.

Hello everyone. As a simple teaser for the next chapter, I will say that it references the events of Spitfire’s first flashback in Spitfire and Old Silver.

Hello Everyone. This is an update to say that I will be giving Silver and the crew a brief break so I can focus on another idea I've been working on with Spitfire. Don't worry, They'll be back before you know it.

That's good to hear. I love perry's story.

That's a nice cheer up story we need right now. I'm also glad you are still working on the story, it's been a while.

Thanks. With luck I can get a new chapter or two out within the month

Fun fact: the April fools chapter was originally going to be non canon, but I figured a dream would help it come off as more surreal. I also planned on perry directly referencing tv tropes, but felt that was too obvious.

Nice job with this chapter. I'm really interested to where this is going to go for the prisoner.

Happy you’re entertained.
Fun fact: the good major was named after British major John Andre

You mean the Benedict Arnold's accomplice who helped him try to surrender the fort at West Point. And was hanged for his crime.

Can anyone tell I’m a fan of Sharpe?

Nice chapter, was the flogging reminiscent of any movies or books you read.

Flogging was a traditional punishment in the Royal Navy as well as the US navy. As for inspiration, one of my favorite fictional characters, Richard Sharpe, was flogged. (I know sharpe was in the British army, not the Royal Navy, but still). The idea is that it’s something so brutal Silver would never even consider flogging any subordinate, not even Arrow Bolt

Thanks. Right now that means a lot.

A brief warning for the next chapter, several Ornithians will use Italian phrases. As I do not speak Italian, I used google translate to help with dialogue. I apologize in advance for grammatical errors in their dialogue.

Great chapter, lot of action. Didn't expect to hear from somers.

Glad to hear you liked it. Sorry for the delay, since “as the apple blooms” exploded it kind of became my major priority.

Thats understandable, I like your interaction with perry and celano. As well as the development of venicia

Happy you liked it.
Fun fact: Venicia’s outfit was inspired be tetra from the legend of Zelda.

Behind the scenes: the reason Ornithia is based on Italy (specifically Venice) is because they’re supposed to be “descendants” of the dinosaurs, and I’ve already decided the Saurians are based on the Roman republic/empire.

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