• Published 30th Dec 2019
  • 3,141 Views, 87 Comments

The Wolf of War - Punished Venom Muddy

A legendary warrior is found by Equestria in the midst of their war.

  • ...

Chapter 5 - Blood and Snow

Warmth and light filled the mine entrance as Lightning finally got a fire started, a task that had been more difficult than normal with his hooves shaking from the cold. The three ponies and their strange companion gathered closer to the flames, the ponies letting out a sigh of relief as they reveled in the simple security of flame. Mistral remained bundled in Vvulf's cloak, the chattering of her teeth having finally stopped. Lightning's face was somber as he stared into the flames, his mind lingering on the lives that were lost in that frozen field.

"Thank you" Lightning finally said, addressing Vvulf and cutting through the silence.

"You... You saved our lives"

"You're welcome" Vvulf replied without looking at Lightning, water dripping from his armor as his icy shell melted.

"How did you know fire would harm the Windigo?" Lightning asked, examining the rugged and wet armor as it glistened in the light of the fire.

"I didn't" Vvulf admitted, causing Lightning's eyes to go wide.

"It was an educated guess that payed off"

"Thank Faust for that" Mistral chuckled weakly, her body still recovering.

The group returned to silence, resting as their bodies thawed from the cold. Vvulf stood up, his armored plates sliding against one another as he did.

"We'll need more wood if the fire is going to last overnight" Vvulf explained as he rose.

"Overnight?" Lightning repeated with confusion.

"We're to be at the front by the end of the day"

"She is in no condition to travel" Vvulf said, gesturing at Mistral, who had fallen asleep by the fire in Vvulf's cloak.

"We wait until she has recovered tomorrow"

Lightning was about to open his mouth in protest, but the piercing gaze of the wolf's visage caused his words to catch in his throat. Lightning just nodded his head as he swallowed his tongue, not wanting to upset the creature that had taken the brunt of the Windigo's frost and walked away seemingly unscathed. Misty moved to follow Vvulf, but a silent stare from the snarling facade made her remain seated by the fire. With his point made, Vvulf stepped out into the evening air, the sun slowly setting over the frozen landscape.

"Who does that... Thing think he is, giving me orders" Lightning pouted, digging his hoof around in the dirt below him.

"What kind of creature is he anyway?"

"The kind that kills Windigos and saves our hides" Misty replied, stifling a giggle as she responded in a manner she thought Vvulf would.

Lightning opened his mouth to say something in return, but ended up just shaking his head at Misty's response.

"I suppose you're right" Lightning chuckled, pulling out a bundle of rations.


Misty's stomach rumbled as she saw the food, her face turning crimson in embarassment. Having not eaten anything since this morning and after the excitement earlier, Misty's appetite was more than piqued.

"Starving" Mistral replied, leaning forward and taking a piece of the hearty bread.

"Please" Misty said, taking a piece as well.

The three ponies sat around the fire, enjoying the simple food and the warmth. After finishing their initial piece, the trio of ponies went for a second, filling their bellies as best they could. Vvulf returned to the 'feasting' ponies, carrying a mess of burnable scraps, the best he could do in the inhospitable frozen plains.

"Come, join us, Vvulf" Lightning smiled, holding a thick piece of the hearty bread up for the man.

"No" Vvulf responded, adding more fuel to the fire before taking his original seat again.

Lightning's muzzle scrunched up with a frown, clearly displeased with Vvulf's rude response.

"What's his problem?" Lightning whispered to Misty, leaning over to talk to the mare privately, keeping an eye on the seated warrior.

"I don't think he eats... Ever" Misty whispered back, looking at Vvulf as he rested. She had learned earlier that not even sleep was necessary for her companion, more and more, Vvulf seemed like nothing more than a living weapon.

Lightning sat back silently, his eyes glued to the armored body of their foreign ally. Vvulf's head hung low and watched the flames, the light flickering off of his metal-covered body.

"Vvulf," Lightning spoke up, addressing the man.

"Yes?" Vvulf responded coldly, clearly uninterested in talking to the stallion.

"What's under that helmet of yours?" Lightning asked, Misty's eyes going between the two males.

All focus was on Vvulf, even Mistral sat up slightly to show her genuine interest in this question. Misty had to admit, the thought had occurred to her, but she had never worked up the courage to ask it. Vvulf remained silent for a moment before looking up and at the three ponies, scanning their small campsite with his furious visage.

"Nothing" He responded, looking back down at his open hand before lowering his voice and clenching his fist.

"Not anymore..."

Lightning remained silent after that, realizing he had hit his limit of questions he could ask Vvulf without worry. Mistral remained quiet as well, looking off in a different direction of the mine, avoiding letting her gaze drift onto Vvulf. The armored man himself simply relaxed again, letting his head fall as he rested. Vvulf's ever-furious visage making it seem as though he never truly had a moment of calmness.

Misty's eyes remained on Vvulf however, a sadness behind her expression. Vvulf was alone, hidden behind his armored shell, a wall of steel between him and the world. And it seemed like that was exactly what he wanted. Misty looked away after her realization, lying down on her side as the sun began to set beyond the horizon. The two other ponies mimicked Misty's actions, lying down to rest after the events of earlier. The tunnel was flooded with orange as the sun disappeared, leaving only the burning flames to illuminate the group.

Misty stirred from her slumber, her restless sleep being interrupted by the sound of metal plates sliding together. Cracking open a cyan eye to examine the source. Misty watched as Vvulf let out a quiet grunt and stood up, leaving the fireside and exiting the mine entrance. Misty waited a moment then rose to her own hooves, wanting to know what Vvulf was up to. The grey mare slipping past her equine allies and following after Vvulf.

Misty found the armored man just standing in the open tundra, his gaze fixated upon the moon above. Misty remained in place, watching Vvulf, not daring to move and make a sound that would alert the usually hyper-alert warrior. Misty watched Vvulf as he just stood there, reveling in the soft light of the moon. His arms hung limply at his side, a far cry from his usually tight posture, as if he was always ready to spring into action. Misty stood there and watched Vvulf for what felt like hours with little excitement to speak of.

Then suddenly, just as she was ready to return to the warmth of the fire, Vvulf shot his gaze off in the direction of the cliff above them. Misty followed his gaze, her eyes going wide with a mixture of pure terror and astonishment. There, poised above them was an enormous, silver and grey wolf, the stoic beast larger than any wolf or even Timberwolf Misty had ever seen. The beast locked its intelligent eyes with Vvulf, the armored warrior drawing his axe slowly.

The wolf took a single step forward as Vvulf finally drew his weapon, letting the bladed edge kiss the frozen ground at his feet. Both 'wolves' moved forward slightly, Vvulf's axe cutting a small line in the frozen earth below. Misty watched as the massive beast turned its snout up to the moon and let out a howl that echoed into Misty's very core. With its final cry, the wolf walked back away from the edge of the cliff, looking back at Vvulf one last time before disappearing. With the hound gone, Vvulf returned his axe to the clasp on his back, bending down to collect kindling for the fire.

"What was that thing?" Misty asked, not able to contain herself anymore.

Vvulf locked up for a moment, clearly startled to have come across another soul, but relaxed when he heard Misty's voice. Standing back upright, Vvulf stared down at Misty as she approached, her head tilted to the side inquizitively as she waited for Vvulf's answer.

"An echo of the past" Vvulf sighed, giving Misty an actual answer, albeit vague, but an answer nonetheless.

"I uh... Okay..." Misty mumbled, unsure as to what to say to Vvulf's after that. Instead, Misty began to gather kindling with her magical grasp, giving Vvulf a kind smile.

"I thought maybe you could use some help"

"It's... Appreciated" Vvulf replied without looking at Misty, continuing to gather his own fuel for their fire.

"Come on, we have more than enough"

The following morning, the group left the mine entrance, leaving behind smoldering embers. Not much conversing occurred during the remainder of their travel to the front, last night's events still clear in Mistral and Lightning's mind. The group finally made it to the encampment set on the northern border, the legion of ponies dispersed in tents that went on for what felt like forever. Mumbles and curious looks followed Vvulf as he moved past ponies in their fortified landscape, a small following of soldiers off-duty joining the group as they made their way to the main war tent. Lightning stopped outside of the tent, pulling open the flap for Misty and Vvulf. The stallion shot a look to the other ponies, dispersing them with little resistance.

"Best of luck to you, Vvulf" Lightning said, giving the warrior a nod.

"Same to you" Vvulf replied plainly, the response still putting a small smile on Lightning's face.

Misty and Vvulf entered the tent, Lightning closing the flap behind them, leaving to help tend to Mistral. Vvulf looked around the war tent's interior, taking note of the large map covered in figures that depicted both friendly and enemy forces.

"There was certainly no over-exaggeration when they described you as unique" A stallion said amused, getting Misty and Vvulf's attention.

"General Bubbles!" Misty exclaimed, giving the stallion a salute.

"At ease, commander. I was made aware of your appearance as well" Bubbles said, walking around the grey mare, looking her up and down with an approving smirk.

"And what a lovely appearance it is~"

"T-Thank you, General" Misty replied, putting her hoof back down, but remaining slightly tense.

"I came to fight, not watch you leer at my guide" Vvulf interrupted, getting Bubbles's attention as the stallion let out an annoyed sigh.

"Of course, a beast such as yourself could never appreciate the finer points of life" Bubbles rediculed, shaking his head with an amused smirk.

Vvulf remained silent, crossing his arms over his chest. Misty took a step away from the general as well, moving to the large table and map that sat on top.

"Vvulf is right, General, we must focus on the task at hand" Misty said, putting her hooves on the table, standing over the map.

"Of course, commander" Bubbles said with venom behind his voice, clearly upset at Vvulf for his interruption.

"As of yesterday, we intercepted a message that our enemies are gathering here" Bubbles explained, pointing with a hoof at the map, putting his leg around Misty's shoulders as he did.

"Anything else?" Misty asked, moving the general's leg off of her as she rounded the table to examine the figures of the enemy forces.

"Uh- yes, of course" Bubbles replied.

"They're resupplying, we're exhausting their forces and their resources. This last push should claim us this half of the front for sure"

"That's an awfully optimistic and confident outlook on the outcome of this battle, General" Misty responded, looking up at Bubbles.

"What kind of reconnaissance have you done? Any special tactics set?"

"Please, that wont be necessary" Bubbles explained, waving a hoof dismissively.

"We've mapped that area plenty of times before, there's nothing new out there besides, they're on the run. Nothing more than stragglers, an easy victory" Bubbles said confidently, giving Vvulf a prideful smirk before turning his gaze onto Misty. The mare moving back towards Vvulf, away from the lecherous glare the general was giving her.

"A victory that I will allow you to witness firsthoof, think of it as a gift from the pony that earned Equestria the North"

Vvulf simply stared at the stallion with his arms crossed, silently allowing his foolish words to flow from his mouth like a river of nonsense. When Vvulf was positive Bubbles was done, he left the tent, leaving the beaming general behind. Misty followed shortly behind, not wanting to be left alone with the general.

"Thank you, I thought that the rumors of the general's behavior was only that" Misty sighed, shaking her head.

"There are always individuals like that" Vvulf said, looking out on the gathering forces.

"Power begets corruption, to lead is to force one servitude"

"I suppose that's one way to look at it" Misty replied, her gaze going across the soldiers as well.

Vvulf stood beside General Bubbles and Misty, his companion having made a point to put herself and the general on opposite sides of the armored warrior. The trio, along with other commanders, stood over the soldiers gathered in their rectangular formations, weapons drawn and ready for the contact to come.

"Now, watch in revelry as I claim the North for Equestra and her royal sisters" Bubbles proclaimed confidently.

A younger stallion commander came up to the general, handing him a spyglass with his curled wing. He gave Vvulf a curious look, but remained focused on the task he had been given.

"General, you may want to look at this" The stallion said, pointing a hoof towards the enemy forces.

Bubbles took the spyglass from the young stallion, putting it against his eye as he looked out on the minimally fortified camp the enemies were gathering at. There above their camp hung a banner that caught the general's eye, his blood beginning to boil as he read the demeaning and mocking text directed at him personally.

"I want that banner down. Now!" Bubbles ordered, grinding his teeth.

"B-By your orders, Sir" The young pegasus stallion replied before taking off towards the gathered units.

"Forward March!" Bubbles ordered with a booming voice, carrying his words over all of the ponies under his command.

"Take no prisoners, no surrender! And take that banner down!"

The ponies below let out a spirited war cry, galloping forward with their weapons drawn. The initial clash with the black armored ponies across the frozen landscape was swift and bloody. Armored plates gave way to spear points and sword blades, painting the white landscape in spilled crimson. Vvulf watched the scene of battle with silent interest, studying the fighting style both sides employed. The black armored Northerners tried their best to stave off the onslaught of silver armored Equestrians, but their sheer numbers overwhelmed the exhausted Northerners, forcing them to retreat, going through a wide trench. Misty's eyes went wide as she realized what was happening, the retreat, the overwhelmingly successful charge, the lack of enemy fortifications; The Northerners weren't running, they were leading the Equestrian forces into a trap.

"You need to call everypony back. Now!" Misty exclaimed, turning to Bubbles. The general simply shaking his head at the mare.

"Why would I halt the advance whilst we're so close to greatness?" Bubbles scoffed, allowing his soldiers to continue their charge into the trap.

"They're all going to die! Can you not see you're trotting right into a trap?" Misty asked with utter disbelief at the blinding bravado General Bubbles had, making her question how he even rose to his rank in the first place.

"If I cared for your input, commander, I would ask" Bubbles practically growled, clearly furious that Misty would even dare to question his command.

"I- Yes Sir" Misty conceded, walking away from the group, giving Vvulf a look and a subtle nod.

"Excuse me" Vvulf said, walking away from the gathered leaders as well, General Bubbles giving him a dismissive wave of his hoof.

"Yes yes, go wrangle that obnoxious mare" Bubbles replied without taking his eyes off the continued scenes of battle below. His forces were massacring the Northerners, covering the tundra in black armored corpses and crimson splatters and puddles.

Vvulf followed Misty behind a fortification wall, staring down at the mare with his snarling visage.

"Well?" Vvulf asked, as always, wanting to get to the point.

"Everypony in that trench is going to die, they're leading them right into a trap" Misty explained, hanging her head low.

"I know you probably think I'm paranoid, but something about this whole encounter doesn't add up-"

Vvulf held up an armored hand, stopping Misty's woeful speech. Misty's mouth closed as she looked up at the warrior, his beastly facade looming over her.

"What do you need me to do?" Vvulf asked simply, awaiting Misty's orders.

"R-Right!" Misty snapped back to attention, her eyes burning with passion.

"I need you to get down there and clean up the General's mess. Sweep the tops of the trench, that's where they'll come from"

Vvluf nodded his head and ran off, charging for the front lines. Misty watched her companion hone in on the battle, drawing his axe as he went. Misty let out a sigh and nodded her head slightly, heading back to rejoin the other commanders and General Bubbles.

"Couldn't keep the leash on your beast?" Bubbles mocked as Misty returned, stepping closer to her as he talked.

"You try telling him 'no'" Misty replied, ignoring the general's advances still.

Misty watched as Vvulf changed his course, moving up the sides of the trench and disappearing over the small hill. Misty uttered a silent prayer for his safety, opening her eyes to watch the main battle continue to unfurl. General Bubbles watched with foal-like glee, reveling in his own continued victory as he watched his forces wipe the Northerners off the battlefield. The trench ran red with the fleeing Northerners' blood, the Equestrian forces finally reaching the banner mocking the general. A spear-pony cut down the banner, hoisting her weapon above her head. The celebration of the Equestrian forces was short-lived as the mechanism was sprung, the cutting of the banner triggering the trap while the Northerners escaped the danger zone.

A wave of heavy stones rolled into the trench from both sides, their trigger activated. The solid rocks crushing, battering, and burying at least a quarter of the Equestrian units, their mangled corpses joining the deceased Northerners in the narrow passage. Before the ponies could react and reassess, a deafening cry sounded out, a wave of black armored Northerners descending upon what remained of the Equestrian forces. The silver armored ponies moving to retreat the way they came as the sea of black flooded in, threatening to swallow them whole. But fleeing back through the trench was no longer an option, the path blocked by a detachment of Northerners.

The Equestrian units braced for battle, circling themselves as to best try and defend themselves from the overwhelming horde of Northerners. Vvulf lept from above the trench, coming down in the middle of the unit of Northerners blocking the retreat of what remained of the Equestrian forces. His heavy axe cleaved a black armored unicorn in half, splitting the pony's middle like an old log. A spray of blood covered Vvulf and the ponies around him, the crimson spray coating Vvulf and his axe as he spun with the weapon. His brutal movements clearing a swath of Northern Ponies as he cleaved through armored throats and barrels, the bloody blade leaving an almost tangible trail of crimson in the air as he swung the weapon.

Vvulf paused, axe resting over his shoulders as he remained hunched over, his shoulders rising and falling slowly in tandem with his deep breaths. The Northern ponies around him paused, frozen in fear for a moment at seeing the animalistic brutality of Vvulf in combat. Mustering their courage, several spear-ponies charged Vvulf, attempting to impale the warrior.

Vvulf's eye glinted with that familiar sheen of bloodlust, the snarling visage of the wolf turning up to lock eyes with one of the attacking Northern ponies. The split second of hesitation of the spear-pony's breath catching as her eyes locked with Vvulf's was all that Vvulf needed, lunging forward at the pony.

Vvulf's fist caught the mare in the bottom of her jaw, uppercutting the Northern pony hard enough to crack her teeth. Vvulf continued forward, following the punch with a grapple. Vvulf grabbed the mare and used her to catch the spear of her ally, the point going into her chest before she could even cry out in pain at her bloody mouth. Vvulf cast the mare aside, taking the spear with it. With the spear-pony now without a weapon, Vvulf brought his axe down across the pony's forehooves.

Vvulf silenced the pony's scream of pain with his armored boot, stomping the black, metal helmet in. Vvulf stumbled to the side, looking down to see a spear jammed into his right arm. His appendage hung limp at his side, his own red blood running down the metal plates of his armor.

Without missing a beat, Vvulf swapped his axe to his non-dominant hand. He brought the blade down on the spear's haft, shattering it before slamming his axe into the side of the pony that had wounded him. Vvulf felt the blow of a sword to his back, the sharpened edge cutting through his heavy fur cloak, but skittering harmlessly against his backplate.

Misty watched in horror as Vvulf fought off the swarm of Northern ponies, trading blows. Vvulf stood hunched over, poised to strike as his shoulders rose and fell. Blood leaked from between the plates of his armor, a small flow of it spilling from the mouth of the wolf.

"Is that all you've got?" Vvulf growled, sliding the edge of his axe across the frozen earth below.

Before what remained of the Northern ponies could attack, the Equestrian ponies charged in to aid Vvulf. The brutal efficiency of Vvulf attack clearing enough of the black armored ponies for the Equestrian soldiers to mop up the rest, retreating back towards their reinforced line. A silver armored earth pony stopping to lend Vvulf aid.

Begrudgingly, Vvulf retreated along with the ponies. He knew he wouldn't last against the full wave of the approaching Northerners, his mission successful in rescuing what remained of General Bubbles' doomed charge.

"What do they think they're doing?!" Bubbles exclaimed furiously, watching his ponies and Vvulf make it back to the safety of their fortifications.

Bubbles galloped down to the troops and the foreign warrior as the approaching Northerners were halted by the barrage of arrows and catapults, the ranged offensive forcing a retreat of the opposing forces.

"How dare you commit this... This mutiny!" Bubbles screamed and spat at Vvulf.

"I'll have your head for this insubordination, beast!" Bubbles exclaimed, moving to draw his sword on the injured Vvulf.

Vvulf responded to the general's hostility by grabbing the pony by the shoulders, making the stallion drop the sword from his teeth as he let out a gasp of surprise. Vvulf didn't even give Bubbles a chance to say anything before headbutting him, slamming the snarling, bloody snout of his helmet into the general's muzzle.

Bubbles stumbled backwards, the battered and bloodied unit of ponies looking on with silent applause as the general held his hoof against his bloody muzzle. Bubbles' body shook with a mix of terror and rage, his eyes fixated on the looming glare of Vvulf above him.

"You talk too much" Vvulf said with a deathly coldness, leaving the general in the cold dirt as he made his way to Misty.

"You... You're injured" Misty gasped as she saw the extent of Vvulf condition up close.

"Yes" Vvulf admitted, blood spilling from between his armor plates, dripping into a puddle that stained the ground beneath him crimson.

"I will need some time to recover... undisturbed"

"R-Right" Misty replied, nodding her head vigorously in an attempt to stave off the tears she felt creeping up her throat.

Misty cleared her throat and began barking orders, the ponies around her looking at their general holding his bloody muzzle like a bullied foal. Without another word, the Equestrian soldiers began following Misty's orders, Vvulf retreating to a secluded tent to supposedly heal.

A pair of Northern commanders cautiously trotted their way down the brutally beautiful hallway of the throne room, knealing at the foot of the shadowed throne.

"Your Excellency" One of the Northern ponies, a mare said, bowing low to the ground.

"Speak, worm" A dark voice ordered from the darkness, a pair of green and red eyes locking on the ponies, illuminated by a trailing purple glow.

"Our plan-" She reported, the glowing eyes boring into her.

"Your plan, general" The voice interrupted, correcting venomously.

"O-Of course Your Excellency, my mistake" The mare quickly apologized.

"The Equestrians have summoned the aid of some strange creature. It fought like a beast, it tore through our soldiers even after being severely injured"

"General... Have you come here before me to report your failure?" The voice hissed, sending shivers down the mare's spine.

"M-my apologies, Your Excellency-" The mare began to apologize and grovel, but was interrupted by a jutting black crystal that impaled her barrel. Her head falling limp, the crested helmet of her rank hitting the floor.

"Congratulations on your promotion... General" The voice chuckled as the other pony, a stallion, picked up and put on the helmet.

"A t-thousand thanks, Your Excellency" The stallion said, bowing his head.

"Let us see how this 'Equestrian Beast' fares against a true monster" The voice said, laughing wickedly as the shadow behind the throne shifted, a large, reptilian amber eye sliding open to stare at the newly minted general.

Author's Note:

Muddy here,

Hoooo boy, that was a long chapter :trollestia:

Sorry it took so long for me to get this beast of a chapter out. I've been busy with family and work :twilightsheepish:

Still, I hope the wait was well worth it and that you enjoyed it all the same :pinkiehappy:

Thanks again for reading :heart:

Muddy, out :rainbowkiss: