• Published 1st Jan 2020
  • 1,053 Views, 87 Comments

A Trail to the Stars - JimmyHook19

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Whispers of the Past (Part 2)

The moment Vapor said that, Sky's body went rigid and his eyes turned red with both surprise and anger. ""Sorry?" he asked. "What did you say?"

"I kinda have a confession to make too," Vapor repeated to him, her concern growing. Her face showed sadness upon it, as did her eyes which looked similarly sad. "Those flashes I got are echoes of my old life, and now so much makes sense. Like when I spoke to Twilight and Rainbow about us, I called us 'kids', not 'foals'. I'm not from here either."

Sky's previously red face went a shade of purple. Vapor wasn't sure whether to take a photograph or call a doctor.

"Well?" Sky asked, his eyes now redder than before. "Who were you?"

Vapor took a deep breath, before continuing, her eyes increasingly pained. "That Jimmy guy you mentioned? I was him. Jimmy Hook of Manteo and known across the internet for various transformation related things."

This seemed to make Sky even angrier. ""Well, how did you get here?!" he snapped. "I remember there being two boxes, what about the other one?"

Vapor knew exactly where this was leading. "I got home after getting the Kirin into its box at about 7 at night..."

Jimmy sighed and yawned as he opened his door. That had been a long night, as the local municipal department had informed him that a Kirin had made its way into the park, and was causing considerable amounts of mayhem on the ground. Thankfully, with his skills in handling Kirin (having been a Kirin), they were able to get it into its box, and ship it safely to somewhere in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. He wondered if Tom had already arrived, and as he pushed open the door, he looked back and noticed something odd.

The note he had left was missing. He had attached it to his door to inform Tom where he was in case he arrived when he wasn't in:

Hi Tom!

I hope you made it to Manteo safely. I will probably be out when you get here (something about a Kirin wandering around the town square), but I left you a spare key and some food to warm up. Enjoy!


And yet, there it was, lying on the ground. The piece of paper on which the note was written. The food was untouched, the lights were still off, and the door was seemingly unlocked. That wasn't like Tom at all. He always locked a door behind him, suggesting somebody else had been in as well. As he stepped into the hallway, he saw torn and shredded fabric on the ground, as well as fragments of green fur. What had happened here?

Jimmy decided to look in the front room for clues. He stepped indoors, and found two boxes. One of them was open and lying about, and the other was closed, with a symbol of a jet exhaust, or what looked like it, attached to a piece of paper that was stapled to the top of the box. Jimmy closed in on it, and, ignoring all basic horror movie logic, decided to open it.

Then a voice spoke. "Haha! I already have one, and the other will soon be mine!"

A bright flash of light flew out of the box, and Jimmy was thrown through the air and crashed into another part of the bannister. He groaned as he tried to pull himself up, bringing his hand up to check for damage. He was greeted with a horrific sight: his fingers and thumb shrank into his hand as he looked on, and what was left morphed into a hoof. The process repeated on the other arm as the limbs snapped backwards, throwing him forward. His chest swelled in size, ripping his shirt off, and his hips widened as his legs snapped backwards, his feet shrinking into a pair of hooves. There was also another reason as to why his shirt was ripped off. He felt something in his back began to protrude through it, two somethings in fact. With the bones shifting and cracking, two bony implements forced their way out of his shoulders. His ass suddenly began to tingle, and a tail burst from his tailbone and ripped open the back of his pants. Moments later, his butt began to swell up, and before long his body behaved like it was under intense compression released suddenly. Every conceivable limb felt as though it was on fire as they swelled and thickened, his rear inflating like a balloon, his 'legs' groaning as they were now thickening like tree trunks. His remaining garments got tighter and tighter, until they could take no more. With loud tearing and ripping sounds, the seams burst and broke apart, fabric falling onto the floor at the sight of this horrific human-pony hybrid. And of course, he fell to the floor on all fours in order to maintain proper balance with his body at this point.

His neck cracked back as his manhood shot into his body (or once it was done, her body). Two pony ears grew from the top of her skull as her old ones vanished, and her nose and mouth fused into a petite, curved muzzle. This caused her glasses to get shattered and blown to pieces. Her eyes grew in size and turned a very light green from their normal blue, followed by her hair changing from brown into a mane of varying shades of blue, yellow, and some shades of green. Her tail took on this consistency too, hair sprouting from what had previously looked like a rat's tail. Finally, her entire body was covered in pale green fur. Flesh and feathers covered the bony implements, converting them into wings, and with a flash all of Jimmy's old memories were gone. She was Vapor Trail now.

Once Vapor had finished, Sky just stared at her in disbelief. "So why us?" he asked.

Vapor extended her hoof to him. "Does it matter?" she asked. "We still love each other, and we can still be married, can't we?"

To her shock, Sky slapped her hoof away, and began ranting again. "Does this not disturb you? We literally don't belong! Don't you want to go back to your own life and be human again?"

Vapor looked shocked, and blinked for a second, not quite sure what had just happened. Had Sky just said what she thought he'd said? "S- sky-"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" he screamed. "To think that you want to throw it all away just to live out some power fantasy sickens me! Vapor, Jimmy, whoever the Tartarus you are, you can forget about all this!"

Vapor, no matter how hard she tried, couldn't hold back the sobs. "I- I can't believe you, Sky!"

"Oh yeah?" he replied. "I can't believe you either!" And without another word, he took off into the sky, not looking back nor listening to Vapor's tears, jilted on her own wedding day.

Author's Note:

I hope y'all finally enjoyed the chapter that contains my transformation into Vapor Trail at last! :D I know it was a long wait to get it to happen, and it happened via a flashback, but I ensure y'all: the wait was well worth it for this chapter. ;3