• Published 30th Jul 2020
  • 509 Views, 13 Comments

Ichor - Ice Star

[TEEN VERSION] There are two things the elite care about: blood and coin. Young Marigold desires both... and with a strange amulet, maybe she can have such things.

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Chapter 6: The First Corpse

[Excerpts from the original notes of coroner Ebony Henbane of the Morgue of the City of Manehattan and Fort Barnacle. These were taken to aid in the investigation of a string of serial murders spanning two and a half years, made to be used by the Royal Guard with the official autopsies of the victims. Taken in the year 8XX of the Solar Millennium. All notes were used in the investigation of the Blood Mage of Manehattan. The following victims have no known identity. Even in the present day, they are referred to with the format given to all unknown victims following the pattern established after the slaying of another one of the Blood Mage's victims later on...]

Blood Mage Jane Doe #1 / Miss Bali-Shet

One pegasus mare's remains. Recovered in fairly poor condition from a brownstone in Balikun-Shetland, off of Derby Avenue. Identity unknown, but she was involved in self-exploitation, so it is to be expected. Had she been among the citizen dead in the morgue instead of criminal, it is likely this would not be the case. A torso and one hind leg are what the mare consists of; the remaining leg has been severely injured with numerous cuts from an array of kitchen knives. This is curious, as most butchering would be done with meat-cutting instruments in one of the carnivore shops in New Shirdal, and these injuries were made by no such knives.

The handling of the knives taken against the prostitute suggests a particularly spastic pony gripped the blade, as there was nothing neat in the process of violence. Because these particular injuries were inflicted while the prostitute was still living, her cause of death is exsanguination.

Any names or clues to what she called herself are unknown. No evidence of sex-altering treatments was discovered upon examination. Whether she had mixed blood or is of interspecies heritage is not known.

Most of her skin is missing, and what remains of her coat is damaged from various dyes and interaction with various insects. The vast majority of other wounds were given postmortem.

Severe malnutrition contributed to numerous broken bones not gained in late foalhood being unable to heal properly. Though I am without the qualifications to assess a corpse as her mind had been in life, I would guess that her lack of any cutie mark, injury patterns, the order of when they were inflicted, and her criminal activity all suggest she possessed a masochistic disorder when alive, and either refused any kind treatment entirely or found a way to bullshit herself out of any attempts to help her, no doubt insisting she was sound of mind. It is recommended that the investigating guard looks into records for any ponies treated for such conditions in Manehattan or the surrounding bay area during the last ten years. Somepony with this severe of an affliction was likely submitted into mental health treatment (either in-patient or out-patient) at some point in their life. Masochistic perversions are also exceedingly uncommon and require long-term attempts to correct.

She is twenty-two years of age, as her teeth and bones have been able to indicate. This is old for a whore, though it is worth noting that the heavy decay and numerous vertical dental fractures made this conclusion difficult to arrive at and she still remains impossible to identify. In life, she suffered heavily from bulimia and lacked enough healthy teeth to possibly match any dental records positively, which eliminates huge steps that could be made in her investigation.

A lack of any wing hygiene and repeated injury to wings sustained during life left them crippled and hideously disgusting in the disfigurements she allowed to be performed on herself. Evidence gleaned from their physical condition indicates the mare suffered from repeated encounters with feather plucking, wing pulling, and binding, among other highly harmful, illegal, and self-destructive practices. Despite her civilian status, she somehow managed to get access to the kind of banned props that would be needed to inflict such abuse. I do believe she would have had to disguise herself as an earth pony if she ever went out in public.

One silver hoop earring was recovered from an ear. Her teeth also are not terrible enough to suggest she had been able to fall beneath social services’ notice and live like that during the life she had before — her real life, if you will. If her family is still out there, anywhere in Equestria, or she had a friend who might recognize her as somepony from forever ago before any rot set in it is crucial to do sketches reconstructing her face for this reason. Her facial sketches could be recognized, if presented at various ages and with any realistic injuries she may have had at the time.

Physical evidence included an indication that the unknown mare's killer was another female that sexually assaulted her. The use of a weapon and the majority of disfigurement occurring in postmortem also is more fitting of a mare's modus operandus, further build the portrait of a killer. It is my personal belief that the offender is a unicorn mare with a sadistic disorder (no doubt with some kind of sexual features) and abnormal magical disorders or features that place them in an area of specialized talent. Any involvement by somepony with a medical background appears unlikely due to the sloppiness of many wounds.

Our nameless offender is not likely to be able to physically overpower anypony for unknown reasons and likely has resorted to trickery that got the whore to feel at ease, despite having likely purchased her for this intended purpose. Please be sure to bring this area of notes to anypony who knows a monster's mind, as I believe it will be of keen interest to them.

The history of breakages indicated the mare was either pulled into the crime since she was a teenager, which would suggest she was either a runaway or her guardians sold her out to the offending stock who had no conscious about purchasing another pony (child or not) and having their way with them. Had she been a runaway who managed to keep herself from falling into the usual period where her lot and their crimes of self-exploitation were swiftly shut down, the history of abuse would have remained unchanged in that theory of mine. The abuse she suffered in the long term would only fall squarely upon the withers of her buyers.

Affording a brownstone would mean she was able to hide much of her physical impairment and was likely very popular — an unfortunate case, as it meant there were now gods-know-how-many ponies walking free for their half of the crime of buying her. If her landlord was not close to the center of the investigation now, they ought to be, as they are the only known pony with a relationship to the victim. Even offering a fake name on papers could be a clue, if she had actually secured her residence upfront instead of trying to seek — or purchase — other loopholes. That should be among the top things to look into about this little fiend of a mare.

The neighborhood she was in did not match one high in sexual offenses; no other forms of self-exploitation had ever been busted there and no sexually motivated murders had occurred within the neighborhood’s borders. Bali-Shet was also a pure neighborhood, and it is illegal for any registered offenders like a non-acting pouláriphilic brute or an ex-participant in the crimes Miss Bali-Shet had lost her life doing. It is safe to say that she has had no previous run-ins with the law that would mark her as a sexual offender, or any kind that would lead to her being registered and barred from any particular areas of residence.

However, I would not put any crimes committed as a juvenile past her, and ask that any records on young pegasus offenders be submitted to me. Any promising ones I will be submitting a seal breach for, as anything contained in them could do a lot of good in putting a name to this mare I can only call Miss Bali-Shet. I pray to Celestia, Elysium, Stolas, and all other divines that there shall be any portraits within those records.

The greatest peculiarity in her murder lies in the crystals embedded throughout her. Their color is a deep ruby and there is uneasy dampness to them that never goes away, even when separated from the body. Along with her hoof clippings, mane clippings, and other samples, there is every need for multiple samples of these crystals to be submitted. If the aura behind the caster is to be identified, be they transient or native Manehattanite, then the Equestrian Arcane Registry Base must be given every sample possible in order for this cruel unicorn to be off the streets of my city! With Celestia as my witness, I will get my hooves on aural map results just to say with certainty that we have one.

Author's Note:

Copied from the mature version: Any of the mores realistic errors regarding the stages of decomposition here are all on me. I know very little about how horses would decompose. I'm much more familiar with the stages of human decomposition, and any more dead bodies described in here are going to be using that set of stages because I seriously know so little about how tf a horse would decompose.

Also, Balikun-Shetland is a horse pun on Bedford–Stuyvesant, which is a neighborhood in Brooklyn. It's a combo of the name of the Balikun horse breed and the one for a Shetland pony. Derby Avenue is a reference to Lexington Avenue, a street in that neighborhood, being altered because Lexington > Kentucky > Kentucky Derby > Neighhhhh! Barnacle is a reference to a G1 pony of the same name and follows the same trend of having crown-controlled morgues near forts featured in Halfway Mare and its teen version, With Her Dead Eyed Stare. Bretonlyn Heights is also just Horse Brooklyn Heights using the Breton horse breed. Bucklyn is also an incredibly good horse pun. Even though it also means Brooklyn, I couldn't waste it. So, I decided to make it the name of one of the territories on the bay.