• Published 11th Jan 2020
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Batman Restarts - TheClownPrinceofCrime

The Dark Knight finds himself in a strange colorful world filled with magical ponies while in search of one of his enemies. He must also stand against a rising combined evil in Equestria.

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Chapter 5: “More Than You Know”

Twilight drew near to Batman with the look of astonishment; she had never seen this strange being before in Equestria...not until now. She then looked up to see his face up close. She noticed his apparent scowl and look of seriousness in his eyes. From the looks of it, she was thinking two things: it was either he was angry from being dragged down here against his will, or he was on an important mission before being interrupted or both. She couldn’t tell which one.

“So you’re Batman? I’ve never seen a being like you before!” Twilight said.

“Neither have I seen you or this world before.” Batman said.

“Where did you come from? Are you like an alien or something? Wait...” Twilight said before quickly switching her mood from fear to immediate excitement. “ARE YOU AN ACTUAL ALIEN?! If so, I have so many questions!!”

“See? I knew you would find him to be awesome!!” Scootaloo smiled. Batman rolled his eyes in annoyance before turning his eyes to the shy pegasus in the background. Curious, he walked over to her and bent down to her level. Fluttershy made a quite yelp before covering her face with her pink hair for fear of looking at him due to his frightful appearance. Batman realized that she was fearful of his presence when he saw her covering her face.

“Don’t be afraid. I’m not here to hurt you.” Batman whispered to her ear. She looked up to him while peeking through her hair. He then softly stroked her hair to comfort her. She was still nervous of his presence, but she accepted the comfort and gave a small smile to him.

“Um...th-thank you, Batman.” she muttered.

“Don’t mention it.” Batman replied with the tiniest of smiles. “This character is very decent. I can definitely get used to her. I can tell she’s shy and nervous, but at least she isn’t annoying as the others are.”

“What’s your name?” Batman asked.

“I’m...Fluttershy...” she replied very quietly. Even though the others could barely hear her, Batman heard her very well.

“Fluttershy.” Batman repeated. “Hmm, even her name tells us of her personality. No wonder she’s like this.” “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Um...likewise.” Fluttershy said.

“Sooooo, Batsy, how about we throw you a ‘Welcome to Ponyville!’ PARTY!?!” Pinkie shouted while holding a banner with the same three words and throwing confetti in the air.

“Batsy? She gave me a nickname like that?” Batman wondered. “I appreciate your courtesy, but that won’t be necessary.” he refused.

“Ohh, but I MUST throw you one!” Pinkie insisted. “Every new visitor to Ponyville always gets a welcome party! Come on! You’ll love it!!”

“Yeah! Everypony will see you and can get to know you!! I bet they will all be surprised to see a great creature like you!” Sweetie Belle added. Scootaloo and the other ponies nodded in agreement. Batman then considered his options: one, he could simply refuse the party and explain his situation of being stranded in a different world where he needs to get back to his home world to resume his duty of protecting Gotham from its criminal evils, or two, he could just put the matter aside for later and see what this strange cartoony town would have to offer and thus explore what ways they could help him in his situation.

“If I just refuse not only their party but also these...cartoonish animal characters, I’ll be forced to solve my dire problem on my own. I’m not even sure if these characters can even help me get back to my home.” he reasoned in thought. “However, I’m not giving up that easily. By joining their party as a...guest of honor, I could get to know them personally and see what they’re capable of and if possible help me get back to my world. I can only hope that there’s some all-powerful magic in this land.”

Batman then made his choice. “All right then. I’ll join your party as a guest of honor I guess.” All the ponies and dragon shouted in joy.

“YAYYY!!! We’re gonna have so much fun!!!” Pinkie said while jumping up and down enthusiastically before dashing out of the door to Sugarcube Corner. Scootaloo and Twilight then drew close to Batman. The filly hugged his left leg while smiling in excitement.

“You’re going to love it here, Batman! Everypony will be in for a big surprise tonight!” Scootaloo said.

“Absolutely! Ohh, I have a question! Are you like some sort of subspecies of bats? I’ve read a LOT of bats and other creatures before, but I’ve never read anything of bat-like creatures like you!” Twilight said.

“I am the creature of the night. I prey upon those who prey upon the fearful. Not once has any criminal being been able to escape my judgement and my vengeance. You can consider me as the Dark Knight.” Batman replied.

“Wow! That’s amazing!” Twilight responsed. “So you’re like a superhero then?”

“I am more than that...more than you know. As a matter of fact, I’m not even technically a superhero.” Batman answered.

“Oh really? There’s such a thing as superheroes who don’t have superpowers and yet have other strengths that are somewhat unique?” Twilight asked.

“If you were in my world, then you would understand.” Batman said.

“Oh I see. Well, it seems that Scootaloo really likes you a lot.” Twilight said as she looked at the pegasus filly still hugging his leg.

“Yeah! He saved me and my friends from those Timberwolves! The way he fought them off was so epic! All those gadgets he used and his fighting style, EVERYTHING!!” Scootaloo shouted.

“Timberwolves?! We haven’t seen those creatures in a while! Were you three fillies running off to the Everfree Forest again?” Twilight asked with the scolding look that parents would have when their children do something wrong. The Cutie Mark Crusaders then lowered their heads in shame.

“Yeah, we’re really sorry, Twilight.” Apple Bloom said. “We were just tryin’ to find out where that strange portal came from. We didn’t mean to get ourselves in trouble.” The word “portal” caused Twilight to gasp in shock.

“Wait, what?! Portal?! In the middle of the Everfree Forest?! How?!” Twilight asked.

“We don’t know! That’s what we were trying to figure out before we were discovered and chased by those Timberwolves!” Sweetie Belle replied.

“A portal...hold on. Batman, was that the one you came from?” Twilight asked him.

“Affirmative. That’s what took me from my home world to here.” Batman answered. “I need to find a way out of here to get back home.”

“Hmmm. I think I could work on creating a portal that can connect to your world from ours, but that will take so much time and energy to do so! I’m sure Princess Celestia could assist in that.” Twilight said.

“Princess? You have a princess here? Also, are you saying there’s...magic here?” Batman asked. Twilight nodded.

“Yep! All of Equestria is filled and governed by its harmonious magic! You’ll learn more later on. Also, Celestia is the ruler of Equestria. She reigns in the city of Canterlot with her sister Luna. I have to take you to them; they would love to see you, Batman!!” Twilight smiled.

“So they have a monarchy AND they have legit magic here? I was hoping there would be some of that. That makes things even easier. I wonder what this Celestia and Luna look like. Their names...(chuckles) again, they just never cease to amaze me.” Batman chuckled in thought.

“I presume your name is Twilight from their mention of you, correct?” Batman asked her.

“Yes! Twilight Sparkle! I hope you like my library home here!” Twilight said, pointing at all the books in the stacks around them.

“Hmmm, intriguing choice for a home. You must be a bookworm then.” Batman remarked as he looked around the library. Twilight blushed from his comment.

“Aww, no need to flatter me. I can never be tired from reading, y’know!” Twilight said.

“Just like how I can never be tired from fighting crime. That’s a whole new level, of course.” said Batman. While they were conversing, a dark cloud with green eyes spied on them through a window of the treehouse. It then flew off back to the Everfree Forest while evilly chuckling.