• Member Since 16th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


When someone needs help, let me know, I, Zedfire, leader of the X Army, swear upon my life, I will help you, provided you're on the side of good.

Comments ( 44 )

You really should make more new paragraphs. Big walls of text are unpleasant to read.

So far so good, don’t know why there’s a 1:1 ratio of likes and dislikes. You have my attention!

I'd have gone with Nemesis, since the T-103's are dumb as bricks. As evidence by Mr.X's plunge into a vat of molten steel.

Well, I didn't exactly like Nemesis' design. Besides, I have a workaround for the inherent 'dumbness' of the T-103's for T-00, so just you wait my friend, it will all work out. :pinkiehappy:

This is going to be hell on you for a lot of reasons just make sure everything goes together seamlessly and don’t rush. Also make sure you have their personalities similar at LEAST to their media counterparts. Other than that good job and make sure the slayer doesn’t talk.

Looks good so far, can’t wait for more!

That or talk as little as possible, things like "⛧ m̷̙̆ō̶̰̜͠v̵̦͎̓ẹ̷̀͒ ⛥" or "☠ D̶̤́ì̴̟e̸̪͒̋ ⛧"

I used this to make the symbols: https://lingojam.com/SatanicTextGenerator

for when the next chapter

Ok, u have my attention

Okay; so lets list how they would all fare against each other individually.

Mercer would kill Mr. X pretty easily, Biologicals always fall to the Blacklight virus.

General Grievious would have a hard time killing Mercer, and would slay Mr. X easy.

Doom Slayer would kill all of them without a problem.

I looked at this because it had my curiosity but now you have my attention

So the plot of this story:
Mr X, Alex Mercer, Grievous and Doom Slayer walks into the Cludgetown during the events of The Movie, I like it:pinkiehappy:

I don't like antro though but since this story is promising I made an exception.

I like it I hope you will continue it 😊

This has me hooked, can't wait for more but I would not pressuring you to get it done.

nice cant wait to read more

PLEASE CONTINUE THIS, AS WELL WITH THE REST OF YOUR STORIES!!!!!!!!!!! :applecry: :raritydespair: 😵 😵 😵 😝 😝 😝

For more Badass Characters to add, if you want. You can put the Master Chief and Arbiter from Halo. The Locust Horde Generals Raam, Skorge, Karn, Ukkon from Gears of War. BJ Blazkowicz from Wolfenstein. The Four Horsemen in the Darksiders series. Scorpion and Sub Zero from Mortal Kombat. Jack Cooper and BT in Titanfall. Isaac and Carver from Dead Space. And maybe Asura from Asura's Wrath. And Trevor from GTA 5. Megatron from the Transformers Franchise. Big Daddy from Bioshock. A intelligent Anthro Deathclaw from the Fallout Series. Arkham Knight/Red Hood from the Batman Arkham Series.

I KNOW it's alot, but their all Badass Characters and Overpowered in their own rights. And all of them are BRUTAL!!!!!!!

I will consider a few of these characters and I hope to portray them as best I can. :pinkiehappy:



Scorpion and Sub Zero pffft. Johnny Cage is more badass.

Strange to see Grievous fighting on good side instead of the dark side, but a welcome change! If these four team up, they should really go down in Equestrian history as the Fantastic Four... sorry, couldn't leave this out.

This chapter was a surprise to be sure but a welcome one.

Tempest is doomed no matter what when fighting against Grievous
Not only he wasn't using his other lightsabers, wasn't completely dedicated to killing her, but he was also trained to kill Jedi.
He also didn't use his fear he normally uses in fights
Also, he is very gymnastic
Also it doesn't matter that's it's from Clone Wars 2003 , he rally is like that but it's harder to animate his fighting skill in 3D

Again he killed Jedi.
Force users who constantly use force for their advantage
Like being aware of their surroundings, it's how they don't kill themselves accidentally by lightsabers, because they always know where the blade is

Well, I wanted a fusion between the versions, the sheer combat prowess and deadly nature of the 2003 cartoon version and the 2008 3d model and its mocking banter, minus the nerfs they had given him then.

Well??!! Do you want to Update this, and your other Stories please?

Look buddy, I don't have a consistent update schedule. I know that probably upsets you, but I don't want constraints to force me to do something that I like doing so much to the point where I don't want to do it anymore. Let me ask you something, what's the point in doing something if you don't like doing it?


Sorry. I Don't want to upset you and make you not like making your stories. It's just you haven't updated your amazing stories from last year or even back in 2019 to 2017. 😕

Besides, it's not like I did something worse? Like nag you all week or anything. I just politely ask you to update every two months.

I know. Still, you don't have to comment on my stories to remind me that I haven't updated in a while. Just simply try to word it in a way that doesn't seem so demanding is all I request from you.


Just asking on what's happening to your stories? Are you on Hiatus or Writer's Block?

Honestly, a little bit of both. I just want inspiration to build up to the point where I can write more consistently than I am now.

I really want to see how this turns out

Can’t wait to see where this goes it’s a great start already

Good, very good. $ very powerful beings from different universes forced to work together against something greater them each of themselves alone. Very stimulating.

The Slayer was highly impressed. He had no qualms with being brutal, he himself took pleasure in it to a degree. Normally he wouldn't condone doing something like that to a mortal being, but considering Verko was in the slavery trade, it was likely the Slayer would do worse if he had the chance.

Called it
I knew he would thought of that

Can't wait for more chapters

Plz update I beg you

Night Sentinel

It is Knight Sentinel sorry if my correction irritates you.

Grievous is shown more respect here than in some of the modern media, which I applaud. I really wish this story was continued, as it has great potential.

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