• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago



Interviewee: Rainbow Dash, weather pony, lives in Ponvyille.
Subject: The incident in Cloudsdale on the 18th May.
Notes: At current count, 10 fatalities.

Runner up in the Colourful Characters Contest #2 for stories focusing on Rainbow Dash in the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

“And more to the point, I didn’t need to lose a whole day’s work, make the commute to Cloudsdale with my whole team and spent hours in boring lectures. The whole thing was a crock.”

spend, not spent.

“I checked to see if my team were okay!” she exclaimed, seemingly offended at the implication she’d do anything else

Missing a period.

Okay, I've locked the editor in me up in a corner.

This was really good. You probably want to tag it [Death], though. I don't think it's a spoiler, given the description. It took me too long to figure out what was going on, but when I did, bravo. This is a fantastic character study of Dash and why she is what she is, and about things she fears more than death.

Thanks buddy! :heart:

How confusing will this story be? I won't read it if it's too confusing.


Damn, that's sad. Kudos.

RD: "Did I do good?"
Death: " Yeah"
RD: "Heh, cool..."

It makes sense at the end

are the lambs still screaming, clarice?

sorry, doublepost, but i just figured out this thing. Is Scribe Saint Peter? The interview happened after she died, right?. That took me way too long to figure out, and still don't know if i got i right.

Wow..... What a masterful plot twist. A chilling reveal that was masterfully executed. I really did not expect that she is dead, that was perfectly concealed until the very end. I finally could read a ponyfic again today and I'm amazed by it that it is such a brilliant one. Also, bonus points for including Cloudkicker.
The show is over, but this fandom still has it. Faved.

Nice one! The end is more unexpected than sad to me, hopefully it wasn't a twenty-thousand words long story, even though it would have been great to read it would also have been harder and sadder. Nicely written anyway, I think everyone already pointed that out. +1 like ;)

So to be honest, I personally didn't think of scribe as anything other than Rainbow's mind going haywire as she died. Personally I think everything describes happens purely in her head in her last couple of minutes of life, but yours is a really fascinating interpretation and I firmly believe in death of the author so if thats the way you interpreted it then great!


I thought the meaning is that she was interviewed to determine whether or not she is being welcomed into paradise, after the decisions she made in her life, but this idea is more original and, in hindsight, also makes more sense, since she was feeling guilty for hesitating to help.
This was her mind's way of coping with that hesitation, followed by eventually figuring out that the fact she did help in the end is all that counts.
It makes this story even more tragic than it would otherwise be; she didn't come into some afterlife and the reader does not know what even happens with her after her death. Now the favourite is earned even more and I hope I can soon read it a second time with that new knowledge.

Hey! That's very kind of you to say I really appreciate your lovely comments :twilightsmile:
However, as I said to vinyldash that was all just my interpretation and I really don't consider my own to be any more 'right' or 'wrong' relative to anyone else's! If my view on it makes the story better for you then great! But also don't discount your own, it's been fascinating to see the different takes people have had on this! 😄


I assume it was intentional then, to write this story being open for interpretation?

Absolutely! I have a lot of fun as a writer seeing how subtly I can imply things through the narrative and prose so generally this leads to stories with a lot of things open to interpretation. Sometimes this pays off, sometimes it doesn't. A recent fic Recollections of a Nightmare is one I'm particularly proud of in this regard.
And the rewarding thing is it leads to readers coming up with some really fascinating takes on the work that make me see it in a whole new way! I really love your interpretation of the piece as it adds a hopeful edge that my interpretation lacks somewhat.

I.. really don't know what the best part of this story is now.

The uterrly amazing twist at the end that shows it was Rainbow's dying dream?
The dissonance with how she relates her story to Scribe, like her indecision was a point that she's literally belaboring on her deathbed for an event that was out of her control?
How a story that mentions Gilda could make everypony in it, Gilda included, so relatable and raw so fast?
Or the fact that it took less than 2.500 words to do it all in?

You know Red Parade was the person who recommended your work to me right? Because I'm going back to like everything he's got as a thank you for introducing me to such a succinct author. And also this story, since it's a real diamond in the rough.

Here's to many more.

Hey thanks mate, really glad you liked the piece! :D
In regards to the ending, I also had the interpretation when writing that this was Rainbow's dying mind attempting some form of comfort as she passed, and that her mind focused on the last thing she could coherently remember which was the indecision before she rushed out to save the factory worker.
And yeah Red is a super talented author! I'd really recommend you check out more of his stuff, Never Forever is a particular favourite of mine!

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