• Member Since 8th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Let ideas and all speech be free. I will respect your ideas, your characters, your ponies. Feel free to ask me anything!


A fun side story to Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1).

Following the events of James Cameron's Avatar, Pandora has returned to a state of relative peace. Jake and Neytiri lead the Ometicaya in their quest to find a new home. The Navi across Pandora look to a brighter future, but they also keep close watch of the sky, haunted by the war's memory still fresh.

Meanwhile, the Resource Development Administration finds itself with a bad quarterly statement and upset shareholders, some more upset than others. Although some see the operation on Pandora as a total failure, others have seen it as a learning opportunity, one that has more to teach still...

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 15 )

Wwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttt!!!!!!!!!??????? :rainbowhuh:


Well yeah, no brainer.

Because I am very confused on what the heck is going on!? And have a whole lot of questions for you!!??

So, RDA and the dystopia Earth from Avatar has a alliance with Equestria and our favorite Ponies of all things!!?? So, this isn't the first time that humanity has "alien" contact, with the likes of Equestria? And it was cheerfully successful?

So, why did the RDA screwed that up badly in a failed second alien contact!? With the Navi then, if that's the case!!??

And not only the ponies has the same fuel/energy crisis that Avatar Earth has? ( Even though Equestria has Magic, and the "Magic of Friendship/Harmony". But that still didn't even help them with this same fuel/energy problem like we do on Earth!? )

But that's not the only thing that baffles me!!! Not only Celestia/Luna/Twilight/Cadence and their Equestrian Kingdom technically forgives RDA and Parker for that mess up aggressive short war against the Navi from the movie?

But they are most definitely AREN'T allied or siding with the Navi and Pandora in this? Because the ponies also want that rare metal of Unobtanium as well?

And bringing in their own FRICKIN space fleet to get it all!? ( That is more advanced, bigger, and better then what RDA and their private security militia has!? Somehow!? )

And finally; Dan from Dan V.S. of all people, works with Celestia/Luna/Twilight/Cadence and their Equestrian Kingdom? Has a military career for himself, and is also a commander/security operations chief/fleet admiral of that very same fleet!!??

This feels like this more of a sequel and continuation to a prequel/origins story that you haven't wrote or posted yet?

Because of these reasons I mentioned up top.


Because I am very confused on what the heck is going on!? And have a whole lot of questions for you!!??

That's fine, that's fine. Don't worry, I'll answer them. Let me take it one at a time.

So, RDA and the dystopia Earth from Avatar has a alliance with Equestria and our favorite Ponies of all things!!?? So, this isn't the first time that humanity with "alien" contact, with the likes of Equestria? And it was cheerfully successful?

No, in fact Pandora is no less than the 16th time that Earth has encountered native aliens. But honestly, they didn't touch on the concept of "first contact" in the movie, so we don't really know how it went down. It's never stated that the Navi are the first aliens humans have encountered, so I'm happy to stay otherwise. And if it was stated somewhere in the Avatar lore, well, that's a liberty I'm taking as author, but interstellar travel, space and aliens don't seem all that new to humans in the movie.

And not only the ponies has the same fuel/energy crisis that Avatar Earth has? ( Even though Equestria has Magic, and the "Magic of Friendship/Harmony". But that still didn't even help them with this same fuel/energy problem like we do on Earth!? )

Hey, ponies have energy needs, too. They have a hydroelectric dam, they have cities, and they probably use the minerals RDA is mining for a lot of other sources, too. Alchemy being one of them.

But that's not the only thing that baffles me!!! Not only Celestia/Luna/Twilight/Cadence and their Equestrian Kingdom technically forgives RDA and Parker for that mess up aggressive short war against the Navi from the movie?

Do you fault a man for doing what he needs to survive? Do you fault a civilization for doing what it needs to survive? Sure, in the movie, RDA was aggressive, but it's clear they're not doing it for purely greedy, selfish reasons. Earth has energy needs. As noted in this story, those needs are dire, and Equestria in them as well. They can't afford another step back.

But they are most definitely AREN'T allied or siding with the Navi and Pandora in this? Because the ponies also want that rare metal of Unobtanium as well?

And bringing in their own FRICKIN space fleet to get it all!? ( That is more advanced, bigger, and better then what RDA and their private security militia has!? Somehow!? )

The Equestrian Celestial Armada is considerably more advanced than RDA's hired guns and bulk-purchased gunships, AMP suits and surplus weapons. The ponies didn't side with the na'vi because the na'vi didn't have the means to contact them.

And finally; Dan from Dan V.S. of all people, works with Celestia/Luna/Twilight/Cadence and their Equestrian Kingdom? Has a military career for himself, and is also a commander/security operations chief/fleet admiral of that very same fleet!!??

This feels like this more of a sequel and continuation to a prequel/origins story that you haven't wrote or posted yet?

Because of these reasons I mentioned up top.

Yes, yes, I forgot to link the original story in the description. This story is a side story to Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1). The only thing you really need to know however is what you already know- Dan is Equestrian royalty. He's the Duke of New Ponyville and in charge of security affairs domestic and foreign, in essence acting as an enforcer and cudgel wielded against barbarians and threats. He very much enjoys the role and is eager to flex Equestria's well-earned strength.


Yes, yes, I forgot to link the original story in the description. This story is a side story to Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1). The only thing you really need to know however is what you already know- Dan is Equestrian royalty. He's the Duke of New Ponyville and in charge of security affairs domestic and foreign, in essence acting as an enforcer and cudgel wielded against barbarians and threats. He very much enjoys the role and is eager to flex Equestria's well-earned strength.

Oh! I didn't know you created that particular story as well. I have a feeling this feels familiar, having Dan in it and all.

Although, how will Dan feel with Jake? Considering Jake himself is a "traitor" against humanity, due to these crazy circumstances with the war?


Do you fault a man for doing what he needs to survive? Do you fault a civilization for doing what it needs to survive? Sure, in the movie, RDA was aggressive, but it's clear they're not doing it for purely greedy, selfish reasons. Earth has energy needs. As noted in this story, those needs are dire, and Equestria in them as well. They can't afford another step back

Now that I think about it. I really don't hold it against RDA ( Even though the movie itself is heavily depicting them as the "bad guys/antagonists". ).

Plus, I really DIDN'T like the aspect that Jake just abandoned frickin Earth, his remaining family/friends, and his own race like that. Now that I think about it.

Have you heard of Generation Films from YouTube ( That is heavily pro-humanity. )?

They made a lot of Avatar videos on why the RDA are really the good guys, and Jake ISN'T really a "good" protagonist than we thought. And even call Jake a massive Simp for it.


And Pilgrims Pass that greatly explains this too. And he even compared it to a different, but eerily similar asian film called Princess Mononoke. And that similar film surprisingly resolves a similar conflict a whole lot better, now that I think about it!

( Even though I still like Avatar for the Sci-Fi aspect, the RDA weapons/vehicles, sometimes the Navi, etc.. Just a bit sad that we probably rooting for the "wrong side" here in the movie itself. )


It's an interesting dynamic, isn't it? That's the reason I picked Avatar to crossover with my Dan Vs. crossover. Both Dan and Jake have left their homes and joined and become prominent members of new civilizations. But where as Jake completely rejected Earth, Dan accepts his roots and where he is now, drawing strength from both.

I haven't seen those films, no. Jake is going to learn very quickly the cost of his decisions, even if they were the right ones, things could have worked out better. But this story isn't a "humans superior" or "hippies are bad" fic purely, there's a message behind it.

Exciting start. Let the Unobtainium flow!

Will this story be as long as Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1)?

I have no plans to have it be that long, no. Season 2 may be that long or longer, or shorter, but this story will be significantly shorter. For the most part, I think it's about halfway to a quarter of the way through with this chapter.


I give it over 10-15 chapters.

Considering on how Dan and his pony pals will actually solve this Navi quite easily, and quickly. Hopefully in a peaceful manner ( For the Navi's sake. ).

Great perspective on the Navi.

What sort of whacky crackfic is this?!?

puts on reading list

Dammit Tsu'tey!

So, this is how the hostility has started?

This is how Dr. Augustine's school was burned down. It details the complex reasoning why, more than just an act of sabotage. It's implied that there have already been problems between the Na'vi and the RDA, but I'm leaving it intentionally vague. Some of the machines and trucks have been attacked by the Na'vi specifically, and they've lost a few of their gunships. Was it deserved or not, an act of self-defense by the Na'vi in those isolated instances or aggression? It's the beginning skirmishes but the loss of Dr. Augustine's school marks the end of the Na'vi and RDA pursuing diplomacy and a beginning of a troop build up for RDA.

If you recall, Jake was brought in to use his brother's avatar and was going to be a security guard for the science expeditions, guarding Norm and Grace as they took samples of plants. Neither side cared about pursuing diplomatic relations until Jake fell in with the Na'vi. But perhaps, even the ashes of peace might still contain an ember or two to keep hope alive.

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